just-rin-for-now · 1 year
Purple-Gold eyes snap towards the new edition to the clearing, and the feathers on his head flatten to his skull while the rest of the feathers puff up as he lets out a snarling hiss.
When the other speaks, glowing eyes slowly blink as the bird evaluates the other while still letting out a deep growl.
A shielded presence cautiously presses against the Sith, a presence as if warmth, yet a blizzard ready to bury everything in its path., an odd balance of sorts.
The bird-like being slowly blinks, the growls lessening, and he snorts, slowly de-puffing, a clear sign for the Sith to go ahead and free him, yet the bird let's out a clear warning as he hisses one last time, a drip of acid falling onto the ground melting deep into the grassy land., before he snorts, and stills to allow for easier cutting of the net.
Low and loud displeased growling echo out for further then should be possible in the forested planet of Yavin 4., only interrupted by a spitted hissing whenever something approaches., and the growling turns louder., as the source bites at the steal netting with its sharp beak, claws leaking acid scratching at the nets, three long feathered/furred tails lashing out from where they stick out from the net.
Golden purple eyes glare out., as the being's feathers bristle wildly.,
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just-rin-for-now · 1 year
Low and loud displeased growling echo out for further then should be possible in the forested planet of Yavin 4., only interrupted by a spitted hissing whenever something approaches., and the growling turns louder., as the source bites at the steal netting with its sharp beak, claws leaking acid scratching at the nets, three long feathered/furred tails lashing out from where they stick out from the net.
Golden purple eyes glare out., as the being's feathers bristle wildly.,
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just-rin-for-now · 2 years
A considering hum answers as she thinks.,
"I suppose so, however being Mandalorian is more then being 'cool'., it is to follow Resol'nare and being Ijaat-Verd." Being an Honorable Warrior.,
It feels odd to speak more then a word or sentence at most a day... at least her Ori'vod will be proud she's.. socializing..
Anyone wanna cudd- Imean- hang out? Hang out like adults and- Talk about... Stuff?
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just-rin-for-now · 2 years
Anyone wanna cudd- Imean- hang out? Hang out like adults and- Talk about... Stuff?
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just-rin-for-now · 2 years
"Sure I suppose.," A Mandalorian tilts her head, the raise of the brow obvious even with the helmet on,
Anyone wanna cudd- Imean- hang out? Hang out like adults and- Talk about... Stuff?
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just-rin-for-now · 2 years
I was wondering, a lot of your OCs (which I love by the way) have names starting with A or Ae, is that a family thing, a tradition of some sort or just a general aesthetic theme? Sorry if you’ve already answered this!
I am so glad you asked this! Like, literally my first reaction to seeing this was "Yay! Someone noticed this!" And it makes me so happy that you like my wacky little OC family. So thank you so much for this ask!😁
It kind of all started with Aeony. I wound up really liking the AE. And the combo also made it a little easier to find or make up other unique names that had not already been taken on the server. So that's the shorter, sort of back-end answer.
Since a trend was starting, I came up with a more in-world explanation for the AE: It became a tradition of the Silverblade family to name their daughters AE names (either beginning with or containing the combo) starting out way back for good fortune and is still observed out of a sense of familial obligation.
In the case of Falx, who I created before Aeony and the AE theme, I headcanoned that her name at birth was Aember, which was changed by her masters after she was enslaved. So her "Alternate Universe" self in which she becomes a smuggler is meant to reflect that!
(I definitely didn't overthink any of this! 😂)
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just-rin-for-now · 2 years
I was wondering, a lot of your OCs (which I love by the way) have names starting with A or Ae, is that a family thing, a tradition of some sort or just a general aesthetic theme? Sorry if you’ve already answered this!
I am so glad you asked this! Like, literally my first reaction to seeing this was "Yay! Someone noticed this!" And it makes me so happy that you like my wacky little OC family. So thank you so much for this ask!😁
It kind of all started with Aeony. I wound up really liking the AE. And the combo also made it a little easier to find or make up other unique names that had not already been taken on the server. So that's the shorter, sort of back-end answer.
Since a trend was starting, I came up with a more in-world explanation for the AE: It became a tradition of the Silverblade family to name their daughters AE names (either beginning with or containing the combo) starting out way back for good fortune and is still observed out of a sense of familial obligation.
In the case of Falx, who I created before Aeony and the AE theme, I headcanoned that her name at birth was Aember, which was changed by her masters after she was enslaved. So her "Alternate Universe" self in which she becomes a smuggler is meant to reflect that!
