juniper-chisesi-blog · 11 years
June's Superlatives/nicknames/idk
Larka "Selfie Queen" Darte
Jayne "most likely to use an exclamation point" Mystosis
Narcissa "has a fc gif for everything" Alark
Melody "sass master" Brunel
Barton "one picture in existence" Templey
Luke and Beehana "most adorable in ooc" Lilly (I forgot Luke's last name, sorry <3)
James "wow what a name" Woods
Rowan "knows more about vintage music than you ever will" Finch
Jasmine "feels bender" Blair
Echo "who wants a name pun" Mjemebrerbajla
Griff "where'd he go" Stone
Arthur "the one with the hot FC" Greller
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juniper-chisesi-blog · 11 years
Ok no T no shade but I was inactive for a really long point at the begining of this game so I feel like I don't know you all as well as I should. If I never directly interacted with you, you're going to get a very special little image. I love you all. I mean that.
Maple: I was so pleased to see a female from District 1 who didn't play the "cold hearted career" card. You're incorrigibly sweet and I hope we'll be able to play together again.
Paxton: You're a darling. You welcomed me into an alliance even though I was so inactive during the beginning of the game, which is something that takes a lot of trust and class. I was sad to see you go.
Jasmine: It's been almost a year now and I still look at you as a role model. Your characters are always unique and full of soul and I adore reading about them all. Being close to so many kids, Jas had a special place in my heart with her little daughter and I shed tears for her in this and pwbw. I hope that you never let her go and I anxiously await the day she's a victory. You're a fabulous writer and I'm so happy to say that I know you.
Melody: We were the last two standing of the fantabulous four. I thought Melody was an interesting break from the badass bitches of District 6 you usually do, and I hope that you'll continue to mix it up with the characters you play. Despite her transition into a ruthless killer I was able to form sympathy for Melody, which is something difficult to do with that archetype. I'm looking forward to all the other RPs we'll be doing together. 
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Echo: Let's be real, no one was surprised that the final battle would go the way it did. Congrats on another win. And I'm going to get lame for a second here -- I really do admire and look up to you. You're one of the best writers and - and definitely one of the most creative people - I've ever met. When you publish a book, I promise I'll be first in line to buy it.
Logan: You're a good player. I'm sorry about your alliance, and I hope you know that I'm not happy about what I did. I hope you continue playing because I know you'll go far.
Rowan: I didn’t get to roleplay with you, but solely by reading I knew you were going to be a contender to face. I wish you luck in other games that you’ll play.
James: There are two types of evil people: those you do evil things, and those who see evil things being done and not stopping them. I am of the latter variety, and I'm sorry. :c I still feel bad about the way things went. I hope you have fun being a GM!
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Barton: I hate how early you died. I hate that we only para'd once. I hate that I'm so slow on my wofm tags. You know I love you and I can't wait to para with you in the future, you talented little peanut you.
Verma: Oh, darling, how doth I love thee? I'd count the ways but they are too numerous. Just thinking about our little ship and how they were born here nearly brings me to tears. If it weren't for the doc and the au and the email tags I'd be a complete wreck right now. You're an amazing writer and I'm so humbled by the face that you call me a friend. I adore you and I can't wait till the day you respirate carbon dioxide into oxygen in my presence again.
Arthur: Your FC is hot.
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Larka: Your writing is simply beautiful. I hope you know that. And I hope you know how sorry I am to be responsible for Larka's death. I hope we cross paths again. 
Griff/Narc: I've never done para before, and you two certainly made it memorable. Thanks for letting me get as far as I did. I'm sure I'll be seeing you two again soon enough.
Here's my personal if you're interested.
And I'm also the designer Calliope on the Capitol Catwalk, linked here. If you ever need a parade outfit, hollat me.
Peace and blessins.
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juniper-chisesi-blog · 11 years
Ok no T no shade but I was inactive for a really long point at the begining of this game so I feel like I don't know you all as well as I should. If I never directly interacted with you, you're going to get a very special little image. I love you all. I mean that.
Maple: I was so pleased to see a female from District 1 who didn't play the "cold hearted career" card. You're incorrigibly sweet and I hope we'll be able to play together again.
Paxton: You're a darling. You welcomed me into an alliance even though I was so inactive during the beginning of the game, which is something that takes a lot of trust and class. I was sad to see you go.
