junichiroishii · 7 months
Chai on the Balance at Ankara
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Chai on the Balance at Ankara, Turkey © 2024 Jun'ichiro ISHII
About the work
Exhibition : 2024.02.25 - 04.14 "Shared Memory" CerModern, Ankara, Turkey
Supported by Çanakkale Biennial / Institut français Ankara
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junichiroishii · 1 year
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URUSHI PROJECT © 2022 Jun'ichiro ISHII
URUSHI PROJECT designed by Jun'ichiro ISHII / Collaborate with Ryuji Onari and Mizuki Kajihara
Presentation / Exhibition : 2024.06.04 - 06.09. "Urushi trees and Ostranenie" Art space Saga, Kyoto Saga University of Arts, Japan 2023.12.08 - 12.24. "URUSHI PROJECT 2023 - the progress" KIKA gallery, Kyoto, Japan 2022.09.31 - 10.16. "URUSHI PROJECT 2022 autumn in Kyoto" KIKA gallery, Kyoto, Japan 2022.08.05 - 08.20. "URUSHI PROJECT 2022 summer in Tokyo" HIGURE 17-15 cas, Tokyo, Japan 2021.10.01 - 10.10. "C y c l e ― Reincarnation ―" Space TaTE 680, Kyoto, Japan 2021.08.07 - 08.22. "If a wood falls in a forest…" HIGURE 17-15 cas, Tokyo, Japan
【>> 日本語でもっと読む】 【>> Read more in English】
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junichiroishii · 1 year
Global Flag
The exhibition “Fantasy Island” was organized by the “International Art Community Networking Project” in Incheon Metropolitan City, South Korea, in July 2023, which coincided with the 70th anniversary of the ceasefire that ended the Korean War. I improvised a work called Global Flag, specific to the location and context of this exhibition, which included about 20 international artists from Turkey, Nepal, Thailand, Hong Kong, etc., and Korean artists of different generations. Global Flag consisted of flags made of transparent vinyl sheets, a “floating island” in a pond outside the exhibition venue and decorative flag garlands often used in world expositions. The symbolism of the “invisible flag” goes without saying, but the work calls into question the idea of national borders, national identity, and the legitimacy of the nation-state. I also chose to use transparent vinyl sheets as they were used during the Covid-19 pandemic from 2020 to divide people like our national “borders”. 
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Specific improvisation for site and context, ≪ Global Flag ≫, Incheon, South Korea. © 2023 Jun'ichiro ISHII
「Fantasy Island」という今回の展覧会は、「インターナショナル・アート・コミュニティ・ネットワーキング・プロジェクト」の企画として、朝鮮戦争停戦70周年を迎える2023年7月に、韓国仁川広域市にて開催されました。
トルコ、ネパール、タイ、香港、などからの国際作家と、世代を超えた韓国人作家のおよそ20名で構成されたこの展覧会の機会に、わたしは場所と展覧会の文脈に特化した即興作品《 Global Flag 》を制作しました。
《 Global Flag 》は、透明のビニール・シートで制作された旗で、展覧会場屋外の池に浮かべた「浮島」と、国際的なイベントなどに使用されるガーランド(Flag Garland)によって構成されています。
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Exhibition : 2023.07.21 - 08.27 "Fantasy Island" Tri-bowl, Incheon, South Korea
Directed by Tal Lee (KR) Supported by Incheon Foundation for Arts and Culture
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junichiroishii · 1 year
Sliding the surface of the Globe
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Sliding the surface of the Globe © 2023 Jun'ichiro ISHII
Exhibition : 2023.05.14 - 10.07 "STRANGE THINGS" Alšova jihočeská galerie, Hluboká nad Vltavou, Czech Republic 2023.01.07 - 03.19 "瞑想のための球体 | Balls for Meditation" Gallery TOM, Tokyo, Japan 2022. "Wilgefortis" Online Group Exhibition
【>> 日本語でもっと読む】 【>> Read more in English】
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junichiroishii · 1 year
DO NOT ART public sign project
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DO NOT ART © 2021 Jun'ichiro ISHII
I am prohibiting ART under the name of ART. Anyone who has done “ART” in the prohibited area will be asked to accompany the artist voluntarily and will be questioned in the curator's office. If you are found by the curator to have done so, an ART violation report will be posted on the wall with your name and you will be given a strict warning.
