That, Penta, is a small pearl that rolled out of a portal for no apparent reason. Perhaps if you try to do something with it, it could do something pretty cool.
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Penta laughs at the first part of the ask.
Penta: well I can SEE that it's a random pearl, but I have no idea what it's doing here!
Penta: but what do you mean, do something with it?
Penta looks at the weird warm pearl that rolled out of a mysterious portal.
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Penta: ...
Penta: should I lick it or something...?
@ask-cookie-annons-crew @walffin
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(@ask-cookie-annons-crew) *A purplish-pink pearl rolls from a portal*
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The pearl rolls out of the portal and lands on the ground.
Penta picks it up, looking confused.
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Penta: what's this???
Penta: is it supposed to do something...???
Penta is confused.
Then they turn to you.
Penta: Can you tell me what this is?
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Dr. Cool: So Cube, how was your time as CTM? And are you struggling with it as off now.
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She is speaking very quietly.
Cube: h-how do you even know about that...?
Cube: B-but to answer your question...
Cube: It was... horrible...
Cube: ...I guess you could say I'm still struggling with it...
Cube: It wasn't me... but also it was me...?
Cube: ...
Cube: I almost killed some of my closest friends...
Cube: But these triangles help stay as... well, me...
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Cube: Though I'd appreciate it if you don't talk about... that... too much...
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-A small orange bird hops out of a portal and flutters close to Sq- “I understand that everyone else’s attempts have failed for the most part, but honestly we just wanna ask questions and hang out.” -Tries to move closer- “Can I at least ask what you are doing? I will kick myself out afterwards”
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Sq: ...
Sq kneels down in front of you and stares at you critically for a long time.
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You started feeling uncomfortable, but then he started to talk to you.
Sq: you seem harmless enough...
Sq picks you up with a hand and floats off the ground a bit. He seemed to be generally apathetic, resting his head on his hand as he talked to you.
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Sq: you don't have to kick yourself out... I guess.
He mutters something under his breath...
Sq: as for what I was doing...
Sq: well I was mostly just feeling sorry for myself for upsetting Penta,
Sq: but you're apparently not dead.
Sq: so that's pretty good. I guess...
Sq: Long as they're happy...
Sq: ... just... one thing about what you said.
Sq: why would you wanna talk to me? And hang out with me?
Sq: I literally tried to kill you???
He frowns.
But on the ground a distance behind him, another portal opened.
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Sq: ?
Sq: . . .
Sq's expression darkened as he turned to Heartless...
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Sq: Maybe you should leave little birdy...
Sq: cause I don't take very kindly to threats.
Your vision flickers out, leaving you with a blank screen apart from some text.
(for now...)
@walffin @pink-hearts-ask-blog
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Pardon me, I'm not sure if anyones asked you this yet... But, where is circle?
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Penta: nah, you're the first to ask!
Penta: but their name is Circe, and they said they were feeling tired earlier.
Penta laughs a bit.
Penta: either they are off visiting their 'secret bff', or actually sleeping.
They sigh look off to the side looking slightly guilty.
Penta: but Circe probably won't like that I told you about Blixer. 'specially if Sq finds out...
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Well, this one can ignore, but, what happened to Blixe? (I do not know his name: v)
(I've actually been waiting on this one for a while cause I wanted a perfect moment but I feel like I've waited too long on it so oh well)
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Penta: Are you talking about Blixer? Like, that big pink circle guy?
Penta: well uh...
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Penta: he basically,
Penta: stole the treeangle and tried to take over Paradise (where we are right now) with corruption.
Penta: but then we had to fight him. Like... 3 times? I think?
Penta: and then we beat him for realsies with Tio and all that, and now he just hangs out in the little cave we originally found him in.
Penta: Sq despises him, and kinda threatens him to the point of Blixer not really leaving that cave... ever.
Penta: It makes Circe and Cube really unhappy...
Penta: But if Sq is preoccupied, then I might be able to sneak you all over there sometime to meet him?
Penta then leans in close to the device and whispers to you.
Penta: (also, this is a secret, but Circe visits Blixer actually quite a lot.)
Penta: (I think they're friends. But don't tell Sq!)
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Alright.. I guess someone should explain anons to you.. We can interact with you in a few ways, one of which is “Anonymous”. Those Anons were people who switched on this.. ability to interact with you in a violent manner without their names being shown. And no I’m not one of them.
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Penta: Yeah, that makes sense. I'm glad you told us.
Penta: and yeah, we're both fine.
Tri: yknow it woulda been more helpful before we were attacked.
Tri appears furious. She is glaring daggers at the device.
Penta: Tri, calm down. Everything is fine.
Tri: we all could have gotten hurt and you say it's fine?!
