justaboi · 11 years
I didn’t go to religion to make me happy. I always knew a bottle of Port would do that. If you want a religion to make you feel really comfortable, I certainly don’t recommend Christianity.
C.S. Lewis (via laurenstaud)
(via johnnyis)
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justaboi · 11 years
Defeatist Christians who do not fight against sins because they figure they were “born this way” or “will never change” or “don’t have enough faith” are not being humble. They dishonor the Holy Spirit who strengthens us with supernatural power.
Kevin DeYoung, The Hole in Our Holiness (via wongdavidjacob)
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justaboi · 11 years
Struggling hard.
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justaboi · 11 years
I kind of want to go. Someone come with me :P
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justaboi · 11 years
where i'll be the next 4 or so years
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justaboi · 11 years
Quiet people have the loudest minds.
Stephen Hawking (via leslieseuffert)
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justaboi · 12 years
Have you ever found yourself revisiting a chapter of your life when you least expected to? Does the story continue where it last left off? Or does it start over with new characters and conflicts?
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justaboi · 12 years
someone do my senior picssss.
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justaboi · 12 years
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justaboi · 12 years
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justaboi · 12 years
t-minus 7 hrs
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justaboi · 12 years
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justaboi · 12 years
mesmerized. can't stop watching. why is she in korea.
the bottom half...
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justaboi · 12 years
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justaboi · 12 years
Be environmentally friendly and recycle essays.
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justaboi · 12 years
who's gonna celebrate with me when i'm done with these pesky apppppppssssssssssss.
what's there to do in the real world...
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justaboi · 12 years
i've become insane from these college essays.
what do they want from meeee
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