LOVED this so much
fuck about it.
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masterlist (azriel x reader) request: @margssstuff hii ok I have an Az request where it’s like enemy to lover and they both get on each others nerves. They’re on a mission or in a highly intense situation where they are both yelling at each other and she slaps him (maybe people witness idk) & he reacts by fiercely kissing her and then they fuck HAHA author's note: happy halloween, please have this filthy enemies to lovers fic as a gift from yours truly. like the title suggests, this piece was inspired by fuck about it by waterparks. warning: dagger to the throat, knife play, exhibitionism, overstimulation, edging. over all smut galore.
The divine scent of roses and twilight fills the air while you stroll through the castle garden with your gloved hand tucked into the elbow of the Crown Prince of Rask. The cool breeze whistles through the handsome male’s long, silver hair as he offers you a scarlet rose, taking great care into making sure that its thorns don't snag on your satin glove. 
It would’ve been a romantic moment had it not been for the shadowsinger glaring at the prince’s back. Even without his shadows, Azriel’s looming presence put a damper on the mood. You couldn’t for the life of you understand why Rhysand sent the broody, Illyrian warrior to be your escort during your visit to Rask, but the High Lord had been adamant on pairing you up for this mission. 
When the Crown Prince extended his invitation to the Crystal Castle, you primed and primped yourself to be the most charming, irresistible female he’d ever lay his eyes on in order to secure the alliance between the Night Court and Rask, but you could only do so much with Azriel’s scowl constantly eclipsing every interaction. 
The Illyrian male trails a few steps behind, dressed in his dark leathers with his wings high upon his back, looking every bit the part of the lethal warrior that he was. As your eyes meet, his lips twist into a sharp frown while his hazel gaze settles over you. You flash a glare of warning at Azriel before turning your attention back to your escort. 
“Thank you for giving me a tour of the private gardens. Your home is truly lovely.” 
“It is I who should thank you for granting me the pleasure of your company, my lady.” The Crown Prince smiles, patting your gloved hand while you continue your leisurely stroll. Emerald eyes twinkle with mischief as he briefly glances at the winged warrior hovering a few feet away. “Though I’m not sure I can say the same about your companion.” 
A flash of doubt blooms on the male’s features as he examines the obvious tension in the shadowsinger’s stance. “Are you two…”
“No,” you answer at once.
Azriel stiffens, but says nothing as shadows twist menacingly over his broad shoulders. Despite the fact that you were both under Rhysand’s employ, you steered clear of the shadowsinger and vice versa. You two were polar opposites: you were loud and headstrong while Azriel was quiet and reserved. The few times that you were both assigned to the same mission, the two of you had clashed so badly that Rhys avoided putting you together at all cost.
Unfortunately, you had no choice but to tolerate Azriel’s company during this trip since you wouldn’t be able to successfully navigate Rask without him. He knew the intricacies of this Court and you relied on his knowledge to keep you afloat in this kingdom’s political climate. 
Besides strategizing and advising, the shadowsinger makes himself scarce throughout the week long mission, but still adheres to his task of escorting you. It was entirely unnecessary since you were more than capable of protecting yourself should the need arise, but customs were different in this kingdom and it was highly unacceptable for a lady to be wandering through the night with a male who was not her betrothed. Even if it was the Crown Prince.
You smile sweetly. “Don’t mind Azriel. We’re simply adhering to the practices of your court. After all, I wouldn’t want to break any rules.” The wink you sent his way makes the male chuckle. 
“Somehow I highly doubt that you’re the type to be chained down by archaic traditions.” 
“I’ve been known to be…free-spirited and strong willed. Though I’m sure you’ll soon come to realize that for yourself, my prince.” 
The Crown Prince chuckles. “So I’m learning.” Moonlight gleams against the silver locks draped over his shoulder, each twisting braid representing the number of battles he’s won. Another proud custom of Rask. “And please, call me Rhaegar.” 
“Well then Rhaegar,” you say with a charming smile. “I do hope you’ve given more consideration to the High Lord’s proposition.” 
“Ever the diplomat. I must admit, Rhysand’s proposal of peace grows more and more enticing with each passing second, though that may have more to do with his lovely ambassador.” 
There was something mischievous in that smile of his. The royal was undoubtedly handsome. Rumor has it that nearly every powerful family in the Continent sought to secure his hand in marriage, but the male had yet to take a bride. While you weren’t here to find yourself a groom, you were intrigued by Rhaegar. You’ve never had a prince before. You wondered if the noble would fold just as easily as any other male once you sank your teeth into him. 
“I’m glad to hear that you’re enjoying our time together. I’ve been told that I can be rather persuasive.” 
The Crown Prince grins. “Excuse my assumptions, but you are nothing like the other diplomats I’ve met with in the past. They’ve always been old, haggard males more interested in me wedding and bedding their daughters rather than establishing peace amongst our kingdoms. I have a feeling that you have no intention of demanding marriage out of me.” 
You raise a brow. “Like you said, I’m not the type to be chained down by archaic traditions. Perhaps when all is said and done, I can show you how…liberating our ideals are in the Night Court.” 
Rhaegar chuckles. “You’re absolutely wicked, my lady.” He takes your gloved hand and kisses it. “Tell Rhysand that I look forward to seeing what he has in store for my kingdom, especially if your visit is any indication of our growing relations.” 
“This is merely a taste, Rhaegar. The Night Court and I have much more to offer,” you say seductively.
The royal grins as his gaze dips down towards your wicked mouth. While this mission was important, Rhysand never said you weren’t allowed to have fun on top of securing this alliance. As Rhaegar closes the gap between you, your eyes flutter close in anticipation, but instead of the prince’s mouth on yours, the shadowsinger’s grating voice is what cuts through the tension.
“Perhaps it’s time to retire,” Azriel declares in a cold voice. He doesn’t even bother looking at you as he addresses Rhaegar. “I should escort my lady to her bedchambers. We have an early start tomorrow.”
For the most part, you tolerated Azriel’s presence because it was a required portion of your employment in the Night Court, but the shadowsinger meddling in your affairs like this with the Crown Prince of all people, it simply wouldn’t do.
“I can find my own way back, Azriel.”
The shadowsinger turns towards you, his handsome face bathed in moonlight and wrath. The inky smoke of his shadows swallow every trace of light as he levels his intense golden gaze at you. 
“I insist, my lady. I wouldn’t want anything untoward to happen to you under my watch.” 
The second your eyes meet, you could see something churning within the shadowsinger's hazel irises, but you refuse to balk. The spymaster might be used to everyone else backing down from that intimidating stare of his, but you were determined to show him that not even the Mother herself could get you to back down. The dark, brooding act may be working for him thus far, but tonight is the night that Azriel finally meets his match. 
As you continue in your unflinching staring game with Azriel, the Crown Prince pats your gloved hand with an amused smile. 
“The shadowsinger is right, my lady. We should all get some rest. There’s plenty of work to be done,” he gallantly bows, pressing a kiss to your gloved hand. With a devious twinkle in those emerald eyes, he shoots you a wink. “Perhaps we’ll play another time.”
You didn’t miss the eye roll that was Azriel’s response. Rhaegar bids you both farewell before striding to the opposite side of the castle where his private living quarters were located. Not bothering to spare the shadowsinger a glance, you stalk away to the east wing where your accommodations were. His footsteps are silent, but you knew that the male was following closely behind. Unfortunately for you, the Crown Prince had placed you and Azriel in adjoining rooms. 
It was then that you decided that you’d have to have a serious discussion with Rhysand about never putting you and Azriel together again. It was bad enough to have to endure his broody mood, but getting in your way? That was absolutely unacceptable. You walk in silence as annoyance and indignation simmers through your veins, pushing through the ornate wooden doors and nearly taking it off its hinges as you slam it shut behind you. Azriel caught the fullness of your rage as you spin around to face him. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” 
The winged warrior doesn't appear the least bit bothered as you point an accusing finger at him. He crosses his arms and you narrow your eyes as his siphons cast a cobalt blue light around the dark room. 
“Escorting you,” Azriel drawls lazily. “Though babysitting is the more accurate term.”
“You do realize that you could jeopardize this whole mission by acting like an insufferable prick towards the Crown Prince?” 
“As opposed to what?” Azriel sneers, leveling a lethal gaze at you. “Throwing myself at him?” 
Red spots blur your vision at his words. Rage - hot and burning pulsates through your entire body as you close the gap between you, prodding at the chest plate of his Illyrian armor. 
“What is your fucking problem, Azriel?” The male blinks. “Ever since Rhysand brought me into the fold, you’ve been acting like an absolute ass. What is it about me that unnerves you so? Is your ego honestly so fragile that you cannot bear to have another spy to compete with?”
“The competition is not my concern,” Azriel bites back. “It’s you. You’re my fucking problem. I told Rhys that working together on this mission was a horrendous idea."
You scoff, crossing your arms. "And you think that I'm clambering at the chance to get sent halfway across the realm with only you as company? Get over yourself, Azriel."
"Me?" Azriel asks indignantly. "You're the one parading yourself in front of this entire court. I've had to endure an entire week of you practically drooling over Rhaegar without a hint of shame."
“I am only doing what Rhysand hired me to do. I don’t see you making any advances towards winning this kingdom over to our cause. The only thing you’ve accomplished during our stay here is being a gigantic pain in my ass.” 
Azriel catches your wrist as you lift it up to his face, curling his scarred fingers around your hand with a firm grip. “Yet you need me to navigate your way through this court.” 
“Don’t be so sure, shadowsinger. At this rate, I’d risk taking this court on by myself if only to be rid of your pestering.” 
He sneers. “I’m sure you’d jump at the chance to be alone with the silver haired bastard.”
You snatch your wrist out of his hand, taking a deep breath before committing a serious act of violence against the Illyrian male. “I have tried to be civil, but I cannot take it any more. This bullshit may fly back home, but when we’re out here in the middle of an important mission, we’re supposed to be a team. That means that you either learn how to work with me or get the fuck out of my way.” 
“Or what?” The shadowsinger asks quietly, the menacing tone of his voice matching the cold, calculated expression on his face. “What will you do, princess?”
“Don’t call me that.” 
“Why?” Azriel says, standing taller still and overshadowing you. “You seem eager to earn the title by spreading your legs for Rhaegar.” 
Against better judgment, you slap Azriel across the face with a forceful smack. The sound echoes in the room and you barely have time to process the fact that you just slapped the feared spymaster in the face before Azriel was pushing you up against the wall. 
Both of his scarred hands slam down on either side of your head as he cages you in. Shadows thrum through his powerful form as his wings flare behind his back, spreading wide and cocooning you in its red and gold membrane. 
Tension stretches taut between you as your chest heaves up and down with heavy breaths. A flash of anger graces that irritatingly handsome face of his and  the sliver of light streaming through the window hugs every plane of Azriel’s sharp cheekbones, slashing through those nearly feral hazel irises. There was nothing but heat in his eyes - a dark and dangerous challenge that seems to beckon you forth.
“And if I were to spread my legs for the Prince, what is it to you?” you grit out, meeting his unyielding gaze. 
“You won’t be doing that tonight, sweetheart.” Azriel declares as his fingers clutch your jaw, tilting your chin up. 
Understanding floods you all at once when you behold the ravenous glint in his eyes. “Mother above, is this the reason why you’ve been an absolute prick to me all this time?” You curl your fingers through his wrist, smirking as Azriel’s breath hitches from the contact. “You want me. You want me badly that you loathe yourself for it.”
“I despise you,” Azriel says unconvincingly. 
You press your body against his, pleased to find his erection protruding upon your midsection. The push and pull of this dangerous little game thrums through your body. “Your mouth says one thing, but your cock says another.”
Azriel hisses as you palm the front of his leathers. “Don’t start something you can’t finish, princess.”
“Since you robbed me of my only opportunity of finishing tonight, I think it’s only fair to tease. I enjoy making you squirm, shadowsinger.” 
“You’re a cruel, sadistic little creature.” 
“Then why don’t you punish me?”
The shadowsinger smacks the wall behind you, rattling the painting hanging beside your head. “Tell me that this is a horrible idea. That we should both walk away before we do something incredibly stupid.”
You twine your fingers behind his neck, bringing him down to your level. “Why should we try to fight it? Isn’t this what you wanted all along? To have me at your mercy?” 
Azriel chuckles, his warm breath washing over you in a delicious embrace. “You are my dearest punishment.” 
The crimson slash of your grin is nothing short of feral. “Good. I intend to make it hurt.” 
“For the record, this is exactly why I told Rhys that putting us together was a terrible idea. I knew I couldn't fucking resist you,” he whispers against your ear. “That I couldn’t be this close to you without thinking about doing this all day, every day. But he didn’t listen, so neither will I.” 
Every nerve in your body awakens at his touch and a jolt of electricity shoots up from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet while Azriel’s face dips down to yours. His scarred fingers twine through your thick hair as he positions you just where he wants you, with lips parted and lids heavy as your lower abdomen churns with need. 
Without warning, Azriel snakes his arms around your waist and hoists you up onto the wall as his perfect pink lips come crashing down on yours. For a moment you felt like the entire realm has tilted off its axis because there was no plausible reason why the shadowsinger tastes this heavenly, like a mixture of dark desire and forbidden wishes, but it doesn’t take long for you to accommodate him as you eagerly wrap your legs around his waist and kiss him back with fervent passion. 
You moan into his mouth as he grips your thighs, positioning you on top of a wooden dresser as you clamber to clear whatever was sitting on its surface. Azriel chuckles darkly, its sinful timbre sounding like absolute music to your ears. 
“I fucking knew it,” he declares as you press open mouthed kisses along his jaw. “You want me just as much as I want you.” 
The comment spurs you on as you slide your hands down the front of his leathers, kissing his neck as a distraction while you reach for the blade sheathed into his thigh. The shadowsinger groans at the feel of your velvet lips on his golden brown skin, but his pleasure is cut short when you raise Truth-teller against his throat. 
“Don’t get cocky, shadowsinger. I could just as easily switch from kissing your throat to slitting it open.” 
The dark laughter that emanates from the male makes you shiver. “I know, sweetheart. That’s what makes this so fun.”
Deft fingers snatch the dagger away from your hands as Azriel turns you over to face the mirror, dragging the sharp point of his weapon over your collarbones. The cold steel sweeps over your skin as he trails sloppy, wet kisses all over your neck. You tilt your head back in pleasure until the shadowsinger cuts the straps of your dress in one swift movement. The corset top falls to your lap and leaves you exposed to the elements as Azriel grins wickedly. 
“This dress is one of my favorites,” you hiss. 
Azriel cups your bare breasts and you involuntarily lean into his touch while he chuckles. “I’ll buy you another one. Hell, I’ll buy you the whole godsdamned shop. Just turn around and let me look at you.” 
The shadowsinger twirls you around as you slink out of the ruined dress. You’ve done this routine with plenty of males before, walking with your chin held high as they took in your naked form, but something about Azriel’s stare makes you shy away. You had to actively fight the urge to cover yourself as his fingers swept from the tops of your shoulders to the sensuous curve of your hips. 
“You’re a work of art. It’s no wonder that you have the Crown Prince eating out of the palm of your hand.” 
You smirk. “Jealous much?” 
“On the contrary, sweetheart. It’s him who should be jealous of me. Rhaegar will never get to touch you like this and once I’m done with you, no other male will dare to try again. Not unless they want to lose their heads.”
And fuck if Azriel threatening violence on your behalf didn’t absolutely turn you on. 
“Don’t keep me waiting then.” 
The smirk that graces the shadowsinger’s face makes your skin crawl with desire. He hoists you up from the dresser and places you directly in front of the four poster bed, guiding you towards the mattress until the backs of your knees hit the edge. You busy yourself with the buckles on the front of Azriel’s armor, tugging at them impatiently as he wriggles out of the dark leathers. He hoists his shirt over his head while twirling his beloved dagger in his hands. Azriel has every intention to set the weapon aside, but you catch his wrist at the last second. 
“Did I say we were done with that?”
Something wicked dances in Azriel’s eyes as he pushes you onto the soft mattress. He brings his dagger up to your naked form, gently tracing every voluptuous curve with the flat end of his blade. The steel kisses your skin as he trails a path from your chest down to your navel. Azriel pauses, pressing Truth-teller’s hilt against your pubic bone. 
“Is this what you want, sweetheart?” Azriel asks with a dark chuckle as he rubs the cold hilt against your clit. “You want me to fuck you with my dagger until you’re begging for my cock?” 
You clench your thighs together in response to the filthy words. The thought alone makes you hot all over and the contrast of the blade against your skin feels heavenly. 
“Yes,” you barely breathe. 
When your eyes meet, there’s something purely predatory in Azriel’s hazel irises. The dagger sweeps over your entrance and its blunt end is covered in your arousal as the shadowsinger prods the weapon into your soaking core. You’re so wet that his treasured blade slips in and out of your pussy with ease.
“That’s right, baby. Take all of it.” You moan in pleasure as he drives the hilt deeper, hitting that sweet spot that has your back arching off the bed. “Filthy little girl.” 
Through lust blown eyes, you blink back stars as Azriel flicks his thumb over your clit. The friction causes you to buck greedily against his hand as he drives you to the brink of collapse. Your skin felt like it was on fire and your lungs could barely take in air as your mewls echo off the walls. 
You grasp at Azriel’s hand, tugging him towards the mattress as you flip positions with ease. The dagger feels light in your hands as you wield it up to his throat, outlining his sharp jaw with its flat edge. You take the opportunity to admire every feature. Tan skin, onyx hair, perfect teeth, and most of all, those powerful wings encompassing the span of his muscled back. Everything about the shadowsinger was delicious and you couldn’t wait to taste every inch. 
You dip down to kiss him, enveloping the both of you in the dark curtain of your hair as Azriel attempts to take the lead. With a brush of the blade, you shake your head and smirk. His assumption that he’d be the one in charge tonight told you that the shadowsinger was accustomed to taking the lead in the bedroom, but you weren’t one to relinquish control. Not without making him beg for it first. 
“I’m in charge tonight, Azriel.” 
The dagger grazes the hollow of Azriel’s throat and he could barely restrain himself from devouring you. The fire in your eyes sent him into overdrive. In nearly five centuries of his immortal life, he’s never met anyone like you. Never played with a partner who preferred taking the reins rather than letting him do all the work. It was hot as fuck. 
“Tell me what you want me to do, princess.” 
“Touch yourself for me,” you breathe, settling on top of his thighs while Azriel’s eyes widen at your wicked request. 
The winged warrior obliges the command and pumps himself, rubbing a large hand over his cock. His generous length twitches in his palm while his head tilts back in ecstasy and the sound of his moans reverberate through your entire being, awakening a primal need within you. 
The glistening slickness of his precum coats the sensitive tip of his cock and you hold your breath in eager anticipation as Azriel thrusts his hand back and forth. There’s something utterly depraved about the act of watching himself get off, riding out the pleasure while he shamelessly moans your name. 
“Don’t cum until you’re inside me,” you say with a devious grin. 
Azriel inhales sharply, his parted lips and tousled hair embodying sex itself. “Then ride me, baby.”