Jasmine: It's been almost a year now and I still look at you as a role model. Your characters are always unique and full of soul and I adore reading about them all. Being close to so many kids, Jas had a special place in my heart with her little daughter and I shed tears for her in this and pwbw. I hope that you never let her go and I anxiously await the day she's a victory. You're a fabulous writer and I'm so happy to say that I know you.
Melody: We were the last two standing of the fantabulous four. I thought Melody was an interesting break from the badass bitches of District 6 you usually do, and I hope that you'll continue to mix it up with the characters you play. Despite her transition into a ruthless killer I was able to form sympathy for Melody, which is something difficult to do with that archetype. I'm looking forward to all the other RPs we'll be doing together. 
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Echo: Let's be real, no one was surprised that the final battle would go the way it did. Congrats on another win. And I'm going to get lame for a second here -- I really do admire and look up to you. You're one of the best writers and - and definitely one of the most creative people - I've ever met. When you publish a book, I promise I'll be first in line to buy it.
Logan: You're a good player. I'm sorry about your alliance, and I hope you know that I'm not happy about what I did. I hope you continue playing because I know you'll go far.
Rowan: I didn’t get to roleplay with you, but solely by reading I knew you were going to be a contender to face. I wish you luck in other games that you’ll play.
James: There are two types of evil people: those you do evil things, and those who see evil things being done and not stopping them. I am of the latter variety, and I'm sorry. :c I still feel bad about the way things went. I hope you have fun being a GM!
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Barton: I hate how early you died. I hate that we only para'd once. I hate that I'm so slow on my wofm tags. You know I love you and I can't wait to para with you in the future, you talented little peanut you.
Verma: Oh, darling, how doth I love thee? I'd count the ways but they are too numerous. Just thinking about our little ship and how they were born here nearly brings me to tears. If it weren't for the doc and the au and the email tags I'd be a complete wreck right now. You're an amazing writer and I'm so humbled by the face that you call me a friend. I adore you and I can't wait till the day you respirate carbon dioxide into oxygen in my presence again.
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Arthur: Your FC is hot.
Larka: Your writing is simply beautiful. I hope you know that. And I hope you know how sorry I am to be responsible for Larka's death. I hope we cross paths again. 
Griff/Narc: I've never done para before, and you two certainly made it memorable. Thanks for letting me get as far as I did. I'm sure I'll be seeing you two again soon enough.
Here's my personal if you're interested.
And I'm also the designer Calliope on the Capitol Catwalk, linked here. If you ever need a parade outfit, hollat me.
Peace and blessins.
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juniper-chisesi-blog · 11 years
By the time Melody looks back at me, I'm already slicing into the inner lining of my jacket. I cut out the sleeves first, making sure to leave the outer layer in tact. A joyless chuckle leaves my lips. "I would have thought you, the perfect killer, would know," I admit softly. I know that Jasmine's passing took just as much of a toll on her as Verma's did to me. 
I slice two bandanna-sized pieces of fabric and tie the first one around my head to cover my nose and mouth. I hand the other one up to her, silently nodding for her to put it on. "I'm getting ready for battle."
A Sudden Loss - Team Barton
I pay no attention to what she does, instead I focus on the main issue. I know that we aren’t the only ones around here, the other remaining tributes must be nearby as well. Out of the corner of my eye I see a flashing light in the distance and my head snaps in the direction of it. As I squint my eyes I make out a girl holding a camera, the light must be the reflection of light off the lens that I saw. There can only be one girl who has a camera. Echo.
“What are you doing?” My monotone voice demands. I take my eyes off Echo to look back at June, who’s still fiddling with things.
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juniper-chisesi-blog · 11 years
"Not just yet I don't," I say softly, forming a hefty pile of grasses. Some of it is a bit more dried out than others, that's good. "May I use a knife?" I ask. I sense she'll be less than happy to part with one of her weapons. "I'll give it right back to you, I just think using the spear head will be a bit clumsy."
After a moment's hesitation she produces a throwing knife from her vest and hands it to me. "Thank you." I peel my jacket off and lay it out on the ground, leaving my in my bra. Without any explanation, I open it and begin examining the lining. "If I had any liquor we'd do a toast to them."
A Sudden Loss - Team Barton
She’s gone, of course she’s gone. Why should I be allowed to know love? The first person to ever care for me truly, the first person to care is now dead, washed away by the water. My mind feels like its being pulled in every direction. The strain is almost too much to bear. But I bear it.
Eventually something inside me snaps. Something that is now not necessary for survival. My emotions.
“You aren’t pathetic, but you need to get up.” I turn my head towards June as I say this, my voice remaining solid and firm, no hint of emotion present at all.
