just-abnormal-human · 8 hours
one of the most challenging skills i've had to learn as an adult is the art of figuring out whether i'm proportionally annoyed with someone or just tired and overstimulated and looking for reasons to be pissed off
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just-abnormal-human · 8 hours
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just-abnormal-human · 8 hours
Recently saw a video about cursed Tumblr recipes which reminded me of something I cooked up during a summer job at college. It was a drink I liked to call "terminal clarity".
You fill up a glass halfway with sprite, and fill the other half with a quarter glass of xxx vitamin water and a quarter glass of blue powerade.
You'll know you got the ratios right if it turns an unnatural shade of purple or magenta.
It tastes like every flavor at once for half a second, like your taste buds are being violently electrocuted, only for that taste to immediately disappear and leave behind an aftertaste I can only describe as "void". It tastes like nothing I can possibly portray with words, only that it leaves you hollow and questioning whether taste was an experience that ever existed at all. It tastes like loud silence.
I invented this and immediately got covid the next day as divine punishment for my unforgivable sin.
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just-abnormal-human · 8 hours
scrap heap (computer country)
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just-abnormal-human · 8 hours
👏 how 👏 many 👏 shrimps 👏 do 👏 you 👏 hgave 👏 to 👏 eat
👏 before 👏 you 👏 srimps 👏 flimp 👏 geep
👏 eeb 👏 ko 👏 freeg 👏 nan 👏 zo 👏 big 👏 zig
👏 shrimps 👏 are 👏 made 👏 of 👏 shrimp
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just-abnormal-human · 9 hours
Concepts like sex magic and fertility deities in fantasy are actually really interesting to me as a person with a lot of interest in anthropology and mythology like Yes I am curious about the weird sex that elves have but its pretty much exclusively explored by authors who are Weird Horny Dudes and forget about putting that stuff into a d&d campaign
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just-abnormal-human · 13 hours
honestly I hate “can you pet the dog?!?” not for any of the common reasons but because it was initially interesting as a proposition of “can you interact with the world in a way that is not within the primary mechanical loop” and that very quickly fell away to being “well now any indie developer making a game has to have a pet the dog button or they’re going to get letters”
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just-abnormal-human · 15 hours
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Hey guys! Wrapped up a couple big cons, so I'm listing the remaining dice sets!
You know what that means! I don't wanna spend 2 whole days listing them on Etsy!
So! I'm posting them at a slight discount on my Ko-Fi! Next week I'll be taking them down for a smaller convention, then listing them on etsy at a higher price. So please! Check them out and get these the hell outta my office!
Cool Tones Warm Tones and Floral Purples, Pinks, and Pride
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just-abnormal-human · 15 hours
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just-abnormal-human · 15 hours
squinkling her
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just-abnormal-human · 15 hours
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Sakura Stream Dice Sets have been Restocked!
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just-abnormal-human · 15 hours
the DM: and then the reigning champion emerges from a cloud of dust. the four of you stare up at...
the players:
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the DM: ...her...
the players:
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just-abnormal-human · 15 hours
(with hearts in my eyes) i hate him. he sucks so bad
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just-abnormal-human · 15 hours
playing erdtree with my pal we get invaded by someone named "Drip Inspector" and im like "waitwaitwait. ok lets just pose leaning back to back and wait for them to show up maybe our outfits will be so good they wont kill us"
so we wait until they show up and then they get reaaaal close to us . and then pull out their telescope and start circling around us and zooming in for a good 30 seconds. then they clap, use the "wonderful" and "youre beautiful" prattling pates, and jump off a cliff. invader vanquished
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just-abnormal-human · 15 hours
I understand why a lot of fantasy settings with Ambiguously Catholic organised religions go the old "the Church officially forbids magic while practising it in secret in order to monopolise its power" route, but it's almost a shame because the reality of the situation was much funnier.
Like, yes, a lot of Catholic clergy during the Middle Ages did practice magic in secret, but they weren't keeping it secret as some sort of sinister top-down conspiracy to deny magic to the Common People: they were mostly keeping it secret from their own superiors. It wasn't one of those "well, it's okay when we do it" deals: the Church very much did not want its local priests doing wizard shit. We have official records of local priests being disciplined for getting caught doing wizard shit. And the preponderance of evidence is that most of them would take their lumps, promise to stop doing wizard shit, then go right back to doing wizard shit.
It turns out that if you give a bunch of dudes education, literacy, and a lot of time on their hands, some non-zero percentage of them are going to decide to be wizards, no matter how hard you try to stop them from being wizards.
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just-abnormal-human · 15 hours
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just-abnormal-human · 15 hours
rich of this website to be weird little freaks about poly people existing. do the three weed-smoking girlfriends mean nothing to you people?
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