Bracing your hands on his broad shoulders, you position your hips over his cock, grasping at the base while you guide him to your entrance. Azriel hisses at the sensation of your wet cunt on his already sensitive tip, fighting every urge to buck against you while you slowly sink down into him. His hands grip your waist while he sheathes himself into your pussy, loving the way your tight walls contract around him. Azriel was big, so much so that you’re struggling to take all of him while he groans underneath you.
“So fucking tight,” he grunts. “I love the way your pretty pussy feels.” The sheer size of him makes your eyes water as you adjust yourself to accommodate his length. “Now come on sweetheart, fuck me like you hate me.” 
Cauldron boil and fry you, you’re barely hanging onto what little sanity you had left as you rock your hips into him. Azriel shifts his hips upwards, hitting your cervix with relentless ferocity while he drives his cock in and out of you. The growls coming out of his mouth were animalistic as he whispers the nastiest, dirtiest curses into your hair. 
“You have such a filthy mouth, Azriel. I fucking love it.”
“Talking dirty is the least of what my mouth can do.” 
Azriel crashes his lips down to yours, sucking on your bottom lip as you grind against him. The deep, guttural growl it elicits out of the shadowsinger tastes like sugar on your tongue. You ride him faster, picking up the pace while your moans echo through the room, the sounds tangling together like your limbs. The familiar spread of warmth in your lower abdomen indicates that your orgasm was close. As Azriel brings you to the precipice of release, a knock on the door brings you crashing down to reality. 
Shadows envelope the both of you in a dark cocoon, swallowing light and sound as a tendril of darkness curls through Azriel’s ear. 
“It’s Rhaegar,” he informs you through gritted teeth. 
You groan softly as Azriel possessively presses you closer. “How unseemly would it be if I told the Crown Prince of Rask to fuck off?”
The shadowsinger smirks. “As pleasing as it would be, I have a better idea,” the mischievous tone of his voice peaks your interest. “Answer the door.” 
Azriel retrieves your sleeping gown and matching silk robe, draping it over your shoulders as he helps you out of bed. His scarred hand clamps down onto your bare ass cheek, kneading the soft skin before turning you around and sheathing himself inside of your pussy again. 
If it weren’t for the barrier that his shadows provided, the Crown Prince would’ve heard the filthy moan that the shadowsinger knocks out of you. Rhaegar raps against the wooden door once more as Azriel grips your hips. 
“Answer the door,” the Illyrian warrior growls. 
“But he’ll see,” you gasp as Azriel gathers the silky material of your nightgown in his hands, watching as he slides his cock in and out of your pussy slowly. 
“My shadows will provide cover. Rhaegar won’t see a thing, but you and I will both know that I’m balls deep in your pretty little cunt while you turn the Crown Prince away.”
Your arousal coats his length, causing the male to chuckle darkly. The shadowsinger detects the shift in your scent and the fact that you were turned on by his indecent proposal turned him on even more. Azriel smirks as you nod wordlessly, guiding you to the door with his hands gripping your waist. 
Swallowing thickly, you open the door a sliver and squint out into the dark night, barely making out Rhaegar’s form as Azriel pushes deeper inside you. As you grip the wooden handle, you fight the urge to moan as the Crown Prince smiles at you. 
“I’m sorry to interrupt your rest,” Rheagar starts with an apologetic smile. This male, who you thought was handsome just hours before, couldn’t compare to the winged warrior behind you now, grazing your earlobe with his teeth as you try your best to focus on the task at hand. 
“Forgive me for my appearance. Had I known you were paying me a visit, I would have better prepared myself.” 
“It is I who should be apologizing, my lady. I only wish to bring you the news first. I accepted Rhysand’s offer and have sent a raven to the Night Court with my terms.” 
Azriel kneads the soft tissue of your right ass cheek, pressing a kiss in the middle of your spine while he thrusts into you. You bite down on your bottom lip, nearly drawing blood. 
“Are you alright, my lady?” 
“I-I’m fine. Just feeling a bit exhausted from our rather eventful day.” 
Rheagar nods, seemingly realizing the late hour and the intrusion his presence posed. If only he knew what Azriel was doing behind you. “Of course, I shall let you return to rest. I hope to see you on the morrow, my lady.” 
“Good night,” you barely mutter before you’re shutting the door on the Crown Prince’s face. 
Azriel wastes no time as he presses you up against the brick wall, bracing your hands onto the solid surface before placing a soft kiss on your cheek. 
“Look at you. So greedy for my cock that you’d shut the door on Rhaegar’s face. I imagine the Crown Prince was hoping his night would end the way mine is right now, buried inside you while you try so hard not to moan my name. Too bad that I’m the only one who gets to feel this pretty little pussy of yours from now on.”
You moan as he claims you with a kiss, his tongue prodding past your parted lips while he clasps the hollow of your throat possessively. “Brace yourself, sweetheart. I intend to fuck the thought of any other male out of you.” 
“That’s rather cocky of you, shadowsinger.”
The feline smile that curves through his handsome face was full of promise. “It’s not cocky if it’s true.” His shadows swirl through your ankles, pushing them further apart as Azriel smirks at the shock on your face. “Now be a good girl and bend over for me.”
Flush with need, you wordlessly oblige his command. Azriel links your fingers together as your palms spread out against the cool brick, his hips thrusting into you from behind while the sound of skin against skin echoes through the room. The death grip you had on his hands didn’t seem to bother the Illyrian as he muttered a string of curses that would put a sailor to shame. 
His palm catches your cheek before it scrapes against the rough cement of the wall, turning your chin to kiss the breath right out of you. The shadowsinger’s other hand clamps down on the front of your sex, circling his fingers deliciously against your clit. Shadows swirl through your nipples, sweeping over your skin like a tiny million kisses and heightening the pleasure that much more. You could feel yourself chasing that familiar high, moans growing louder and louder with every flick of Azriel's digits. 
Without warning, he withdraws his touch and slips out of you. You whine in desperation, needy to feel all of Azriel in you again. 
“Why’d you stop?” 
Azriel grins wickedly. “I want to see how long you can hold out before you’re begging for me.” 
You snarl, capturing his bottom lip with your teeth and biting hard enough to draw blood. “Perhaps I’ll bring you to your knees first, Azriel.”
He chuckles darkly, licking up the crimson droplets from the corner of his mouth. “I don’t see why we can’t have both.” 
Before you could ask him what that meant, he picks you up with ease and sits you atop the wooden dresser. Azriel knocks the perfume and other items scattered on the surface and grips the tops of your thighs, pulling you to the edge while he kneels down between your legs. Dark wings flare across his back as he smirks, not saying a single word before he plunges his tongue onto your soaking core. 
Gods help you, Azriel knew exactly what he was doing. His greedy mouth works you into a writhing, whining mess while he expertly flicks his tongue against your clit. Every kitten lick sends a rush of euphoria straight to your brain, short circuiting what little logic you had left while you hang onto Azriel’s silky dark locks for dear life. His satisfied hum reverberates through your skin, making your clit throb with desire and desperation as he continues to worship you with his hands, lips, and tongue. The sensation of his warm and wet mouth against your sex had your eyes rolling back into your head. The moans Azriel was eliciting out of you was borderline obscene. 
If this was a dream, you never wanted to wake up. 
Not realizing that you’d vocalized that last thought, Azriel smirks up at you, his mouth and chin coated with your arousal. “It’s not a dream, sweetheart. I'm right here and I’m more than willing to make you cum. If you say the magic words.” 
“Fuck you, Azriel,” you rasp teasingly, barely clinging onto what little pride you had left. 
The shadowsinger smiles. “I’m afraid that’s not it, but perhaps this will remind you how to say please.” 
Azriel yanks you to him, spreading you over the dresser as he slips inside of you once more. Your breath fogs up the glass as your features contort with pleasure. In the reflection, the shadowsinger’s smirk was nearly feral as he rams himself into your pussy, making you arch your back as you moan his name. 
His eyes darken with lust as he gathers your hair in his right hand. “Say it again.” 
“Azriel,” you chant as he hisses sharply, snapping his hips at a punishing pace.
“Ready to give up yet, princess?”
Rolling your eyes, you latch your lips onto his neck, grinning against his golden brown skin as you rake your nails along his back. Azriel moans and you continue your path, fingertips stilling over the apex of his wings. Your light touch makes the Illyrian male shiver, burying his face in the crook of your neck while he bites back the growl threatening to reveal just how good it feels to have you caress his sensitive wings. 
“Nesta told me how sensitive you Illyrians are with your wings. She said that the right touch can even bring you to completion,” you state with an innocent smile. “Shall we test that theory, Az?”
“Fuck,” Azriel moans, his teeth grazing your shoulder as you run your pointer finger over the red and gold membrane behind his back. “You’re a vicious tease.” 
You grin, sucking at his earlobe as his thrusts grew sloppier. “I’m just giving you a taste of your own medicine, baby.”
The curve of his wings feels leathery underneath your digits as you continue to tease Azriel, tracing little patterns upon his leathery wings. You’ve never heard a male make the sounds that the shadowsinger was making now - needy, desperate, and literal music to your ears. 
“That feels so fucking good, sweetheart.” Azriel pants and the sight of his glistening skin and sex tousled hair makes you beam with satisfaction. 
The ever stoic shadowsinger was a writhing mess above you, his warm breath fanning over your skin while he chants your name like a prayer. The teasing becomes a competition between you, both eager to make each other cave first. Unwilling to yield, Azriel fucks into you deeper but his resolve is barely hanging on by a thread while you lightly rake your nails over his wings. 
“So close,” he grunts, rolling his hips into yours. 
"Please, Az..." you plead. "Don't stop."
Azriel chuckles, pounding into you with a harsh snap of his hips. "You sound so pretty when you beg, baby." He smirks as you whimper.
"Nobody likes a tease, Azriel." You lightly rub the sharp talon at the apex of his wings as he releases a shuddering breath. "If you won't fuck me the way I want, maybe I should ask Rhaegar if he's willing."
The shadowsinger snarls, flipping you over and ramming his cock into you so deep that you could feel every ridge and curve within your walls. While you knew that it probably wasn't the best idea to push Azriel, awakening this dark side of him brought a different sort of thrill out of you.
"There will be no other male for you," Azriel grunts, holding your hips down while you buck against him. "Do you understand?"
"Just you," you confirm. "It's just you, Azriel."
He smirks proudly. "Good girl."
You could feel yourself on the brink of release as he releases his grip and fills all of you again, lifting your hips up to take Azriel deeper. His cock was perfect, fitting tight and snug into your pussy as you greedily squeeze his length with an ironclad grip. 
“Can we call it a draw?” 
Azriel’s eyes fill with relief, dipping his head down and capturing your lips with his. “Yes, sweetheart. Put me out of my godsdamned misery.”
He lifts you gently off the dresser, giving you the leverage to ride him until you reached that euphoric high. Azriel seems content on letting you use him, holding out on his own orgasm until he knows that you've ridden the wave of your pleasure to the very end. White noise rushes through your ears as Azriel thrusts into you one last time, whispering your name with quiet reverence while pleasure racks his entire body. His words are gentle and soft as he slowly pulls out of you, admiring the way his cum trickles down the side of your leg as you rest your head on his shoulder. 
Azriel is slick with your own arousal and you blush at the sight of him soaked with your cum. He pulls you closer, pressing a kiss to your temple. “Don’t be shy, sweetheart. I love knowing that I can make you cum like this. Your taste, your scent, your moans. Gods, I’m going to be thinking about it every waking moment.”
He turns over to face you, smiling as you shy away from his gaze, running his fingers over your skin while he drinks in the sight of you blissed out and euphoric. The shadowsinger had only allowed himself to imagine you like this in the dead of night when he could no longer fight off his desire, but nothing could compare to the real thing. He traces the outline of your lips with a fond smile.
"You were right, you know. I do want you. So fucking badly that I acted like an absolute prick."
You giggle. "Of course I was right." Azriel rolls his eyes and kisses your knuckles. "Have you ever considered that maybe I wanted you too?"
"The thought did cross my mind. After that first failure of a mission that we ever went on, when you got in my face and started yelling. I knew I was done for." Azriel grins mischievously. "Why do you think I was constantly picking fights with you? I love getting you all riled up. Your cheeks get all red and flustered and your eyes...there's something wild about them and it turns me the fuck on."
"So you're telling me that all this fighting was just foreplay?" you tease. "A normal person would've just asked me out on a date."
He chuckles. “Where’s the fun in that? I enjoy the chase as much as the catch.”
You quirk a brow. “And now that you’ve caught me?”
In a surprisingly sweet gesture, Azriel cradles your face in his hands and kisses you deeply. “I’m never letting go.”
You don’t even realize that you’re smiling until he pulls away and mirrors your reaction. He presses gently on the marks on the side of your neck, admiring the work of his lips. 
“Don’t cover these, sweetheart. I want the Prince and everyone else to know that you’re mine and mine alone.”
“Jealous, possessive male,” you say with feline amusement. “I thought the feared spymaster would insist on nothing but absolute discretion.” 
“Fuck being discrete,” Azriel says fiercely. “Unless you intend to still vie for Rhaegar.”
The notion itself was laughable. How could you ever look at any other male after tonight? 
“I shut the door on the Crown Prince of Rask for you, Azriel. If that doesn’t make my choice clear, then I don’t know what will.”
He grins, tucking a stray lock behind your ear. “Perhaps I could use a bit more convincing.”
“Asshole,” you tease playfully. 
Azriel captures your lips between his, laughing as you groan into his mouth. “You can call me whatever you want, sweetheart. As long as you’re moaning it.”
The shadowsinger flips you on the bed, pinning you underneath his body while he grins deviously. Tendrils of darkness swirl through your limbs, chaining your wrists to the headboard and spreading your legs apart. 
“Now come on, baby. I'm only getting started," he grazes his teeth over the hollow of your throat and you whimper in response. "We’ve got a long night ahead of us.”
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taglist: @gorgeouslysent, @moony-thoughts, @i-opened-the-chamber-of-secrets
let me know if you'd also like to be added to my forever taglist 💙
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Ok, so this is definitely a NSFW thought, but I just imagine this with Az and holy moly 🥵
on the edge.
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author’s note: goddamn edging azriel is such a hot concept. i hope i did it justice. warning: smut under the cut.
The shadowsinger can’t stop shaking.
His breaths are coming out in low, strangled pants as you slowly lower yourself onto his cock. It had been an hour of nothing but this torturous teasing, sixty minutes of you grinding down in a languid pace, letting his cock slip in and out of your pussy, stopping at the midpoint before starting the sadistic routine all over again.
Azriel wanted nothing more than to hold you down, fully sheathe himself within your silky walls, and fuck you into the mattress until you were hoarse from screaming in pleasure.
But he couldn’t.
He didn’t have permission to fuck you.
He didn’t have permission to make you cum.
You were clear on the rules. Tonight, you were in charge. Azriel could do nothing but let you use him as your own personal fuck toy. Over and over again, you brought him to the edge only to pull back once his orgasm was so close he could taste it.
Even now as you raked your nails against his tattooed chest, using his shoulders to give you the proper leverage to grind into him, Azriel couldn’t stop trembling. His legs are shaking as you ride him and he’s so overstimulated, the tip of his cock throbbing from the multiple orgasms that you’d denied.
Azriel squeezed his eyes shut as you grabbed his shaft, rubbing your soaking wet folds along the underside of his cock. You moaned as the throbbing vein rubbed deliciously against your clit and you rolled your hips into him, letting the friction build your pleasure.
Your mate trembled from the effort it took to keep himself from cumming. His wings unfurled as a sob racked through his body, a single tear falling down his cheek as the absence of your sweet pussy tore him away from an orgasm once more. He feels so overwhelmed, so conflicted between pushing you away to stop the sensation and cuddling into you for support. Azriel’s hands hovered on your hips, his head falling slack against your shoulder as he cried.
You swiped at his tears with your thumb and kissed the spot where they fell. “Poor baby,” you cooed, running your hands through his soft raven locks. “You’re doing so well, my love. Gonna give you what you want, okay baby?”
Azriel looked up at you, his hazel eyes pleading. “P-please,” he breathed. “Please. I need you, mommy.”
“I know, baby.” You kissed him softly and he sighed in relief as you shifted in his lap. Azriel let out a sharp gasp as you finally sank all the way down, taking all of him in. He could have cried with relief at how your walls hugged around his cock, snug and tight and secure just like it should be. “You’ve been such a good boy for mommy, haven’t you?”
Azriel sniffled, nodding. The praise felt like a beam of light in the hazy fog. “I think you deserve a reward, Azzie. Do you want me to keep riding you or do you want to fuck me?”
His voice was barely a rasp. “I want to fuck you. Please.”
You flipped over and pulled him on top of you. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you pushed him further in, groaning as he stretched your walls.
“Come fuck me then, baby.”
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Azriel x reader: Peaches[*]
A/N: I have a request for some soft!dom Azriel in my inbox, so I’m kind of using this as a little bit of a practice run :)
Warnings: ass-eating and rimjob (m receiving), some light wing play, Az being a little mean in the beginning then softening out, slightly more sub!Az at the end
Word Count: 2,518
You can just imagine how good he would feel in your hands. And with the way he’s walking up the stairs, the plump and toned muscle of his ass wrapped up tight in leathers…
His wings twitch, shadows undulating and he stops at the top of the stairs, turning to look at you over his shoulder, two plates of food in his hands, leaving you to carry the drinks. “I can feel your eyes on me, you know,” he remarks with a raised brow. You flush, having been caught.
“Oops,” you say, grinning as you walk past him, “guess my gaze slipped.” He snorts, shadows pinching your ass as you strut by, making you yelp. You shoot him a glare over your shoulder, wishing you had a free hand to rub the sore skin. He gives you a panty-dropping grin, pissing you off just enough to have you kicking the door shut on him once you get in your bedroom.
He chuckles from the other side, shadows reopening the door while you set the glasses down. “Someone in a poor mood because she got caught eyeing me up?” He drawls, the smirk clear in his voice.
“I was not eyeing you up!” You snap, crossing your arms over your chest in a way that plumps your tits. His attention drops appreciatively, tongue flicking out to wet his lips. When his eyes return to yours, they’re a little darker, and you know he marks the roll of your throat.
“Please,” he purrs, setting the plates down on the bedside table. “You were looking at me like how Cassian looks at beef jerky.” His grin turns a little feral, “like you wanted to sink your teeth into me.” Heat blossoms across your lower body as he pin points the exact intent with which you had been staring at him.
Still, you raise your chin, looking down your nose at him. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You know you’ve been staring at his ass all day.
How could you not? It’s so plump, and—and round, and…you’re actually salivating.
He hasn’t been giving you a break, wearing those leathers first thing in the morning until the last thing at night. He has to know what it does to you. Which means, he’s teasing you. You grown inwardly, knowing how your mate can be when it comes to denying your wants for his own pleasure. He’s probably enjoying this opportunity to get back at you for that one time, and the objective side of your mind knows it’s well-deserved. Still.
“What’s going on in that dumb, little mind of yours, pet?”
Arousal slams into you, knees nearly buckling at the rough timbre of his voice. You manage to keep yourself strong, refusing to allow that whimper to slip from your lips. “Where did you sneak up from?” You ask, and even to your own ears, you sound a little hoarse. His lips twitch, pressing his front into your back as he tips your chin upward, so he can look down at you properly. His hand practically swallows your throat, just holding, lightly.