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juniper-chisesi-blog · 11 years
A Sudden Loss - Team Barton
I stared out into the flooded remains of the jungle, hoping to see him. I still couldn't believe Verma was gone. My eyes were swollen from tears still, but the sobs had ceased. Even after I heard two cannons fire, I didn't want to accept that he was dead. 
I wordlessly turned from the water, sinking to my knees and starting to pull up grass from the ground. "...You must think I'm pathetic," I mumbled to Melody. 
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juniper-chisesi-blog · 11 years
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juniper-chisesi-blog · 11 years
The Rapture: Disaster Task
"We have to move," I heard from one of my allies, and we all started into the jungle. I ran to grab my clothes and spear, hurriedly tugging my still-damp pants up over my hips as I caught up with them. I lost my shirt as we charged through the jungle's dense foliage, but managed to salve my jacket. 
The training I'd done in the gauntlet was coming in handy yet again as we leapt over tree roots and fought our way through vines and plants. The roar of waves boomed behind us like thunder and echoed between the tall trees. 
"We aren't going to make it!" I shouted desperately, glancing back to see the white brim of water chasing behind us. It would disappear for a moment before slithering back at terrifying speeds, reaching farther than before. Verma, who was ahead of us all, slowed down a bit and we all ran together as we tried to come up with a plan to get to the cornucopia. water was already brushing at our feet. 
That's when the boat came up. 
Together, we worked out a plan and pieced together what to do, all of us splitting up momentarily to gather the needed supplies. For Melody and I, it was leaves. For Verma and Jasmine, branches. When that was done, we all high tailed it up into one of the high trees of the jungle and set to work. In minutes Verma and Jasmine had pieced together the outer structure. It was a simple little thing, a glorified raft with sides, but it would do. 
There was no way we could escape the water, so why not use it to our advantage?
I used vines from the trees and the remaining strips of fabric to secure the structure, then went to join the others in securing leaves and fabric to fill it in. We coated the entire inside in tree sap to stop any leaks, the four of us all covered in the stuff by the time we'd finished. And not a moment too soon. The crack of tree branches being snapped like twigs was beginning to join the roar of the water. We all climbed in and say in a line, holding on to branches with one hand and the boat sides with the other, leaving us dangling over the rushing water. 
"On three!" Verma shouted. "Wait!" I said suddenly, earning glares from the group as I reached for a remaining, long vine. I looped it around us, securing us together. It would held to keep us balanced. Help to keep us safe. 
"One!" I felt my heart pounding as I looked down at the water. I wondered what Arthur was thinking.  "Two!" I thought of my nieces at home, and of my parents and sister. I wanted to get home to them. I wanted it more than anything else. "Three!"
I couldn't help but scream as we dropped, and were soon pulled along with the water. It was fast, and the boat was shaky, but it worked. We bobbed above the water, all of us throwing our weight this way and that to avoid obstacles and keep us upright.
Melody and Jasmine kept their eyes open for mutts or other living threats, and I had my spear close just in case. I knew I could use it to beat attackers away, or stab them, but never throw it. My aim would have been terrible with so much movement.
The ride felt like it was taking forever. I didn't know how close we were to safe grounds, but every now and then I caught glimpses of the gleaming cornucopia. It got closer and closer every time. 
As we rode the rapids through the arena, I found myself saying a silent prayer to a God I wasn't even sure existed. Keep us safe. I pleaded, gritting my teeth as water sprayed us for the thousandth time. 
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juniper-chisesi-blog · 12 years
The water felt amazing as it cleansed the impurities of the arena from my skin. I dive under for a moment before surfacing again, blinking water from my eyes while I brush my wet hair back. My eyes catch on movement in the distance, and I spot two figures nearby. 
"Verma," I gasped, running from the water without paying mind to my clothes. I grab my spear from the sand and stand at the ready, water still dripping off of me as I wait for the other tributes to come closer. 
When we meet again || Alliance ||
I grip my trident and keep one hand next to my vest. Who could it be now? I peak over the edge of a plant and see 2 figures in the distance, one on the shore and one in the ocean. How could they lay about so casually, we were in the hunger games, there is no time for that. Oh well, better them than us. 
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juniper-chisesi-blog · 12 years
A look of concern came to my face. I didn't like this new Verma. I wanted the kind boy who'd led me through my first, blurry days in the arena. The boy who'd tried so hard to make me smile on the train here. I wanted my friend. 