Exhibition : 2024.04.12 - 05.12. "DO NOT ART | アート禁止" KIKA gallery, Kyoto, Japan 2021.10.13 - 11.26. "Limitless Limits - Larnaca Biennale 2021" Larnaca, Cyprus 2019.08.11 - 08.14. "TODAY IS YESTERDAY'S TOMORROW" HIGURE 17-15 cas, Tokyo, Japan 2019.07.05 - 07.18. "SPURT" Galerie Aube, Kyoto University of Art and Design, Kyoto, Japan
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junichiroishii · 1 year
360° HORIZON or Différance
【English below】
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『「A は A である」と同一性を断言した瞬間から「非同一性」が生まれる』 (ゲオルク・ヴィルヘルム・フリードリヒ・ヘーゲル / 1770-1831)
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『意志とは根源的な矛盾であり、「差異」とは必然的に、なににも還元することのできない力同士の拮抗である』 (フリードリヒ・ニーチェ / 1844-1900)
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ジャック・デリダ (1930 - 2004) は、このソシュール的な「差異」のあり方を「痕跡」として捉え、そこに 時間的な遅れ、「ズレ」を見出しました。
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デリタはこの「差異(difference)」が「遅延 (deferral)」してゆく様を指して、「差延(différance)」という造語を生成しました。
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「差異(difference)」が「遅延(deferral)」してゆく様、デリダが生成した「差延(différance)」とは、『語でも概念でもない』とされますが、作品「360° HORIZON」は、この思考を、わたし自身の身体で体現しようと試みるパフォーマンスです。
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壁のある一点にランダムに点をとり、ここから水平器で、点の「位置」を水平方向にトレースしながら、展覧会場の壁 に鉛筆で一本線を引いてゆきます。
当然ですが、わたしは正しく線を引こうと試みます。そして正確であろうと努めているにも関わらず、生じてしまうこの「誤差」こそが、作品 «360° HORIZON or Différance»です。
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"'A = A' - non-identity is born from the moment we assert an identity" (Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, 1770-1831)
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"Will is fundamentally paradoxical, difference inevitably is two powerful people locked in struggle unable to resolve anything." (Friedrich Nietzsche / 1844-1900)
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Ferdinand de Saussure (1857-1913) in his seminars concerning general linguistics said: "in language there's nothing but disparity".
According to Saussure, the meaning of symbols can only be prescribed by their difference from other symbols. In other words, one symbol gets its meaning from the absence of other symbols.
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Jacques Derrida (1930 - 2004) interpreted Saussure's 'differences' as 'traces' noticing a slight time lag.
For example, when trying to explain a certain concept accurately, the testimonials, descriptions and explanations call for a greater number of other concepts.
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Naturally, 'differences' increasingly occur in the information being conveyed and the concept's meaning, composed of 'absences' is gradually delayed before our eyes.
Derrida coined a new word to describe how these di erences are delayed (deferred): "différance".
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Although the delay de ned as neither a language nor a concept. the work "360° HORIZON" is a performance that tries to embody this thought with my own body.
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I take a random point on the wall. Here I use a level to trace the point's position in a horizontal direction, drawing a line across the exhibition space wall with pencil.
Then I move to the next wall, and the back wall, and come all the way around to where I started. Logically I should return to the point where I started. However, as I moved around the room leaving a trail of pencil, when I returned to the starting point I would find that the measurement was off.
Naturally, I’m expecting perfect accuracy. However no matter how careful I am to draw a perfectly horizontal line, this kind of measurement error occurs. This slight gap between my intention and what actually I have done is the work «360° HORIZON or Différance».
