jungiyara · 6 years
so uh
I’m gonna change the direction of my posts and RBs here hopefully they ain’t too awful but they might be nsfw so I’d encourage u to unfollow me if yaint into that uwu
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jungiyara · 6 years
*there’s a cat stuck in a tree*
Zuho: Don’t worry, I’ll rescue you!
Youngbin: Has anyone seen Juho?
Chani: He’s outside.
Youngbin: Doing what??
Zuho: *clinging to tree and cat for dear life* SOMEONE HELP ME HOW DO I GET DOWN
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jungiyara · 6 years
⚜I GOT MY HUSBAND FROM @shit-svt-sayz !!!! ⚜
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jungiyara · 6 years
Juho - Missing You
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Another crappy day finally done, you walked home from university, wanting to collapse onto your bed as soon as you got home, but knowing you should do work. You couldn’t concentrate through most of your lectures that day and if you didn’t want to fall behind, you would have to go through them all as soon as possible.
Walking home, what you would normally do on a day like this would be to text your best friend, Juho. Just texting him something like “Ugh.” would be enough. He would message you back within a few minutes and invite you either to the studio or to the dorm, depending where he was.
If he was at the studio, he would come and meet you at the front door, mask on so no one would recognise him, of course. He would sling his arm over your shoulder and lead you inside, taking you up to watch him rap or dance, whatever he was supposed to be doing. Even just being there with him, even in the middle of anything else he had to do, he could make you smile. That was why he was your best friend.
Keep reading
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jungiyara · 6 years
JaeHo waking up to each other AU
A short drabble requested from my twitter <3
On their day off, all the members take the opportunity to sleep in or go out in the city and enjoy whatever the world has to offer. For the Jaeyoon and Zuho its always an opportunity to enjoy their relationship. Being in an idol group means having to hide almost every aspect of their relationship. The members knew the two were together but to the rest of the world, they were just best friends.
It was 11:00 am on a winter morning. The sunlight tricked those who walked by the window into thinking it was a hot summer day, but the frost on the panes said otherwise. Jaeyoon was the first to wake up; to his right was a sleeping Zuho, with his hair spread across the pillow and hand on Jaeyoons waist. The elder smiled to himself, staring at him. I really got lucky, didn’t I. He stroked his soft hair gently with one hand and checked his phone with the other, looking at the tweets his group account was tagged in.
He was more than well aware that the majority of his fanbase were huge supporters of him and his older best friend Inseong. The two of them joke around a lot on stage, pretending to be lovers for fan service, but in reality, Zuho was the one. All over twitter were pictures and fan edits of them. He always found it endearing that he has so many supporters.
As he was scrolling, he saw a fancam of him and Zuho in one of the older performances for Dirty Work. Did we really have to perform that song. The video was him and Zuho acting really slutty towards each other. He tapped the video, but didn’t know the audio was on. This woke Zuho up and resulted in Jaeyoon dropping his phone on his face. 
“Ouch! What the heck?” Zuho said, startled. He took the phone off his face and looked at the video. His vision was still blurry as he just woke up. He starts giggling as he saw the video. Jaeyoon, blushing, snatches the phone and gets out of bed. Zuho grabs on to his wrist to bring him back. 
“Is this what you do when I sleep Jae?” 
“Okay listen I can explain.” He takes the phone out of Jaeyoons hand. The search bar says SF9 Juho Fancams.
“’Juho Fancams’ god you’re such a dork” he says as Jaeyoon lays back down next to him. He turns off the phone and gets back into the blanket. At this point they were facing each other again. Zuho, still groggy, plants a kiss on Jaeyoons forehead and strokes his waist.
“That was a way to wake up, wasn’t it Jae?” 
“Shut up don’t act like you don’t do the same for me.”
“I’m man enough to admit that I do. I’m not ashamed.” He says.
Jaeyoon kisses him and gets up again. “I’ll make food.”
“No~~” Zuho whines. “We can just get food from the store later come back its Saturday morning!”
He turns on the TV to the MNET channel as Jaeyoon, again, gets out of bed. They were in each others arms, covered in layers of blanket against the cold weather. They both start laughing as SF9 came on. “That hair was tragic for Youngbin Hyung wasn’t it?” Zuho remarks. “I don’t know you tell me purple head.” Jaeyoon says, messing up Zuhos hair. 
“You chose that color for me! At least I don’t look like cotton candy!”
“I didn’t say it was bad. I love that color on you”
“Oh, well then I love your cotton candy head.” He said kissing him yet again on the forehead.
The two boys decide to have their food delivered to them by their trusty maknae Chani. Today was indeed the best day to have a lazy day.
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jungiyara · 6 years
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jungiyara · 6 years
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tomorrow everyday forever ☀️ do not edit.
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jungiyara · 6 years
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jungiyara · 6 years
Listening to whole albums of your faves while you study is the epitome of gen z studying culture
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jungiyara · 6 years
My writings
I have two things to write but I’m in the middle exams oh man
I’ll still take the heckin requests tho
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jungiyara · 6 years
Kang Chanhee is beautiful
Reblog if you agree
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jungiyara · 6 years
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jungiyara · 6 years
❌ islamophobes begone❌
Ramadan is super close!!! - and I’m so excited. Every year I get tonnes of questions from my non-muslim friends and even muslim friends who want to know better. So I’m compiling it all here in this post.
~ I’ve been fasting each year for more than ten years and I’ve been a student of Islamic studies more than 13 years. So yeah I know what I’m talking about.~
What is Ramadan?
