just-quirky-artee · 6 years
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Sympathy for the Blue Screen of Death is just what I needed to read this week, honestly. I loved it and I could relate to it. Also, it had some insightful things jam packed into it that are pretty great for Hellweek™. I’m glad to know that I can have a little more peace with Blue. Learning about glitch art makes me think that Blue is just appreciating the glitch art style.
Reading the section of Kafer that talked about NASA and the use of self-managing drugs to help the body is interesting to me. Though, I don’t know if it’s such a great idea. I still don’t really have a side on Cyborgs. I can’t tell what it is about it, maybe that I need to really talk about it with some people, before I can understand it more. Though, I do like the quote “cyborgs are the people who refuse to disappear on cue.” This made me think of the episodes we watched last week. They refused to quit.
The piece by Monica Mohapatra is interesting to me because I categorize things in my life through color. Not to the extent that Monica does but by like overall times. My very young life I see as orange (and zebras) because it was my favorite color(an animal). Last year, with my ex, I see yellow. Which is ironic because looking back that was probably one of the most emotionally damaging time in my life. I think I picture yellow because I had to tell myself I was happy and yellow is supposed to be happy.
Right now, I see blue. I think that’s because my relationship with my family is strange right now. Lots of arguing and silent looks. My parents get to see me more but they don’t listen as much. When I would see they last year, we did a lot of catch up because we missed each other. Now they don’t care or ridicule things I show them. Literally last night when I showed them my painting final my dad asked me to move out of the way of the TV.
Whatevs. But I’m blue right now.  
(this gif is @ them)
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just-quirky-artee · 6 years
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just-quirky-artee · 6 years
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I think these two episodes are similar in that they both have to persevere and overcome something challenging to them. Working through that is difficult on it’s own but they had a support system. As a teacher, I think it’s vital to use popular culture in our lessons. There’s been plenty of times that my older teachers have made a reference to some obscure thing that no one knows but them. That never helped us learn. But specifically with the topics of violence and vulnerability, pop culture cultivates a space where students can feel open to learning and reacting to it.
Kafer is making more sense as it goes on but one aspect that I really liked in this section is the brief topic of animal companions. It moved into the next portion nicely. Also I’m having lots of thoughts about everything and I can’t seem to focus on anything right now. So, in a way, I also relate to the episodes. I need to overcome these next few weeks.
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just-quirky-artee · 6 years
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just-quirky-artee · 6 years
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Christine Sun Kims work is pretty awesome, along with her commentary. She said: "Universal design?" That can really water down other people's work, and mine. There needs to be much more space for us to experiment and try new ideas for making art inclusive. That would also push art/ideas much further with new questions.” That made me think of why aren’t we asking these questions. Why are there so many things that people are uncomfortable talking about? Myself included, there are plenty of things people prefer not talk about. Mostly feelings, but also how we’re so different from one another. Different isn’t a scary thing but there's so many fields out there that act like it is. I thought art was less concerned with that, at least in rva, but I guess not. I had to unlearn that, even in a community you feel comfortable in, you might not be be accounted for. I’m sure everyone's felt that way before. It also makes me think to the guidelines of how many classes you can miss in AFO. I understand that instructional time is important and useful but so is health, in all it’s forms.
Anyways, Kafer is a big article but I think this video matched so well with it. It kinda gave me a little more understanding into the reading. Also when she summed up what she wanted to talk about. That being said, cyborg and the space at which to comprehend this topic is still growing for me. It’s not something we talk about often, as I mentioned earlier.
This sound thing is my inner thoughts of one of my larger insecurities, my teeth. Sometimes it sounds like people laughing, sometimes it sounds like people asking if I eat wood like a beaver. It comes and goes. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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just-quirky-artee · 6 years
do u ever just expand
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just-quirky-artee · 6 years
Punny Birthday Parties
Elite 2: Indesign
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just-quirky-artee · 6 years
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just-quirky-artee · 6 years
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I think that control is something that everyone seems to assume they have in their lives, and admitting that they don’t is how things get out of hand. Because of my age, I’d say that parents put a lot of pressure on their kids to know what they’re doing right out of high school. They have to know how to control situations they’ve never been in before and if they lose control or admit they don’t know what’s going on, then they’re a screw-up.