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16 series of photographs / 6 edition each
Produced at Holiday House Settlement, Lagada, Lesbos, Greece Special thanks : Andreas Sell (DE) / Catriona Gallagher (UK)
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Performance : 2019.08.10. HIGURE 17-15 cas, Tokyo, Japan 2019.02.16. Vereinigung bildender Künstlerinnen Österreichs (VBKÖ), Vienna, Austria 2018.12.05. Galerie Aube, Kyoto University of Art and Design, Kyoto, Japan
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junichiroishii · 1 year
Matryoshka Horizon or Bottle of Horizon
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Matryoshka Horizon or Bottle of Horizon #01 © 2016 Jun'ichiro ISHII
Universality applies spontaneously inside a vessel.
However, the appearance will be different depending on form of the vessel.
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Exhibition : 2018. “Kronstadt Stories-3. Slowness” Museum of history / Museum of printing, St.Petersburg, Russia
Work @ NCCA Art Residence, Kronstadt, St.Petersburg, Russia
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Matryoshka Horizon or Bottle of Horizon #02 © 2016 Jun'ichiro ISHII
As a culturally specific artist, my works are always based on my hypothesis. Human perception is like a vessel that is formed by experiences, which are mostly had within one's own culture.
In this vessel, even universal values are translated into different contexts and shapes and therefore the truth shows varied aspects.
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junichiroishii · 1 year
relatively heavy metal
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relatively heavy metal © 2017 Jun'ichiro ISHII
Work at Josefov fortress, Jaroměř, Czech Republic
Image exhibited : 2019.06.28 - 09.16. DOX — Center for Contemporary Art, Prague, Czech Republic 2017.08.24 - 09.24. Michal mine, Ostrava, Czech Republic
Curated by Pavel Forman (CZ) / Tomáš Koudela (CZ) Supported by "ART-BRUT-ALL"
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junichiroishii · 1 year
Bottle in Landscape
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Bottle in Landscape © 2016 Jun'ichiro ISHII
Work at Kunstlerhaus Dortmund, Dortmund, Germany
The Ruhr region of Germany, which was once famous as a huge industrial area. Many of these heavy industrial facilities have been demolished, but some are preserved as historical legacy. The “fragments” of such history that suddenly appear in the countryside seem landscape has been cut out and bottled.
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junichiroishii · 1 year
"土地には落花生ときびが栽培され、河では貝を収獲していた蘭芝島が、急激なソウルの巨大都市化とともに1978年、ゴミの埋立地となりました。以来1993年までの15年間、生活ゴミや建設廃木材、産業廃棄物など約92百万㎥のゴミが埋めら、約90メートルの頂きのない二つのゴミの山となってしまいました。" [ Reference : Story of Nanjido ]
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Balloon © 2013 Jun'ichiro ISHII
"Nanjido was converted into a landfill in the middle of the rapid urbanization of Seoul in 1978. From that time to 1993, 92 million tons of garbage including household wastes and construction and industrial wastes were dumped on the island, resulting in two massive mountains of garbage measuring over 90 meters in height." [ Reference : Story of Nanjido ]
During my three-month residency program on Nanji-Island, I have been collecting personal trash from my daily life. The installation is composed of those trash, and balloons.
The balloons, inflated with helium gas, seem to carry the trash away. However, they lost their buoyancy in the latter half of the exhibition, and the material that was once the material of an installation will scattere on the exhibition site like trash.
