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that’s it
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I just want to be happy. Not sobbing on the bathroom floor. I want to have a good relationship, unlike feeling like shit the whole time I have been in one. I don't want to a depressed mess like I always been. I want to be accepted into society. For my parents to not look at me like I'm a failure. But for me, fairytales never come true.
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I am tired of feeling like I’m not enough, I am tired of doubting myself, I am tired of letting my anxiety get in the way of things , I am tired of feeling so fucking stupid,I am tired of constantly feeling like I’m gonna b a failure,I am tired of feeling like I’m a waste of space , I am tired of questioning why I’m here. Man I just wanna be fucking happy
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Person: “Why do you collect broken shells?”
Me: Because there is always beauty in broken things, you just have to look past it, to see it.
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“If he loved you, you wouldn’t have had to question whether he did love you. You wouldn’t be up night after night crying over how he treats you. If he loved you, you would’ve been happy.”
— abuse is not love
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Funny how one thing you do shows who your real friends are. Its great when you need them most they stab you in the back.
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the worst kind of addiction is being in love with the wrong person.
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They say you’ll feel better once the event passes. I honestly think they’re lying, because all I feel is worse.
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