One reason we might romanticize someone “losing their mind” is because we all go through something like that and seeing other people go through it makes it seem like all these pressures don’t matter as much. Or maybe that when we “lose our minds” we’re actually being our most regular self. The self filled with all of the pressures from society.
This reading is challenging my thoughts. It’s interesting and I’m down for it but I need to read it more and more and more until it all makes sense. One thing I do like that it mentioned is the people first language set. I’m really glad that’s enacted now and I hope people make conscious decisions about addressing folks.
Landscapes was an interesting video also. It made me very happy to watch, honestly. I’m very glad that a space like this exists. Artists communities of all kinds can be so wholesome. Also, the caption used the people first language skill set.
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just-quirky-artee · 6 years
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just-quirky-artee · 6 years
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I (eye) am in control but it’s all moving so suddenly. However, observant and constant. A monochrome gif that focuses on subtle, repetitive surface movement. 
That’s what I thought of first. I really like this piece because this is often how it feels when I walk around RVA. It’s all kinda blurry. I have to take the time to observe and this gif forces me to watch how things move slowly over the surface. 
So, I oddly have a handful of friends who wish they had a tech body part. One friend in particular really wishes he had a mostly tech infused body. It’s honestly one of his greatest goals in life is to, at some point, require a prosthetic. My counter to that conversation was that not everyone who has these prosthetics got them by choice and it was just strange to me that someone would wish to forgo trauma to achieve that. BUT Kafer states “the relationship between disability and technology is discussed only in terms of the devices' ability to normalize the body and/or to restore its previous function; there is nothing else to discuss, apparently, and the devices' value is assumed.” Apparently my friend was onto something years ago.
Another interesting point to me was the blurring of the binary. There’s varying degrees of cyborgs and that’s a pretty nifty thing to say. It sorta relates to the gif I chose because of the blur effect. 
Honestly, I don’t know how I feel about this language set or even the way we talk about disability in today's world. It’s very clouded on what makes a person this or that, and our lexicon doesn’t make it any easier to decipher.
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just-quirky-artee · 6 years
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I gotta say, the Kafer reading was packed full of things I didn’t quite grasp, but it all seemed interesting. The connotation of cyborg is such an odd thing to me, I never really thought of it existing beyond science and movies. I honestly can’t even fathom full human beings that have been designed by someone. That’s the thing about movie cyborgs, they’re all made by someone else. Someone in power, usually, and they might always have the best intentions with the technology.
Media performance is also constructed by someone who (probably) has some sort of technological insight. Yes, live performances have layers of conceptual madness that could send someone into an existential crisis but, media performance has this added layer. One that has to be worked on. I think that’s incredibly evident in Dumb Type. The information on the performance mentions communication as a new love. That’s precisely what media performance does, communicates. The performers communicates with the screen, the viewers, and themselves for an overall mind-blowing experience.
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just-quirky-artee · 6 years
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just-quirky-artee · 7 years
Well, I think that question can be opened up to any invention, innovation, inspiration that’s been created before the 2000’s. The conversation of what has made by whom and for what reason has always been a very narrow view of straight old white dudes. Conversations recently have shifted and I really enjoy hearing about artists and authors that fit outside the mythic norm. Educating young mind about people who may or may not be different than them will help them have a more rounded vocabulary, visual reference bank, and overall better understanding of the world.
I like the point in the Anthropy article where it says “what I want from video games.” Wanting something is the first step to changing something and we change things because it NEEDS to be changed. So, I would say what I want from something may be the same as what is needed from society. I, personally, want more acceptance. The world needs that. It seems like video games do also.
Oh and the dys4ia game wasn’t loading or like didn’t show up for me? The reviews are awesome though!
And again the club rothko builder thing wasn’t working and I googled it to try to figure out how to fix it and nothing solved anything. Maybe one day they’ll work, years from now, and I’ll repost these.
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just-quirky-artee · 7 years
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You know, out of all the things that I’ve been encouraged to look more harshly at, video games was not one of them. Which is silly but I never really thought about it being such a narrowed field for people to create in. Since I was little, I’ve tried to play “indie” games more because I SUCK at popularized video games. And at this point in my life, I play video games for nostalgic reasons. (like the Night of a 100 Frights - Scooby Doo) I always assumed indie games we’re made by people who wanted to have a more meaningful conversation over something that they created.
