juniebugs · 9 hours
Random goon: Hey boss, were you the one to pick that name as an alias? And why this one?
Red Hood : I used to have another name, before... A long time ago. But that person is dead now. I get to choose for myself now, they can't take that from me. I won't let them.
Goon: Huh.
Random Goon: Say boss, why do you never take off your shirt in front of us?
Red Hood: Well uh, I actually have that really fucked scar on my chest and I'm not comfortable with...
Random Goon: Don't worry boss, we get it, you don't have to explain yourself to us.
Red Hood, high on some toxin: God, I wish my family...
Random Goon (on boss-sitting duty): why not try reaching out to them?
Red Hood: They would never accept me as I am now... They wouldn't agree with my so-called "life choices". Besides, they don't miss me, they miss the person they think I used to be... I wasn't even a man when I last saw them.
Random Goon: Damn boss, that sucks.
And then the goons throw the Red Hood a party on trans visibility day and Jason is so confused he straight up cries.
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juniebugs · 9 hours
peter who deconstructs and reconstructs random pieces of technology when he needs to calm down, may and ben learned to keep old pieces of equipment scattered around the house in case he has a bad day and needs the world to stop for a few hours.
sometimes he doesn’t even remember starting— he’ll blink and it’s finally quiet and he’s surrounded by random parts of an old computer that he didn’t even know they had in the apartment.
three days after ben died peter had completely deconstructed and reconstructed the fridge and was half way finished with the dishwasher.
after tony’s funeral he’s given full access to the lab and spends weeks taking apart and restoring iron man suits and unfinished projects— he barley remembers working on half of the things he had done but refused to leave any of tony’s projects unfinished.
weirdly enough he never really messed with the spiderman suit, any urge to take it apart, improve it— add changes or upgrades was quickly squashed down and thrown aside. after the spell he never found himself wanting to touch it anyways.
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juniebugs · 9 hours
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Just a little drawing of the boys. Enjoy.
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juniebugs · 3 days
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who let this man adopt a child
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juniebugs · 8 days
Learning that Jason was Red Robin first (during Countdown to Final Crisis) and that Tim actually stole that name and costume has made my entire week. Honest to god Tim Drake is the funniest character of all time. Imagine getting your ass beat for stealing from a guy and then doing it again anyway, top-tier character choice. I think he should take Red Hood next.
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juniebugs · 8 days
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dick's been thru some stuff....
also,,, is it canon that dick has a stuffed elephant doll named after zitka...? or is that fanon?
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juniebugs · 10 days
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Not my usual stuff but this is for the gorgeous @redsray enjoy _(:3 」∠)_
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juniebugs · 12 days
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ok ok new au time so:
- dick and jason get picked up around the same time (dick first and then like two months later or sm, jason)
- theyre around the same age (dick 10, jason 11)
- basically grew up like twins (aka. very close bonds)
- dick is robin, jason is hood
- batman is still tired but happy
uhh ill figure more out later but ye
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juniebugs · 13 days
Things Dick and Jason have done to each others apartments over the years
Jason likes to hack into Dicks security system once every few months to “keep him on his toes”
Dick rescued a hamster and kept it in Jason’s apartment because it was closer and felt like the hamster would be better fed (Jason hated it at first but now will kill anyone that touches him)
Jason dyed all of dicks sheets red after he got blood on a pair and it wouldn’t wash off so his brother wouldn’t find out
Dick threatens to disclose the location of Jason’s apartment to the rest of their siblings at least once a month and in retaliation Jason steals his throw pillows
Jason sometimes leaves leftovers or ingredients for meals in dicks fridge when his fridge runs out of space
Dick likes to buy Jason gifts or souvenirs and then hides them in the apartment randomly and waits for a text whenever Jason discovers what he’s done
Jason has an emergency weapons stash hidden in dicks apartment that dick pretends to not know about
They both can and will stress clean the others place if they’re badly injured to help them out
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juniebugs · 13 days
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duke thomas 😄
& him hanging out with the waynes :)
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juniebugs · 13 days
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they barge into justice league meetings saying they have something very important to show them. and do stuff like this
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juniebugs · 13 days
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does whatever a spider can!
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juniebugs · 13 days
New headcanon: the batsiblings name Bruce's stuff, not him. One day Dick looked at Batman's car and said "this is a batmobile" and Bruce was like "you are absolutely correct. this is indeed a batmobile."
Before Jason, batarangs didn't even have a name. They were just random weapons. Jason names them batarangs and ever since Batman also calls them batarangs.
Babs named his computer batcomputer and ever since it's the batcomputer. It's the official name. Don't you dare question it.
In a similar way, rest of the batfam just randomly name the bats and he just goes with it. Steph calls one specific bat Bruce Jr and now it's official name is Bruce Jr. He always recognizes it and uses the correct names
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juniebugs · 13 days
"Bruce loves his children to infinity but sucks at communication" gotta be one of my favourite tropes.
What Bruce means: I miss you so much it hurts, you are a great hero, and I'm really glad that you still consider me as part of your life and share your thoughts with me.
What Bruce does: hums meaningfully in response to Dick's story.
What Bruce means: I'm sorry about everything that happened between us, I still love you and want to fix our relationship, I'm incredibly grateful that you don't avoid me.
What Bruce does: nods at Jason when sees him on the patrol.
What Bruce means: I deeply care about you, you are truly important to me, I worry about your health and I don't want you to repeat my mistakes, neglecting yourself for the sake of a mission.
What Bruce does: gives Tim a snack without any explanation.
What Bruce means: I'm very proud that, despite everything you were taught, you choose to be a good person and help people, you have a kind soul, and it's an honour to me to call you my son.
What Bruce does: gives Damian an intensive head pat.
Should I say that Cassie is a blessing?
They stare at each other's soul for a solid five minutes and it's basically a full ass conversation.
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juniebugs · 13 days
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the first and last time he'll let his brothers pick him up from school (wishful thinking 🙄!)
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juniebugs · 14 days
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arcade night 🕹️🦇
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juniebugs · 14 days
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got possessed. drew this. bon appetit
dont tag as ship!
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