junkhearts-blog · 9 years
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junkhearts-blog · 9 years
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826 notes · View notes
junkhearts-blog · 9 years
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673 notes · View notes
junkhearts-blog · 9 years
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junkhearts-blog · 9 years
I broke my back carrying the weight of this dunya. Love broke me, Hate shattered me, Depression numbed me, And anxiety ignited my end. How naive of my soul, to burden it so heavily? When I turned to You, all my worries were but a feather.
(via bint-khalid)
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junkhearts-blog · 9 years
Wallahi, there is something admirable in the way you’re struggling. No, I don’t mean that it is beautiful how you suffer, and no, I won’t romanticize sadness. But there is something admirable in the hope you still have left, there are your eyes who gaze into the distance as if they are seeing the future and I can read how they’re saying: “In shaa Allah, one day I’m going to tell the people how I pulled through”.
أَلَا إِنَّ وَعْدَ اللَّهِ حَقٌَّ
“Now surely Allah’s promise is true” (Surah Yunus:55)
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junkhearts-blog · 9 years
Your relationship with God isn’t an overnight project, it’s a lifelong process.
(via islamicthinking)
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junkhearts-blog · 10 years
doa,doa,doa. dan terus berdoa. ada benda,kita tak boleh tunggu dan lihat sahaja, terkadang,kita kena berdoa,sepenuh pengharapan kita,pada Allah. kita kan hamba Allah.
(via angahalim3)
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junkhearts-blog · 10 years
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junkhearts-blog · 10 years
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Sunnah All Day, Every Day
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junkhearts-blog · 10 years
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junkhearts-blog · 10 years
Do not fear death, fear the state in which you will die.
(via islamicrays)
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junkhearts-blog · 10 years
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junkhearts-blog · 10 years
Yes, I do enjoy walking at night. The world’s more to my liking then, not so loud, not so fast, not so crowded, and a good deal more mysterious.
Dustfinger; Inkheart. (via avvfvl)
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junkhearts-blog · 10 years
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junkhearts-blog · 10 years
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junkhearts-blog · 10 years
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Love can make you immortal.
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