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Exhibition : 2013.06.11 - 06.16 "ONEPLUSONEPLUSONEPLUSONE" SeMA Nanji Exhibition Hall, Nanjido, Mapo-gu, Seoul, South Korea
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junichiroishii · 1 year
Sunny Table
【ラマダーン】 ラマダーン (アラビア語: رمضان ‎)は、ヒジュラ暦の第9月。日本ではラマダンともいう。ペルシア語など非アラビア語圏における発音ではラマザーン、ないしラマザンともいう。この月の日の出から日没までのあいだ、イスラム教徒の義務の一つ「断食(サウム)」として、飲食を絶つことが行われる。「ラマダーン」を断食のことと誤って捉える人も少なくないが、あくまで月名である。 【出典: フリー百科事典ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)】
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Sunny Table © 2011 Jun'ichiro ISHII
Tehran, Iran, 43 degrees Celsius, in the middle of summer, during Ramadan.
My interest during this period, when eating and drinking are prohibited from sunrise to sunset, was the relationship between the table and the sun.
This simple installation is composed by mirror and silver table sets. By inviting sunlight to the table, I have presented this image as a cultural sketch from my short stay in Tehran.
【Ramadan】 Ramadan (Arabic: رمضان‎ Ramaḍān,Persian: Ramazan IPA: [rɑmɑˈdˤɑːn];variations Turkish: Ramazan) is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, which lasts 29 or 30 days. It is the Islamic month of fasting, in which participating Muslims refrain from eating, drinking and sexual intimacy with their partners during daylight hours and is intended to teach Muslims about patience, spirituality, humility and submissiveness to God. [From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia]
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Exhibition : 2011.08.05 - 08.17 "Junction Box" Mohsen Gallery / Atbin Art Gallery, Tehran, Iran
Curated by Amirali Ghasemi (IR) Supported by Parking Projects (IR)
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junichiroishii · 1 year
Arc de Verre
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Arc de Verre © 2010 Jun'ichiro ISHII
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junichiroishii · 1 year
ユートピア像水鏡に似たり-- 明日がいつも今日より良いなら、その良さの意味は失われます。ひと雫の露から滝の咆哮を知る。水面に走る静かな波紋に、崩れる像に己を見つける。わたしはこれが最も肯定的な面の東洋思考だと考えています。
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Ondulation © 2009 Jun'ichiro ISHII
Today, when we look out over our modern society, it seems we all got used to exaggerating things competitively and are accelerating the situation. However, if you turn back to your human-size reality, a water drop tapping a calm pond is sometimes enough to change its images.
The lavish fountains of Macau, the city of casinos, seem to be in daily competition to be more prominent and more spectacular. However, when a water drop from hanged up laundries or an outdoor unit of air conditioners at a back alley in a residential area unexpectedly tapped my neck, I realized that such a small droplet was much more powerful to change my vision.
This work doesn't offer any pleasant enjoyment. Only reflected image on the surface repeatedly and tediously flickers.
The utopian vision is your own reflection. If tomorrow were always better than today, the meaning of "the better" would be lost. Imagine the roar of a waterfall from a droplet, and find oneself from a collapsing image in calm undulation, I trust that this is the most positive aspect of Oriental thought.
