junipermeadows · 1 year
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5th, Spring
Ms. Graves is here nearly every evening, now. I welcome her, of course, and I even asked if her older sister would like to come and spend some time with Esther; however, it doesn't seem they have very much in common. Oh well; perhaps we could all have dinner together sometime soon, or a picnic! Ira does adore her, and she adores him. They will surely be lifelong friends.
The pastor has given me more work around the church, especially as his mobility has been declining. He is so kind to do so, knowing the struggles of my family. I will be inviting him over for dinner very soon. Currently, the church is being run out of an old barn, but I hope that someday we will get a proper building. Perhaps our next pastor will be a very rich man with plenty of money to put into renovations! More realistically, someone wealthy may move to Lychgate and put money into it. I will pray every night that very thing will happen.
-- Elsie Crowe
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junipermeadows · 1 year
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4th, Spring
I am very lucky that my kids are so close to one another. Esther and Ira have been very supportive of each other during our time of transition and grieving, and they have been studying together every night. Luckily, I am home most nights in case they are in need of help, however they usually have it under control. The Graves girl has been spending quite a bit of time at our home as well. It seems her own home is quite busy, and quite packed. I do not blame her for needing a quiet space and a friend to talk to.
Things at the church are quiet, but we have had many visitors as more people have come to move to Lychgate. Esther has brought up the possibility of her searching for some sort of job for a young girl; such as laundry or cleaning. I told her no. I will not have her childhood wasted for as long as I can manage it. I only hope that I can keep up the work to support us.
-- Elsie Crowe
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junipermeadows · 1 year
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3rd, Spring
I am returned from the church! I had a lovely day. The pastor is a fine, friendly, soft-spoken man, though he seems rather old. I suppose that's why he needed the help. I am grateful that he offered me a paid job, despite my sex. Percy was delighted to see me home, after all, I was formerly a stay at home mother. Percy has even begun using some basic words!
I worry for my kids, though our lives have barely been changed for long. They need a father figure, I need a husband, and we all need extra income. Life is not forgiving for a single woman with kids, and I will need more support if I am going to be able to provide for my family...
-- Elsie Crowe
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junipermeadows · 1 year
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2nd, Spring
Tomorrow is my very first day working at the church, and I am very excited! Mr. Turner, one of the locals, came by to offer his greetings, and I am never one to turn away a friendly guest. He seems like a very fine man. I hope he stops by again, so we might become friends. My day was mostly filled with unpacking our boxes and helping the children become situated. It is quite a bit of work being the only adult in the house now.
Esther is struggling in school a tad. So is Percy. They are grieving, and so I am trying not to blame them very much. I help them study when I am not taking care of Percy or working, and I must admit, I feel as though my attention is being pulled in different directions. Otherwise, Esther has been doing very well with Percy. She would be such a wonderful mother someday.
-- Elsie Crowe
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junipermeadows · 1 year
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1st, Spring
Moving day! The town house is in need of some renovations, and the only neighbors we have in the town house block are the Graves; but they seem very well natured and kind! Ira, Esther, and Percy are in good spirits, all things considered. The young Graves girl immediately asked Ira to play. They are awfully adorable.
I had to take Esther aside to let her know about the extra household duties she will need to take on. She was very good about it, she is such a fine girl. As I will be starting my job helping at the church very soon, there will be times where she will need to take care of Percy while I am out. I trust her. She misses her father. So do I. Percy does as well, but he tries not to let it show. Perhaps in the summer we will visit his grave. The children would like that.
-- Elsie Crowe
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junipermeadows · 1 year
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5th, Spring
Fury has turned to apathy, journal, and while I am glad that my resourceful son is having an effortlesstime making new friends and earning extra money after classes, my pathetic husband has yet to cease weeping in bed since the night before. Try as I might, he listens to nothing I say.
I meant it when I said that I am adamant that I will not support both him and my son on my own, and I have concerns that if Albert does not shape up soon, I may have to go my separate ways with him. My sshopis doing well enough, but we could be doing better. Perhaps I am simply being a pessimist.
I am sure change has not been easy for him, and neither has the sudden, permanent separation from his family. I simply wish he would have some faith in himself. Things will need to change soon.
-- Simon Faust
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junipermeadows · 1 year
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4th, Spring
My body trembles with rage. I know I should not be so impassioned, but I cannot help it! Albert has spent only one day at his new job, and he is out of work already. Something about a mishap at work. He is such a sensitive soul, and returned home emotional. After a long day in the shop serving customers, my patience has been worn thin. I truly want to put my faith in him, but there are times in which I wish that I had fallen in love with a factory worker, instead.
Caspar can sense my emotional state, as well as Albert's; and so I believe he went off to spend some time with his friend for the evening. Albert is simply weeping in bed, while I eat dinner alone. What has my life come to?
-- Simon Faust
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junipermeadows · 1 year
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3rd, Spring
Finally, I had time to move my books into the case, and I was keen to pick up where I left off in the novel I was reading. This was not the only delight of the day; Albert has secured a job! We decided that in celebration of this, as well as the upcoming summer season, we would hold a small celebration for the neighborhood. Caspar has been doing fine in his classes, and is as well mannered as ever. He has even offered to help another family with some housework for some extra pocket money. I have never been so proud.
Albert is glad to have the weight of being without work off of his shoulders, however, I can tell that he is nervous about getting used to this new way of life. I have let him know how proud of him I am, and that I will support him through this all. It has not been an easy transition to be away from his family. Who would disown their own son, whose only sin was to be in love?
