Knives: *floats their way over to Bakugou* Hii Katsuki!
Bakugo: What do you want?
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Knives: *humming*
Yuga: They like this ghost story simply because of who’s telling it.
Joyride: *BLUSH* Shut up!
Mina: Wow, your face is more red than a shiny gyarados!
Hagakure: Just tell him you like him already!
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Me: Sure, Aizawa-Sensei... *mumbles some not flattering things about Bakugo under his breath*
Joyride: Getting back on topic... I wonder if Unova has any cool pokemon legends.
Todoroki: It has more to do with legendary pokemon from Sinnoh than Unova, but it does happen in Unova. *infodumps basically about this YouTube video*
Joyride: *blushing* That’s so cool!
Hitoshi: I thought you didn’t like ghost stories.
Joyride: Shut up!
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It's not murder. It's aggrivated battery. Maybe grivieous bodily harm. Attempted murder if he gets a good lawyer.
Aizawa: Don’t kill each other. Or push each other out of windows.
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*gets very VERY much in his personal space, and whispers* I will shove your head through a window, and laugh as you fall to the ground.
Kirishima: *gets between you two* Or we could not try to kill each other
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Me: *sighs* Just... Ignore this dickhead, Izu
Kirishima: Bakugo...
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Me: What did I wake up to...
Bakugo: All Might’s secret lovechild is in denial.
Midoriya: You don’t... really think I’m All Might’s secret lovechild... right, Kacchan?
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*slowly waking up* For fuck's sake...
Midoriya: Why does everyone think I’m All Might’s secret lovechild?
Joyride: You’re both humans with incredible strength and the only two humans who have ever gotten into UA
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Ryu: Y-yeah.
Syd: The guy’s older than pickled plums you forgot in the back of the fridge. He looks like them too.
Sam: It’s fine Izuku. If it’s some “secret lovechild” thing or whatever midnight redbull theory Shoto comes up with, or it’s literally nothing, we understand if it’s a secret.
Joyride: Even if it is nothing, you’ll never be able to convince anyone that it is. Pretty much everyone thinks you’re All Might’s secret lovechild.
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Syd: Izu, my dude, got any theories about it?
Nexus: Shoto’s the theorist
Syd: Yeah but Izu’s the fanboy.
Midoriya: All Might told me not to tell anyone. Sorry.
Todoroki: All For One’s a Silvally. He’s able to change his type and the types of others. So maybe he had a human friend a long time ago and he was able to give them the abilities of a fighting type hybrid and All Might and Midoriya are descendants of that human friend.
Joyride: *whispers* He’s so perfect...
Midoriya: I am not All Might’s secret lovechild!
Joyride: I think that explains it pretty well, because didn’t All For One say something about having been around for centuries?
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Nexus: Legenday and Mythical pokemon are still an interesting and important part of our history Bakugou. Without all of them working in harmony with one another there could be disasterous consequences for our world.
Syd: I think someone’s just jealous that he’s not a legendary, right Ryu?
Ryu: Sssydney!
Bakugo: You don’t have to be a legendary to be the best
Midoriya: Yeah! All Might was the best for years and he’s a human!
Bakugo: Shut up! No one asked you!
Mina: Kinda makes you wonder, though. If All Might isn’t a hybrid, how is he so strong?
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*asleep on my desk*
Kirishima: Honestly, if it wasn’t for Rayquaza’s excellent peacemaking abilities, the fight between Groudon and Kyogre probably would have destroyed Hoenn.
Kaminari: Woah. Hey, Kacchan! Are there any cool legends from Johto?
Bakugo: They don’t matter.
Kirishima: Huh?
Bakugo: You know what? Here’s one! Once upon a time, there was a pokemon called Mew. Its genes contained the DNA of every pokemon that ever existed and ever will exist. Humans knew this, and used it to create so many legendary and mythical hybrids that myths and legends don’t matter anymore because the pokemon they’re about aren’t any more rare than some shitty ass bug type!
Sero: Hey! I can hear you, you know!
Bakugo: Shut up, Spinarak!
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@sam-i-am-2337 @blakentologist @emperorofallthings I’m bored send an ask
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Syd: *gasp* Aizawa ships it!
Ryu: That or he jussst doesssn’t want to deal with any more drama from our classss.
Nexus: Ryu’s got a point there.
Yuga: Joy, he’s got you helpless~
Joyride: * B  L  U  S  H *
Hitoshi: Wow, your face is redder than Kirishima’s hair!
Joyride: SHUT UP!!
Aizawa: Leave Joyride alone.
Hitoshi and Yuga: Fine. 
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JJ: Fiiiiiiiiiiine
Yuga: Each other’s feelings? Todoroki has a crush on Joyride? *gasp* Magnifique!
Aizawa: *deep sigh*
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JJ: But ya do~
Joyride: *B L U S H* SHUT UP!!
Yuga: Joyride’s got a crush~ Joyride’s got a crush~
Joyride: Dad!
Aizawa: *deep sigh* Quit antagonizing Joyride. *quietly* Let Joyride and Todoroki continue to be oblivious to each other’s feelings for them.
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