I can't believe that I forgot to post the link to my latest Wide-Awake Princess Fanfic, "A Moment Alone"! It's filled with complete and total fluff. I hope that you guys like it!
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wide-awakeprincessfan · 2 months
Alise and Lucas in Their Childhood
I rewatched Swan Princess: Royally Undercover yesterday, and I now realize how much of Alise and Lucas's friendship was them just straight-up roasting/sassing/being competitive with each other. Here's one of my favorites from the movie:
*when they're heading through the forest to get to Borromeo and trying to escape Bruno [Count Antonio's, like, right-hand man (get it, lol? because he doesn't have a full right hand??)]*
Alise: Are you sure we're headed South?
Lucas: Trust me. I grew up in the forest.
Alise, smug: Well, you're not the only one, you know.
Lucas: Then you should now that moss only grows on the north side of the tree. (He points here.) So that's south. Looks like someone's got some serious spy skills.
Alise, walking past, totally calm: Yeah. Too bad that's poison moss.
Lucas, panicking: Ah! Get it off! Get it off!
(Exact script from ttps://transcripts.foreverdreaming.org/viewtopic.php?t=56389 )
Like, dude just got poison moss on his hand and Alise did not GAF. She helped him with her plant knowledge (didn't know she had that) in the next scene, but she totally won here lol.
Anyone else have some favorite Alise/Lucas moments? Bonus points if the moment is from when they were kids!
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wide-awakeprincessfan · 3 months
Okay, I basically finished the movie and I have a few thoughts:
1) Why didn't Alise meet her grandfather?? Some people that I barely remember from the last movie were at the dock, but not Alise, his grandchild?? And Derek and Scully never mentioned Alise in the "I have to leave to bury my father. Take care of Odette for me." scene
2) Why isn't King Max graying and growing more of a beard?? He looks so young when compared to Uberta (granted, her hair was naturally gray from the beginning).
3) Also, if Crispin (the former pirate) was already 20 or so when King Max went missing, why doesn't he look older? Odette said that 30 years had passed since then. 20 year-old flashback Crispin looks exactly the same as 50-something Crispin.
4) What in the Deus Ex Machina was that island scene?? Why did Derek and Max reuniting create a magic that "fixed" the island and brought it back to the normal world? Why hadn't it been broken before?
5) Speaking of magic, how did Derek and Odette do their magic tricks? Magic was so restricted in the first movie, and now it just runs around wild? Neither Derek or Odette are magic users.
6) Why does King Edgar live in a house? And not just a house, but a shack?? Is that just for living in the Council of Crowns town?? I certainly hope that he has a castle.
7) Btw, why does he have his NAME on the door? That's how ill-intended people find him! He does not seem to have any form of security in that little house!
8) I just now noticed that LUCAS'S PARENTS are on the dock to meet King Max, but not Lucas or, ya know, KING MAX'S GRANDDAUGHTER!! Seriously?? How did the animators focus on their faces for a hot second and not go: "Gee, how are these characters related to King Max in any way? Who is missing?? Oh, the couple's son and his girlfriend!" Like, duh!
I'm currently watching The Swan Princess: Far Longer Than Forever, which is the 12th and last movie. This movie is absolutely terrible. The plot points, how convenient everything is, unnecessarily complex plans, etcetera drive me insane. To top it all off, there is no Alise or Lucas so far (or in the last twenty minutes of the movie, as I hear). I'm only watching this last movie for continuity's sake. If I didn't need to know what happened to King Max for my fanfics, I would have shut this off five minutes in. I'm ready to be done with it. It's fun to laugh at the stupidity of it all, though.
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wide-awakeprincessfan · 3 months
I'm currently watching The Swan Princess: Far Longer Than Forever, which is the 12th and last movie. This movie is absolutely terrible. The plot points, how convenient everything is, unnecessarily complex plans, etcetera drive me insane. To top it all off, there is no Alise or Lucas so far (or in the last twenty minutes of the movie, as I hear). I'm only watching this last movie for continuity's sake. If I didn't need to know what happened to King Max for my fanfics, I would have shut this off five minutes in. I'm ready to be done with it. It's fun to laugh at the stupidity of it all, though.
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wide-awakeprincessfan · 3 months
A long, long time ago, I made a complication of incorrect quotes for The Wide-Awake Princess and The Swan Princess. I made up some of them and others I borrowed from other accounts. I'll tag the original authors if I can. For now, here's one that I created:
Gwennie, crying dramatically on a settee: My life is over!
Annie, unfazed: What did you do this time?
Gwennie: I maybe burnt the whole castle down?
Annie: *sighs*
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wide-awakeprincessfan · 4 months
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wide-awakeprincessfan · 4 months
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wide-awakeprincessfan · 5 months
Y'all. I was in my Intro to Logic class (it's a version of Philosophy, but it's really more like math), and my teacher was using an example of "Annabelle is happy." Guess where my mind went?? Gosh, I had to stop myself from grinning like a madwoman in the middle of class. I haven't thought much about this fandom since the semester ramped up. Hopefully I'll have more time come summer.
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wide-awakeprincessfan · 5 months
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wide-awakeprincessfan · 6 months
Our darling Lucas and Alise are on Swan Princess Official's Facebook story today in honor of Easter, ig. It's the scene from A Kingdom of Music where Alise and the contestants visit Lucas's family's tulip farm. Lucas gives them all a flower and "accidentally" (put that in quotes because I can't tell if he did it on purpose or not) gave Li a flower with a broken stem and Li hits everyone with "In my country, broken flowers remind us that we live among broken people" or some bs like that.
Like, srsly, Li, hush. This movie ain't about you. He's not a bad character but gets in the way of the main couple.
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wide-awakeprincessfan · 6 months
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When Odette Isn’t Home
Derek and Alise (The Swan Princess)
Based on this Vine
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wide-awakeprincessfan · 6 months
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Today’s Princess of the Day is: Alise, from the Swan Princess series.
The adoptive daughter of Princess Odette and Prince Derek, Alise’s birth father died in a fire when she was young. Having been raised as royalty, she is a refined and intelligent young woman.
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wide-awakeprincessfan · 7 months
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Today’s Princess of the Day is: Annie, from The Wide-Awake Princess.
The resourceful younger sister of Princess Gwendolyn, the princess destined to be Sleeping Beauty, Annie is the only member of the castle who is impervious to magic and curses. She takes it upon herself to locate Gwendolyn’s true love in order to wake her up.
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wide-awakeprincessfan · 7 months
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Some days, I think E. D. Baker is totally for our favorite couple having cutesy moments. Other days.... Not so much. Seriously. Why does a servant interrupt them every time they are about to kiss??
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wide-awakeprincessfan · 7 months
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Enjoy this meme I made instead of doing my work
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wide-awakeprincessfan · 7 months
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I got reallyyyy distracted instead of doing my homework, so have some AI edited versions of the first Wide-Awake Princess book cover/ my pfp. Annie's face is funny, but it's hilarious to see what Gwennie gets changed into, LMAO!
Credits to https://hotpot.ai/art-generator
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wide-awakeprincessfan · 7 months
Fanfiction Time!!
Hello, lovely people!!
Today I'm going to be shamelessly sharing the link to my Wide-Awake Princess Fanfiction entitled "You are You!"
It's probably very out of character and overly sappy, but, ya know, it's all the fandom has rn. So enjoy!
You Are You! by Jeepgirl4 - The Wide-Awake Princess Series https://archiveofourown.org/works/48585166 via @ao3org
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