Exhibition : 2009.06.13 - 08.09 "Utopia - Interpretation of New Era" OX warehouse, Macau SAR, China
Curated by : Gigi Lee Yee Kee (MO) Supported by : OX warehouse / St.Paul Fine Art
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junichiroishii · 1 year
28 of June
[English will come soon]
6月27日午後11時、わたしは作業に取り掛かりました。壁に打ち込んだ「June.28」の外郭を縁取ったピンに、黒い糸を張り、重ねてゆくことにより立体的な文字を作り出す。徹夜で作業を進め、翌朝からスタジオを訪れ始めた人々にも参加してもらい、 わたしはこの作業を6月28日が明けてから暮れるまで、24時間続けました。
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28 of June © 2004 Jun'ichiro ISHII
中世の『聖書』の研究者は、「6 は「神が世界を創造した(天地創造)6日間」、28 は「月の公転周期」で、これら2つの数は地上と天界における神の完全性を象徴している」と考えていたとも云われています。
>> The List of Perfect Numbers
さて、そういった訳で「6月28日」は、約数関数で『 σ (n) = 2n 』を満たす n であるところの完全数の、小さい方から順に二つを並べた、非常にロマンチックな数字の一日です。
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Performance : 28 of June 2005, Ssamzie Space, Seoul, South Korea
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junichiroishii · 4 years
K / H
【English below】
「グローバル」という言葉が一般に使われるようになって久しい。わたしたちの日常生活においても、もはやこの形 容詞を聴かない日はないようにさえ思われる。「相互関係の親密化」「複合的結合」「ハイパーコネクティヴィティ」... その状況を言及する語彙は多々あれど、ところで、わたしたちの身体感覚は、はたしてこの「球状化現象」に伴走する ような形で、充分に発達しているのだろうか。わたしたちは一体どれほど、身体感覚を持って地球の裏側で起こる出来事に同調しているだろうか。オンライン情報が地球の表面を(隅々まで)瞬時に駆け巡る万能感全盛の時代、わたしはそこにある「理解と身体感覚のズレ」を視覚化してみたいと考えている。
作品 «8,884km / 6hours» は、壁掛け時計とプリント・アウトされたオンライン・ニュースによって構成される作品である。
2018年5月14日、オンラインのニュースは、アメリカ大使館がエルサレムに移設されたことを告げていた。ニュースに よると、大使館の移設に反対するパレスチナ人とイスラエル軍との間に激しい衝突が起こり、パレスチナ保安当局 は、ガザでは少なくとも52人がイスラエル軍によって殺害されたと発表した。
2018年5月14日は、1948年に後の首相デビット・ベングリオン(David Ben-Gurion / 1886 – 1973)率いるユダヤ人指導 部による、イスラエル国家設立宣言の70周年記念日にあたる。 この日に米政府が大使館をエルサレムに移動するというのは極めて政治的な行為であり、諍いが起きることさえ十分に予見できる判断である。ニュース・メディアはそのような憶測も交え、「今・そこ」で起こっている、様々な「現実」を 報道した。
わたしたちの住む世界は千々に裂け、あらゆるところで断絶している。地域紛争は日々その悲惨さを増し、久しく絶え る兆しさえない。わたしたちは互いに干渉し、染色しながら激しく複雑な化学反応を引き起こしている......
ところで。それは「誰」の現実だろうか。 最新の「悲劇」が、ほぼ同時中継でポケットの中にまで届けられる、今日の高度情報化の環境にあって、わたしたちは知らず他者への共感能力が麻痺して、インスタントな「不幸」という電気信号に、思考停止した偽善的主張ばかりを繰り返す、形骸化した単調な化学反応になってしまってはいないだろうか。それとも、こうした言説は今日あまりにも ナイーヴに過ぎるだろうか。では、はたして問題が「地球温暖化」にすり替わったとしたら?無責任にガザを憂う不幸の視聴者のその姿は、海岸で日光浴をしながら地球温暖化を憂う姿に似てはいないだろうか?
