Sick of cis people, and even some trans people, mocking and judging trans folk for not passing. For "not even trying" to pass.
Passing is not achievable for so many people. It's also not even a goal for many people.
Me telling you I'm a man should be enough to get me treated like one. Yes I have a high voice. Yes I have hips. Yes I wear makeup and have long hair.
But why does it matter? Why does it deem me not worthy of the respect to have my correct pronouns used?
I had top surgery to feel more comfortable in my own skin. So I could end the constant pain and discomfort of binding.
I want to go on T to be more comfortable in my own skin.
I don't live to serve or fulfill the unrealistic expectations of bigots.
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like. imagine seeing your sibling at 18. and then not seeing them again until you’re 28. and then not seeing them again until you’re both 58. but you’re identical twins so every time you look in the mirror you wonder if this is what they would’ve looked like.
imagine never needing glasses but your brother did, and then in your adulthood your eyes get worse and you suddenly need glasses and you pick out the same frames your brother wore.
imagine always protecting your brother growing up cause he was different and kids picked on him. but you always protected him. and then you have a falling out and neither of you speak for years, and then finding out that in those years you didn’t speak, he was being isolated and tortured by a monster and didn’t think you’d come if he called. but then he calls and you go. and his house has blood on the floor in every room and writing on the walls and his journal devolves into paranoid ramblings. and you can’t protect him because you showed up and he got ripped away. and you can’t even ask him what the writing or the blood or the state of the house means because he’s gone. and you don’t have a penny to your name so you have to clean the blood up yourself and fix the house and live there. so you board up his room.
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bout to take both the flu and covid vaccine shot at the same time. the arnold palmer. wish me luck
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I exist as a cis man. Every now and again I’m taken with a powerful yearn to be in the world as a woman and the certainty that if I could wave a magic wand and make it so I would do so without question but then after a few days or a week it recedes into an idle thought that I don’t feel strongly about. Thoughts?
You could be doing more than just existing, I think
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got a major pest problem this year actually
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I want more adventures for them.
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women we can do better c'mon
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Funniest Chinese euphemism for dying is "to go see Marx"
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She was so inspiring to me
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Good morning chat
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Starting off autistic girl autumn wrong by not being a girl
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the obvious.
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Most of you were either not born or old enough to remember the 2006 Israeli war on Lebanon and the scale of the terror Israel inflicted. In 2006, Israel killed about 1,200 in Lebanon in 34 days which was the whole duration of the aggression. Yet, today alone, Israel killed close to 300 in Lebanon. This intensification is the direct result of the way Israel faced absolutely no consequences for its unprecedented violence in Gaza for a whole year.
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what the fuck is this
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Oh you like women? Name your top three women of all time.
LITERALLY trying to get me to pit bad bitches against each other
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i avoid printers at all costs but deep down i think i should've been a printer. life so easy. i sit there all squarelike and when someone has a minor task for me i goFUCK YOU
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