It’s the ninth month in the Islamic calendar and a pillar of Islam. It has extreme significant importance to Muslims as it is the month in which the Quran was first revealed. A very holy month in which Shaytan ( the devil) is said to be locked in chains and each good deed and prayer blesses a Muslim 70 times more than any normal month of the year.
Muslims all around the world spend each day fasting from dawn till dusk. We celebrate the end of this blessed month - the first three day of the next month, Shawal - in a celebration known as Eid-ul-Fitr. It’s a really big deal for us.
How do you know when Ramadan is? Does it have a fixed date? When is Ramadan this year?
Ramadan does not have a fixed date! It depends on physical sighting of the moon or the Saudi Arabian declaration of Ramadan ( which is then again, by sighting of the moon but some countries avoid the hassle and follow that. Or if it’s a non-Muslim majority.)
The moon cycle is different for many parts of the world, hence the beginning and end of Ramadan is different - usually no more than one day - for each country.
Ramadan 2k18 is estimated to begin on 15th May! -confetti burst-
So all you do is just abstain from food and drink from dawn till dusk in Ramadan?
No! We also abstain from eating, drinking, smoking and having sex from dawn till dusk. After breaking fast most Sunni Muslims also attend series of special prayers in congregations called ‘Tarawih’ which are specific to Ramadan only. Some Muslims segregated themselves for a few days in mosques of their homes - not engaging in talking or listening to music etc - and spend the time secluded in prayer. This is not specific to Ramadan but most Muslims prefer it during this Ramadan. This practice is called ‘I’ttekaaf’.
In Ramadan the Muslim community gets together, we break the fast together as family and friends. Some hold feasts at the end of Ramadan. Nearing the end of Ramadan and throughout Ramadan able affording Muslims give money to the poor and destitute from their property, money, jewellery. This practice is called Zakat. It is not an option, every able Muslim must give Zakat in Ramadan.
Not even water?
Yes, not even water. Nothing can go into your stomach or out of it during fast. Yes, you read that right. Voluntarily vomiting breaks the fast! ( I take ten minutes brushing my teeth during the fast…careful to not let water into my throat.)
If you’re sick, do you still have to fast?
It depends on the sickness itself. You may not fast if your sickness becomes worse with fasting - however if you are a well-off Muslim - you are to feed a poor person three meals for one day for each fast you miss for your sickness/any other reason from which you recover.
If it’s a mild sickness, take a break from fasting until you get better but you are required to complete your fasting after Ramadan.
Children smaller than ages 13-15 are not allowed to fast. If you are travelling a hard and long journey, you are not required to fast. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding - you are not required to fast but you are to make up the days you missed after Ramadan is over. And you can’t fast at all when you’re menstruating. Menstruating breaks your fast.
Do medical injections, drips, eye drops, nose drops break a fast?
It’s important not to swallow any of the nose drops etc. Otherwise it’s a-okay to use. Injections and drips as long as they aren’t of glucose/nourishing stuff are permitted during fasting.
Fasting is such a good way of losing weight lol. You all must get real skinny after Ramadan!
HAH. Listen, Muslims gain more weight during Ramadan than any other month. That’s because we party after dusk and we eat a lot of fatty stuff to keep us going throughout the day. And a lot of Muslim countries have special non-alcoholic sugary drinks that we drink so. Much. After breaking the fast.
Also that’s really fucking disrespectful, we don’t fast to diet, we fast as a religious duty and to practice patience and steadfastness. The whole Muslim community comes together during this month.
How can I be behave as a Non-Muslim during Ramadan?
Be respectful!
Don’t make a big deal out of eating infront of us - most of us have been fasting for ages.
Tag tumblr content like food, porn etc as #nsfr ( not safe for Ramadan)
Don’t call Eid, ‘The Muslim Christmas’ just…don’t.
Remember that Ramadan is for all Muslims. That includes minority Muslim sects ( wahabis don’t interact ), LGBT Muslims, Muslims suffering in war zones, disabled Muslims, new converts. Ramadan is for all of us.
Please, consider donating to the people of Syria, Palestine and the Rohingya Muslims this Ramadan. They are as much as part of this Ummah as we.
Ramadan Mubarak everyone. 🌙
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jungiyara · 6 years
A bisexual tragedy by me
Boys. They are so cute. I love boys. Like yea there are some that trash but luckily I know and love men who respect women and aren’t trash and super cute and funny. And I, a whole sub, love being held and feeling protected by y’all men. Warm. Huggable. Playing with their hair. They’re such wonderful creatures. The way they’ll treat their mother and other people (ok listen yes some men are trash this isn’t referring to them in the slightest. Y’all know what kind of men I’m on about Kay??)
G I r ls.
They’re goddesses. Their calm soothing voice. Their naturally protective nature. But then their dual personality’s sometimes. All shapes and sizes. So gorgeous and loving. Fuck I love girls. Just. Everything about them. God damn
I love people but why won’t people love me??
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jungiyara · 6 years
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Boygroups Headers
reblogue/fav se pegar
credits: foolmonstax
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jungiyara · 6 years
i really cant believe……youngbin got us all fooled posting a wall of text on twt that couldve been new lyrics……..but it was just him being happy over buying minion themed earphones………
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jungiyara · 6 years
SF9 ted talk
So Beautiful is the softest song they have
Still My Lady is the softest song they have that makes me sad
Be my Baby is the softest song that makes me hype
The soft trio
Thank you for coming to my ted talk
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