“I thought I’d check in on my wife,” he drawls, and you feel the male satisfaction as the title slips smoothly from his tongue. His wife. He’d been just as obnoxious when the two of you had accepted the mating bond, calling you nothing but his mate for months on end. “See how she’s faring with these miserable chores that her miserable husband is forcing her to do.” His eyes gleam as your spine arches almost imperceptibly, his hips pushing tighter into your rear.
“He is quite miserable, isn’t he?” You murmur back. “Always denying me my fun.”
Azriel’s hands settle at your waist, spinning you around so you’re attention is fully on him—not the cleaned laundry you were folding. “And what fun are you after, wife?” He asks, hands grazing up the sides of your body until he’s cupping your cheeks, squishing them ever so lightly.
Warmth flushes your skin, but you lean into him. Your eyes flutter shut, his heat seeping into you as you allow your fingers to brush his forearms, travelling to his biceps, settling on the muscled edge of his ribs before grazing down. Your hands move over his waist, snaking around his back, descending past his hips, and—
You yelp when shadows bat your hands away, so close to finally, finally feeling him. Your eyes fly open, immediately locking on his own heated gaze, colour dusting his cheeks, canines digging into his lower lip as he watches you with an intensity that makes your legs want to fall open.
“Has no one ever taught you manners, pet?” He asks, hand sliding down to your waist while the other tilts your jaw upwards. “Ask before you touch.”
“I need permission to touch what’s mine?” You retort quietly, hunger blazing in the pit of your belly. You can scent his own arousal grow in response, grip biting into your soft skin.
His grin turns feline as he drags you closer to him, mouth brushing over your own, forcing you up onto your tiptoes, “you want more than just to touch, though, don’t you?”
You’re so worn out. So tired, and so ready for bed.
Between Azriel’s teasing, your job, and your own damned mind, you think you might be going crazy. The few dreams you’ve managed to keep with waking from sleep have consisted mostly of fruits…phallic and…peachy. He would never let you live it down if he knew even your subconscious was goading you to him.
You think your knees might actually collapse when you make it to your shared bedroom.
He’s sprawled across the mattress, a thin sheet covering his lower half, wings splayed gorgeously over the bed. His hair’s slightly damp, curled at the ends from the shower, and his skin looks warm, and healthy, and delicious. Marvellously firm with muscle.
Azriel doesn’t look up from the book he’s reading as your bags drop to the floor and you make a soft sound of disbelief and hunger in the back of your throat. And then you’re clumsily stumbling forward, crawling onto the bed, easing yourself between his sheet-covered legs. Falling onto your front, pressing yourself onto his ass like it’s the comfiest pillow you’ve ever come across.
It’s only then he shifts, peering over his shoulder, and you can practically imagine the smug grin on his lovely mouth seeing you finally give in. You suppose it’s not like you made a secret of your desire, but still…
Arousal builds across your body, hunger finally breaking you as you lift, prowling up his figure. He looks like he’s about to get up, so you swing your legs over his hips, keeping him pinned to the mattress. You know he could easily lift you with him, but he settles back down, a sound like a purr rumbling from his chest.
“You’re being rather dominant, wife,” he drawls, shifting so he’s comfy. You snarl softly, fed up with his teasing, setting your hands between his shoulder blades, then running them lightly to the base of one of his wings. His muscles shift and contract beneath you, rippling as your fingers skate up lightly.
The tension seeps from him as you reach the dip beneath the first joint of the powerful limb. His skin heats and a quiet groan spills from his lips, needful and soft. It’s so rare something like this happens, but it seems he’s had a long day, too, and is ready to be taken care of. You couldn’t be more relieved. Dread to think how things would have gone if he’d had the energy or the will to deny you any longer. He seems to get off of refusing your pleasure, sometimes.
You shift closer, so you’re straddling his upper back, rolling your hips down languidly from time to time, basking in the slow build of warmth. Slow, because you both have the time to indulge. Slow, because you’re in no rush. Slow, because you have all the time in the world and right now, you want it with each other. To find pleasure in the other’s body.
Leaning forward, you attach your open mouth to the ridge of his wing and he shudders, a deep, drawn-out moan purring into the silence. The sound urges your hips to roll down a little harder, basking in the delicious and firm press of hot muscle beneath you. Teeth nip, and your fingers graze those spots you’ve had memorised since the first time he’d allowed you the pleasure of touching him like that. It’s rare enough he lets you look after him, rarer still he accepts direct comfort to his wings.
You’re not sure how comfortable he is with that vulnerability. You’re mated, married, and joined in every way that counts, but you’re not going to pretend that you share absolutely everything with one another. There are still times the two of you will just sit in silence, mentally recovering from whatever trials have gotten you down that day. Plenty of times where you’ll spend a few hours apart, just to get out of the house. And it’s wonderful that way. To be comfortable enough to trust and know someone will to come back to you even after you’ve put a line in the sand…
Your tongue flicks out, dragging up the dip of bone, grazing over the powerful muscle that flexes beneath your tongue. His breath catches softly, and you pull away. Groans roughly as he falls away from the edge, but doesn’t fight for it, content to enjoy the edge.
Pulling back, you brush your thumb once more over the sensitive skin of his wing, and a sharp breath exhales from his lips. You shuffle down his body, pushing away the sheets as you go, leaving him entirely bare for you. It takes every ounce of willpower he’s instilled in you over the years to keep from pushing his legs apart right then and there and moving your mouth to your pleasure—hopefully his, too.
Instead, you tap his hip twice, lightly, then grip his side, urging him to roll over. He sighs, but turns obediently, knowing it will benefit him in the long run, wings pulling in tight as he switches onto his back. Then your mouth is opening over him, tongue flicking over the bead of moisture nestled in the slit of his tip.
Azriel moans softly, back arching as colour dusts his cheeks, fingers gently threading through your hair, raising his hips. You press a kiss to his tip, licking up the underside of him, watching as his eyes flutter closed and those quiet sounds of pleasure start becoming more regular.
He tugs lightly on your hair, and you take him into your mouth, hand gripping his base as you pump what you can’t fit. He hisses with pleasure, brow furrowing then evening out as he rolls his hips upward, gasping softly when your throat contracts around him. Again, you pull up to his tip, hand stroking him firmly but not roughly—not this time. You flick your tongue once again over his slit, pressing another kiss down, before you’re urging his bent legs further apart.
A slightly startled moan slips from his lip as you press your mouth low on his inner thigh, working closer to where you want to please him from—giving him the chance to stop you if he doesn’t yet want to try it. But his skin is warm and clean, smelling distinctly of soap and himself, and your mouth is watering.
His spine arches as your tongue circles the tight ring of muscle, flicking over then pulling away to kiss the surrounding area. His hand has released your hair in favour of the bedsheets, fingers gripping hard as you continue pumping him. He twitches, and you pull up, giving more attention to his cock.
Azriel’s shadows have joined you, grazing over his inner wing with silky softness, helping you work him to the steadily budding orgasm that will leave him hot and trembling. The darkness flicks over his gleaming chest, swirling over his nipples, making him pant. His eyes are still closed, plush lower lip caught between his teeth and you again dip down, pleased with his reactions.
You circle the tight muscle again, pumping a little harder, moving in time with the gentle roll of his hips. Your tongue pushes inside, and you hear him inhale sharply, bucking into your hand. He’s close, and now that you’ve again gotten him to the edge, you can’t bring yourself to deny him.
How could you, knowing he’s receiving pleasure everywhere he can be? In all those intimate, sensitive areas?
Your tongue flicks over him again as you squeeze him deliciously, just the right side of painful. His shadows flick and swirl, and a deep, rich moan is pulled from between his lips, spine arching enough to tip his head back into the plush pillows. He twitches again before he releases, hips bucking in time with the waves of pleasure, hot cum spilling from his tip, spurting up onto the firm planes of his toned stomach. You keep pumping until his hips begin stuttering, and then you’re easing your pace, softening your grip as he becomes infinitely more sensitive.
When he’s done, thighs trembling, panting softly into the sex-tinted air, you raise from between his legs. Lick your lips when you see the mess he’s made of himself: hot, milky liquid gleaming on the sweat-slicked muscles of his stomach, shifting and glistening in the light with his breathing. The perfect dessert.
You crawl forward slowly, careful not to ruffle him too much, tongue lolling out as you begin lapping up the creamy liquid. His hand again finds your hair, stroking gently as you hum, drinking him up. It’s only when you’re certain you’ve licked up every drop of him that you prowl up his body, until you’re on top of him.
He’s still flushed, and offers you a lazy smile that sings songs of his satisfaction. “And here I had just gotten out of my shower,” he murmurs over your up-tilted lips. You smile gently, enjoying him being the one fully naked, for once, “I’ll change the covers tomorrow, husband.”
Azriel smiles up at you, lifting his head from the pillows as he brings your mouth down to his own, soft lips slanting over your own, tasting himself on you. He groans quietly, shadows and fingers already working deftly to remove your clothes. As soon as they’re gone, and you’re gloriously bare, he’s pulling you down on him, hot skin pressing flush together.
His shadows hook beneath the sheets, pulling them up and to cover once his wings have curled over you, keeping you tucked into his chest. The heat and warmth quickly lulls you to sleep, the two of you pulled under in a matter of minutes. Breathing deepening and evening out as you fall together, wrapped in each other’s scent and warmth.
Taglist: @myheartfollower @tcris2020 @mali22 @amygdtjhddzvb @sfhsgrad-blog @needylilgal022 @hannzoaks
Az Taglist: @azrielshadows1nger @jurdanpotter @positivewitch @nightcourt-daydreaming
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I eat this up with every reread
Use Your Manners (SMUT)
Cassian x reader
Notes: I need this man in ways that I cannot describe. Also Rhysand makes an appearance which may lead to a part 2.
Warnings: smut, light choking, voyeurism, dom/sub dynamics
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You moaned and clawed at Cassian’s back, pleasure coursing through your body. Being apart for three weeks was too long to be separated from him, and his cock. As he pounded into you Cass held you tight to his large body. Like you would slip away from him if he couldn’t feel you against his chest.
“Gods sweetheart, never again. Never leaving you again.” You moan at the sweet words. To have your mate all to yourself again was truly a gift.
His hips stutter for a moment before his thrusts turned into deep, concentrated strokes. You whine as he pulls away from you to lean on his elbows, his eyes glazed over, though you know that look isn’t from being buried inside your cunt. You hold his face, whimpering for his undivided attention again. Shushing you, Cassian leans down pecking your cheek. “Rhys needs to ask me a question.” He whispers in your ear. “Now, I want to get this over with, so can he come in, and I promise we won’t stop.” Cassian’s words strained as he kept up his languid strokes. He smirks at you, his eyes dark with lust at the thought of showing you off.
You have to admit, the idea of Cassian fucking you in front of the High Lord was hot. It had you clenching around his cock, causing him to groan. He let out a breathy laugh that tickled your pointed ear. “So is that a yes sweetheart?”
“Yes,” you say breathlessly. Growing desperate for Cassian to pound into you again. He kisses your forehead, murmuring, “Good girl.”
Scooping you off the bed Cassian sits against the headboard, keeping you on his lap. Pressing kisses against your chest up to your neck your head lolls back, eyes fluttering. Cassian grips your hips to turn you facing forward. The kisses and bites moving down to your shoulder.
“Come in.” Cass calls out. As the door opens he starts thrusting into you again. Rhys slowly makes his way in coming to a stop next to the bed. That signature smirk pulling on his lips.
Cassian pulls you down on his cock, hard. You let out a loud moan, digging your nails into his thighs. “Greet our guest sweet girl.” Cassian teases. He grasps your hair pulling lightly so you look up at Rhys.
“H-hi Rhys.” You stutter. Gods you can’t even think. You just wanted to yell at them to get their conversation over with. Clawing at Cassian you whimper. He picks up his thrusts again.
“Good, sweet girl.” You let out a sweet giggle as you continue to bounce on him. Cassian could tell you craved more from him from the way you angled yourself. You needed him deeper.
You couldn’t even comprehend the words the males behind you were exchanging. You were completely consumed by Cassian.
Before you could beg for more Cassian wrapped an arm around your waist, holding you up while he got on his knees. His other hand squeezed one of your breasts, sliding his large hand to hold your throat.
Your breath catches at the new position. A shiver running down your spine. Cassian let out a deep chuckle. You jump at his breath on your ear as he whispers, “Rhys says you're doing so good for me. Say thank you to your High Lord and you get a reward.”
Resting your head in the crook of Cassian’s neck you look up to meet Rhys’s violet gaze. “Thank you, Rhys.”
“May I?” He asks Cassian while staring at you. “Go ahead.” Rhys traces a finger down your cheek, hooking under your jaw before falling away. “Next time I’ll invite Feyre. She’d love how responsive you are.”
Your walls clench around Cassian’s cock. The thought of all four of you in one room has a new wave of arousal coursing through you. “You want that baby?” Cassian whispers. “Uh-huh,” you breathe out. You ground your hips down on him. Begging for him to move. It feels like Cassian has been still for far too long.
Cassian slams into you, pulling out as far as he can. A high pitched moan bordering on a scream falls from your mouth. Your eyes screwed shut from Cassian’s cock finally hitting that sweet spot inside your cunt.
Caught up in your pleasure you didn’t hear Rhys depart. Just the door closing. Cassian didn’t reposition you, his moans telling you he loved this position too.
“Fuck, you feel so good like this. You were such a good girl, using your manners and showing Rhys all those pretty sounds.” His voice gruff as he concentrates on your highs. “Fu-fuck Cassie. So good,” you babble out along with a few stuttered moans. You were close. So fuckig close.
Cass tightened his grip on your throat. Your eyes fly open so you can stare up at him. Watching his rugged face full of lust as his eyes watch you closely. Scanning your body for your tells.
Your thighs start to shake as your stomach tightens. Your walls fluttering, your body begging Cassian to come.
As your release rips through you, you go limp in Cassian’s hold. He holds you up, going faster and faster. You feel his come paint your walls as he keeps pushing into you.
His chest heaves as you both relax. “Cass,” you breathe out. He presses a kiss to the crown of your head. “That was perfect.” Cassian carefully pulls you off him, turning you to lay on his chest as he calmly strokes your hair.
“You ok?” Cass whispers. You let out an approving hum, snuggling closer to him. “My perfect, sweet girl.” He says, pulling the covers over your bodies.
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Honestly need more fics of Azriel or Eris spanking either reader or oc… for science…
For Science
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Warnings - impact play, brat taming, dom/sub dynamics, degradation, toy use, filth.
A/n - did I possibly get this done faster in response to all the Eris hate going around lately? Yes. Do I regret it? No.
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You had gone too far. Teasing Eris through the mating bond was one thing. Teasing Azriel, though? That was dangerous territory, and you knew that.
You had worn his favorite tight short black dress to Rita's, drank after his shadows had tapped you indicating you were to stop. He had sat, a tight grip on a glass of whiskey, watching you flirt, dance, and drink your way past the bedtime he and Eris expected you to follow. He had all but dragged you out of Rita's growling in your ear about how you've earned everything that was coming.
That's how you found yourself being forced to walk into Eris's cabin as Azriel tightly gripped your hair and threw you to Eris's feet.
The heir didn't even bother looking up from his book, patting his lap, and waiting for you to lay across it. When you didn't, he finally set the novel down, kneeling before you and gripping your chin. "And what exactly is my little princess so upset about that she felt this was how she needed to get our attention?"
You tried looking away from him, pouting because the answer was obvious.
You had not spent time with either of them in 2 weeks. They were both so busy dealing with Beron, with Briallyn , with Koschei that caring and paying attention to you had gone out the window.
So, you decided to run an experiment. It had actually started the week before. Small acts of disobedience morphing into breaking actual rules when neither were around morphing into this.
The limit on how bratty you could be was drawn at another male touching your body.
The result was unknown. But you had a feeling you would not be walking the next day.
"I swear on the Cauldron if you do not fucking answer him this will only be worse for you." You heard Azriel behind you, unbuckling his belt and ripping it from his pants. You heard the Crack as he tested it, flinching slightly and looking up at Eris with doe eyes.
"You haven't paid attention to me in 2 weeks," his face softened lightly. "2 weeks daddy."
Eris stroked your cheek with the back of his hand, "We've been busy, princess. You know this. We talked about it. You know I can't come there without Rhysand's permission or invitation."
Your response was the nail in the coffin for Azriel. It was a direct attack on him, going straight for the jugular of his ability to care for you without Eris present. "He's been there. He's been too busy with his precious Elain to even care."
The refusal to address him by his name.
To refuse to call him daddy as well.
It was the final disrespect he'd allow.
"Get her on your lap or bend her over the couch. I don't care which. She will be naked and in position when I get back, or I'll punish you too."
Eris felt his jaw twitch kissing your forehead gently as Azriel walked out of the room and into the spare bedroom. The two of them had turned it into a small dungeon. A place they could bring you beyond the brink of pleasure and submission. Fucking you until you were nothing more than a pliant drooling cock drunk sleeve made perfectly for them.
The fact that he had not told Eris to bring you into there was a clear message.
You would not receive pleasure tonight until Azriel decided.
And his punishments could last hours.
Eris forced you to stand, removing your dress as silver began to line your eyes. He stripped you, leaving only the garter belt and thigh highs you had worn beneath the dress. "Bend over the couch, princess."
"But daddy-" He held a hand up ignoring the tears that were already falling.
"You chose this. Bend over the couch, be s good girl for your daddies, and maybe he will let you suck his cock. That is probably all you will get tonight."
You nodded, moving to the couch and bending over the arm. Eris sat in the chair nearby to watch, his shirt now long gone and pants loosened. Azriel stalked into the room like a predator, and you watched Eris's gaze widen in excitement. "Hands behind your back. I'm not going to ask again."
You whimpered at the command, moving them shakily and then whined when cold metal locked them in place behind you, forcing you to have to use your abs to support yourself. "Daddy, I'm sorry."
You heard Azriel pause behind you, then him grabbing something. "Not as sorry as you are going to be, angel."
The first impact of the paddle had you screaming. Body immediately shaking and scambling to try to get away. A second and third came quickly making you cry out, the flesh already stinging from the speed and accuracy Azriel used.
He then spanked you again and again. A fourth time. A fifth time. A sixth and seventh time. You felt your legs go out, body hanging limply on the couch as heat pooled in your core, fueled by the pain. Be hit you one last time, watching as your body lurched and you cried out.
"Look at her," he spoke directly to Eris, ignoring you completely as he did. "Fucking soaked from a punishment but has the audacity to cry like she didn't earn this."
Eris hummed, eyes bored, and he picked up his book again. "Silence her then. She knows she isn't allowed to cry over when she's getting punished for her behavior."
Azriel pulled you back by your hair. "Is that what you need? Are cuffs and spanking not enough? Do I need to take your voice too?"
You shook your head. "No, daddy."
Azriel let go of your hair, forcing you to fall back on the couch. You felt him attaching the bar he and Eris liked to use to keep your legs apart to your ankles, forcing you into a wider stance and leaving your dripping cunt exposed. "I do not understand this sudden attitude," he spanked you with his hand. "You know we are both busy males," another spank. "Did you tell him what you did? Did you tell Eris why I ripped you from Rita's?"
You shook your head, "No daddy."
