just-some-more-pets · 7 years
I know but as I said in small tanks guppies getting agressing. Especially males without females. They will nip at eachother. 5g is not enough room for them to swim
5 Gal Aquaponics tank
For my birthday, I got a 2.5 gallon aquaponics tank. when I get home my mom is going to replace it with a 5 gallon tank. I’ve been researching what I should stock it with. At first, I wanted a pea puffer but they can be very aggressive and probably won’t produce enough waste on it’s own. Now I’m thinking of getting a Ram Cichlid, a few tetras, and/or a dwarf catfish of some sort. I want as much biodiversity as possible. Anyone have any tips?
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just-some-more-pets · 7 years
Guppies really nees 10g or more since they are so activr and get aggressive in smaller tanks. They also breed fast
5 Gal Aquaponics tank
For my birthday, I got a 2.5 gallon aquaponics tank. when I get home my mom is going to replace it with a 5 gallon tank. I’ve been researching what I should stock it with. At first, I wanted a pea puffer but they can be very aggressive and probably won’t produce enough waste on it’s own. Now I’m thinking of getting a Ram Cichlid, a few tetras, and/or a dwarf catfish of some sort. I want as much biodiversity as possible. Anyone have any tips?
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just-some-more-pets · 7 years
In a 5 gallon you could do a pea puffer or a betta and thats about it. And no other tank mates. A 5g is to small to make onto a community tank and the other fish you mention all require a min of 20g
5 Gal Aquaponics tank
For my birthday, I got a 2.5 gallon aquaponics tank. when I get home my mom is going to replace it with a 5 gallon tank. I’ve been researching what I should stock it with. At first, I wanted a pea puffer but they can be very aggressive and probably won’t produce enough waste on it’s own. Now I’m thinking of getting a Ram Cichlid, a few tetras, and/or a dwarf catfish of some sort. I want as much biodiversity as possible. Anyone have any tips?
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just-some-more-pets · 7 years
Noodlin around the tank
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just-some-more-pets · 7 years
Send me a message! I am happy to help!
What size tank? What type of fish are you looking to keep? Soft or hard water?
Hey Fishblr!
I’m hoping to set up a new community fish tank, but seeing as I’ve only kept bettas up till now, I have no idea about any of the fish species that I could keep in a community tank and when I tried to look into it on my own, I may have gotten very overwhelmed. Could you guys help me out?
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just-some-more-pets · 7 years
You should be fine as long as your power comes back on within a day. After that do small water changes once to twoce a day (5%) so add oxygen back in and keep things healthy.
Your tank should have plenty of oxygen on it for several hours so dpnt stress to much. I turns all my tanks off during wind storms anyways since power surges are horrid for filters
my power is out the winds are getting worse too if it were just tiberius in the tank wed be fine but i have 7 kuhlis and a snail in there that Dont have any lungs anfd. fuck. shit. fuck
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just-some-more-pets · 7 years
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March 4 2017-March 2 Man my tanks getting over grown!
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just-some-more-pets · 7 years
Lool into getting some floating plants like water lettuce or duck weed to help shade sections of the tank (i use fishing line to keep it contained) so she has a place to feel safe.
I had the same thing happen to my gourami but the floating plants helped him a lot as they are similar to what would be in theor natural home
Please Help
My female betta has become light sensitive over the past few months. I moved her from a ten gallon (heated, filtered, the works) to a 2.5gal (heated, filtered, etc) to keep a better eye on her. This tank is only lit by the natural light that comes into my room as compared to the LED on the bigger tank. She is also fairly inactive and will hide in a cave decoration I have for her most of the time if the light is too much for her. If anyone has any advice, I will try anything to help her.
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just-some-more-pets · 7 years
Your tanks ph will fluctuate during a cycle but 7.6 is fine anyways, around 7 is a safe range for most fish. I would avoid chemicals as they tend to fluctuate the ph to easy. Diftwood and plants will naturally lower your ph over time
Hey so I ran a pH test on my betta-tank-to-be and it’s at 7.6 which is pretty obviously too high. I don’t have any shells or driftwood in the tank which I know can effect the pH. All my decorations are two silk plants, some black gravel (not charcoal or anything like that), a volcanic rock, and a fake rock structure. (I plan on adding three live plants soon.) The tanks has only been cycling for 8 days. So any advice on how to lower the pH?
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just-some-more-pets · 7 years
I would say minimum tank size for tetras is a 20g due to how active they are. The definatly can not go in a 3g and definatly not 7 of them.
There is really nothing other then shrimp that can go in a 3g and I dont even recommend shrimp for that small of tank. Its just to unstable
Tetra tank size???
I’d like to get some neon or green neon Tetras for my 3 gal black water tank, but I’ve seen mixed answers on minimum tank size. I’ve seen them recommended for that size numerous places, but some people saying that’s too small. Any opinions??? I’d get a small school (~7ish) and they’d be housed with a few ghost shrimp.
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just-some-more-pets · 7 years
Bettas honestly do best on their own not in a community tank. Other fish tend to stress them out.
However as far as tank size goes if your set on the community then a 20g would work for what yiu have planned.