「情報」と「現実」の間には差異がある。この差異を視覚化、あるいは別の言語で要約するにはどうすればよいか。わ たしは «8,884km / 6hours» と題した作品において、以下の通りの設計を行った。
「オンライン情報」によると、京都とガザは8,884km離れており、6時間の時差がある。またわたしたちの生活する地球 は、赤道の円周で40,076kmであるという。40,076kmを360度で割れば、111.322..kmとなる。つまり、地球上でわたしたちが111.322..kmを移動すれば、宇宙からそれを平面的に眺めてみた場合、1度、その外周上を移動した、という計算になる。そして、京都からガザが、インターネットの教える通り、8,884km離れているのであるとすれば、8,884を111.322で割る、すなわち79.806..度が、宇宙から見た場合の、京都とガザの位置関係である。
展示の機会があった展覧会において、わたしはガザの現地時間である、日本時間より6時間遅らせた時計を、壁に 79.8度傾けた状態で展示した。またその隣りには、インターネットからプリント・アウトしてきた同日のガザのニュース を配置した。
作品 «8,884km / 6hours» は、時間と距離に関する実用的な情報を提供することにより、「肉眼では捕捉不可能な距 離の先にある現実を、なんの違和感もなく観察している」という、ポスト・インターネット時代の現実に着目した。
「他者」を知ることで「自己」を認識できるように、「他国」を知ることによって「日本」を意識することができる。ならば、「グローバル」なわたしたちの時代は、「グローブ」を客観的に観ることによって、はじめて認識することができるのではないだろうか。インターネットがますます当たり前になり、日常社会のあちこちのその窓がぽっかりと開いているようなわたしたちの現実。わたしたちの足元に広がる球体に対する認識は、ますます脳内だけのものへと収縮されてゆくのだろうか。それとも、そこになにかしらの共感を喚起する、すなわち「等身大の現実」感覚を刺激する、物質性を獲得してゆく ことは、可能なのだろうか。
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K / H © 2018 Jun'ichiro ISHII
Physical sensa on in the global era
In just a few decades, the word "global" has become part of our daily lives. It seems like there isn’t a day that we don't hear this word. "Intimacy of mutual relations", "complex-connectivity", "hyper-connectivity"… There are many terms that describe this state of affairs, but leaving that aside, how can we really perceive this "Spheroidization phenomenon”? Can we really consider what is happening on the other side of the Earth as a part of our own lives? In the era of omnipotence, where online information runs instantaneously all to every corner of the globe, I would like to focus on the gap we feel between the information-based understanding and real experiences.
The work «8,884km / 6hours» is a piece composed of a wall clock and print-outs of news articles.
On the 14th of May 2018, online news outlets announced that the Israeli American embassy had relocated to Jerusalem. They reported that the move caused physical conflicts between Palestinian and Israeli forces, and that according to Palestinian security officials, at least 52 people were killed by Israeli troops in Gaza.
This day marked the 70 years since the declaration by Jewish leadership establishing of the State of Israel, headed by future Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion (1886 – 1973) on the 14th of May 1948. For the US government to move the embassy to Jerusalem on this day was a very political act, and it was perfectly predictable that it would result in physical conflict. News pundits speculated wildly as they reported on various "realities" occurring "there and now”.
Even if it seems superficially unified, our world is fragmented and disconnected. Day in day out re-gional conflicts increase misery with no end in sight. We meddle in each other’s affairs, causing in-tense and complex chemical reactions while dyeing... by the way, whose reality is it? "While worry-ing about Gaza”, we might prepare a presentation in the morning, then later in the afternoon we might look at new products online also "while worrying about Gaza". What is this irresponsible view-er-like reality?
The latest tragedy is delivered directly into our pockets in real time. Are we not becoming a net-work of electric signals that reacts instantly to the "tragedy" and repeats hypocritical assertions, without knowing that our ability to empathize with others is paralyzed in this hyper-connected environment? Or are these discourses too naive today? So what if the problem was global warming in-stead? Doesn’t the spectator of tragedy that irresponsibly worries about Gaza resemble "sing opera to the sun on the coast while worrying about global warming”?
There is a gap between "information" and "reality." How could I visually represent this difference? Is it possible to translate it into another language? I designed a work entitled «8,884km / 6hours».
According to information on the internet, Kyoto and Gaza are 8,884 km apart with a time difference of 6 hours. The Earth we live on is said to be 40,076 km around the equator. Dividing 40,076 km by 360 degrees gives us 111.322... km. In other words, if we move 111.322... km on the Earth it means we move 1 degree on the outer circumference of the planet as seen from space.
Furthermore, if Gaza is 8,884 km away from Kyoto, as the Internet says, then 8,884 divided by 111.322, is 79.806... degrees, which is the positional relationship of the between Kyoto and Gaza as seen from space.
At an exhibition that I happened to participate in, I exhibited a clock, that is 6 hours behind Japan time - the local time in Gaza, tilted at a 79.8 degree angle on the wall. Next to that, I juxtaposed printouts of the news about Gaza from the Internet.