"Look at him," Eris sighed, placing the bookmark you had given him into the book and closed it again. "Tell him what you did."
You felt your eyes watering again as they met his amber eyes. "I let another male touch me."
Silence fell over the room. Eris stood, and Azriel took his place in the chair, leaning forward onto his knees to watch. "How did he touch you?"
"He touched my hips-"
"He touched more than that, angel, tell him where else you let him touch you."
"My stomach, my chest, my-"
"Where on your chest, princess?"
You bit your lip, eyes squeezing shut. "He grabbed my breasts."
Eris landed a smack on your core, jolting your body forward and he held there cupping your sex in his large hand. "Those are mine. Your breasts are mine. This pussy is mine. Did you forget that, princess?"
"No! I-"
"Get the fucking gag. I'm not going to listen to her excuses."
You resisted crying as Azriel gagged you, silencing any apologies you had. He sat next to you, forcing your head into his lap. Eris waited, calculating and deciding his next move. Another wet slap on your core had you moaning. He followed it with a harsh smack on the barely cooled skin Azriel had beaten red. He repeated the motion, watching as your slick built with each smack on your aching over sensitive cunt.
"I bet she'd cum from this alone. Desperate little whore," another slap had your eyes rolling, whimpering and pushing your ass towards Eris with a wiggle. "Look at her. Begging for it like a bitch in heat."
He moved away, grabbing something off the table that had Azriel's eyes sparkling. You felt something cold running along your folds, gathering slick before circling your entrance and pushing in.
That stark contrast between the heat of your skin and the cool glass toy was your undoing after weeks of neglect. You came hard and without permission. Falling over the edge and clenching that toy until you came down from the high.
You heard Azriel chuckle above you, Eris tutting behind you. "And now she cums without permission," Azriel's voice was drawn out. "It seems we need to retrain her. Two weeks is evidently too long for our little girl."
"It would appear so."
You closed your eyes as he pulled the toy out, pushing it back in with a wet squelch. He continued the motion, keeping a slow pace to torture you with as Azriel gripped the garter belt to keep you in place.
It was going to be a long night, and you could not have been happier about it.
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General tag list:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers
624 notes · View notes
✨️Kink Education with Elizabeth ✨️
Threesomes fall into a few different play types: domination, voyeurism and exhibitionist, and Zelophilia *jealousy play/competition play* and there is a ton of psychologically behind why couples or even singles looking for new fun may partake in one. Threesomes are so desired in the kink community for a few reasons. Here's a few of the most common:
Polyamory - Some people genuinely do enjoy sexual and non sexual connections with multiple partners, so threesomes are a natural outcome of that mindset and lifestyle. It isn't for everyone, but for those who enjoy having multiple partners, there is nothing more satisfying than getting to express the love and joy you all share in one mess of flesh and sweat.
Sexuality exploration (especially among the bisexual community) - it helps allow you to explore questioning sexuality or known sexuality with multiple genders, two people of the same gender, gender fluid people. It can also help if you have a bisexual partner who misses the touch and feel of the sex they are not currently with.
And rekindling - a threesome is an exciting new experience a lot of people do not commonly get to try due to insecurity, jealousy, lack of foundation and trust in the relationship, but when/if you are lucky enough to get to have one, it's. So. Thrilling. It is a new person you get to show off for, a new performance, a new stimulant. It can help rekindle passion, bring new spark, and in some cases teach new methods and positions you haven't tried before.
Threesomes are not something to just casually throw into your love life, though. Threesomes can destroy a relationship as quickly as they can add to it. You have to make sure you and your partner agree on your third that boundaries are set and understood and that you both feel secure. Otherwise, like we talked about with cucking, this can destroy a relationship fast.
Also, before the ask even comes in. Yes. The answer to your question is yes, because at least one of you is going to secretly wonder and possibly send the anon.
💕Peep the Kink Bingo Masterlist Here💕
✨️ As always, NSFW below cut ✨️
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Lucien x Reader x Azriel
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Warnings - dom!Lucien, sub!reader, switch!Azriel, oral (m and f), competitiveness, mentions of Tamlain (which has potential as a ship 🤔), technically dp, praise kink, ps this dynamic was hard to write, so I went with my heart, hopefully it isn't disappointing.
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“She doesn't even want you!” You sighed, swirling the wine you had been nursing for the past 30 minutes as Lucien and Azriel fought.
It was no wonder Elain had run and fallen straight into Tamlin's arms. The two males before you were constantly at odds with each other, constantly stroking their own egos, fighting like children trying to claim the last piece of candy, and quite frankly, they were irritating.
You sighed as your mate's winged flared in anger at that statement, "And what? Do you think she wants YOU? That's comical, Vanserra. Really." You had thanked the Mother and Cauldron for Azriel daily, you truly had, but something about Lucien had captured your mind, and the male, still upset about his own bond failing due to your mate, had taken advantage of that. That didn't stop you from loving Azriel, though. From wanting him. From wanting both of them.
You two had not planned on falling in love with both, but here you were, married to Lucien due to a drunken night in Adriata and mated to Azriel.
You didn't understand why Elain felt the need to choose and to chase. You could have them both if you wanted, and just to prove that point, you untied the satin robe you were wearing, revealing the lack of clothing underneath. Lucien was the first to notice as Azriel continued ranting. His hand had gone to your thigh instantly, eyes locked on your own as he devoured the sight before him. You reached for his shirt, pulling you to him and settling him on top of you. “You sure?” It took Lucien's husky voice dripping in desire for Azriel's shadows to curl his ears, whispering that you were staring at him, waiting. 
“I want you both. Please.” Lucien was more than happy to oblige, placing soft kisses down your body, relishing in every noise as Azriel stared, eyes wide in lust and shock. 
Lucien wasted no time, going to where you wanted him most and nipping at your inner thigh as he placed them over his shoulders. Lucien looked up at you, eyes locking on yours as he took his first lick at your core. He smirked with pride as your head fell back, a mix of a moan and sigh leaving your throat. You reached on hand to Azriel, the other tangling into Lucien's hair. Azriel moved to you, breath slightly hitched. He squatted down by you, grabbing your throat gently right as Lucien locked your bundle of nerves between his lips, licking and sucking on it. 
Azriel held you in place for him, a smirk growing on his face. “Look so pretty like this, baby,” his free hand moved to your breasts, pinching your nipples and groaning as he watched you try to squirm only to be held in place by Lucien. Azriel tutted you softly, “Be good for Lucien, sweetness. Gotta listen and stay where he wants you, or I'll just play with him while you watch.” 
Lucien groaned against you, fingers squeezing your thighs as if he enjoyed the thought of that. He looked up at you, one eye whirling to search for any sign of discomfort, the other blown out with lust and need. 
Lucien didn't eat you out like a male starved. No, every lick and suck was methodically planned. It served a purpose to send wave after wave of pleasure down nerves begging for more and more. You heard Azriel's clothing coming off, and you felt the room shift as you got closer. “Hurry up and finish her off, Lucien. The quicker we get her onto the bed, the sooner you find out what a gift her mouth is.” You whimpered, drooling at the thought of choking on Lucien. "You want that, don't you, y/n?" 
Azriel forced you to nod, laughing at your big eyes and quick submission. Azriel pushed Lucien's head further into your cunt, watching with heated eyes as your head went back further into the pillows, breathing becoming more shallow and rushed. "Gods, she's fucking close. Look at you, Lucien, making our girl so happy. Do you want her to cum for you?” Lucien grabbed your thighs higher, pulling you into him more and moaning at Azriel's hand, tugging and tangling in his red locks. "How lucky am I? Two beautiful submissive little creatures both so eager to please.”
You felt Lucien's smirk, knowing he had just as much of a dominant streak in him. You were just happy to be there. To play the part of this needy creature, especially if it meant drowning in pleasure. Lucien pushed a finger into you, curling it and chuckling as you gasped his name, toes curling. He focused on you and you alone, not even watching as Azriel went down to you whispering in your ear as his scarred hands tweaked and played with your nipples. 
You were a mess for them already. Core drenched and begging, clenching around Lucien's single finger tighter and tighter as your moans and cries began louder. Falling over the edge with Lucien was always easy. He didn't make you see stars. He made you see worlds. He made you cry and beg. It was no different with an audience. Lucien forced you over that edge, hands tangling into his hair, screaming his name, and coaxing little noise after noise of over stimulation from you once your high ended. And then jealousy flooded that bond you shared with Azriel. 
Azriel lifted you from the couch as Lucien watched, taking you over to your bed and tossing you down with effort. Lucien seemed surprised by the smile that appeared in your face as you got onto your knees, hands roaming Azriel's chest as the male pulled your hair back and forced you into a rough kiss. 
You held a hand out to Lucien as he did, a quiet invitation to join you two instead of just watching. Perhaps it was selfish, but you wanted his hands on you, wanted to feel him. Wanted to feel both of them. Lucien came to the bed and started kissing down your neck, warm hands resting on your hips. “So fucking beautiful, baby,” his voice caressed your ear, sending shivers up and down your body. 
Azriel pulled apart, hazel eyes filled with lust. His hand went to Lucien's face, and his thumb traced his plush lips. “I believe she thinks the same thing about you.” Azriel ran his hand down to Lucien's throat, squeezing it softly, “Are you going to be a good boy and listen?”
It was then that you giggled, and Lucien smirked, “Are you?” The question sent electricity through the air. It bought a new challenge, a new competition between the two males. You scooted away as Azriel studied Lucien, watching and waiting. “I promise you this is a game I will win,” Lucien raised a brow to Azriel. “Can you handle that?”
For the first time in the many years of friendship you and Azriel shared, you saw him blush, “I-”
“Let us take care of you, Azriel,” the domination in Lucien's tone was so gentle. “When's the last time someone took care of you?” Lucien stood and moved Azriel to sit on the bed. With a quiet authority, he used two fingers to beacon you over to him. “Lovely, I want you to undress him for us.” 
“Yes sir,” Your hands went to the clasps around Azriel's wings, undoing them while you kissed the side of his neck. Once the back was able to free his wings, you moved in front of him, hands running over the smooth fabric before pulling the shirt off. 
You had to resist the urge to lick every dark bargain tattoo to trace each swirl like you knew Azriel loved. Lucien had given you a task. One you had to focus on. Your hands went to his pants, and he stood to allow you to slide them and his underwear down. Your mouth watered at the sight of his cock. It was hard, leaking, ready. Lucien grabbed you by the back of your neck, stopping you from what you desperately wanted to do.  “Hands and knees on the bed. You have to be good to earn his cock.” 
Azriel watched you obey in silence. Lucien wasn't forcing. He wasn't rough, and he didn't have you screaming and drooling. He just commanded and used gentle touches, and you obeyed. “Do you want to get her ready, or do you want me to?” 
“I will,” Azriel ran a hand over your ass and Lucien stopped him before he could spank you. 
“Be gentle with our girl. She's been such a good listener. She deserves soft tonight.” Azriel could hardly understand what that meant, what being soft in bed meant. “Submission is a gift. Look at how easily she handed us that present. Doesn't she deserve to be treated well for being such a good girl?” 
Azriel felt a wave of something setting in. If he was good, would he get a reward? Would he get to be loved this gently? He ran a finger through your core, making you cry out, and slowly, he pushed it in. You felt your eyes roll as he did, feeling yourself stretching around just his finger. 
You had always told Azriel how much you loved his scars, and it took him fingering you 3 times for him to find out why. He began to open you slowly, pressing each movement in the area he knew you loved the most. Lucien leaned down and captured Azriel's mouth in a long overdue kiss. 
This is what they needed the whole time. And outlet to their mutual attraction. A place they could safely explore each other. Lucien began to stroke Azriel's cock as Azriel added another finger inside of you. Your moans and cried were background music to them as Lucien pulled his mouth away. “Do you want her pussy or her mouth? I'm more than happy to just watch you fuck her while she sucks me off.”
Azriel hummed, “She's more than capable of handling-”
“She wants one of us in her mouth. We've had enough sex at this point while you've been enjoying the pleasure houses that I know her. If she was in the mood for anal, she'd be very vocal about it.”
Azriel's fingers pressed hard into your gspot, making you scream his name. “Please. I need more. I need-” 
“Don't beg,” Azriel growled at you. Lucien glared as you whimpered in submission. “I also know her. Look at how wet and ready she is. She could handle it.”
“It's not a question of can or can't, Az. It's if she wants to. Y/n, what do you want?”
Azriel felt your core Tighten around him, pleased Lucien cared about your wants and needs. “Not anal,” Lucien motioned towards you after your answer.
“If you let me pick, I'm taking her mouth,” Lucien said plainly.
Azriel huffed and nodded, “I've never been this gentle with her.”
“Clearly. She loves it. Look at her.” It was true you did. You were relaxed in a state of complete bliss, moaning as Azriel's fingers touched all the best places. Azriel was memorized by the sight. By you not bending and breaking to his will as a dom, but flowing and thriving under another male's. You listened without question, didn't mouth off to Lucien. This side of you, this pretty girl, he liked her almost as much as he loved his little brat.
He loved the part of you that sassed him, that pushed him, but this, this beautiful offering of whatever they wanted as long as you wanted it as well, it made his heart flutter. Azriel moved behind you as Lucien moved in front of you. Your hand was instantly on the Day Court heir’s cock, stroking him in time with Azriel's fingers. “Whenever you're ready, Az,” Lucien was staring into your eyes as he spoke. “She's ready.” 
Azriel took his fingers out, coating himself in your essence before lining up with you. Taking Azriel was always a stretch, and Lucien praised you both all the way through it, “Look at how good you two are. Perfect little pets for me, aren't you?” 
Azriel groaned at his words as he began a gentle but deep pace. He hit every spot so perfectly filling you like your body had been made for him. You focused then on Lucien's aching cock, moaning as you licked your way up and took the head into your mouth. Lucien relaxed on his knees, wrapping your hair in a makeshift ponytail and he guided you in time with Azriel.
It did not take long for the pace to get frenzied, for the two males to be focused in bringing you to completion again in order to allow them to chase their own highs. 
Each moan around Lucien had his head falling back, and each twitch of your core had Azriel cursing. You could feel heat rising and building. You could feel core lower stomach getting tight in need. 
Azriel looked to Lucien and the male smirked and nodded. You screamed as Azriel began pounding into you. His thrusts became rough and deep. He arched your back more allowing him to hit your gspot over and over as he pushed you further onto Lucien's cock. 
Lucien smirked down at you, “This is when you look prettiest, you know that? Choking on a cock, stuffed full. You look so pretty when your eyes glaze over and you get desperate. You want to cum, don't you angel?” You could only moan around him in response as Azriel grabbed your arms, leaving you fully at their mercy and forcing your muscles to strain. 
The heat in the room grew to a roaring fire as the noise of slick and skin meeting skin rang in the air. You could feel that boil threatening to burst, feel it aching as you were used by the two males you love. This was heaven. It was safety. It was burning passion. A shadow moved to your clit and you lost it. Moan became whines and whimpers. 
You could tell Lucien was close. His eyes were screwed shut. His pace in your mouth was sloppy. Between your tongue, the vibrations of your pleasure, and newness of the 3 of you together, you could feel him twitching, feel him ready to release. 
He held you to him as he came, and Azriel continued pounding. You swallowed every drop of him greedily and whined as he pulled out. “She's so close,” Lucien forced you to look at Azriel. 
Your mate smirked before planting one foot on the bed and his pace became impossibly faster. Both males laughed as your eyes rolled in pleasure and your jaw fell open. Azriel groaned loudly as you tightened around him, “That's our good girl. Cum for us. Finish on my cock.” 
With a flick of a shadow and one well aimed thrust you fell apart, screaming as you tumbled from that edge. Azriel immediately lost himself in the feel of you pulsing around him and found his release moments later, listening as Lucien praised you and talked you through your high, guiding you back to them. 
You collapsed into Lucien's lap and Azriel into your back. The room was filled with the sounds of labored breathing. Azriel gently pulled out of you and Lucien took the towel the house summoned to clean you all off. 
You had never been more thankful for a large bed in your life as the three of you laid there processing what had happened. “This is happening again,” you declared firmly. Lucien just nodded, and Azriel agreed softly. 
"I've never handed over control," Azriel confessed softly. "I've never done that."
Lucien just smirked at his accomplishment, "Then, with me is a safe place to learn."
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanagers @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr @eternallyelvish @azrielsmate3 @daughterofthemoons-stuff @meritxellao @aria-chikage @hungryforbatboys @lilah-asteria @fandomrejects @sleepybesson @tayswhp @itsswritten @milswrites
Kink Bingo Taglist:
@sfhsgrad-blog @amara-moonlight @eternallyelvish @novaksangel @teenageeggscissorslawyer @thisblogisaboutabook @amygdtjhddzvb
@justasillylittlegoofyguy @avajustreads
@littlestw01f @azriels-shadowsinger @acourtofladydeath
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The Suriel: Want to join my religion?
Feyre: What’s your religion?
The Suriel:
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The Suriel: Tea time. All the time.
Feyre: I’m interested.
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In the Sheets | Azriel x reader
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Summary: To put it in SJM's words: Azriel is a freak *wink wink nudge nudge* and his mate is a lucky lucky girl
A/N: This is honest-to-god faerie p0rn and it gets progressively worse. It's filth. No plot whatsoever. Don't come at me, I'm ovulating and have therefore decided to dump all the smut into one glorious fic. You're welcome.
(public service announcement: the smut does NOT contain degradation and/or the daddy kink because I don't roll that way and therefore our girl Y/N doesn't either)
Word count: 3506
Warnings: SMUT (18+!!!) it's nothing hardcore, just a lot of it, so (respectfully) fuck off if you're under 18
"So, enough with the chitchat," Mor proclaimed as she set her empty glass down on the table harder than necessary and proceeded to lean forward as though scheming. "You've been mated to Azriel for over a year now, and so far, I've been patient with you." Y/N blinked slowly, and Mor made a sound that immediately disproved her previous claim of patience. "What's it like?"
Feyre giggled from where she dipped into her third drink of the night, but Nesta sat quietly, a look of mild interest in her eyes as she locked them on Y/N.
An uncertain expression had entered the face of Azriel’s mate. "What's what like?"
Mor huffed. "What's he like. Azriel. The sex." Her eyes seemed aflame with a mixture of wine and the warm glow of Rita's faelights as she stared at her friend as though expecting her to sprout horns any moment now. "Is it good?"
Feyre sighed, though she couldn't quite keep the amusement from bleeding into her words. "Mor, that's an incredibly invasive question."
"And also unnecessary," Nesta added, her voice calm as she stirred the very tip of her finger around the clear contents of her glass. "We didn't see them for almost six months when their bond snapped. Of course it's good."
"But I'm so curious." Y/N smiled into her drink at the deep sigh Mor exhaled. "It's Azriel. The man's been a mystery for more than 500 years and now we finally have an agent on the inside."
"An agent?" Feyre asked, wrinkling her nose.
"Oh, you know what I mean." Mor waved a dismissive hand, her eyes never leaving Y/N. "I desperately need some details."
"Arch your back for me."
The soft fabric of the sheets brushed against her skin as Y/N stretched out her arms and let her body glide to the mattress in a slow arch from where she kneeled before him. She could feel the rough skin of scarred hands on her, broad palms pushing down the length of her back to follow the curve of her spine before retreating to hold her hips as though they'd been carved from the most precious of gems.
