We can’t forget Wooton and Penny
also Katrina
A List of Current Odyssey Characters Who Need Therapy
I gave some brief explanations for the characters who have may have stuck out as odd.
For your consideration ❤️️
Connie Kendall 
Jason Whittaker 
Eugene Meltsner 
Buck Oliver
Jules Kendall
Emily Jones 
Matthew Parker (he experienced trauma, too, guys. he thought his best friend was going to die for him and felt helpless to stop it)
Bridget Perkins (abandonment issues, extremely guarded about not getting close to others)
John Avery Whittaker (for recently being a child manipulator)
Morrie Rydell
Suzu Rydell
Valerie Swanson (listen to Take Every Thought Captive)
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We can all agree Whit was... Off (his rocker or characterization, time will only tell) but I really loved Morrie. A lot. I didn't originally but I really liked him in all three episodes.
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Oh my god why is this so accurate XD XD
just re-listened to the final scene.
poor emily, my heart aches for her. but yo, she does NOT trust whit at all and was not chill with his answers. if they do not continue with this plot thread, i will be mad. i need an episode with guilty whit when he comes to realize he made really stupid decisions and notices emily doesn’t trust him anymore and whenever she sees him is cagey. 
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WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE THE CREATORS DOING?! Like- Okay the story was entertaining and pulled you in but legit what did they do to Whit?! Like there’s flawed, and then there’s blowing a character’s personality to kingdom come
He’s always put the safety of the kids first, shutting down inventions and revamping his shop to reach them, and help protect them, there were so many episodes centred around how much he cared and protected these kids
aND NOW we’re just cool with psychological torture and lies???? That doesn’t even make sense to literally any of the build up leading up to it, where he felt off and prayed about the mystery for Emily and his fear and investigation into the escape room incident- but now suddenly he knows and he just let it happen “bEcaUse yOU’re sPecIAL”. Like that is the woooooorst possible message to be sharing with kids, and it’s just glossed over because Yay he’s becoming their guardian!!  Idk what to think, how do you even come back from a character butchering like that, you can’t just recover a character after they allow children to be put in life altering situations that can absolutely destroy mental health aaAAAAAAAA
In other news I adore Mori, Tasha is a god and we do not deserve her, imma fite them for not bringing Jason in, and I’m lowkey glad they’re keeping the siblings though I haven’t the foggiest idea how they plan to possibly recover aaaany of this. Also Suzu just casually like “Yeah I stole from deligates for my collection of random things” is the actual best part  XD   I have a soft spot for chaotic sibling duos that have questionable legal sense
Also, quick reminder, I adore Mori, in case that hasn’t been clarified yet
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im sorry but when he said that, this is literally all I could see-
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pls don’t judge me
HI! ‘Scuse me, sorry, just a quick and simple question.
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Right?! This is totally out of left field and part three neeeeds to come out and explain everything, how they’re going to wrap up all the weird offshoots is a mystery. 
Tho Tasha is the hecking best and I’m so glad to see her back, if we don’t get Jason Tasha sarcastic communication I’m going to be extreeeeeemely salty. and Tasha appreciation tumblr is an incredibly valid tumblr
I feel like it’s going to end up tying directly back to their fathers work in the embassy, and while I love espionage and spy stuff far too much, it would be so disjointed and out of left field from all the build up of what they painted Mori to be and the games that were played. 
HI! ‘Scuse me, sorry, just a quick and simple question.
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Aaaaaa I probably should have included my tag screaming in the actual post XD I appreciate the explanation!❤️
I definitely should have phrased it better haha, the post is because I finished listening to the episodes last night haha and- scream
Confusion, chaos, aaAAAAAA
HI! ‘Scuse me, sorry, just a quick and simple question.
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HI! ‘Scuse me, sorry, just a quick and simple question.
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Okay but the idea of Edwin speed quoting Hamlet as he falls has me dying
Katrina, Edwin Blackgaard, Bernard, Agent Bourland, Rodney, aaand Penny! ~ ~ At-My-Whits-End :)
:)) pain 
Push off a cliff - Edwin, being as dramatic as he is, would inevitably quote shakespeare while he went down so he’d be fine
Kiss - platonically Penny because none of others seem smoochable at all
Marry - Katrina, she. send tweet
Set on Fire - Agent Bourland i just despised this dude sm
Wrap a Blanket around - Bernard :’)) we stan our pure grumpy window washer
Be Roommates with - Rodney because this may as well happen, it would be HELL but it would be in taste
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Yeeees, deeewwiiitttt :D
Give me 6 characters and I’ll tell you who i would:
Push off a cliff
Set on Fire
Wrap a Blanket around
Be Roommates with
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Wooten and Penny are so hecking wholesome, they deserve all the happiness and Im highkey excited about where they take their relationship <3
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Oooh good to know! I haven’t yet, I legit just started album 59, I’m working my way up. I’m looking forward to seeing how they develop her!
reblog with your unpopular aio opinions. i want the controversy. 
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Question of the hour:
From a local fan lurker that forgets to check Tumblr way too often- 
Is there an AIO fandom discord?
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oOOoo controversial opinions, my favourite thing in fandom :D
Agreed about some of the new gen, I don’t love some of them, it feels way more whiny/peckish and skippable now
I strongly dislike the Let’s Get Together festival storyline (minus the Comicon/Jules/Buck family, etc), the entire story focus on that irritated the crap out of me and I think was poorly handled on multiple levels
Shakespear and Edwin had a glorious dynamic that should have been showcased far more, someone give Shakespear a medal 
I really don’t care for how they portray Emily and Matthew’s dynamic at times, with her being nasty about his hobbies and interests or how it’s just an accepted ongoing thing her pitching tiny fits and getting salty at Matthew for existing, even the other characters just accepting and moving on as though it’s fine.
Connie Katrina friendship scenes are life and should be highlighted, they have an extremely underrated friendship
reblog with your unpopular aio opinions. i want the controversy. 
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Okay straight up Penny and Connie are so similar in the weirdest things; after binging through random albums things were so fresh in my mind that I did a whole double-take at the way Penny and Connie handled being proposed to identically 
Both of them put answering on hold to focus on figuring out what being married would mean for their relationships and their lives overall, and like looking for big symbolism in smaller things????  Straight up mirrors of each other, in a weird not-exact way XD
I've actually noticed a weird set of parallels between the classic sagas and Green Ring/Let’s Get Together, etc, and I can’t tell if they’re clever references or just unintentional mimics
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I’m on a full scale AIO binge of later albums to catch up and refresh rn and there are so many details I could scream about idek where I’d begin aaAAAA
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Theory Time: Connie's stuffed giraffe is named Sparky. And that's how Mitch chose his new screen name.
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