(I definitely didn't overthink any of this! 😂)
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just-rin-for-now · 2 years
I was wondering, a lot of your OCs (which I love by the way) have names starting with A or Ae, is that a family thing, a tradition of some sort or just a general aesthetic theme? Sorry if you’ve already answered this!
I am so glad you asked this! Like, literally my first reaction to seeing this was "Yay! Someone noticed this!" And it makes me so happy that you like my wacky little OC family. So thank you so much for this ask!😁
It kind of all started with Aeony. I wound up really liking the AE. And the combo also made it a little easier to find or make up other unique names that had not already been taken on the server. So that's the shorter, sort of back-end answer.
Since a trend was starting, I came up with a more in-world explanation for the AE: It became a tradition of the Silverblade family to name their daughters AE names (either beginning with or containing the combo) starting out way back for good fortune and is still observed out of a sense of familial obligation.
In the case of Falx, who I created before Aeony and the AE theme, I headcanoned that her name at birth was Aember, which was changed by her masters after she was enslaved. So her "Alternate Universe" self in which she becomes a smuggler is meant to reflect that!
(I definitely didn't overthink any of this! 😂)
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just-rin-for-now · 2 years
The Tooka bleps at her
( @covertmedicine )
Fel will shake his head casually.
“Not that I know of Doc, other than what you see I think I’m pretty standard on health.”
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just-rin-for-now · 2 years
The Tooka, after a while, prys away the toy from the medics hands, and hops on the bed, on the opposite end of the patient, setting the somewhat gnawed bandage toy on the middle, and curling up, once more on the other end, far enough to not startle, yet close enough for potential pets
Once they enter the new room, Fel will shift on his heels a bit, a hand coming up to rub against the back of his own neck.
"Well I uh- Ain't going to lie to ya doc' but there really isn't a cough... It's been my way of gettin' out of uncomfortable situations or changing topics really. Not that I want to admit it, embarrassment really I guess." The treasure hunter will sigh and admit, hand falling from his neck to his side again.
"I sure hope I didn't waste your time... If that was the main reason ya called me out here."
"See, my newer friends seem to be enjoying prickling my scales."
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just-rin-for-now · 2 years
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@nekorinnie ‘s Ongin!
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just-rin-for-now · 2 years
She patiently waits., watching the makeshift toy, ear time to time twitching as it moves
Once they enter the new room, Fel will shift on his heels a bit, a hand coming up to rub against the back of his own neck.
"Well I uh- Ain't going to lie to ya doc' but there really isn't a cough... It's been my way of gettin' out of uncomfortable situations or changing topics really. Not that I want to admit it, embarrassment really I guess." The treasure hunter will sigh and admit, hand falling from his neck to his side again.
"I sure hope I didn't waste your time... If that was the main reason ya called me out here."
"See, my newer friends seem to be enjoying prickling my scales."
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just-rin-for-now · 2 years
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@grandninjamasterren ‘s Kivath
I am not responsible for the amount of times they reblog this lol
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just-rin-for-now · 2 years
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Someone throw me their SWTOR oc. I need something to draw.
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just-rin-for-now · 2 years
The Tooka hasn't moved for a while, silently staring at the toy
Once they enter the new room, Fel will shift on his heels a bit, a hand coming up to rub against the back of his own neck.
"Well I uh- Ain't going to lie to ya doc' but there really isn't a cough... It's been my way of gettin' out of uncomfortable situations or changing topics really. Not that I want to admit it, embarrassment really I guess." The treasure hunter will sigh and admit, hand falling from his neck to his side again.
"I sure hope I didn't waste your time... If that was the main reason ya called me out here."
"See, my newer friends seem to be enjoying prickling my scales."
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just-rin-for-now · 2 years
The Tooka goes from staring at the patient, to staring at makeshift toy, ears perked straight, completely still as she watched the new *prey*
Once they enter the new room, Fel will shift on his heels a bit, a hand coming up to rub against the back of his own neck.
"Well I uh- Ain't going to lie to ya doc' but there really isn't a cough... It's been my way of gettin' out of uncomfortable situations or changing topics really. Not that I want to admit it, embarrassment really I guess." The treasure hunter will sigh and admit, hand falling from his neck to his side again.
"I sure hope I didn't waste your time... If that was the main reason ya called me out here."
"See, my newer friends seem to be enjoying prickling my scales."
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just-rin-for-now · 2 years
Sketched the Tooka
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