Her cheek lay pressed to the pillow, her hands twisted into the sheets, and when she felt featherlight kisses on the base of her spine, her back arched further down.
"You're so beautiful like this," Azriel breathed into her skin as his knee appeared between her legs to nudge them further apart. She felt him then, hard and heavy against her centre, and she shivered when he pushed forward to run his length through her folds once, twice, three times.
She sighed his name, closing her eyes at the heavy drag of him against the most sensitive part of her body, and when he finally nudged at her entrance, she did her best not to thrust her hips backwards.
Azriel hooked his hands into the flesh of her ass, grip firm enough to leave red marks, firm enough to sting in just the right way, and when he loosened his right hand, she knew what was to come.
His palm made sharp contact with her skin, and she couldn't help the quiet moan that passed her lips when he repeated it and her body gave a slight jolt.
He gripped her tighter then, pulling her apart. His voice was quiet when he spoke, deep enough to fog her mind with his words.
"Ready for me, my love?"
She was certain he felt her overwhelming need for him pulsing through the bond, because the breathless "yes" had barely just left her lips when he buried himself to the hilt with a single long thrust. She curled her fingers harder into the sheets and the moan that tore through her had Azriel's hands on her tighten even further.
As he ground into her with one harsh snap of his hips after the other, and as she moaned her pleasure into the pillows, she relished in the thought of finding his fingerprints glowing on her skin later.
"Don't close your eyes. Look at us."
When she pulled open her eyes, the world lay on its side and the picture that revealed itself to her brought heat to even the last inch of her body.
She'd been wondering why Azriel had relocated the huge, golden mirror that Feyre and Rhys had gifted them for Solstice, but as her gaze caught on the delicate golden edges now, she understood.
She caught her own gaze, and the version of her that was caught inside that magnificent mirror seemed delighted at the fact. She lay on her back, her head turned to the side, her legs wrapped around Azriel while he kept his own face buried in the side of her neck she couldn't see.
She licked her lips at the image. At the sinful roll of Azriel's hips, burying himself again and again in slow thrusts that had her mind swim. At the way majestic wings flared behind him as his hand held her thigh and his chest rubbed against hers with each move.
Her stomach gave a delicious pull when Azriel lifted his head to meet her eyes in the mirror, his own gaze darkened with hunger, his pupils blown wide.
"Look at you," he murmured, his lips close enough for her to feel them move against her cheek. "See how beautiful you look when you take me?"
He punctuated his words with a harder thrust, and her lips fell open at the jolt her mirrored counterpart gave, at the sounds she made, and the way Azriel's hips met hers again and again. The way each muscle in his legs, in his back, in his arms worked beneath tanned skin, it was ... breath-taking.
"Look at this," he now all but whispered as he hooked his hand beneath her knee to lift her leg higher and press it further towards her chest. She dug her nails into the skin of his shoulders at the change in depth, and when Azriel angled his hips slightly to the side, she could see the way his thick length glided in and out of her. He glistened with her arousal, his movements smooth, and she whimpered at the sight of his intrusion.
Azriel lowered his mouth back to her neck and drew her skin between his teeth.
"Keep watching, my love," he murmured into her, and as his hips snapped firmer against her, she didn’t take her eyes off the mirror once.
"You're in no position to tease, baby. Remember that."
A shiver ran through her body at the lips that hovered just barely above her breast. His low words washed over her nipple in warm puffs of air, and her thighs pressed together tightly in an attempt to create some friction.
"Azriel," she whispered, a plea evident in the way she spoke his name. She lifted her chest, but Azriel mirrored her movements and lifted his head a bit further, always keeping the distance between his lips and her skin.
She pulled on her restraints, but the shadows that kept her wrists locked to the pillow above her head didn't budge.
Azriel hummed, his wings tucked in closely, his eyes never leaving her face. He was careful not to touch her, his arms digging into the mattress on either side of her shoulders to keep his body hovering over her.
"Yes, my love?"
She couldn't keep the grin from her face as she sent all her desire shooting across the bond, accompanied with echoes of her moans, and flickering sensations of the pleasure she knew Azriel could draw from her.
When he shuddered against her, he finally lowered his mouth to the soft flesh of her breast, though it was only to give a sharp pinch of his teeth that had her jolt.
"Touch me," she pleaded.
A corner of his lips curled into a smile, and she watched closely as he lifted a hand only to weave his fingers through her hair.
She gave a frustrated huff. "Not like that."
Azriel tilted his head, and when he didn't say anything, she knew that he was waiting for her to specify.
"I want your tongue on me," she said, her voice breathless. Tension reached to her very fingertips as Azriel finally lowered his face far enough for his tongue to dart out and kitten-lick her nipple.
Her eyes fluttered at the sight, a full-body-shiver rolling through her at the brief, wet touch.
"Gods, you're such a fucking tease, I swear to—"
A grin flashed, and then finally, finally Azriel lowered his mouth to her breast, licking, and biting, and sucking her until her head swam and her arms shook from his mouth alone.
"Do you want me to fuck you, my love?" he hummed against her, his eyes locked with hers as he once again bit the sensitive skin of her breast, and, Cauldron, the image was sinful. Dark strands of hair fell into his face, his sole attention on her.
"Yes—Gods, yes."
She could only just refrain from whining when Azriel sat back on his feet and took all the warmth with him. He tilted his head as he trailed his eyes along her bare body.
"Open your legs for me, then."
"Come with me."
She hadn't heard him approach, the room filled with noise as the crowd of court visitors chatted and drank its way through the evening. She felt fingertips trail down the back of her arm until his hand found hers and he interlocked their fingers. Goosebumps arose in his wake.
"What's wrong?" she asked, having heard the urgency in his tone. When she turned, however, Azriel's heavy-lidded gaze told her the purpose of his proposal.
She smiled and put down her glass to lift her now free hand to cup his face, her thumb running along a sharp cheekbone. "Now?"
Azriel's eyes fluttered at her touch and when she let her thumb slip lower to trail along the curved lines of his lips, he pressed a kiss to the pad of her finger.
"What brought this on?"
"Have you taken a look in the mirror lately?" She noted a spark in Azriel's eyes, his hand tightening in hers. "As breath-taking as it is, I've spent the majority of the night going through all the ways I could get that dress off you as soon as possible."
It was true, the seamstresses of Velaris had outdone themselves this time. Heavy, flowing fabric bunching at her hips, a plunging neckline, a tall slit up the side for her leg to see daylight. The entire thing had been covered in diamonds barely big enough to see, though certainly big enough to catch the light and sparkle as though she'd been clothed in the night sky itself.
She couldn't help the grin that tugged the corners of her lips higher. "Careful. You'll make a girl blush."
The grin on Azriel's face mirrored hers, and when she turned to steer for the exit, she kept his hand in a firm grip.
They’d barely managed to find an empty office—Rhysand’s empty office, to be exact—before Azriel’s hands were on her. 
"I changed my mind," he all but growled against her lips as he backed her towards the desk in the middle of the room. "Keep it on."
Her hands made quick work of his pants, her breathing already laboured when Azriel lifted her onto the sturdy wooden desktop and pried her legs open wide enough to step between her thighs. Nimble fingers bunched the fabric of her dress on her hip, and suddenly he was pushing into her, his groan as sinful as the shudder that ran through his wings.
“Fuck.” He buried his nose in her hair, his raspy tone enough to have her moan as he cursed softly. “I love being inside you.”
All she could do was hold on to his shoulders, her lips whispering delicious moans right into the shell of his ear as he took her for all she was, the desk creaking beneath her with each of his pounding thrusts.
She noticed then that they hadn't closed the door all the way, and when Azriel shifted a wing just an inch to the left, her eyes locked on the wide-eyed form of a faerie standing in the gap of the door.
Y/N didn't know her, but judging by her golden-blue attire she was one of the Summer Court's emissaries.
The unknown faerie stood stock still, her lips slightly agape as she held Y/N's gaze, and when Azriel lay more power into his thrusts and pounded into his mate with the wet slap of skin on skin, Y/N's nails dug a bit deeper into his shoulder, her moans reaching a higher pitch, turning pleading.
The faerie seemed to recoil, though there was no denying the heat that had entered her expression as she watched.
Azriel sensed her then, too, though he didn't turn to throw a glance over his shoulder, but instead lowered his forehead to Y/N's, his eyes on her as he slowed his thrusts to a deep grind.
"It seems we have an audience, my love," he spoke softly enough so that only she could hear. He lifted a hand to thread his fingers through her hair, his grip tightening to angle her head back far enough to meet her gaze. "Shall we put on our best show?"
She grinned, digging her teeth into her bottom lip as she tried to urge him deeper with her heels in his lower back.
"Can't leave them hanging now, can we?"
She caught the flash of a grin before Azriel pulled out of her. She barely had enough time to register the loss when he thrust back in to the hilt, and her body jerked with the sudden intrusion.
"Fuck," she cursed, breathless as she tightened her legs around him, doing her best to brace herself against the harsh snap of his hips. "Fuck, Azriel—ah."
Azriel kept an arm tightly looped around her waist, his free hand lifting her thigh higher, his hips relentless. He buried his face in her neck then, his grunts turning into groans, and as Y/N held the gaze of the faerie in the hallway, he ground against her hard enough to have her toes curl with pleasure that wiped every thought of the stranger from her mind.
"Feels good, doesn't it?"
Her chest was heaving in the dim light of their bedroom, Azriel’s arms wound tightly around her waist as she leaned back against his chest. She could feel the scruff of his chin against her temple, his lips so close to her ear that she shivered with every word he spoke in that low tone of his.
She moaned softly, her head lolling back onto his shoulder, her eyes falling closed.
“No, no,” Azriel tutted quietly, one of his arms loosening its grip for his fingers to take gentle hold of her jaw and direct her gaze back down towards her centre. “Look at them go,” he sounded mesmerised as he spoke, his every word dripping with desire. “Look at the way they feast on you.”
Her lids were heavy as she followed the direction of his gaze. Her knees were bent, her thighs held open by Azriel’s legs, baring her to the room and the shadows he’d unleashed upon her.
Shadowy tendrils brushed along her inner thighs before gliding against her very centre, teasing with cool sensations and barely-there touches, licking at her skin, sinking into her.
It was driving her crazy.
“Azriel,” she breathed, her head heavy with desire, her skin burning, longing to be touched properly. “Azriel stop teasing. Please.”
She felt his teeth on her earlobe then, dragging her skin between warm lips. “What was that?”
She writhed against him, the urge to snap her legs closed overwhelming at the gentle teasing of his shadows.
“You just want to hear me beg,” she huffed, turning her head enough to catch his gaze. And true enough, Azriel’s eyes were shining with anticipation, a small smirk edged into his features.
“I would enjoy that, yes.”
She narrowed her eyes at him, lips tightly sealed, but when she felt one of his shadows curl into her, she couldn’t help the breathy moan that broke from her throat. Everything they did, every kiss of her skin, it all felt good—good enough to drive her crazy with it. But it all felt like the ghost of a touch, not the real deal, and certainly not enough.
“Fuck me, then,” she gasped, breathless. “I’ll beg all you want if you just fuck me.”
Azriel leaned down to kiss her then, the hand he didn’t keep wrapped around her waist slipping down to cup her breast. When he pulled back, he tracked half-lidded eyes down her face, a contemplative hum resonating in his chest.
Her body tensed when new shadows joined and Azriel chuckled into the shell of her ear.
“Just a little while longer, I think.”
"I wanna go again."
A tired laugh fell from her lips, her eyes closed as she kept her cheek pressed into the soft pillow, her arms wrapped around it. She could feel his fingertips trailing along the length of her spine and all the way down to her tailbone before returning to the back of her neck. She shivered.
"I can't," she breathed into the pillow. "I don't have another one in me."
She could feel his smile across the bond, could hear it in his voice when he spoke, his tone quiet, his words soft.
"I don't think that's true, my love."
A comfortable shiver shook her body when his lips appeared at her temple, breathing featherlight kisses along her cheekbone, and down towards her jaw.
She hummed, hugging the pillow tighter at the tingling his kisses left in their wake.
"How are you still going?"
"They call it frenzy for a reason."
She forced her eyes open at that—just a crack, just enough to see Azriel's smirk. "The frenzy lasts three weeks. We've been mated for a year."
He leaned down to kiss her then. It was slow, lazy, innocent, but she felt his palm flatten against her back, his warmth washing over her as he urged closer.
"I don't feel like it ever stopped," he breathed against her. "I spend every minute of every day wanting you, longing for you, aching for you."
She met his kiss firmer then, turning into his embrace until he pulled her close enough for her to feel his heartbeat against her own.
Azriel turned to his back, wincing a bit when he rearranged his wings beneath him. In truth, he was just as sore as she was—every inch of him aching with hours and hours spent loving, and fucking, and writhing in pleasure. It was the good kind of ache though. The kind he'd do anything to never lose.
She lay on top of him now, her arms wrapped around his neck, and Azriel's hands slipped to her thighs to pull her legs apart for a knee to rest on either side of his hips.
She urged closer, wanting to feel every bit of his warmth, wanting to chase away every bit of air left between them.
“I’m really sensitive,” she spoke against his lips, her eyes closed, her words barely above a whisper.
Azriel stroked his palms along her back. “I’ll be gentle.”
She couldn't help the gasp that left her when he slid into her, intruding her tender flesh with a single push to glide smoothly against the slick mess they'd left between her thighs. She dug her fingers into his skin and Azriel soothed his palms across the globes of her ass, cautious in the way he moved her against him.
It was lazy, slow, his strokes barely enough to call them that, but neither of them needed more. Sensitive from countless rounds and orgasms, she tightened around him just a few grinding thrusts later, her moans closer to whines as she buried her face in his neck and panted softly against his skin.
She shook against him, her body quaking with an orgasm, her low moans muffled against him, and when Azriel joined her, he gritted his teeth as a wave of pleasure crashed into him and he pressed their hips together with a raspy groan to crack through his throat.
"Fuck," he hissed, letting his head plop back into the pillow, his arms now moving to circle her waist.
Silence enveloped them for a while, only the sounds of their breathing mixing.
"I won't be able to walk tomorrow," she finally hummed against his neck, and Azriel smiled as he ran his finger through her hair.
"I shall carry you then, my love."
"Hello?" Mor waved her hand before Y/N's eyes, causing the faerie to flinch.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I was just ... thinking."
It was Feyre who grinned at her now. "I bet."
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All Over My Skin
Pairing: Azriel x F!Reader x Rhysand
Description: You find yourself in an empty room between the High Lord and the Shadowsinger.
Warnings: Smut, Threesome, Exhibitionism, Voyeurism, Oral, Cum Eating, Orgasm denial (a bit, kind of)
Word Count: 10620
Rating: 18+
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Nothing could have prepared you for the way this evening would unfold when you left your house, something like this only seemed possible in your dreams. The events that led up to this moment were getting hazier with every stroke of the Shadowsinger's tongue against yours, strong hands holding onto your waist and hips, pulling you impossibly closer, until you could feel his own heart beating against yours.
You almost didn't even show up, seriously considering coming up with an excuse to politely decline the High Lord's invitation so you could stay in, curled under your fuzzy blanket, reading a book while the rain fell outside. These types of parties aren't exactly your cup of tea, and the ones you actually get invited to are few and far in between. In fact, you were still not entirely sure why you had been invited tonight in the first place.
A simple scribe sent in from a different court to aid some of the Night Court's libraries couldn't be too important. Your work wasn't even in the Hewn City, but in the surrounding, smaller towns - strangely enough the name of the city where you've spent the last few days, before returning to the Court of Nightmares seems to be evading your mind, you usually have an excellent memory, must be the wine.
You certainly weren't as important as the other guests present, and some of the court's denizens seemed to agree with the fact, not trying to hide their distaste for your presence here. None of the other scribes or librarians had been invited, leaving you by yourself, sitting by a quieter corner of the big, ostentatious ballroom, missing your friends back in the Winter Court.
It was in that exact corner that Azriel had found you, watching the crowd mingle while nursing a glass of champagne, deciding to be a good host and keep you company. This much hadn't come as a surprise, it was obvious the Spymaster didn't enjoy big gatherings such as these, but as polite as he always had been with you, you had never expected him to come talk to you outside of work. From the few glances his way, you could tell he wasn't exactly adored in the Court of Nightmares either, though the fear was a lot more pronounced in everyone's eyes than whatever judgment they held for the shadowsinger.
With him by your side, the boring party had quickly turned into the best time you've had in years, as you laughed along with him and tried not to blush too much at his captivating words and the undivided attention he was showing you, at the bright, boyish grins he was sharing with you.
As the hours passed and the party dwindled, some people started to leave while others started gathering in smaller groups around the room, drunkenly telling each other stories and laughing together. Your intention had been to leave when you noticed how late it had gotten and how few people remained in the ballroom, seeing as your accommodations were outside the Hewn City, usually convenient since it made it easier for you to travel wherever you needed to go.
When you made your wishes known to Azriel, he immediately offered to accompany you, but then one thing led to another, and you ended up in a vacant office instead, sitting on top of the dark mahogany desk with him standing between your legs, kissing and touching each other like your lives depended on it.
To say you hadn't imagined this exact scenario a million times before would have been a boldfaced lie. The spymaster had taken hold of your mind ever since the first time you laid your eyes on him, and really who could blame you? This male was impossibly captivating, his beauty only heightened by his mysterious demeanor and polite disposition, by his imposing frame and the tall wings draped behind his back, the slightly curly, dark hair giving him a boyish look as it fell over his forehead. And his shadows, swirling around his body, whispering every dirty little secret they can find in his ear.
It's no secret the Night Court's Inner Circle are some of the most beautiful fae anyone has ever seen, especially the High Lord with his ethereal purple eyes and silver tongue, so when you were sent to aid the recently crowned Lord of Night as a show of allyship from your home court, you had been more than excited. What you couldn't have predicted was for any of these otherworldly fae to notice you at all, but as Azriel's scent deepens with arousal, a groan escaping him as you tug on his soft curls, you realize you might have been selling yourself short.
The delicious sound sends pleasure coursing through your veins. You let your hands wander down to his shoulders, wanting to take his jacket off so you could feel his skin on yours, but not knowing how to do it without disturbing his wings. Ilyrians are extremely protective of their wings and you don't want to do anything that he wasn't comfortable with.
Azriel must have noticed your hesitation as he pulls back, “Is something wrong?” It takes you a moment to focus on his face, a shiver running down your spine at the hunger you find etched into his beautiful features.
“It's nothing,” the words coming out breathy, prompting you to swallow before continuing, “I wanted to take off your jacket but I'm not sure how…” He lets out an amused breath, a smile taking over his face as he leans down for a quick kiss before pulling away from you slightly, hands reaching out behind him to unbutton his jacket.
Both his jacket and shirt are pulled over his head in a matter of seconds, and your hands move to hold his waist, not being able to stop yourself from staring at the view. Fingers come up to trace the bargain marks swirling over his chest and shoulders, traveling down his arms, as he throws the clothes to the floor, taking a good look at your blushing face before grabbing your neck firmly and using his grip to pull you in for another passionate kiss.