I reached across to give his shoulder a squeeze, and stared into his eyes. After a silent moment, I offered a tiny smile and stood, kicking my shoes off and heading to the water. 
I stabbed my spear into the damp sand to keep it close before peeling off my jacket and the t-shirt beneath. My pants left next, leaving me in a simple black set of underwear. The material was akin to that of the swimsuits from the training center, I guess it was meant to double as a swimsuit. I rinsed the blood from my outer layer of clothing and laid it out in the sand to try before sinking into the water, using the salty brine to rinse the sweat and gore from my skin and hair. 
Waking Up on the Beach
I didn’t see the beauty in the water.
I saw ways to drown the cattle I was surrounded by.
I saw ways to clean off the meat from their bones and how to wash away any bacteria from the flesh.
I saw no beauty other than that of blood-stained water.
I ate some of the dried food as she advised us to clean up. I didn’t want to be clean. I wanted to be in my filth and feel the arena under my fingernails.
I wanted to know that what I had done was okay in my situation.
“Yeah, sure,” I offered. I looked to her, watching her as I chewed on the food in my mouth.
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juniper-chisesi-blog · 12 years
I froze in place as I spotted Verma. The blood on his face had dried, and was now a sickly, cracked brown. Despite that, I could tell that he wasn't the same beast who had killed James last night and drew me in to that brutal kill.
At least, if he was, he was no longer in a rage. 
"Morning," I returned, pushing my hair back behind my ear. I could feel a bit of blood still caked into my hair. I cracked one of the water bottles open and throwing back a few good gulps. I tucked it away when I'd finished. 
The two of us sat in a somewhat forced silence. Glancing out at the glimmering waves, for a moment I was taken by their beauty. I'd read about beaches, but never seen one before. "We should get cleaned up," I said softly. "Wanna keep a look out while I go in, then I'll do the same for you?"
A bath/swim would be good for both of us.
Waking Up on the Beach
I stirred from my sleep, brushing off sand from my cheeks as I sat up. I looked to the backpack I had taken from James and pulled out two water bottles as well as a couple sachets of food.
“Morning,” I murmured.
I was clearly much tamer now than I had been last night.
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juniper-chisesi-blog · 12 years
Waking Up on the Beach
My hands were shaking as Verma and I tore through the grasslands to get away from the impending flames. My training in the gaunlet was certainly being put to the test as I leapt over thistle patches and holes in the ground.
By the time we finally made it to the beach, my legs were screaming in pain. I collapsed into the white sand, and realizzed the sound of the fire had died out slightly. It seems the Game Makers had us as far as they wanted us. 
I rolled onto my back, thinking about what I'd just seen. What I'd just done. I helped Verma kill James. I saw the plant, I knew what it would do to him, but still I allowed him to administer it. 
Exhaustion was taking over now. I was falling asleep, no matter if I wanted to or not. I thought about James, just as his face played in the night sky along with the pair from District One. I hadn't even thought about them... I remembered their cannons, yet...
The nation's anthem was my lullaby. 
I awoke to the beach sun beating down onto me, warming my skin. I shakily started to sit up, which only caused a world of pain in my sore muscles. I blinked the sleep from my eyes and looked around for Verma, trying to see if he was up.
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juniper-chisesi-blog · 12 years
I watched with a look of confusion on my face as Verma hissed from contact with the little dandelion. It was just a seed... wasn't it? The panick and urgency in his actions told me otherwise. "What is it?" I demanded, shoving the food into my jacket and grabbing my spear.
Then I felt a pain in the back of my neck as if someone were branding me.
A muffled shriek left my lips and I slapped the little bugger away from me just as Verma tossed me a few squares of fabric. "We have to go!" I insisted, holding the material over my head. James was still sound asleep, but quite a few sprites were drifting towards him. "Wake up!" I hissed, tossing a square of material over his head before reaching to grab Verma's wrist. "Come on!"
I gave him a tug and took off south towards the bridge, leaping over hurdles formed by vegetation and tree roots.
a little drop
“No, you eat. I can wait a bit.” I wasn’t sure how accurate I was, and I knew that I needed to eat something. I looked to the sachets of food I had left, knowing that June wouldn’t eat the whole one I just gave her. “Hang on to that.” I stuck the butt of my scythe into the ground and got to my feet. “We’ll go towards them a bit. Just get off these islands and to the main area. It doesn’t seem like there’s much going on up here, but I don’t like being somewhere that can fall at any moment.” I walked over to James and poked him with the butt of my scythe.
