That dames got you dizzy Don E.;That what dames do.But i’ll tell you something,they can’t break your heart...if you never let them near it in the first place.
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-Why’d you think i was always so mean to him?
-Coz’ you’re a wanker
-No,it’s because it’s much easier,to humiliate,degrade and just generally shit all over someone,than it is to admit that you love them!
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Christmas is the most melancholic time of the year.
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“How do you save someone who doesn’t wanna be saved?”
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“A heart made of stone callous and bone
Fracture and tear it out to let it go
And to think i called it my own
And i would have never thoug the pain could grow”
“Anthem of the lonely-Nine Lashes”
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Sometimes you need to do something out from the ordinary,just to make the day for someone a lerfect day,so i hope you’ll have a great day.good morning”My escape” ❤️
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Quando ti guardo e non so cosa dire
A volte penso solamente che
Tutte le cose belle hanno una fine
L'unica eccezione siamo io e te
Se tu fossi un errore sbaglierei
Se fossi una canzone ti canterei
Non mi basta toccarti su display
Manda la posizione, dove sei
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“So che ti senti persa,impaura dal non sapere cosa vuoi o cosa puoi fare,ma non buttarti giù,anche quando ti trovi nella foresta più cupa ricorda che tra i rami secchi che oscurano il sole ci sarà sempre un raggio di luce pronto a guidarti,sei forte e inteliggente,non farti mai sminuire dalle tue insicurezze,andrà tutto bene,e anche se non troverai quel raggio di luce,sappi che ci sarò io a spezzare dei rami pur di farti trovare un minimo di speranza.”
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Is just fantastic,your smile is just the most beautiful thing i can hope to see.I love to play with you,because is fucking amazing to hear you laughting and see that smile on your face,because you know,i don’t know how is possible,but that smile make you more cute than you’re already are...you’re amazing
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I can’t get it...sometimes is easy for me to speak,i just have to turn off my brain and my emotion and let my mouth speaking for me....but when i’m with you,i don’t know,i’m scared of saying or doing something to hurt you,so most of the times i just prefer to stay there and watch your eyes or listen your voice...but sometimes without noticing,i hurt you....and i’m fucking sad for it,because i hate that,i hate the thoug of me hurting you,and i hate to see you feeling sad...i say sorry to you for all the times you had to feel sad cause of me,i say sorry if you’ll be sad because of me,and i say sorry if you’re feeling sad now for me....your happiness is the most important thing for me...because you’re the most important things i ever had,the only thing wich is giving me a valid reason to go on
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Certe volte non servono parole dolci,complimenti o azioni magistrali,ma le emozioni che ti lascia impresso nell’animo,quelle contano come non mai ❤️
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Sometimes is hard to stay concentrate when i can’t hear your voice,even if i try to focus on what i’m doing,i just can’t stop thinking about your smile and your voice,but i know than you’ll be always with me.Good night Lamb ❤️🌑
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Hey Lamb,i missed you so much,every second i’m spending with you now is healing wounds i’ve created on my soul.Everytime i’m getting lost in your smile i’m starting a wonderful journey trying to go inside your soul,but in that moment,i’m just showing to you my soul,and i’m not getting scared of what you can do after that.Enjoy this day my little lamb;
Your wolf ❤️
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I know my mother loves me
But does my father even care?
If I'm sad or angry
You were never ever there
-Broken Home,Papa Roach
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