Sadly, his hand doesn't linger around your throat, choosing to hold onto your thighs instead as he pulls you against him once more, wrapping your legs around him, fusing your bodies together. You feel him shuddering softly when your rake your nails over his scalp, but there's no time to revel in it before his hands start traveling up past your hips, taking your dress with them until he could easily reach your panties, tucking his fingers under the lace on either side, the rough skin sending goosebumps swimming across your body.
He pulls his mouth away from yours, resulting in an otherwise embarrassing whine to escape you. Any other noise of protest is silenced as he starts pressing messy, wet kisses down your neck, strong hand holding your jaw and maneuvering your head however he wants you. The marks he was leaving behind were probably going to give you trouble tomorrow, but in this moment you couldn't care less.
You let him have his fun for a while, breathy moans leaving your lips as he took turns nibbling and sucking on your skin, canine teeth teasing the side of your neck, tongue soothing the deeper bites, the ones that would still be etched into your skin come morning. But at some point you start missing his taste, impatience moving you to tug on his hair to get his attention, and judging by the smirk you feel pressed against your feverish skin, it has the intended effect.
Azriel leaves one more kiss on the column of your throat before giving in to your silent demand, coming up to press your lips together again, and allowing you to wrap your arms around his neck to keep him in place, moaning at your eagerness.
The feeling of him against you was mind numbing, you didn't know if you wanted to keep kissing him forever, or if you should give him the same treatment he gave you, and start running your mouth over every bit of deliciously looking exposed skin. You run your hand down his torso at the thought, deciding that you need something else entirely when your fingers move past the muscles he's worked so hard for, the scars he'd survived from, to follow a path of hair leading down to his waistband.
At this your intentions become clear and the kiss intensifies, getting messier as Azriel explores every corner of your mouth, your hands fumbling to unbutton his pants and his following suit, fingers easily finding the small zipper keeping your dress in place, ready to take it off.
“What do we have here?”
An amused voice startles you, a familiar surge of power filtering into the room, making you tense and push away from Azriel, trying to get away from him in an effort to make yourself look as presentable as you could. However, Azriel doesn't move or allow you to, keeping you in place as his shadows move to cover the both of you - you hadn't even noticed they were scattered around the room and not on his person as they usually prefered to be.
You feel him relax softly as he realizes who interrupted you, but this realization had the opposite effect on you. The person standing at the door was none other than the High Lord of the Night Court, and he had just found you half naked and about to fuck his Spymaster in his house, presumably on top of his desk. Azriel keeps one hand on the small of your back comfortingly as he stares at Rhysand, and you try to move away once more, your mind racing to find a way to apologize and leave as quickly as possible.
“You don't have to stop on my account,” he purrs, “You were putting on quite the show.”
The suggestive tone in his voice makes you momentarily forget your predicament, turning your head back to watch him, the sight prompting a small gasp past your lips. Rhysand had shed his jacket since the last time you'd seen him in the middle of the ballroom, his silk shirt was unbuttoned well past his chest as well, giving you a tantalizing view of his chest, his usually perfectly styled hair messy as if he'd been running his hand through it, a few strands falling over his forehead. He truly looked like temptation personified, but that wasn't anything new, what caught your attention was the desire on his face.
As the silence stretches uncomfortably in the room, you realize they must be speaking to each other in their minds using Rhysand's daemati abilities. Neither of them looks mad or worried, which allows you to relax at last, but you're still confused about the whole situation, and the way your underwear sticks to your folds isn't helping you think. You also feel a little left out as they keep watching each other, exchanging words that go unspoken, as if you weren't there in the first place. Seeing as they seem distracted enough, you take the opportunity to push away from Azriel and hop down from the table, not going far since his hands fall on your hips immediately, keeping you close as he finally looks down at you.
“I mean it, Az. We can both have her. You know I don't mind sharing, much less with you,” the High Lord finally says out loud.
The intensity in Azriel's beautiful hazel eyes, and the weight of his grip on your hips distract you for a moment, not allowing you to understand Rhysand's words right away, but when the implication clicks in your mind, you turn around abruptly, facing the High Lord with wide eyes. Azriel lets you, one of his hands leaving your hip in favor of holding onto the desk as he too studies the male who interrupted you.
“What do you mean?”
You had surmised that their little mental conversation had been about you, but hearing Rhysand's proposition had made every thought evaporate from your mind. You'd rather hear every word out of their minds, lest your body gets any ideas before you can comprehend what's going on. You'd also appreciate being kept in the loop.
Rhysand watches you for a second, purple irises appreciatively roaming over your entire form before holding your gaze. Azriel's shadows were still draped over you, but, since he was the High Lord of Night, you're not sure if he could actually see through them as well. It certainly felt like he could as his eyes burned into you, your body reacting as if he was actually touching you.
It seems he's searching your face for something, though you're not exactly sure what and have no time to think on it as he reaches a conclusion, a smirk appearing on his face as he starts walking around the desk with unhurried steps until he reaches you. Your body unknowingly followed him, and Azriel followed yours, until Rhysand was standing right in front of you, your neck bent so you could look up at him, and the shadowsinger stood behind you, close enough that you could feel the warmth radiating from his naked body, keeping you stuck in between the two irresistible males.
Rhysand's hand comes up to tuck your hair behind your ear, thumb moving to hold your chin, the golden rings he wears cool against your burning skin, as he finally answers your question, talking slowly, clearly, “It's no secret you want us both, darling,”
If it wasn't for his hand holding your face, you would have looked away in shame the second the words left his mouth. His amused, self-satisfied expression doesn't help either.
“You're not exactly good at hiding your emotions,” he taps your left cheek twice with his finger, proving his point as your breath hitches and you fail miserably to school your expression, his wicked smile growing, before he pulls his hand away and adds, “Your thoughts tend to be particularly loud as well.”
This gives you pause, heart stalling in your chest. You're more than aware of his daemati abilities, but you also had seen him be nothing but respectful of others' wishes when using them. The Night Court has always been known to be conniving, even cruel, but you've had enough contact with the Winter Court's High Lord and seen enough important figures from other courts to know that this only meant they'd rather people know how far they could go than hide behind pleasant, fake masks. After meeting the Inner Circle personally, you were even more sure of this. You had never thought it possible that he would read your mind against your will but now you weren't so sure.
Rhysand continues, as if he was really privy to your thoughts and knew where your mind had gone, “Of course I try my best not to hear any of them, but it's very tempting when I hear my own name.”
“You're scaring her, Rhys,” Azriel warns.
His voice cuts through your spiraling thoughts and the tension in the room, prompting both you and Rhysand to look at him. You had almost forgotten he was still here, and when his gaze meets yours, you wonder how that was even possible.
You take a step to the side and lean against the desk so you could keep your eyes on both of them as you talk. It was also a way of getting a moment to breathe without their scents suffocating you, giving you too many unfiltered thoughts, especially since you weren't sure if they were only yours anymore. Rhysand seems to sober up at his Spymaster's words, the amused expression leaving his face almost completely as he reaches to hold your hand carefully, squeezing it once comfortingly before speaking.
“My mistake. I was just having a bit of fun, darling. I promise I never went into your mind without your knowledge. I also do my best to leave the room when I find myself unable to tune your thoughts out.” You can hear the sincerity in his voice, and that paired with the way he was holding your hand in his larger one, as if it was a normal occurrence, made you relax. “But my point still stands, it's impossible not to notice the way you look at me, and at Az.”
You're certainly no spymaster but you didn't think you were that obvious either. No one had ever called you out on anything of the sort. Your eyes fall on the silent shadowsinger, wondering if it was obvious for him as well, even if he can't hear your unusually loud thoughts as Rhysand had put it. Azriel's face gives nothing away, if it wasn't for the way his scent changed since you walked into this room and the obvious bulge straining in his pants, anyone that wandered in would believe you were actually talking about something as insignificant as the weather. He's making no efforts to soothe you so you suppose that's answer enough. He wouldn't be a very good Spymaster if he couldn't even notice the female gawking at him every time he's in the room after all.
“So you mean…” you trail off, not wanting to jump to conclusions as you look from one male to the other. This all seemed too good to be true, you were half sure you'd wake up in a few moments to find yourself in your bed, and this had all been a cruel trick your mind came up with.
“You can have us both, darling,” he confirms, squeezing your hand.
“Unless you want to stop,” Azriel reassures.
“No,” you're fast to say. Nerves or no nerves, you would see this through. This was the opportunity of a lifetime. That amused expression returns to Rhysand's face at your outburst, and it seems to be contagious as it travels to Azriel's face, albeit more muted. You swallow and try to calm your heart, wanting to do things right so as not to ruin the moment.
“I don't want to stop, but how are we doing this?” You ask slowly, trying not to let the heat of their stares get to you.
You wouldn't say you're particularly shy or inexperienced when it comes to sex, but you've never been with two people at the same time. It doesn't help that they happen to be two of the most beautiful males you've ever laid eyes on, not to mention one is the only Shadowsinger in Prythian, maybe the world, and the other is the High Lord of the Night Court, the strongest in history. You shift your weight from one foot to the other, trying to rub your thighs together as discreetly as possible at the thought. Of course the movement doesn't go unnoticed, both of the males' eyes glazing over further as their gazes dip down to your center before meeting yours again.
“I was quite enjoying myself watching the two of you, and it's only fair to let Azriel go first. He already started after all.”
“We can move to one of the rooms if you want,” Azriel offers kindly. He's proving to be such a sweetheart next to the menace standing beside him. You nod, a bed would be a lot easier to work with than this desk.
In the blink of an eye, you're winnowed to a dark room. Not having enough time to fully take in the ornate decorations around the room before Rhysand leans down to press a chaste kiss on your cheek and moves to a reading chair, pulling it closer to the bed before sitting down, a glass of whiskey appearing on his hand out of thin air. It seems he meant it when he said he wanted to watch.
“You can let me see her now, Az.” You hadn't even noticed his shadows were still clinging to your skin, keeping your flushed body hidden away from Rhysand's hungry eyes.
Azriel does as his High Lord asks, sending his shadows to every corner of the room until not one is covering either of you. It's a strange sight, to see the shadowsinger bare of his shadows.
His hands move to take your dress off, pulling it over your head in a single movement. It seems the urgency from before was returning as he pulled you in for another kiss, your hands moving around his neck on instinct. As he starts walking you backwards towards the bed, your brain regrettably catches up to you once more, reminding you that you're in the Night Court on business, so being caught in this situation could make you lose the job you've worked so hard for, and so you break the kiss to ask, “Are you sure no one will see us?” You almost whine when he stops, even if it was your own fault.
“I won't let anyone come in this room,” he promises, staring into your eyes.
“He did.”
“This is my house, darling,” Rhysand clarifies from his chair, “We're the only ones here.”
Azriel rolls his eyes softly, leaning down to kiss you again, noticeably slower than before. Taking his time to coax your body to follow his, hands moving over you appreciatively, almost reverently. He moves down your neck, biting over the same marks he had left before, allowing your body to relax further into him.
“Breathe,” he mumbles against your skin.
“I'd hate to think my presence won't allow you to relax.” It's certainly making you all tingly. “I've been nothing but good to you.”
“I'm just a bit nervous.”
“I can keep Rhysand quiet if you want,” Azriel says, completely serious, making you smile, any lingering tension leaving your muscles at the offer. You would actually love to see how Azriel would keep the High Lord quiet, something tells you he would succeed.
“That's not it. I just…” you bite your lip, hand moving to hold the back of his neck, playing with the short hair growing in, “I've never done this before,” you confess.
“I mean having someone watching me,” you explain, not wanting them to think you don't want to do this.
Azriel hums, thumb caressing your cheek as he leans in. “Just let me take care of you,” he says, tilting your head how he wants it, lips bumping against yours with every word, “You won't even remember he's still here.”
“We'll see about that,” Rhysand chuckles, sending a small burst of his power over the room, prompting a shiver to run down your spine, Azriel's too judging by the way his body trembled against yours, even his wings twitched a bit - you wonder if the High Lord noticed that, if he liked it.
The shadowsinger chooses to ignore him in favor of tasting you again. Deepening the kiss immediately as he continues his journey towards the bed, uninterrupted this time, carefully pushing you down on the mattress, his body following yours, his warmth never leaving you. You don't miss the way he arranges your bodies so that Rhysand can watch everything he does to you from his seat by the side of the bed. When he pulled out that chair, you hadn't noticed how close he had placed it, but even with both yours and Azriel's labored breaths filling your ears, Rhysand was close enough that you could still hear his, could smell his arousal deepening his scent, the same way he could hear and smell you as well.
As your thoughts wander, Azriel breaks away from your mouth so he can travel down your body, as if he had the same mind reading abilities as his High Lord and wanted all your attention on him. Leaving wet kisses in his wake, sharp canine teeth teasing your skin and warm tongue tasting the sheen of sweat forming all over your body, he achieves just that, your mind not even remembering the violet eyes burning into you.
At last, his mouth finds the hem of your panties, tugging on the fabric playfully with his teeth and letting them snap against your skin. You let out a soft gasp at that, getting up on your elbows so you can watch him better, meeting his gaze. His hulking body was sprawled on the bed, huge wings thrown to the sides, out of his way, as he grabs your thighs and pulls them apart, making you plant your feet on the mattress so he can fit himself between your legs better, the backs of your soft thighs meeting the hard muscle of his shoulders.
“Azriel,” you pant, needing him to do something. The way he studies the damp fabric clinging to your folds making you tremble with desire. The hum that comes from deep in his chest when hearing his name not helping your case. Your hands fist the sheets until your knuckles turn white, trying to stop yourself from grabbing his head and guiding him right where you need him.
Taking pity on you, he moves in, but not before letting his hot breath meet your damp skin, just so he could hear you say his name in that breathy tone one more time. Pressing an open mouthed kiss over the drenched fabric, he lets out a moan of his own.
“How does she taste?”
Azriel looks into your eyes, smirking at the shiver that crosses your body as you're reminded of your audience. “Absolutely perfect,” he murmurs, still pressed against you.
Rhysand shifts in his chair, but you don't have the opportunity to see what he's doing because Azriel hooks his thumb under the lace barely covering your heat in that same moment. He pushes your panties aside and repeats the same motion as before, tasting you properly this time. After licking a broad stripe across your cunt, he lets his tongue swirl around your clit, once, twice, humming when you moan his name again, head falling back against the mattress, hands finally moving to tangle in his soft hair, not caring about anything else besides the pleasure he's giving you, thinking he would continue.
The annoyingly attractive smirk from before grows even larger when you whimper and lift your head to look down at him in protest, almost pouting when he pulls away suddenly and lets your underwear snap back into place. You might have been too quick to assume he was nicer than Rhysand. He shushes you mockingly, getting up on his knees as scarred hands move to your sides, squeezing the flesh appreciatively before grabbing hold of your panties and running them down your legs slowly, taking the obstructive fabric off and leaving your body completely naked for his eyes to feast on.
Azriel doesn't take his eyes off you as he balls the fabric a bit, throwing it blindly at Rhysand, who easily catches them with a satisfied smirk on his face. The High Lord had completely unbuttoned his shirt at some point, letting the dark silk frame his body as he lounged in the chair. Not that you had any doubts, but he was truly mesmerizing. He winks at you when he finds you watching him, bringing the glass down from his lips as one hand - the one still holding onto the thrown underwear - travels to his crotch, squeezing himself and letting out an obscene moan, closing his eyes at the stimulation. Azriel is breathing hard in front of you, and, by the way his hand is frozen on your thigh, you don't have to look to know he also can't tear his eyes away from Rhysand.
“I'm the one who's supposed to be watching,” he reminds the two of you, a taunting lilt to his voice, chuckling when you both look at each other once more.
This sets the shadowsinger into motion once more, a slight frown taking over his features, disappointed for being caught by the High Lord. He comes up to kiss you again, spreading your legs, so he can fit himself between them, falling into your body. You wrap your legs around his waist, keeping him as close to you as physically possible, moaning into the kiss when his hard length presses right where you need him most, bucking your hips instinctively back and forth, the fabric of his pants adding just enough friction.
He indulges you for a bit, guiding your hips and meeting your thrusts halfway as you grind on him unashamedly. Wanting to hear every little noise you let out, he moves down to your chest, biting and sucking everywhere he can reach, completely devouring you. The shadowsinger seems to be trying to make good on his promise of making you forget Rhysand was watching, a competitive streak of sorts rising up after the little stunt the High Lord pulled just now. Maybe you should thank him because for a moment you think you even forgot your own name.
You were embarrassingly close to an orgasm when he stops your movements, strong hands holding your hips in place, silencing yet another whine with a kiss as his hand moves to find your cunt, gathering as much wetness as he can before pressing one finger inside you slowly, letting out a curse and quickly adding another one when he hardly finds any resistance. The squelching noises it elicits are absolutely sinful, and entirely too loud for the quietness in the room.
“Just wanted to get you ready for me, but I think you can cum like this, can't you?” He punctuates the question with a chaste kiss, one you don't even have the awareness to reciprocate, entirely too far gone already. His voice sounds deeper, rougher than usual. It's making your toes curl, and it alone could send you falling into that orgasm, walls fluttering wildly around his fingers.
Just as you're getting lost in the throes of pleasure once again, teeth come down on your neck - a warning. You open your eyes at the sudden, unexpected pain, not even realizing you had closed them in the first place. Meeting his gaze, you try to understand what he wants as the hazel in his eyes threatens to drown you.
“That was a question, angel,” he explains, slowing down his pace, fingers barely moving inside you now, but still keeping you full. You don't remember the last time you had been this turned on, there's no need to look down for you to know your wetness is running down his hand and soaking the dark sheets, your thighs coated in it too.
“Let's try again,” Azriel says, keeping your attention on him and thrusting his fingers in deeper, massaging that place that makes you see stars. He repeats the question, honey dripping from his words like poison, “Can you cum like this?”
“Please,” you beg mindlessly, finding your voice at last, arms tightening their hold around his neck. His skin felt like an aphrodisiac against yours, making you want more and more. In this moment, you probably would have done anything he wanted as long as he kept touching you.
Moans rise in volume as he speeds up just enough, adjusting your legs with his knee and leaning down to take one nipple into his mouth, sucking on it before biting down softly on the hard peak and letting the tip of his tongue play with it, his hair tickling your skin.
It doesn't take long until you're falling over the edge, it feels like you've been dangling from it ever since he first put his hands on you. Pleasure rushes to every nerve in your body as you moan out his name mixed in with other incoherent pleas, nails digging into his skin, pulling out deep groans of his own. He lets you ride out your high, still thrusting his fingers in and out of you slowly even when he pulls away slightly, your arms falling from your hold on him as he sits up between your spread, quivering legs.
When your breathing calms down enough and you open your eyes, you find him entranced by the way his digits move inside you. His other hand had found its way into his pants, stroking himself in time with his thrusts. You sit up then, catching him by surprise at your eagerness as you tug down on his waist band, revealing his cock to the warm air in the room.
Azriel lets out a hiss when you wrap your hand around his length, fascinated by the way the tips of your fingers can't even touch each other. You'd never had anyone as big or thick as him, and the thought only made you wetter. Saliva pooled in your mouth as you studied him, thumb running up a particularly prominent vein, following its path up until you found his leaking head, feeling its softness on the pad of your thumb. Wanting to lean down and take him into your mouth, needing to know the weight and taste of him on your tongue as he drove his length down your throat.