-- Simon Faust
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junipermeadows · 1 year
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2nd, Spring
This morning I awoke to an empty house. Though I was alarmed at first, I noticed that Albert had left me a crudely scrawled note. He had gone off first thing to begin querying about a job; it brightens my day to see how dedicated he is. Mentioned in his note as well was Caspar, who was so eager to get to his first day of class that he had departed early as well.
With a porridge breakfast, I readied for my day, and the first day my shop would be open. With many people migrating in this direction, I needed to be established enough to attract some customers in the meantime; and that I did! I am even more hopeful than ever about my magnificent new shop. I have even made a few connections. Let us hope they become regulars.
-- Simon Faust
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junipermeadows · 1 year
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1st, Spring
The three of us have moved in to the new building. I secured a fine domicile with a shop at the street level, and our home above. Caspar seems enthusiastic, quiet as he is, and I am excited as well. Albert and I are putting all of our eggs in this basket; as my shop will be the only general store in town at this time. I am confident that it will be more popular than it was in the city, due to the absence of competiton.
Albert must find a job, and I will be sending him off to find one tomorrow morning. He is entirely used to being a city bachelor, and now that he is no longer residing with his family, it is paramount to me that he helps with our finances. I refuse to support he and Caspar on my own.
-- Simon Faust
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junipermeadows · 1 year
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5th, Spring
It is bittersweet for me, journal, that while Minnie's cough has gotten worse, little Viola flourishes. She is well mannered, rarely cries, and has no problems latching. Minnie suffered with terrible colic as a newborn, but Viola is happy and healthy, and I have seen no alarming signs in her whatsoever. Minnie's growth is quite stunted, as is her development. She is very small, and is having a very hard time learning to talk at a normal rate. I will not pretend I am not growing more and more worried by the day.
Tomorrow being the first day of summer, this adds some ease to my worries. The warm weather will be refreshing, and will mean more community events for my family and I to attend. The girls need friends, but more importantly, Claudia needs friends. She gets lonely by herself at home all day.
The population of the town steadily increases, which means two things; my salary is increasing with the demand for a doctor, but it also means that I am busier than ever. I only hope that Claudia understands.
-- Oliver Graves
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junipermeadows · 1 year
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4th, Spring
How glad I am that I was home today of all days, journal. Claudia gave birth to our child at home today, with my assistance. A girl, Viola Graves. She is beautiful, well-tempered and healthy. This pregnancy has been much less complicated than Claudia's last.
I must admit that I am worried for Minnie. She has a persistent dry cough. There is no way to rule some things out as she is only a small child, but with how complicated her birth was, and how rocky her health has been, I have decided to keep a close eye on her and have started administering some basic medicines for the cough. It will soon be our first summer in Lychgate, and it is my hope that it is simply allergies that affect my poor girl.
-- Oliver Graves
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junipermeadows · 1 year
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3rd, Spring
Though I never thought I might have more exciting news than I did yesterday, I bring yet more blessings! Claudia is with child again. The doctor, myself, has prescribed her as much bedrest as is possible with myself out for work and our current lack of a governess. Rowena has offered to pick up some of the slack, and since I had considered her to help with some of the housework, and she is now indisposed, I have decided to employ one of her classmates for a small salary; The Faust boy.
There are so few of us living in this neighborhood, yet every day I have patients. Thankfully for myself, it has not been too much for just one doctor, though I have been looking forward to the future. I will be needing a nurse soon... and I have been considering the notion of asking Rowena to become my student, if, of course, she keeps her good grades up and desires the position.
-- Oliver Graves
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junipermeadows · 1 year
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2nd, Spring
My heart soars with pride! Our stupendous daughter truly is a marvel to me, perhaps she takes after myself. She is studious, and though it was only her very first day at school, her teacher has nothing but compliments. Louise is doing well, but she has always been a friendly young girl, and it making many friends.
The chill lingering in the air is worrying to Claudia. We have only just moved to this house, and though we have been painting and wallpapering, the town-house needs more repairs than decoration. It will have to be a priority to prepare for the winter. Perhaps one of Rowena's classmates would help me with some jobs.
-- Oliver Graves
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junipermeadows · 1 year
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1st, Spring
As today was our first day in our new home, Claudia and I spent most of the morning allowing ourselves time to become situated in our new home. Claudia prayed for more neighbors to move in soon, as our current selection is quite slim. I am grateful that there has not yet been another doctor to move into town, as it makes for less competition. I must admit I am rather nervous to finally open my own practice, however, I must remain self confident and ambitious. I will be the best doctor this town has ever known! Albeit the first.
Claudia has never been one to complain, but I know she has worries. It is not like her to be idle, however, being moved away from her usual friends and aquaintances has left her with fewer duties. Perhaps she will enjoy being free to spend more time with the girls than she has been previously?
As for Rowena and Louise, they will be attending school very soon. They are both quite excited to meet their peers, though there may not be many. Minnie is growing fast, and it seems as though she is happy that Claudia has been home so often.
-- Oliver Graves
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junipermeadows · 1 year
I know I haven't been around in a while, but I want to become more active! I re-downloaded TS3 so you may see some of that, but I'm also going to be jumping back into TS2.
I had a save going and was taking screenshots but I just never found the time to post about my game, but I'm hoping to restart that save and share the story with everyone.
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junipermeadows · 2 years
I'd like to gauge interest in a mainly BIPOC space for sims, predominantly sims 2, but sims 3 and 4 are obviously welcome. And if there are any in existence y'all could reccomend to me, I'd appreciate it.
Leave a like on this post if you'd be interest in a discord for BIPOC simmers.
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