Tri: it is NOT fine!
She cut off, she blinked a few times and looked away.
After a few seconds of silence she speed-walked away somewhere.
You could hear her mumble something along the lines of 'I'm sorry, I'll go calm down'
Penta sighs
Penta: okay, so it's just me again, I guess.
@star-webbing @walffin
I apologize again on the lack of updates. Especially today, tomorrow, and the next day, I will probably not be able to get anything out.
After Tuesday I should have much more free time to work on this and I might have more consistent updates.
Consistent updates is a maybe.
But keep in mind I will still try to get in things when I can even before that free time, so I hope to not keep you waiting too long.
Overall point: I'll have more frequent updates after a few days.
Thank you and have a nice day/night/morning/evening!
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*stabby stabs penta*
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Penta just appears confused, while Tri looks to be really surprised by this, and maybe scared?
Cube covered her eyes and ran a little distance away. She was sure they could take care of it.
The two anons hop out of the portals, and leap towards the two.
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Penta seems still just confused, with no hints of fear, while Tri whips around to her attacker with now what seems to be a bit of anger.
You (Penta's attacker) leapt at Penta, but with a flash of green, they were gone, causing you to crash to the ground.
You dropped your knife and sunglasses, and are aware of Penta floating above you.
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Penta: erm... I know this'll sound a bit mean, but that was the easiest thing I've ever had to dodge.
Penta: but um... Nice try?
You get up, grabbing your knife but leaving the glasses and try again. Penta is dashing all around you very quickly so you didn't even know where to swing.
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Penta laughed.
Penta: haha! This is so much fun! I missed this!
You feel the knife being tugged out of your hand, and look up to see Penta holding it with the same smile, they then turn to where the other anon was fighting Tri and threw the knife.
It hit the other anon's arm, causing black blood to drip from the wound. They stumble backwards into a new portal which closes immediately after they fall through.
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Penta then turns to you as another portal opens under you, closing before they could do anything.
You start to think this was a bad idea.
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Pink heart: *hugs the four shapes*
Another portal opens, but a new shape steps out. The shape isn't grey like the last one was though.
You give Tri and Penta hugs first.
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Tri: why can't you people just leave me the fuck out of these hugs???
Penta: cause they like youuu!
Tri: don't say that. It sounds weird.
She shivers and moves away from you at the first chance she gets
Penta teasingly sticks their tongue out at her while her back is turned, then laughs.
You then go to hug Cube, who happily returns it.
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You make a peace sign to the device as you looped an arm over her shoulder.
Cube: I really appreciate the hugs.
She smiles sweetly, and hugs you tighter for a moment before letting you go.
Penta: wait a second... all four?
Penta: are you gonna try and hug Sq too?!
They seem both worried and excited.
Penta: Maybe you could be his friend too!
Penta: hopefully he keeps his promise and doesn't kill you on sight...
Tri: *snort* I wish you luck.
Under her breath, Tri snickers, calling you an idiot.
Cube: just... be careful.
They wave to you as you hop back through the portal.
In a place not-so-far away...
A small portal opens, and you can't see Sq when you look around, so you begin to step out of the portal.
Then you see a bright flash of light blue before being forcefully shoved backwards into the portal again.
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Sq: and don't come back!
He glares at you from outside the portal until it closes a few seconds later.
He rolls his eyes and gets back to whatever he was doing.
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Tri, Cube, and you arrive at where Penta is.
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Tri: what the fuck? Did Sq actually cheer you up this much? How???
Penta: sadly no, but some tiny person came out of a portal and hugged me and told me that they're not dead!
Tri: oh. *she looks over to you*
Cube: well, we were just about to tell you the same thing, but someone really wanted you happier it seems.
Penta: yeah! So that must be the new thingy they talk with?
Tri: mhm, they haven't said much yet...
Cube: oh hey, another ask!
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Cube: Uhhh, it depends what exactly you're asking?
Cube: But I like calmer music generally, but not like, depressing or sad songs.
Cube: like... uhhh... Sunset Lover by Petit Biscuit. It's a very nice and calm song.
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*hugs everyone* Haiii Friendssss
*a small portal opens behind Tri and Cube and a very small shape person, known as you hopped out and hugged both Tri and Cube*
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Cube: I think it's one of the people we've been talking with.
Cube: hello small person!
Tri: Let GO OF ME!!
*you let go and wave before hopping back into the portal*
*then over with Penta*
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*a small portal opens behind them*
Penta: *sniff* (I can't believe he killed them...)
Penta: (gosh, I'm getting so worked up over someone I only knew for a few minutes...)
*They don't seem to notice you*
*until you give them a hug from the side that is*
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*you hug them ccomfortingly*
Penta: ...?
