autistic pixie dream girl
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halfway through season 7 of the 100 and I'm honestly shocked that it gets so much hate. like yeah it for sure isn't the same show anymore but i'm enjoying it. and the reveal that Callie invented trig was actually very necessary for my peace of mind bc I've been OBSESSING over how such a complex dialect could've developed in only 100 years. a weird little girl inventing her own language and then growing up to teach it to the survivors is truly the least plot-holey explanation possible and just adds to the camp that is season 7
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As much as it bothers me that bisexuality, pansexuality, and other forms of polysexuality are so rarely named when fictional characters exhibit polysexual behavior, Clarke never having her sexuality explicitly labeled actually makes a lot of sense and sits pretty well with me. For one, the world building of the show suggests that in every culture featured, sexuality is a non-issue. No one seems to be phased by anyone else's sexuality and no one's sexual identity is explicitly labeled.
But for Clarke specifically this is one of the few instances I've come across of a polysexual character's unlabeledness feeling true to character. Figuring out labels would be extremely low on her list of priorities, and I think likely wouldn't even register as something to consider prioritizing at all.
Even if the people on the show had a culture that was shown to prioritize these labels, I think it would still be true to character for Clarke to be unlabeled. If Octavia for example was shown to have partners of multiple genders, I think it would read as less genuine for her to be unlabeled. Clarke and Octavia both carry the weight of the world on their shoulders and have so many more "important" things to worry about than what to call their sexuality, but Octavia is consistently shown to hold value for labels of all kinds in a way that Clarke does not exhibit.
My problem with fictional characters' sexuality being unlabeled isn't that everyone needs a label, but rather that it doesn't usually read as true to character. For Clarke, it comes off as pretty genuine.
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gayest thing Miller ever did was swear fealty to Octavia for serving cunt too hard
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justanotherfloridagay · 3 months
my dad liked OPLA and decided he wanted to start the anime. but he's the slowest tv watcher. it took him three days to finish episode 1. he's already an AARP member. he'll perish before they make it to the grand line
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justanotherfloridagay · 3 months
every time Luffy sees something he thinks is funny or cool and immediately shouts for Nami to check it out he reminds me of my brother. they're so little brother big sister coded. like Luffy is the most little brother character in all of fiction but Nami's devotion to being his older sibling is only rivaled by Ace and Sabo
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justanotherfloridagay · 5 months
My dad started watching OPLA and said that Buggy is his fav and the coolest character in the show which is hilarious to me bc all of the Buggy content I come accross on Tumblr is either:
I want to fuck this clown
This clown is the most pathetic man to ever exist and I need to keep him in my pocket at all times so we can comfort each other through this treacherous life, or
I want to fuck this absolutely pathetic clown
So I guess my dad wants to fuck the clown
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justanotherfloridagay · 7 months
after introducing chopper Oda really said alright now that these bitches have a baby they need some Adult Supervision. let's give 'em a war criminal
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justanotherfloridagay · 7 months
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I'm only on episode 415 but this is how I think the straw hats would treat their brita pitcher
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justanotherfloridagay · 7 months
Episode 380 of One Piece just absolutely fucked me up. I thought nothing could top the tragedy of Robin's backstory, but Brook's destroyed me.
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