By providing practical information about time and distance, the work «8,884km / 6hours» describes the situation of the post-internet era: that humans are observing a reality far beyond the distance that cannot be captured by one’s own "first eyes" without a sense of incongruity.
Humanity today observes a world which is only visible through the artificial “mechanical eyes” coupled with our own method of understanding. The intention of the work was to make it visible by using a symbolic item and minimal act, which is tilting a clock to express Gaza's "vertical" position in the universe, I have intended to re-transcode the information-based reality into the tangible visual language.
Just as we can recognize "oneself" by knowing "others", we can be aware of "own culture" by knowing "other cultures". Therefore in our "global" era, we can only recognize the "globe" by looking at it objectively from the universal point of view.
The reality is that the internet is becoming more and more commonplace, opening windows into our daily lives at any time. Will our perception about the spheres, that are spreading at our feet, be increasingly contracted to something only in our brain? Or is it possible to acquire materiality that evokes some kind of empathy, in other words, that stimulates a sense of something like "human-size reality"?
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junichiroishii · 4 years
15 centimeters
【English below】
『科学の興味の対象は、空間内の「遠近」の観察から、「瞬間」という時間の観察へと移りつつある』 フランスの思想家、ポール・ヴィリリオ(Paul Virilio / 1932 - 2018)は、1990年に著書「瞬間の降臨 」においてそう指摘した。現代の科学はもはや人間に与えられた「最初の目」を信じておらず、自ら作り上げた「機械の目」によって、そして自分たち独自の理解の方法で、本来は見えない世界を観察しているという。[*1]
わたしたちが何かを「よく見よう」と思って目を凝らしてみても、そこには自ずと限界がある。技術の発達によって拡張された「目」は、現実をピクセルに分解しながら、大きさを問わないイメージを生成する。この「新しい別の現実」においては、実際の大きさはもはや問題にならない。『ビデオスクリーン上の月の大きさが、画面の横に置かれたリンゴより小さくとも、不思議に思う人はいないだろう。(…)月と太陽がスクリーン上に並んだ時、言い換えればスクリーンというインターフェイスを通して見た時、月は太陽よりも小さくなければならず、初めて大きさは意味を持つようになる 』[*2]。
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15 centimeters © 2018 Jun'ichiro ISHII
作品 «15 centimeters» は3枚の「15cm」の写真によって構成された作品である。写真のフレームはそれぞれ 15cm四方で、1枚目の写真には画面の中央に「15cmの定規」が写っている。15cm四方のフレームの中に被写体として「15cmの定規」が写っているのだから、当然イメージは画面構成的な要求から、鑑賞者が認識しやすいサイズにまで「縮小」されている。
それぞれの「15cm」は、それぞれの文脈において意味を確立している。文脈の異なるそれらを、同列に配置することによって、初めて認識の奇異が発生する。わたしはジョセフ・コスースの同義反復的な技法を援用しながら、作品 «15 centimeters» においてまず、この前提を提示した。
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[*1] L'inertie polaire / Paul / Virilio / 訳:土屋進 [*2] 瞬間の降臨 / ポール・ヴィリリオ / 土屋進(訳者)補足より
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15 centimeters © 2018 Jun'ichiro ISHII
What is expanded there?
“The interest of science is shifting from the observation of distance in space to the observation of an instant in time.”
In 1990 French philosopher Paul Virilio (1932-2018) wrote: “modern science no longer believes in the ‘first eyes’ that are given to humans, instead observing the invisible world through self-invented ‘mechanical eyes’ with their own manner of understanding.”[*1]
According to Einstein’s theory of relativity, the size of things is only determined by the relative relation-ship with the observer. One meter wide is just the size determined by a stationary observer. If you run through a large forest for a short period, the perceived space will become narrower, and if you walk slowly, the space will become wider.
