just-a-lonely-poet · 5 years
It’s cold
It’s cold
It’s always cold
I swear
It’s an Arctic in here
I can’t feel the warmth
That I’m supposed to feel
You must not be warm enough
To warm my body
But it’s my fault I’m cold
You told me that only you can warm me up
No one else
But are so cold
No heat at all
But no one else will warm me
So I’ll stay
And hope you warm up soon
When you are away
I warm up a little
But you don’t like it when I’m warm
You want me cold to do you can heat me up
I stay cold
You take my warmth
You are my only warmth
It’s cold
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just-a-lonely-poet · 5 years
Giant Magnolia
I’ve always admired the giant Magnolia that master gave me for Christmas
He said that I was his best servant
That he would set me free in the summer
On my birthday
If I was a good servant
He said that I was his best servant
That he would set me free in the summer
On my birthday
If I was a good servant
Master said that if I kept the magnolia alive he would give me a dime
A whole entire ten cents
He will take me down to the shops and I can buy whatever I want!
I asked if I could buy my freedom (I heard that from the adults)
He just laughed and said I was funny
I’ve kept my giant magnolia in a pretty vase that my sister bought last year
It’s kinda blue but kinda brown and kinda white at the same time
The flowers smell nice in my hut
They seem to get bigger everyday
Master said that I’ll be a fine field hand one day
But I don’t want to be a field hand!
I want to work in the city, up north
Only I didn’t say that
I just said thank you
It’s been almost a year
It’s almost Christmas time again
Master didn’t set me free in the summer on my birthday
He gave me another vase
A bigger one for my bigger Mongolia
I didn’t want it
But I said thank you
The flowers are very big
But it’s winter so they aren’t getting much sun
I feel bad that I can’t give them sunshine
Me and my flowers
Are alike
I want to go up north, away from master
The flowers want sunshine, away from the cold
It will be a while until we get what we want
It will be a while until we get our sunshine
-inspired by Childe Hassam’s Giant Magnolia’s.
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