justaddstars · 20 hours
gonna be honest nothing has fucked with my head more than learning that the UK only has three species of snake. like what do you mean three? three species with twelve subspecies? three native species but a ton of other nonnative ones? three species technically but it's an accident of ancient taxonomy?
nope. just three
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justaddstars · 22 hours
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omg harrow pay attention to your gf for once
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justaddstars · 22 hours
A little something for Linguistics Tumblr.
So the Crunchyroll newsroom isn't a "room" so much as a Slack channel. We have news writers all over the US, in Australia, and in Japan. This means we have something akin to 'round-the-clock coverage, but it also means that our schedules respective to each other are skewed. For example, when the East Coast contingent is starting their day, the Japan contingent is shutting down for the evening.
Because of that, we started experimenting with greetings that could apply when Party A was coming in for the morning and Party B was leaving for the night. One person came up with "konbarning": a combination of "good morning" and "konban wa" ("good evening" in Japanese). It stuck.
Over the following months, "konbarning" got shortened to "barning" and other permutations. Now, a year or some later, this is how we announce our arrival:
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justaddstars · 23 hours
the unfortunate thing abt life is sometimes you Do have to wait for the bus in the rain and if you were a specific brand of annoying in 2012/13 this is significant
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justaddstars · 23 hours
It's fun to think about the extra blood donation restrictions for Gothamites. If you've been exposed over three times to radiation or scarecrow toxin you're ineligible, if you're a mutant or supervillain you're ineligible, if you've ever been part of a dubious human trial you're ineligible, if you were ever resurrected-- you get it.
Aside from what this means for Gotham, another issue is that other parts of the state and other cities won't even take Gotham’s blood supply if they run out. I'm sure WE is hard at work developing methods to try and filter the blood, but you can't get everything out.
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justaddstars · 1 day
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justaddstars · 1 day
reading a romance novel where the protagonist feels the need to stop and inform that audience that it's okay for her, a 27 year old, to hook up with a 31 year old because despite the age difference both of their brains are fully developed. the Discourse really has done incalculable damage.
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justaddstars · 2 days
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“The Tomb I will serve till the end of my days, and then see me buried in two hundred graves”
This book is everything.
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justaddstars · 3 days
it's really weird having a first dog be blind and then getting a second who can see...like how was I supposed to be prepared for this.
this creature can perceive when I put the treats up on the high shelf. or when I hide stuff behind my back. I can't fool her!! she's always watching me and she shouldn't have this much knowledge!!!
I walk around at night and I shine my flash light directly into her eyes and I'll just be standing there staring at her weird blue orbs for like 5 seconds until I realize it's probably extremely annoying to her, because she has eyes!! I'll turn on the light in the room and she gruffs and grumbles like ?? oh right!! light wakes you up!! the fuck??
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justaddstars · 3 days
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justaddstars · 3 days
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justaddstars · 4 days
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justaddstars · 4 days
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mabel helping martin out with his workplace romance
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justaddstars · 5 days
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justaddstars · 5 days
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Why's everybody actin' funny? Why's everybody look so strange? Why's everybody look so nasty? What do I want with all these things?
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justaddstars · 5 days
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500x500px works
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justaddstars · 6 days
Ceila put a lot of effort into manipulating Sam. She should have just put the dimension tear in water and stuck it in the freezer.
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