*They look at you in confusion*
*You tell them that you aren't dead, and that the communication device was the only thing broken*
They smile.
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Penta: *sniff* I'm just really glad you aren't dead...
Penta wipes their eyes a bit and waves to you before you hop back into the portal again
See? I told you everything will continue on schedule...
Apart from a few minor erm... time errors on my part...
But I'll be sure to try harder to answer more constantly.
Thank you and good day.
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Let’s go find Penta. Also I don’t think we can get hurt by you.. so you shouldn’t worry about us ‘dying’
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Tri: (hmm, anonymous... that's a new one.)
Cube: I agree, we should go find them...
Tri: Sq is basically absolute shit at this.
Cube: Erm... yeah, you could say that...
Tri: ... yeah, thats why i said it?
Tri: But they went this way.
Tri: *grabs the device and starts walking*
*your view floats out of her grasp but moves in the direction that Tri pointed*
*You see a giant glowing tree in the distance along with two figures standing somewhat near it*
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Tri: I think that's them over there.
*your view zooms in somehow but you're very sure that you're not moving forwards that fast*
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*you can hear a bit of what they're saying now*
Penta: Sq, did you really have to KILL them???
Sq: Penta, I'm sorry, I thought it was gonna be like Fresh all over again! I didn't want it to hurt you guys...
Penta: I get it, but don't kill them for being new... They were being nice and they didn't deserve that...
Sq: I know... I'm really sorry, and I won't do it again...
Penta: alright... i would just like some time alone ok?
Sq: alright... sorry... I'll go over there somewhere...
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Aaaa! I'm sorry!
Uhh, hey it's me, Sandy, the mun for this here blog! I'm so so sorry it's taking so long for me to post the latest asks, but I just started this blog at a really bad time, and that's honestly on me. I've just been really busy and forgot to take that into account, as I'll be busy nearly every day until the 20th of February in a couple weeks. TwT
I'll try my best to get the latest one or two that I've been working on out tonight!
Sorry again!
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Pink heart: what do you mean, we are dead?
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Tri: Well, uh, you probably noticed when the thing broke?
Tri: Well what happened was that Sq came outta nowhere and then smashed whatever that thing you were talking with into oblivion with a kick.
Tri: We thought you were the little device, but thankfully it's just a communication device.
Tri: I'm honestly pretty glad you aren't dead...
Tri: I don't wanna live with a murderer, and Penta would be really upset for a long time.
Tri: Speaking of which... we should go find them and Sq...
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*gives cube a cookie*
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Cube: o-oh... thank you...
Tri: . . .
Tri: I'm just not going to ask.
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Cube: yeah... I am fine. Just a bit shaken up...
Cube: you know...?
Tri: we thought you died and all that.
@justpersonsposts @powie444isback
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Tri: Well... they're probably dead...
Cube: ... They were nice...
Tri: they were alright, but they didn't really deserve to die like tha-
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Tri: . . .
Cube: . . .
Tri: was that just me or...?
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Tri: . . .
Tri: (holy hell...)
Tri: hey, Cube. They uh, they aren't dead.
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So Tri, Uhh Hiii. You Uh Haven’t Really Said Much And I Get This Feeling You Don’t Like Meeeee
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Tri: Well no shit.
Tri: Its not actually that I don't like you, I just don't really trust you yet.
Tri: I'd be happy to be your friend but we literally just met, and I have no idea what your intentions are.
Tri: So it's not really that I hate you, so don't feel bad about it-...
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Tri: ... what's that sound???
Tri: sounds like...
Tri: yelling?
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Tri: what the fu-?!
Penta: ???
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Tri: oh.
Tri: . . .
Tri: Well shit.
Penta: !!!
Penta: W-WAIT!!!
. . .
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Your vision fades out.
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Thankfully you can still hear.
???: It could've been dangerous.
Sq?: *deep sigh* Penta, how long did you know them?
Penta: a couple of minutes!
Sq?: Do you know anything about them for certain?
Penta: ...
Penta: *sniff*
You hear someone running away.
Sq?: (shit-) Penta, wait! I'm sorry! *runs after them.
Tri and Cube: . . .
Tri: oh shit.
Cube: yes indeed...
Your senses fade out.
Let me find you a new communication device... Don't worry. You're fine and the blog will continue as scheduled. I apologize for this... inconvenience.
He's a bit too quick to use violence. No worries, cause I expected something like this.
You'll be back quick as a flash to them. No worries!
Aaand, you're back. Just... behind Tri and Cube. Remember the viewer is in a different form. You can portal yourself in if you wish to give them something. Try not to scare them?
The next ask will be out soon. I appreciate the patience. ;)
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