No response.
I sighed and looked up to see rather large white dandelion seeds—at least, that’s what it reminded me of—float down toward us. “Huh,” I murmured as I scrutinized it upon its descent.
I glanced back to June and smiled. “Don’t worry about it. I said I’d protect you, right? Though, it seems a lot of boys are protecting girls. I guess that’s our natural line—protecting you lot.” I shrugged and looked up again.
The seed fell onto my face and burned.
I shook my head, holding the bridge of my nose. “Goddamn it mother fuck—” I hissed. My nosed burned—an ache that I wasn’t familiar with and I didn’t want to be.
I peered up to see several dozen—maybe even a hundred more—of these little shits descend from the air.
“Fuck, June,” I panicked and looked for shelter. There wasn’t much around us to help, and my eyes narrowed in on James’ sleeping bag. Thankfully he hadn’t used it last night—perhaps he forgot about it—and I immediately began to tear large squares out of it with my scythe. With the padding falling out of one end, I offered a section to June.
“Put this over your head, hold it from below!”
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juniper-chisesi-blog · 12 years
I took the packet and thanked him softly, staring down at the dried fruits within. I pulled what I suspected was a strawberry and started to suck at it. "Aren't you gonna eat?" I asked, holding the pack out to him. "It's not salted or anything... it might get you salivating more," I offered with a little shrug.
I knew he was thirsty, just like I was. I glanced over at James, still fast asleep, and sighed. "We're going to have to move again... I don't want to leave without Maple and Pax though." Not much, but all I had to offer. "Hey, uh, Verma," I add, poking around in the pack for a dried banana. "Thanks. For looking out for me, I mean."
a little drop
I looked at her and nodded. “They’re safe, just checking things out.” I was glad that she had snapped out of whatever mindset she had been in before… It had started to scare me. “We’re hanging back here… keeping each other safe. Well, I’m mostly keeping you safe but they all know that.” I offered a smile—a small mask to hide the fear that welled deep within me.
“You need to eat something,” I murmured and took a sachet from my jacket. I knew I still didn’t have enough saliva to eat, and a grumble from my stomach showed that. I opened it up and handed it to her. “Here, eat.”
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juniper-chisesi-blog · 12 years
I slept soundly that night. After being awake for over 24 hours, I suppose the body has a way of knocking itself out. I knew for a while that I was a clingy sleeper. The sight was almost comical, me sound asleep and clinging to my spear as if it were a pillow - arms and legs wrapped around it. 
Once my body had time to rest and rejuvenate, I returned to my usual light-sleeping state. Hearing footsteps, I open my eyes and scan around. Verma is close, so there was no immediate danger. And by that I mean there isn't anyone standing over my head with a hatchet -- in the arena, danger is a given.
"Mornin'," I croak hoarsely, reluctantly going to sit up. Damn, I'm thirsty. Some water would be appreciated. My kill in the bloodbath surely got me some attention, but my panic afterwards might have ebbed some of it... I try not to linger on thoughts of water. Glancing around, I see that our group has gotten smaller. Worry floods my system. "Where are the others? Are they safe?"
a little drop
“We’re going to check out what’s beyond here. If you hear two cannons, get out,” Pax said, then glanced to Maple. “If something happens to me I’m sending her back—just… protect her for me, will you?”
“I don’t think she needs help in that department,” I yawned and rubbed the remaining sleep from my eyes.
Pax gave a half-hearted smile and ventured off with Maple ahead of our alliance.
I was here with June and James… well, at least I wasn’t alone. I turned to look at June and see if she was awake.
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juniper-chisesi-blog · 12 years
Waking Up
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My time in the arena until this point is a blur to me. I still remember the feeling of driving my spear into Ismene, and watching the last remnants of life drain out from her. The first night was by far the worst. I rocked in place, a wild look in my eye the likes of which hinted at lunacy. After that I was mostly in a daze, staring off into space, vaguely aware of what was happening. I am so thankful to Verma. He guided me along, prompting me to move and follow around our alliance.
But now I am awake. 
Something about seeing Barton's face in the sky drew me out of the darkness. As I stared up at him, remembering the gentle boy who was so kind to me on my first night in the Capitol, I felt a breath of life within me. I inhaled sharply, looking down to the hand on my shoulder. Verma. I stared at him in the dim light, and for the first time since the ball a weak smile came to my lips. "Rest in peace, Barton." My first words in the arena.
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juniper-chisesi-blog · 12 years
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