just-my-pot-of-tea · 1 year
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We were children, and they sent us to war.
------- [Alt Text: four image post beginning with a cadet running through the rain on Kamino, a puddle reflecting Umbara beneath him. There is text reading WE WERE CHILDREN and it follows with a bloodied clone trooper slamming a rifle into the ground where a broken clone helmet sits. He is screaming. There is text behind him repeating GOOD SOLDIERS FOLLOW ORDERS, GOOD SOLDIERS DIE. The next image is prceeded by the words AND THEY SENT US and depicts the same man in clone armor which is greyscale standing in front of a half melted skull. Lines indicate mandalorian armor on top of him, like a ghost of the future. He looks broken and sad and the text reads YOU HAVE BECOME SCARS, AND DENIAL...and above the last image is are the words TO WAR followed by a red dominated image of the same clone in green and yellow mandalorian armor now. He turns away from a lonely clone trooper helmet and dc-15s blaster which are set in front of a monument reflecting past clone's shoes. It appears he is walking away. The text in the image is YOU ARE MY DESTROYER.]
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just-my-pot-of-tea · 1 year
Every 21st century piece of writing advice: Make us CARE about the character from page 1! Make us empathize with them! Make them interesting and different but still relatable and likable!
Every piece of classic literature: Hi. It's me. The bland everyman whose only purpose is to tell you this story. I have no actual personality. Here's the story of the time I encountered the worst people I ever met in my life. But first, ten pages of description about the place in which I met them.
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just-my-pot-of-tea · 1 year
“credit goes to the artist! :)”
well unfortunately it really fucking didn’t, is the thing
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just-my-pot-of-tea · 1 year
we are in a media literacy crisis
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just-my-pot-of-tea · 1 year
shout out to girls (me) who want to look femme (me) but who grow facial hair extremely quickly (me) and are suffering (me)
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just-my-pot-of-tea · 1 year
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Clockwork Rapunzel
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just-my-pot-of-tea · 1 year
Love the contrast between the Americans’ “Apollo” and the Soviets’ “Sputnik.” You got the Americans naming their rocket after a Greek god trying to communicate the grandness and importance of this rocket. And you got the Soviets naming their rocket “fellow traveler.” Like a friend you go on an  adventure with together. This rocket is our little friend lol 
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just-my-pot-of-tea · 1 year
I think the only person I've met in real life with 100% career satisfaction was this gal I knew who was a presenter at a children's science museum and delivered every line like she was running a WWE match. Every time you passed the room where she was giving a presentation, you'd hear something like "WHO'S READY FOR CEPHALOPODS?!?" and the kids would go absolutely nuts cheering.
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just-my-pot-of-tea · 1 year
night's sleep for 12+ hours: i want to lay here forever if i have to leave this place terrible things will happen
night's sleep for 9 hours: i am a human animal and i will eat a meal and exercise while engaging in social intercourse
night's sleep for 6 hours: im up im awake im doing stuff I'm good
night's sleep for 5 hours: the world is fundamentally an evil place
night's sleep for 4 hours: the world is an uncaring place
night's sleep for 3 hours: the world is made of a thin film of breakable craftpaper
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just-my-pot-of-tea · 1 year
if theres one thing about me. im going to put a period in the middle of my sentence. for dramatic effect.
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just-my-pot-of-tea · 1 year
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just-my-pot-of-tea · 1 year
I just came back on to tumblr for 5 minutes after being not allowed to even speak of it for several months and so far the only things I have gotten on my feed are massive text inspirational quotes
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just-my-pot-of-tea · 1 year
Kind of a Reddit AITA post but sometimes it is a little funny to fuck with people in ways that deliberately conform to a stereotype of what they must think of you. the other day I was talking to my friend and I randomly said that I wanted a pet chimpanzee. I'd dress it in person clothes (dungarees and hats) and I'd teach it to love science fiction. And this girl nearby was like "you know how dangerous those things are, right? Also how unethical it is to keep an ape as your pet for your own amusement" and I was already seeing where the conversation was going so I was pretending ignorance like "yea but it wouldn't just be for my amusement. It would have practical points too." And she ignored that statement entirely to say "Well chimpanzees can rip faces off" and I was like. What's the most frustrating thing I can say now. Finally settled on "Mine wouldn't do that though." and you could tell she wanted to hurt me very very badly. Like a chimpanzee would if I had one as a pet
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just-my-pot-of-tea · 1 year
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just-my-pot-of-tea · 1 year
pride month!!!
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just-my-pot-of-tea · 1 year
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just-my-pot-of-tea · 1 year
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