That being said, the Anthropy article was well informed and make me take all of the games I’ve ever played and brought them back for me to review. Like literally none of them have been women centric. However, in this one zombie game my dad played, the group leader of another group avoiding zombies was a mom of 2 kids who survived through the game so I was really glad they didn’t kill her off. But yeah, almost like no games aren’t male centric.
The Game: The Game is such a cool topic. I want to learn more about it and other games that push for a change in the video game world. It goes beyond what the story is and what the mechanics are. It’s who the people are who made them and why the did it in the first place.
One thing I really like about exposing the truth behind things like this is that it gets my brain thinking about what’s next. What else can we talk about. What’s some other discourse and how can I educate others about how the universe is a little f’ed up.
>>>>>>>>The website wasn’t working long enough for me to get in there and mess around but I’ll revisit it tomorrow. For the mean time, here’s the gif of the word I made using Piskel. 
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just-quirky-artee · 7 years
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(I think glitch art is crazy and awesome)
I liked that the reading was so layered and complex. You’d have to sit there and click on everything to get the full picture. It’s complex. It’s time consuming. Navigating through the website made you be thorough. I liked that with each link, it was like part of the “code” of the “game.” And in a way, if you don’t click on it, it’s like a glitch. It’s a missing part of the whole picture, if you don’t click on it. Last trainer, I said yes a glitch can be constructed. It’s literally missing information, which is what a glitch is. Also, because someone is interacting with this, and may not see or know all of the different paths, their actions are essentially creating a not intended glitch.
I may be playing the word glitch too loosely but it fits nicely in the direction I’m trying to take.  
So when I was playing the Queers In Love game, I played through a couple of options. The one I would most likely choose, the one I wouldn’t, and the ones that I thought would produce an interesting result. Well, I hit the back button on the browser and that makes another timer pop up. Sorta like a glitch. I kept clicking it. It was a pretty cool effect, but it let me read each section longer. So in a way, glitches are way more enabling in certain spaces. In light of family at the moment, i feel that time is so short. Choose wisely but be true to you. 
I liked using twine for an interactive article because it was really up to me to get into what I was reading. I could chose how much I wanted to learn. It’s like simplified complexity. It was also sorta adventurous. I also really liked how some clicks were to another website entirely because it brings in a multimodal aspect that can’t be achieved in typical articles.
>>>>>>> Making these gifs made me feel better, so thank you for being rad, as always. Also twine is like totally wicked. (ya know, as the cool kids say.)
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just-quirky-artee · 7 years
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>>>>>>>FIRST OFF THIS WEBSITE HAD ME SCREAMING IN MY ROOM FOR LIKE AN HOUR (the 5th gif is a heart made out of my face and hair)
Yes, it is still a glitch. In the Wolfgang interactive article/game, it describes glitch art as a “way to exploit wrongess as a creative device.” I like the idea that things that are supposed to be a broken code lead to better understandings of the world, for a few reasons. The first one being, if something is broken you are forced to work through it to accomplish your goal. You’re forced to make critical decisions that can make or break the final product. It’s like a virtual representation of the process of critical thinking.
Secondly, the idea of making something to look like it’s not working is such an interesting idea to me. Humans are a species of pattern. This form of art disrupts that and that is so appealing to me. It’s breaking the “norm” in a variety of ways. From content to coding to aesthetics.
Speaking of content, I appreciate learning about glitch art through the lense of girlhood because it pairs with each other so nicely. It’s the stepping stone, the thing that breaks the norms, the vital part of itself.
I also liked the video cause I’m totally against the “don’t get boys pink things because that’s the girl color” ideology. Plus, I don’t like the color pink, does that mean I’m not a girl? No. It’s so freaking silly to me that colors dedicate someone's identity.
- Do not open if you’re prone to seizures -
“Literally, a glitch is a ‘spike or change in voltage in an electrical current,’ an occurrence with extreme, unpredictable, and potentially fatal results.”
http://www.staggeringbeauty.com/ - This website totally reminded me of this and idk why but it’s always been really interesting to see.
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