jungksbih · 6 years
HEY hello
its been 2 years this is Ashley if u remember in the SLIGHTEST I made a new acc 2day its @suhsgf pls follow me there adios !
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jungksbih · 7 years
if u don’t kiss ur cat on their tiny soft little forehead wtf are u even doing
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jungksbih · 7 years
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© Oily Brains | do not edit. (1, 2, 3, 4)
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jungksbih · 7 years
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jungksbih · 7 years
listening to nct dream is self care
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jungksbih · 7 years
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jungksbih · 7 years
I am lovefollowing all my mutuals and I would help them with anything they need
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jungksbih · 7 years
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a shot right through my ♡
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jungksbih · 7 years
hey ppl reading this can u please reblog and tag ur sign + favorite animal + most worn type of shoe… it’s for my Research
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jungksbih · 7 years
are you a hair up or hair down kinda person? horror movie or a rom-com? do you like coffee or tea? are you moon or sun? park or coffee shop? romantic love or platonic love?
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jungksbih · 7 years
Zodiac Insecurities
Let’s get introspective and hit insecurities the Rising and Moon could develop. 
Aries Rising can form insecurities around their external confidence and strength. An insecure one will want to appear “all that” by showing off, bragging, maybe acting arrogant. They find insecurity in their ability to establish direction or assertion in the public sphere and might try to dominate space.
Aries Moon insecurities are aimed toward identity and self-worth via winning or conquest. Challenges help Aries Moon develop. Battles and competitions are enticing but can reward their emotional fulfillment or can reassure a self-doubt.
Taurus Rising insecurities can exist in the physical realm with looks, material possessions, and money. Watch for a more insecure Taurus Rising putting an emphasis on weight, beauty, fashion, cars, purses, etc. They could hide their body too.
Taurus Moon has insecurities around security and stability. They cling, is possessive, and territorial over others, places, things, even ideas. They can have a fear of change and losing security that makes them stay in unhealthy relationships.
Gemini Rising insecurities lie in how they communicate, connect, how others judge their intellect and information. You’ll see emphasis on jokes, trend-following, show of intellect, caution of communication or overshare of it with a insecure Gemini Rising.
Gemini Moon insecurities are tied to their intellect, social standing and acceptance, and possible lack of depth or emotional grasp. An insecure Gemini Moon keeps things light and avoids too much self-analyzation. They avoid judgment of others but observe every nuance of others. 
Cancer Rising has insecurities revolving around emotional offenses. They can be shyer, protective of views, maybe judgmental.
Cancer Moon is insecure in their individuality sometimes clinging to family or community views with blind faith. Security is a huge doubt.  You can find an insecure Cancer Moon being possessive, clingy, controlling, and manipulative.
Leo Rising has their insecurities bundled up in ego and identity. You’ll find an insecure one boastful, opinionated, cocky, and harshly competitive. 
Leo Moon fears being forgotten, insecurity stems from lack of recognition and positive self-esteem. Common signs of low self-esteem will show.
Virgo Rising insecurities stem from a lack of perfection in the physical world or lack of usefulness. An insecure Virgo Rising may become health and beauty obsessed, judgmental about looks, and must be “important” somehow to a group or person.
Virgo Moon insecurity is embedded in not being useful or needed. An insecure one easily gets used or turns into a doormat. They practice unhealthy giving and attachments. 
Libra Rising insecurity has to do with acceptance and admiration. An insecure one can exploit their talents, focus too much on looks, or even throw others under a bus. 
Libra Moon insecurity is about being liked and connected. They attach self-worth to who they associate with, fear being alone, and fear disapproval.
Scorpio Rising’s insecurity is appearing weak or vulnerable. They might act aggressively tough or be highly reserved. An insecure Scorpio Rising doesn’t want others knowing the real them whatever it is.
Scorpio Moon insecurity revolves around lack of control and fear of betrayal. Possession, manipulation, jealousy, and abuse take form with this.
Sagittarius Rising insecurities actually revolve around appearing foolish. They avoid “being wrong”, joke about themselves to avoid mocking from others. Sagittarius Rising can have an insecurity of being labeled or pin down to something too specific, as if their impression is trapped. An insecure Sagittarius Rising has a hard time accepting negative reputations, feedback, or being categorized even if that category true and not negative.
Sagittarius Moon insecurity is fear of being trapped or held down. With immaturity this leads to avoiding responsibility and commitments. They can be insecure in how their morals line up to the rest of the world or community morals. 
Capricorn Rising: Capricorn in general has great insecurity in lack of control. Within the Rising they try to control environment with strictness, demands, or pushiness. They can be insecure in their authority. They may overcompensate and push others around to get this or lack a lot of assertion.
Capricorn Moon insecurity in lack of control shows most in their work and close relationships. They are controlling and critical. Their insecurity can focus on stability. They may get dependent, not take risk, and become rigid to safeguard their stability.
Aquarius Rising is insecure about acceptance/rejection. You will find an insecure one conforming, being opinionated, and displaying plenty of faux confidence.
Aquarius Moon fears rejection and wants approval but tends to hide their uniqueness due to this. They might be quiet observers.They can be insecure in their ability to become close with others. They fear intimacy, avoid emotional exploration, and become cold.
Pisces Rising has insecurities wrapped in guilt or shame. This could take form in wanting to please others, hating on those more carefree, being used, or attempting to escape with self-inflicted ignorance. 
Pisces Moon is insecure about feeling loved and easily gives into guilt. They manipulate or deny to soothe or take control of this.
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jungksbih · 7 years
both dalshabet and gain performed at a gay pride party in 2015 
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jungksbih · 7 years
someone: not everything has to be gay
me: not everything has to be a heteronormative disaster and YET
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jungksbih · 7 years
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Just in time for the 4th anniversary
I think overall everyone has become more natural and comfortable with themselves over the years :)
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jungksbih · 7 years
who the signs are gonna kiss from seventeen tonight at midnight:
Aries  - Jeonghan  
Taurus  - Mingyu 
Gemini  - Vernon 
Cancer  - Seungkwan 
Leo  - Woozi 
Virgo - the8  
Libra  - Joshua 
Scorpio  - Jun 
Sagittarius  - Hoshi 
Capricorn  - DK 
Aquarius  - S.Coups 
Pisces -  Wonwoo 
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jungksbih · 7 years
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y a m a z a k i
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jungksbih · 7 years
honestly people who fail to understand why ppl of color specifically talk about white ________ in their communities are the most whiny and entitled people ever…like its literally not homophobic for an lgbt person of color to dislike white lgbt ppl, it’s not misogynistic for a woc to not like white women and for you to claim it’s whatever ism or phobia is literally you just being entitled because you think ppl of color have to be all kumbaya with white people. nah
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