In other words, the perceived size of forest is determined by the length of time it is experienced. There-fore, when it comes to life-size meaning space and time are synonymous. “How well we can see” means “how close it is” and “how far away” means “how long it takes to approach”.
Even if we have the intention of observing something, there is a limit to how much we really wish to see with our own eyes. The ‘new eyes’ that are augmented by digital technology are transcoding our reality into pixels, generating images that don’t question the real size. The original size is no longer important in this new, alternative reality. “Nobody will be surprised even if the size of the Moon on a video screen is smaller than an apple that is next to the monitor. […] The Moon has to be smaller than the Sun when they are juxtaposed, in other words, the size gains meaning when they are observed through the same interface, the screen.”[*2]
By the way, what exactly we are seeing when we observe things as an aggregation of pixels that is reproduced bigger than its actual size?
[*1] L'inertie polaire / Paul / Virilio / 訳:土屋進 [*2] 瞬間の降臨 / ポール・ヴィリリオ / 土屋進(訳者)補足より
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15 centimeters © 2018 Jun'ichiro ISHII
The work «15 centimeters » is composed of three 15cm photographs. Each photo frame is a 15cm square. The first picture features a 15cm ruler in the centre. Since it’s a picture of a 15cm ruler in a 15cm square frame, for the sake of composition, the image is of course shrunk to a size that’s easy for viewers to recognize.
Next, the second photo shows a 15cm ruler at actual size. Of course, by placing an actual size 15cm ruler in a 15cm square frame, the ends of are cut off from view. In the context of the representational, explanatory standard set by the first picture, this second 15cm ruler feels somehow incomplete. It could continue 20cm beyond the frame, or with the 0 as the midpoint, it might extend on and on in both directions (can we really say such a ruler doesn’t exist?). However, at the same time the photo (frame) is exactly 15cm from end to end. In other words, no matter how much one’s imagination extends beyond the frame, the physical photo frame is definitely 15cm and as such (if one wishes) it’s possible to use it as a 15cm ruler.
The middle of the third and final photo shows a large number 15. To the right of the “15” mark, the edge of the ruler can be seen, and so, this is without a doubt a product that was made for measuring as far as 15cm. You can also say that this photo features the most abstract element enlarged.
However once again, when we compare it to the first very representational, explanatory scaled down image, we can say that this image is functioning in a different context. Here we have high-context abstraction, like how we can point to the trunk of an elephant and come to the conclusion that it’s an elephant. Furthermore, when we combine it with the context of the second image, the ruler may have turned into a protractor outside the edge of the frame (can we say for sure such a ruler doesn’t exist?), for which reason the third photo becomes abstract in relation to the other two images.
Let’s return to the words of Paul Virilio from the opening: “modern science no longer believes in the ‘first eyes’ that are given to humans, instead observing the invisible world through self-invented ‘mechanical eyes’ with their own manner of understanding to observe a world that would be otherwise invisible.” “No one would find it strange that a moon on a screen should be smaller than an apple placed next to the monitor.”
Each “15cm” has meaning in its respective context. By placing these three different contexts side by side, a strangeness in perception occurs. Using the tautological method of Joseph Kosuth, I presented this premise for the work «15 centimeters».
Exhibition : 2019.08.11 - 08.14. "TODAY IS YESTERDAY'S TOMORROW" HIGURE 17-15 cas, Tokyo, Japan 2018.09.21 - 09.23. "15ans, c'est un anniversaire" 2angles, Flers, Normandy, France
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junichiroishii · 5 years
Trèfle à Quatre feuilles
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Trèfle à Quatre feuilles #8 -Wongol Project © 2011 Jun'ichiro ISHII
Exhibition : 2011. "ARTISTERIUM IV - FREE FALL" Leonidze State Museum of Georgian Literature, Tbilisi, Georgia 2011. "YATOO - Wongol international residence" Wongol, Gongju, South Korea 2011. "SAN - Sentier Arte e Natura" Queyras, Alps, France / Val Varaita, Piemonte, Italy
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