“This is what I mean when I say your thoughts are too loud,” the usual teasing voice had a noticeable edge to it now, a breathiness that wasn't there before. When you look over at him, you find the High Lord's composure slipping through, hand grabbing onto the arm of the chair a little too hard, mouth slightly open as his breathing gets heavier.
Feeling bold, you look right into his violet eyes, letting your mind run wild as you imagined Azriel fucking your mouth, the filthy images pulling a moan out of Rhysand, loud enough that the shadowsinger looks to him in question, an eyebrow raised, barely hiding the amused look on his face since the High Lord looked as if he was the one who had your hand wrapped around his cock.
“She wants to suck your cock.” He sounds like he wants to watch you do it even more. You watch as Azriel's eyes glaze over, a hair raising noise escaping him. Rhysand had probably shown him all your little thoughts, the traitor.
“Is that so?” His voice was gravely, heavy with arousal. You nod enthusiastically in response, tightening your grip around him, a hiss escaping him before he can regain his composure. “We'll have to leave it for another time, angel,” he says, pulling your hand away from him, and prompting a whimper out of you, one he rushes to silence with a thumb over your lips. “First I need to fuck you.”
The desire in that statement sets you off, a frenzy that wasn't there before flooding your brain and pushing every sane thought out. Your hands move to help him remove his clothes, grabbing his neck and pulling him into a desperate kiss the moment they hit the floor. Azriel pushes you back down on the bed in a mess of limbs, teeth on teeth and heart to heart.
The next moments are hazy in your mind, one minute your hand had found its way back around his cock, swallowing every noise he let out, admiring the way his wings fluttered when you swirled your thumb around his head, and the next he had both of your wrists over your head in a steady grip, grinding his cock over your folds a few times before moving down, finally lining himself up with your cunt.
You catch a glimpse of the gentleman who's been assisting you in your work in the way he looks up at you in confirmation one more time, giving you the opportunity to tap out before things went further. Of course stopping was the last thing in your mind, but your heart fluttered at the thoughtfulness just the same. You nod at him, adjusting your thighs, opening them even more in invitation. A moan escapes you when you feel him push in, closing your eyes involuntarily at the stretch.
He goes slowly, giving you enough time to adjust and coming to a pause every time you show any little sign of discomfort until he bottoms out inside you, a breath of relief escaping you. It's not long until he's properly fucking you, both of you needing more.
As soon as he lets go of your wrists, deciding he would rather guide your hips as you meet his thrusts, your hands move to touch him, tugging on his hair, running your nails down his back. You hug him to you as close as physically possible, feeling his hard, warm body move against yours as he brings you unimaginable pleasure with every thrust of his hips.
No one has ever made you feel this insatiable before, and the suffocating power that filters through the room only makes your senses more heightened. You never thought having someone watching you in such a compromising situation would bring you so much pleasure, but your heart hasn't stopped beating out of time ever since Rhysand walked into that office.
“Azriel,” his name escapes in the midst of the breathy moans after a particularly deep thrust, one that has his pelvis grinding right over your clit in a maddening angle. You could feel him so deep inside you, you know it will be impossible to ever forget the way your walls hug him, the way he hits all the right spots.
“I know,” he says, leaning back and pushing your legs back towards your torso, your knees coming up to your head, spreading you completely open for him, making him go even deeper as he holds you in position.
It doesn't take much longer until you're cumming around his cock, a broken moan cutting itself short as your breath gets knocked out of you. You barely feel the way his hips falter, slowing down to avoid falling over the edge with you. He had every intention of playing with you a while longer before handing you over to his High Lord.
Azriel keeps fucking you through your orgasm, never stopping even when you come down from your high, a new one already building. He lets go of your legs, dropping them on his shoulders so he can hold onto your waist instead, moving your body in time with his thrusts. Sweat kept his hair stuck to his forehead, his wings spread out behind him, mouth agape as he watched his cock drive in and out of your heat, a ring of your cum forming around his base, making the sight so much more erotic.
“You have no idea how good you feel,” he murmurs to himself, the confession making you let out yet another embarrassing noise, one of your hands moving to hold onto his wrist. He meets your eyes, continuing with the mind numbing praise, “how beautiful you look like this, taking me so well.”
“You're making me feel so good too, Azriel,” you confess between heavy breaths, the way his cock bumps into every pleasurable point inside you making it hard to even breathe, let alone talk. He was going in so deep you swear you could almost feel him in your throat.
Biting your lip, you nod up at him, holding his gaze, wanting the hazel to consume you. Azriel's face is usually set into a mostly emotionless mask, fitting for the role of Spymaster, and even though he often shows more of his emotions when he's at ease, especially around his family, you've never seen him quite so open. He was completely unguarded as he looked down at you, not even his shadows coming to hide any part of him away from you.
It's this that pulls you under the waves of pleasure, letting go once more, giving way for yet another mind breaking orgasm, breath catching in your throat when he speeds up as you spasm against him, chasing his own high and intensifying your own as a result. Your entire field of vision goes black before you even close your eyes, the pleasure so intense you forget yourself for a good few moments, barely registering the way Azriel's body trembles along with your own, the curse that leaves his lips when he finally lets go, his hips stuttering as he cums deep inside you, filling you up in every sense of the word.
You're a mess of limbs and sweat by the time you both come down, struggling to catch your breaths, his heavy pants hitting your damp skin as you both try to get a hold of yourselves. Azriel leans down to give you a languid, messy kiss, savoring your taste as he gives you a few more shallow thrusts, keeping you full of him, and almost making you want to beg him to fuck you again.
He pecks your lips one last time, a chaste kiss compared to anything else that has transpired between you tonight, moving to the side to leave a few kisses on his way to your ear, where he leaned down to whisper, “You did so good for me, beautiful.” A breathy moan escapes you at the praise, at the deep timbre of his voice as he whispers it so close to your ear. You feel his lips stretch into a smile at the sound, rewarding you with another soft kiss before continuing, “It's time to give our High Lord some attention too, don't you think?”
His words drive you to look to your side, finding said High Lord watching you intently, his pupils so blown out you can barely recognize the distinct purple of his eyes, sitting back on his chair, one hand holding onto an empty whiskey glass, thumb slowly running over the rim. You could clearly see the black lace of your panties peeking out from his pocket, it seems he intended to keep them. He had long since unbuttoned his pants, allowing his underwear to peek out. There was a noticeable strain over the crotch of his pants, in fact if it weren't for the angle, you're certain you could make out the shape of his cock through the expensive fabric. The way his pants were pushed down over his hips, told you he hadn't resisted the temptation of stroking himself while he watching Azriel fuck you, the thought sending a shiver down on your body.
It's not that you forgot Rhysand was right there, his presence is entirely too powerful to ever go unnoticed, but Azriel had truly fucked you into a brainless mess for a moment, and watching the High Lord now, after already having his Spymaster, the only thing on your mind is doing exactly what Azriel said and give him all your attention.
With one last kiss, Azriel moves away from you, carefully pulling out and getting up with a lingering look at the way his cum was leaking out of your hole now that nothing was keeping it in. You swear you could even see his semi hard cock twitch at the sight, closing your legs so it didn't run down onto the sheets. He walks to the nightstand, grabbing a glass of water as he unknowingly puts on a show of his own, his entire body on display as the light catches on his sweaty skin. Azriel looked like nothing less than a God in that moment.
Sitting up slightly, your eyes move to Rhysand, more than ready for him, but not exactly sure how to go about it, hoping he would take the initiative. You had expected him to still be watching you, but that isn't what you find. Instead the High Lord was focused on his Spymaster, completely captivated by his body the same way you had been mere seconds ago. You briefly wonder just how many times they've done this before, and how many times they've taken it further. The thought makes something inside you flutter, pressing your thighs together as you feel yourself growing wetter once again. Insatiable didn't even begin to describe what these males were turning you into.
“If you don't hurry up, I'll just fuck her again, Rhys,” the shadowsinger says behind his glass, looking up at the male in question.
It feels like time stops for a moment when their eyes meet, the usual roles reversing as the High Lord forgets himself momentarily under Azriel's gaze, desire spilling over and flooding the room. You can pinpoint the moment Rhysand catches himself, that self-assured air he always has about him returning as a smirk falls over his lips. He even sends a pulse of his power across the room, finally standing from his chair.
“You're always rushing me, Az,” he purrs, “As if you don't enjoy playing with your food as well.”
“Food?” You meant for it to sound like a question, a little offended even, but it almost sounded like a plea. You were starting to feel a little left out watching the tension between the two males.
“Oh, darling,” he breathes out, looking at the way you sat waiting for him on the bed, “I'll show you in just a moment.”
As he walks to you, Azriel moves over to take his place silently, sending you an encouraging wink when he sits down and finds you watching him. This situation is foreign to you, and, as much as you believe that Azriel has no problems with Rhysand being here at all, it doesn't change the fact that you had spent the night with him, laughing and talking, he had been the one to kiss you first, pulling you into that office, all this while you've barely exchanged any words with the High Lord, you had even seen him more often before this night.
Your view of him gets obstructed when Rhysand reaches the bed, standing over you as he takes off his pants, having already discarded his shirt on the way. Since you were sitting, you were perfectly leveled with his crotch, getting a front seat to the way his heavy cock hung as he finally freed it from its confines. The tip was glistening, begging for you to put it in your mouth and taste it.
“You didn't pay this much attention to me when I was the one sitting on that chair.” The words break you from your trance, eyes traveling up his chiseled torso to look up at his smug face.
It is true that you've spent a lot more time with Azriel, and had barely been able to even remember the High Lord was right there, maybe you should rectify that. Reaching out and grabbing his cock firmly, you decide to show him Azriel wasn't the only one you wanted. Your tongue finds the tip of his cock, licking away the precum gathered there and moving to swirl around the head, tasting him properly. A surprised gasp escaped his lips, one strong hand instinctively holding the back of your head when you put the whole tip in your mouth, sucking loudly as you grip his base.
He was around the same size as Azriel, and you really weren't sure just how much you would be able to fit into your mouth without gagging, but you were determined to get as much in as you could. As your other hand moves to hold his hip, you start pushing him deeper as you bob your head, letting him help you as he thrust a few times into your hot mouth, managing to get a quarter of the way in before he tangles his fingers on your hair, pushing you off him.
You look up at him in question, a string of spit still connecting your lips and his cock. You're trying hard not to pout like he had just taken your favorite toy away from you, but this is the second time they won't let you pleasure them.
“If you keep going I'll cum,” he explains, clearly holding back. This makes you feel better, powerful even, seeing how much he's affected by you.
“That's the point, High Lord,” you say, tightening your hold around his cock, licking his tip playfully, smirking when he lets out a groan from deep in his chest. There was an air of authority in the sound - he liked it when you called him by his title, and you're certain you'd love the way he would put you in your place.
“I'm going to take care of you first,” he murmurs, thumb caressing your bottom lip, “You've been so good for us. I think you deserve it.”
He leans down, holding your head in his hands as he pulls you in for a kiss, pulling away too quickly for your liking, studying your face. Your eyes were still a bit unfocused and your lips were kissed raw, shiny with spit - yours, Azriel's and his. He can't help but bite softly and lick over your bottom lip at the thought. He then lets his eyes travel down your body, ignoring your soft whimper.
He instructs you to lay back down, and your body moves to obey his command immediately, back falling against the mattress once more, almost trembling with anticipation as you wait for his next move. Biting your lip to stop another whine from escaping when his hand replaces yours for a moment, stroking himself twice, spreading your spit all over his shaft as he studies your body. Rhysand took his time mapping out the bruises and bites his spymaster left on your spent body, his hands falling to the exact same place on your hips Az's had been.
“Az really made a mess of you,” he moans out, as if the way he had been eyeing you up wasn't enough to make you want to jump his bones.
Spreading your legs so he could fit himself between them properly, Azriel's cum starts running down your hole. Your breath catches in your throat when Rhysand kneels down before you even get the chance to react, tongue stopping his spymaster's cum from falling down onto the mattress, groaning deeply at the taste. He runs his tongue over your folds a couple of times, your hands fisting the sheets as he teases your already too sensitive clit, before moving back down to your heat, hands holding your thighs apart as he starts cleaning out Azriel's cum straight from inside you, driving you absolutely insane in the process.
“Fuck,” you hear the whispered curse come from the shadowsinger's, the chair squeaking as he leans back, likely feeling the same frenzy you did watching the High Lord eating his cum right out of your cunt.
From the first moment Rhysand walked into the room, you knew there had to have been more going on between the two that you had ever suspected, but you hadn't expected this. He was eating you like you were his favorite meal, moaning out in pleasure all the while. You had no doubts Rhysand wanted you, the fact was clear in his blown out eyes as he watched you throughout the night, but you don't think he wants Azriel any less, even though you were willing to bet he has already had him before.
The sloppy sounds echoing around the room would have probably embarrassed you in any other situation, had it been anyone else in the room. Your scents had mixed so thoroughly, there was no way to know where either of you began or ended. There were tears spilling from your eyes at the intense feelings wrecking through your body. Azriel had already made you cum so many times, you were too sensitive, but somehow still craving more.
A sudden movement makes you focus on the ceiling through blurry eyes, noting the way Azriel's shadows swirled around the dark painted wall, spying on you and Rhysand. If either of you were in the right state of mind, you would have noticed the way Azriel's breath came out in short pants, hand finding his way onto his already hardening cock as his shadows explained everything to him down to every sordid detail - the way your body trembles under Rhys' skilled tongue, white knuckled as you desperately tried to cling to your sanity; the delighted sounds escaping Rhys as he dove deeper and deeper inside you, cleaning you out of the shadowsinger's essence.
In the midst of the mind numbing pleasure, you hear a familiar voice whispering right inside your head, unwilling to tear himself away long enough to say the words out loud. Tell me when you're close, darling. He had never spoken straight into your mind before, and the feeling of his voice echoing in your mind mixed with the way he was already devouring your cunt, almost makes you cum right then and there.
Your hips were stuck between grinding onto his face and arching back, your own body not sure if it could handle everything Rhysand was giving you. It was all too much, the feeling of his warm tongue licking and sucking at your abused walls, the thumb oh so softly petting your clit, only giving it enough pressure, the heavy breaths coming from Azriel who was now watching you, their scents heavy in the air, their power thrumming through the room.
“I'm close,” you pant, eyes closing as your hand falls to play with his soft hair, “So, so close.”
He hums in response, lulling you into a fake sense of security before pulling away unexpectedly, right as you were about to fall into ecstasy. You let out a noise between a whine and a sob, gripping his hair harder, trying to guide him back to where you needed him. If they kept pushing away from you like this, you'd just push them onto the mattress and ride them to your heart's content.
Rhysand simply chuckles down at you, a cruel curve to his smirk, pulling your hand away from his hair far too easily given the death grip you had on the strands, even licking the palm up until the space between your fingers teasingly before letting go of it. He comes down to kiss you, silencing your cries and whatever nasty insult was following with his mouth, putting most of his weight on you to keep you melting into him.
You bite his lip vindictively, nails carving his skin, prompting yet another laugh out of him, infinitely amused by your temper. The taste of copper fills your mouth, intertwining with his and Azriel's tastes perfectly, neither of you stopping your assault as your tongues battled for dominance.
When he finally pulls away, both of your chests moving rapidly, the exact spot where your canines have pierced through were still visible on the plush skin of his lips, blood barely trickling down as his healing moved to tamper it down. Gods, blood looked good on him.
“Is this any way to treat your High Lord?” he questions, licking his wounded lip.
“You're not my High Lord,” you whisper back defiantly.
“I am for as long as you're in my court,” he starts, one of his hands running along your skin until he finds one of your breasts, thumb circling your nipple, your body treacherously arching into his touch, delighting him to no end. “Especially when you're in my bed.”
“I'm not sure how my High Lord would feel about that.”
Rhysand tilts his head to the side, eyebrow raising as a strangely possessive look falling over his eyes. “I can always send you back to him with my cum inside you,” hand abandoning your chest with one pinch to your sensitive nipple, “see what he thinks about it.”
“I think you mean your Spymaster's cum,” you say, mirroring his smirk when his breath hitches just a touch.
“Cleaned that all out, darling” the way he clenched his jaw told you his patience was close to snapping, and oh did you want to see it happen.
“He was so deep inside me,” your hand falls over your stomach as if demonstrating him, “I'm sure there's still some of it left.”
“You weren't this mouthy with Azriel.”
“I was too busy getting fucked to talk back.”
You're not sure if it was your words or the chuckle Azriel lets out that does it, but Rhysand lets out a growl, a deliciously powerful sound that echoes throughout the room, and makes you tremble in anticipation. His eyes narrow as he looks down at you, baring his teeth when you open your mouth to tease him once more, and flipping you over on your stomach before you manage to get the words out.
“Then let's keep that pretty mouth screaming my name instead.”
The High Lord is always so calm and collected, never losing his composure in front of anyone, but here he was, losing his control all because of you. He grabs your hips, lifting them up enough to place a couple of pillows under you, keeping your body raised at the right angle. You feel his palms fall over your asscheeks, spreading them apart, exposing you to him completely.
Pushing up on your elbows, you try to keep yourself up and turn your head around as far back as you can to see what he's up to, finding him dropping a string of saliva right onto your cunt. He meets your gaze right as it falls, its warmth dripping over you, before looking back down, grabbing hold of his aching cock and lining himself up, wasting no more time as he bottoms out in one single stroke of his hips.
Your forehead falls against the mattress, a broken moan escaping you at the suddenness, almost no sound coming out as if he had taken the air right out of your lungs. He doesn't give you any time to adjust either, grabbing your hips in a tight grip and thrusting into you at a reckless, punishing pace.
“Rhysand,” you moan loudly, just like he wanted you to. Rhys, he corrects in your mind. “Rhys,” you repeat, holding onto the sheets, “please don't stop.”
“Wouldn't dream of it.”
The sounds filling the room are downright filthy as he fucks into you. If you knew this would be the result, you would have started taunting him back a lot sooner. You're playing with fire, darling. You can't help but choke out a laugh between the pathetic moans escaping your lips, resulting in a particularly hard thrust from him, though you can almost feel that familiar smirk returning to his face.
That might have been the only downside to this: you couldn't look at him as he fucked you, couldn't see the way his face scrunched up in pleasure as your walls gripped his cock. You're not exactly sure if he read your thoughts again, but he slows down just enough to lean down over you, caging your body under his, his entire torso pressed against your back as he continues his assault in deep, hard thrusts.
You try to match the rhythm of his hips, arching your back into him to the best of your ability, chasing what could very well be your strongest orgasm yet. His muscles moved against you, tensing when you squeezed too hard around him involuntarily, one of his hands grabs yours, intertwining your fingers together, as his forehead falls against your shoulder.
“I'm so close, Rhys,” you choke out, feeling that knot getting impossibly tighter, threatening to completely wreck you when it snapped.
“You can let go, darling,” he pants, “I'm right there with you.”
It's hard to say if Rhys had been the one to search for Azriel's mind or if the spymaster had the idea on his own, but an image is projected onto the High Lord's mind in that moment, one that has him letting out a deep groan, sharp teeth finding your shoulder, hips faltering as he tries not to cum right then. He shares it with you as soon as he catches himself, the image of Rhysand fucking into you from Azriel's perspective filling your mind, a whiny moan leaving your lips.