As far as snails in a 10g, i only know how to keep aquatic snails but you could do a couple nerite snails or a mystery snail. Just be aware that snails do have a high bioload
Betta Community Tank and Snails
I am flipping back and forth over whether I should keep Aegir in his happy 10 gal and just get a snail and some shrimp, then get two 5 gals for two more Betta on their own, or upgrade him to a larger tank that I can use as a good community tank with some WCMM or Least Killifish or neon tetras or something
So question 1) what size tank should I get? I want an active community; a schooling species, a bottom feeder (probably Cory cats of some sort), probably a mystery snail or two, and my Betta, maybe also some fun to look at shrimp or something? I’m not sure
And now I learned about keeping snails in a 10 gal, terrestrial snails that you can physically interact with
And it’s tempting >.<
I would have to (and prefer to) get the snail(s) online so I was wondering what kinds of snails would be good in an environment like this? A 10 gallon with a lid, that is
So question 2) What land snails can I put in a 10 gallon tank? I will do a ton of research on each individual snail species and what their requirements are, and I will make sure that I can and want to provide whatever it needs BEFORE I get one or even decide to take this route, so throw any ideas my way!
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just-some-more-pets · 7 years
a tiny, snootly friend
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just-some-more-pets · 7 years
They all need very different water rypes. I would rehome everything except the betta and snail.
Take a sample of your water to your pet store, they should test it for you for free. Most the time fin issues are caused by a crashes cycle and ammonia burn.
Also pick up seachem prime and does your tank every day with it. It detoxifies ammonia nitrite and nitrate for 24hours and should help stop further damage to him.
In the future just do more research on thr fish you keep. Pet store people arr not reliable.
Mollies are livebearers that get up to 3in long and do best in a 20g they also tend to be fin nippers so they dont due well well with bettas
Khulis loaches get 3-4in long and are an extreamly sociable fish, mine love to lay ontop of eachother. They are noctural and must be kept on sand. They also must be in a 20g (long) or bigger
Mystery Snails are fine in the 10g if you obly have one, they do have a huge bioload (poop a lot) and can easily crash a cycled tank if its not stable.
Bettas do best alone to prevent stress in a 5g or bigger. Long fined varients need leaves or something similar near the surface rest on. They are also very prone to fin rot due to water quality but are very hardy fish
This is Shaun my betta of four months. He was doing well. Until the beginning of this month and his fins are looking quite scraggly. This is my first time owning a betta so I’m not sure if it’s fin rot or fin tearing or fin biting. Any help would be appreciated!!
He is in a 10 gallon heated (82-84°F) and filtered tank with 2 live plants, 2 dalmation mollies, a ghost shrimp, a mystery snail, and a kuhli loach. The ghost shrimp and the snail were just added 4 days ago and the second live plant added today after a 25% water change.
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just-some-more-pets · 7 years
Water parameters? Is yiur tank cycled? How long has it been cycled?
Another note khulis need to be in groups of 5 or more and cant be in anything smaller then a 20g.
Also betta, khuli, 2 mollies and mystery snail is overstocked for a 10g as they are all big fish. I would rehome to mollies and khulis or upgrade to a 20g and increase your khuli school size
This is Shaun my betta of four months. He was doing well. Until the beginning of this month and his fins are looking quite scraggly. This is my first time owning a betta so I’m not sure if it’s fin rot or fin tearing or fin biting. Any help would be appreciated!!
He is in a 10 gallon heated (82-84°F) and filtered tank with 2 live plants, 2 dalmation mollies, a ghost shrimp, a mystery snail, and a kuhli loach. The ghost shrimp and the snail were just added 4 days ago and the second live plant added today after a 25% water change.
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just-some-more-pets · 7 years
I used methyline blue ich treatment by marineland and it worked fantastic for ich. Treat untill the ich is gone and then do one does again a week after there are no symptoms.
The only timr the medicine can kill ich is once they burst of the fish. While on the fish they cant be killed. Also slowly increase your temp to speed up the ichs life cycle. In tropical fish we go to 80-83 degrees but I think thats to hot fpr goldfish
So I’ve got ich in my goldfish tank. I’ve already treated once but followed the bottle instructions rather than treating for a full two weeks and I think it’s back. So far it’s only affecting my biggest goldfish. He does have some white lumps on his tail but that’s it. He’s lethargic and flashing and rubbing against the sand in the tank. Another thing that’s concerning me is he has been having very long (8+ inches) white stringy poopy which I’ve heard is a sign of internal parasites. Should I just stick to treating the ich or should I be trying to treat both? Also what is a well recommended medication for both of these issues?
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just-some-more-pets · 7 years
SIP Alduin
Death 1:35am Feb.18
You were an asshole but I loved you
Sip my little paddlebutt
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just-some-more-pets · 7 years
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This will most likely be the last picture of Alduin. Over the last week or so he has been getting thin and having trouble swimming as well as losing most of his colour. He now spends most his time resting in the rocks Alduin is a butterfly splitfin, and extinct in the wild species of fish. I have had him for over 5 years and he was full grown when I got him. So I estimate he is about 6 years old and his time has finally come I am not going to try treating him as I am fully aware it is old age and I will let nature run its course. I have learned a lot from him about this hobby and will miss him dearly
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