You could barely see yourself under the High Lord's strong body, the way his back arched and his muscles moved with every thrust taking your breath away. Azriel was clearly focused on the way Rhysand's cock barely pulled out from you, only ever coming out until about halfway before slamming back in, pulling out otherwise pathetic sounds out of you. You could see the way your hole stretched to accommodate his thick length, thicker than you've ever had, clamping down on him viciously.
Apparently you had been right to assume there was still some of Azriel's cum inside you as it now formed a ring around Rhysand's cock mixing in with your own juices, the excess spilling down your cunt and dripping onto the sheets, covering your thighs and his, coating his balls.
As sinful as the sight was, what pushed both you and Rhysand over the edge were Azriel's unfiltered thoughts accompanying it and the desire that could be felt through them. You could tell just how much he was enjoying the show, eyes transfixed on the way your bodies moved together, stuck between wanting to keep watching, and wanting to join you, slip his cock right into your inviting mouth, muffle the sounds echoing around the room, or come up behind you, the arch of Rhysand's back would make it so easy to just slide right into his High Lord, fucking him as he fucked you.
Your entire mind goes blank when your orgasm reaches you, losing sense of your surroundings as you're pulled under. Rhys falls over your body, barely catching himself before crushing you with his weight. It takes a while before you actually feel like you can breathe or focus on anything at all, almost purring as the first thing you feel is Rhys' leaving soothing kisses over your skin, murmuring praises as he moves.
Turning your head you try to find his lips, failing as the angle works against you. A sigh escapes you when he pecks your cheek, pulling out of you with a wince, body trembling at the oversensitivity, and flips you over carefully letting you kiss him to your heart's content, molding your bodies together until you can't see where one begins and the other ends.
After a few moments, Rhys holds onto you, lifting you up with him as he sits up on the bed and pulls you onto his lap, your mouth running down his neck, marking the perfect skin and reveling in the soft sounds he rewards you with, his hands massaging your spent body tenderly.
“It seems we have a problem, darling,” he says, voice hoarse. You move your head away from his collarbone, looking up at him to find him watching something behind you - Azriel. The hunger written on his face tells you the night is far from being over, you swear you could feel him getting harder against your thigh.
You hadn't paid enough attention to Azriel in a while, too distracted with the mind numbing pleasure the High Lord was giving you. Turning your head around to see what that problem was exactly, you almost let out a moan at the sight. Azriel was still sitting on the same chair Rhysand had been before him, face leaning on his elbow as he held his High Lord's gaze. He was sitting with his legs spread out, long, hard cock standing proudly against his abs, a bit of precum wetting the skin. You can't help but swallow when his hazel eyes fall on you, clenching around nothing as Rhysand speaks up once more, desire hanging over every word.
“Can't leave him like that, can we?”
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HOLD UP! It's time to highlight the amazing @readychilledwine.
Liz has always been a huge part of the Eris community, and was one of our biggest supporters last year. She has so many wonderful Eris pieces you can read (both featuring xReader and OCs!)
Her stories are equal parts heartfelt and kinky, so there's something for everyone 👀 (and don't forget the angst)
You can check out all her Eris fics here, but we're really digging Kissed by Fire right now! It's an Eris x ArcheronOC fic with a star-crossed lover trope. Please go give it a read! 😍
Read on to learn more about Liz's thoughts on Eris and which SJM series she'd give him to read! 📙
What drew you to Eris Vanserra as a character?
I feel like Eris is the closest thing to a true morally gray character we have throughout the ACOTAR series. He has an air of mystery and so much potential, and that, in my opinion, makes him deeply complex and fun to write for.
What is the most rewarding part of creating content about Eris?
Getting to explore the depth of his potential, honestly. There's so many layers and ways to write Eris that I don't feel someone could go wrong. He allows a huge creative arch for me and he doesn't feel stagnant to write.
Can you give me a name for one of Eris's brothers? And also for one of his dogs?
I headcanon all of Eris's full brothers are named after Greek gods like Eris to create even more of a separation between them and Lucien. A bit of foreshadowing on their mother's part. Hermes is my favorite name and matching personality I've given one of the brothers in one of my series. I'm also deeply attached to the idea that Eris has 12 hounds that he had split into 3 groups of 4. 4 for him, his mother, and Lucien, all trained for protection. Lucien named one of his hounds Cinnamon Toast, or just Toast for short.
Which SJM series would you give Eris to read and why?
Throne Of Glass. Unpopular opinion, it's SJM's best series. The plot, the characters, the writing. I feel like he'd enjoy the complexity and Aelins's story of her rise to her throne.
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Cassian appreciation week flew by, but I'm too impatient a person to wait for Nessian appreciation week to post this. This was supposed to be for Day Four - Lovers.
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my god, I'm in love with your other imagine. I saw you're with the requests open and I was desperate for more cassian content.
maybe something with jealousy. cassian and the reader are having a kind of a fling but in secret and the reader talks with rhysand or azriel too much in a party, and she's like with a gorgeous dress, and cassian get jealous then fuck her senseless somewhere half public like a closet or something and she has to be quiet
pairings: cassian x f!reader
warnings: 18+, smut, angst, jealous!cassian, oral (f receiving), degradation, cass being a bit of a shit, p in v, size kink, pet names (doll, dolly, sweetheart), if i’ve missed any lemme know
word count: around 2.5k
a/n: merry christmas <3
One moment you were standing with Azriel, laughing away at another one of his sly comments. You'll never get over how his sense of humour would blossom when it's just you and him. You were smiling up at him and Azriel even offered his own little grin in return.
However, the next moment you were being pushed through the crowd of Fae dancing and grinding to the music swirling around them, away from Azriel. The wine you'd been nursing was snatched from your hand. You knew from his scent, which male had his large hands trapped around your waist. "Cassian!" You tried twisting out of his hold, well- half tried. Another part of you wanted to know why he was leading you away. "Cassian!"
You only felt his breath meet your ear, "Don't make me put you over my shoulder." You almost stumbled over your own feet, biting your lip as you recalled the last time Cassian had flung your body over his shoulder - as if you weighed nothing. And by the time you'd been set back down, red imprints of Cassian's hand were decorating your backside.
Cassian pressed you against the wall when you both made it out into the hall, barely a few steps around the first corner. "Cassian, what the-"
Cassian's mouth was on yours before you could finish. You gasped. Cassian licked his tongue over your lips, pushing past them and into your awaiting mouth. You gave in faster than you wished to admit. Letting his tongue force yours into submission.
Sinking his teeth into your bottom lip, Cassian pulled his head back. He glared down at you, pupils blown out and nostrils flaring. You would have cowered in fear if arousal wasn't taking control of your body and pooling between your legs.
"I think you need to be reminded who you belong to, sweetheart," Cassian's hand slowly slid up from your waist, stopping only when his palm wrapped around your throat, tiny in comparison.
You regretted it before the words ever left your lips. "I don't belong to anyone." Cassian's answering grin had your cunt clenching around nothing, his hand tightened around your neck. Your jaw went slack as Cassian's head cocked to the side, "You don't?"
Cassian spat into your open mouth, landing on your tongue, the moan you intended to release getting stuck in your throat. Cassian cursed, feeling you swallow his saliva under his palm.
His free hand bunched up the skirts of your dress and slipped beneath. Cassian growled loudly when his hand met your bare, slick heat as he cupped you. You whimpered, hips subconsciously bucking against the friction. "Who made you this wet?" He asked lowly, leaning his forehead to yours, "Was it Azriel? It fucking was. He’s the reason this little cunt in so messy, huh?"
You tried to shake your head, say no. But Cassian's hand around your throat gripped harder, stopping the movement and making you lightheaded as his fingers dragged through your sopping folds, teasing the apex of your thighs ever so lightly. "Is that why you ditched the panties tonight?" You'd never seen Cassian this angry, this...cruel. "So Azriel could get his cock in you easier, is that what you want? Gods, honey if I'd known you were a whore-"
A sob wracked your throat as you shoved against Cassian's chest, hard. He took his hands off you but didn't move an inch. "What the fuck are you talking about?" You demanded, wiping the tears that threatened to fall. Cassian's shoulders rose and fell heavily with each breath he took. "It's you, you fucking prick!"
Cassian studied your face and with a clenched jaw, he shook his head, "You-"
"Don't you dare, Cassian. Piss off."
Cassian felt bad for what he'd said, he really did. Jealousy had affected him so much worse when it came to you, he realised. Understand just how much he cared about you. How it boiled his blood to see you smiling like a fool in another males company.
Without another word, Cassian, the great bulk of a male, sank to his knees before you. Hands reached for the hem of your skirts. You barely hid your sniffle, "Cassian, what're you doing?" A little gasp tore past your lips as he pushed your dress up, bunching the skirts at your waist and baring your lower half to him. And to anyone who decided to come this way.
Cassian looked up at you, his previous anger faded, "Working on my apology."
Cassian slung your leg over his shoulder, his lips connecting to the skin of your inner thigh. He kissed, licked, nipped and sucked at your tender skin, drawing closer and closer to your throbbing centre. Still dripping and needy for the male. "Cassian," Your voice dropped back to a whimper, "Someone could see." You squirmed, looking to the corner which anyone could walk around at any moment.
"Then you best keep those pretty noises down." Cassian nosed at your heat, inhaling your scent with a deep groan. His hands ran up your legs, gripping at the round flesh of your arse to tug your hips forward,  arching your back off the wall and baring more of your sex to his wandering tongue.
Cassian's lips wrapping around you clit had your teeth sinking into your bottom lip to stifle your moans. You hand found purchase in his hair, pulling his locks from the up-do he'd bothered to tie.
Cassian worked every 'sorry' he couldn't put into words into the way he licked your cunt. He ate you out like he was starved on a normal day. When you weren't moments away from slapping his obnoxiously handsome face.  So, you couldn't help but keen under his tongue as he fucked your pulsing hole with the warm and wet muscle.
"Cassian,"  You ground against his face, trying and failing to contain the moans he was pulling from you. The male on his knees flicked his tongue back and forth on your swollen clit, over and over, the feeling both too much yet not enough. You released another sob of his name, broken gasps after each syllable.
"I know, doll, I know," He moaned into your pussy. He reached up, running his fingers over your lips before slipping them into your mouth. Your mewl was muffled around Cassian's fingers. You gripped his arm, nails scratching his skin while he buried his face in your cunt. Switching between long strokes up your heat to suckling your bundle of nerves, Cassian brought you closer and closer to your high.
Your eyes rolled to the back of your head when your climax took over your body. You trembled, thankful for Cassian's grip on you to keep you from falling. Biting down on Cassian's fingers, you whine, riding out one of the most intense orgasms you've ever experienced. Cassian lapped up your release, moaning at your taste on his tongue.
Cassian was drunk off your taste. He could spend hour after hour with his face trapped between your legs and still want more. His lips moved back to your over sensitive clit, sucking hard. With a squeal, you gripped his hair and jerked your hips away from his face. Drool spilled over his hand as you tried to tell him I can’t.
To your luck, Cassian rose from his knees. And before you could think, he tugged you across the hall, kicking the door of the closet which lay there open. You heard his heavy panting as he lead you inside, manhandling your still quivering body until your back was pressed against the hard wood of shelves. The sound of the door locking made you shiver in anticipation.
Even in your dazed state, you saw the jealousy still staining his features. He held your chin in his grip, wet fingers from your mouth dug into your cheek. "You are mine," Cassian growled slowly, making sure you knew he meant it. "You belong to me, do you understand?" He released his hold on your jaw to allow you to nod timidly. He growled again, "I said, do you understand?"
"Yes!" You almost whined, "I belong to you, Cassian. I'm yours, no one else's." You refrained from mentioned his brothers name, fearing it may anger him further.
Cassian sighed in what seemed like relief, his forehead met yours, his eyes still gazing into yours. "I'm going to make sure you remember it, dolly." You heard Cassian undoing the strings on his pants and swallowed thickly, fighting the urge to look down. Where his large, leaking cock would be resting heavy in Cassian's hand, waiting to fill your- his little cunt.
A squeal escaped past your bitten lips as you were hoisted up in a swift movement. Your legs locked around Cassian's waist as he caged your body against the shelves. Cassian leaned in to lick a hot stripe up the side of your neck, you shuddered in his hold, wrapping your arms around his powerful shoulders. "I'm going to fuck you full of my cum, sweetheart, every night so that you'll never again be stupid enough to forget you're mine." The sincerity in his voice had you whimpering like a wounded hound.
Yet you nodded frantically, said please, begged for it, for him. You wound your hips, smearing your arousal over Cassian's cock as his length rested against your heat. "That's what you need, huh?" Cassian let you, allowed you to tug his body ever closer to your, "Dumb little doll needs to be reminded who she belongs to? Wants to be reminded."
Cassian's hand clamped over your mouth, cutting off your whine by shushing you, "Sh,sh,sh- quiet sweetheart, those pathetic little noises are for me only." 
Cassian's hand stayed covering your mouth. The head of his cock dragged up and down your slick pussy before dipping into your entrance. Cassian urged his hips forward slowly, his eyes were locked with yours as he pushed his cock into your cunt. Each thick inch was stretching you, filling you. You were struggling to keep your eyes open at the sensations of his cock wrapped within your tight heat. "Fuck, dolly, you're a mess!"
He's right. Your eyes were fluttering as you whined shamelessly into Cassian's palm, lucky he was there to muffle the sound. You felt him in your stomach, no doubt a bulge was poking against your skin as his cock filled you to the brim. Cassian ground his hips into you and you whimpered, "Can you feel me in there, sweetheart? Gods, that little cunt can barely take all of me," Cassian growled into your shoulder, one clench of your pussy around him felt like a vice grip. He'll never get used to how tight and tiny you are compared to him.
You lost all sense when Cassian started pounding your poor pussy. His cock was hitting every sensitive spot within you, your head spinning from the feeling. Cassian's hand pressed harder against your face when your mewls grew louder, making it difficult for you to breath, even through your nose. You had lost the ability to care long ago. "Shut the fuck up," He grunted into your ear, emphasising with a harsh bite to your neck.
Your legs squeezed around his waist, hugging yourself closer to Cassian's body while his hips snapped against yours. Forcing yourself to quieten your moans, Cassian praised you, "Good. Good girl."
The sound of skin slapping mixed with the smell of sex filled the small closet you occupied. Cassian moaned lowly into your skin, "Hear that, sweetheart? Can you hear how wet you are for me?" You nod as best you can. It was lewd. Filthy. The loud squelch of Cassian's skin hitting yours with each thrust rung in your ears. Though, you were too fucked out to feel embarrassed about it.
Cassian felt his balls tightening, his stomach twisting. He was close. You feel so fucking good, each thrust throwing him closer and closer. Cassian's fingertips dug into the skin of your ass, he needed you to cum. Needed to feel your cunt milking the release from his cock as he made you his. Just the thought had the large male moaning into your neck.
Tears brimmed your eyes from the pleasure running through your veins. You were gripping the muscles of Cassian's shoulders and your legs were beginning to shake. You needed Cassian's approval before you'd let yourself fall over the edge. 
“Sweetheart,” The hot pant of breath washed over your sensitive neck. Cassian’s need to fill you up and mark you as his forever urged his thrusts near feral. “Cum for me right fucking now.”
You couldn't breathe. Your climax hitting you in ground shattering waves of pleasure. Your lips had parted in a silent scream behind the hand covering your mouth and your hips bucked. Held still when Cassian pressed his body to you, his hips winding into yours as his own high rocked through him.
Cassian choked. Your cunt was squeezing him so tight, he saw stars flashing behind his eyes. Every drop of his release spilled into your inviting hole.
You'd never felt so full. So utterly his.
Cassian’s hand slipped from your face to wrap around your waist. Sucking in deep breaths, your head fell to his shoulder, whimpering quietly against him.
Cassian held you as you both slowly came down from your highs, he was still working out the way to apologise properly to you. Only when your walls ceased pulsing and the twitches wracking your body stopped did he begin to set you down.
Your feet met the ground and you almost whined in protest at the loss of him inside you. Not trusting your legs to hold you, you slumped back against the shelves. You moaned under your breath, feeling Cassian's release begin to seep from your spent cunt.
Your eyes opened when Cassian lay his palm against your cheek, "You still with me?" You gave him a noise of confirmation, dipping your chin in a nod. Looking into his eyes, you saw the words he was trying to get out.
"You don't have to say a thing, Cass, it's okay." You straightened and placed a hand on his chest, "I'm all yours." Cassian knocked his forehead to yours lovingly and he helped fix your dress.
Cassian smirked down at you when the two of you stepped out into the hallway. Only the gods know how the hell you are going to be able to stop his seed dripping down your legs.
"Are you sure you're okay, doll? We've got a party to get back to."
"But-" You stopped when Cassian's smirk simply widened. You knew him too well to know he'd make you both go back into that crowded room, stained with each other's scents.
Marking you as his and him and yours. And you were more than willing to go along with him.
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Azriel: Send dudes.
Rhys: You mean nudes?
Azriel: I'm in a fight. I need more soldiers.
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Read on Ao3
Chapter I: Little Wolf~Nesting
Chapter II: Our Sweet Girl~Turning Up the Heat
Chapter III: What the Heart Wants~Mating Bites
Epilogue~Shifters & Monsters
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After like, waaay too long, i finally finished prythian fashion the second 🤭
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Hope ya'll like them
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Nothing says Hair like werewolf Cassian, right? @cassianappreciationweek 😉
Forever grateful to @/ranadela_x (IG) for bringing this version of Cassian to life! It's been so much fun to write werewolf Cassian, and I love now having an art version of him too
Do not repost without credit and do not feed into AI programs.
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..𝖉𝖔𝖚𝖇𝖑𝖊, 𝖉𝖔𝖚𝖇𝖑𝖊, 𝖙𝖔𝖎𝖑 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖙𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖇𝖑𝖊, 𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖊 𝖇𝖚𝖗𝖓 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖈𝖆𝖚𝖑𝖉𝖗𝖔𝖓 𝖇𝖚𝖇𝖇𝖑𝖊...
Welcome to a masterlist of AUs that have the power to stir the magic within your soul. Aka me just wanting to make a witchy edit/masterlist, therefore I made this masterlist.
a/n: Happy Summerween! And thank you so much for 2K! To show my love & appreciation, I’ll be posting some drabbles along with some fics! 👻 These witchy AUs focus on Azriel, Cassian and Eris. There might be one for Rhys & Lucien in the future. I plan to use this masterlist to post some witchy HCs/drabbles but if you’d like to read more of them, you can also find the links to their respective AUs below.
𓍢𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖈𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖔𝖓𝖘/ 𝖉𝖗𝖆𝖇𝖇𝖑𝖊𝖘 𓍢ִ
˖𓍢ִ໋🕸 I Put A Spell On You | You're the hot witch gf and they let you do whatever the hell you want. *coming 7/31
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₊‧⁺˖⋆ Azriel x Green Witch 🕷
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₊‧⁺˖⋆ Cassian x Love Witch 🔮
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₊‧⁺˖⋆ Eris x Chaos Witch 🕯️ (no masterlist yet)
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