justaskgames · 2 months
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(All questions below come with the implied "feel free to exclude any fics/fandoms that you would rather not share!")
~~ Basics ~~
1. Which fandom(s) do you currently read fics for?
2. Which fandom(s) did you used to read fics for?
3. How long have you been reading fanfiction?
4. Which sites do you read fanfiction on?
5. How do you find fics?
6. Have you ever made something (fanart, fanfic, etc) for someone else's fic?
7. How many fics do you have bookmarked?
8. How many fics do you have "marked for later?"
9. Do you follow authors, or only specific fics?
~~ Preferences ~~
10. Do you prefer reading short or long fics?
11. Do you like rereading fics?
12. Do you read in-progress fics, or wait for them to be completed?
13. What convinces you to start reading a fic?
14. What is one type of fic you wish there were more of?
15. What is one thing in fics that you really love?
16. What is one thing in fics that you can't stand?
17. What is one tag you enjoy?
18. When do you like to read fanfiction?
19. Do you read fics in one sitting, or take breaks?
~~ Fics ~~
20. What was the last fic you've read?
21. What is one ongoing fic you're currently subscribed to?
22. Which fics have your highest visit counts?
23. What is one fic you've read multiple times?
24. What is one fic you haven't read yet, but want to?
25. What is one line or chapter that hit you?
26. Recommend one fic that you love, and share why you love it.
25 notes · View notes
justaskgames · 3 months
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In honor of TMNT's 40th Anniversary, here are 40 questions for people to send you about TMNT!
~~ Background ~~
1.) What was your first exposure to TMNT?
2.) What was your first exposure to [TMNT iteration]?
3.) What was your first impression of [TMNT iteration]?
4.) When did you become a fan of TMNT?
5.) Which iterations are you familiar with?
6.) Do you own any TMNT merchandise?
~~ Favorites ~~
7.) Which iteration is your favorite?
8.) Which turtle is usually your favorite?
9.) Who is your favorite version-specific turtle?
10.) Which version of Leonardo is your favorite?
11.) Which version of Raphael is your favorite?
12.) Which version of Donatello is your favorite?
13.) Which version of Michelangelo is your favorite?
14.) Which version of Splinter is your favorite?
15.) Which version of April is your favorite?
16.) Which version of Casey is your favorite?
17.) Which version of the Shredder is your favorite?
18.) Who is your favorite villain?
19.) Who is your favorite ally?
20.) Which theme song is your favorite?
21.) What is your favorite story arc?
22.) What is your favorite kind of pizza?
~~ Fandom ~~
23.) What is one of your favorite TMNT fics?
24.) What is one of your favorite TMNT fan comics?
25.) What is one of your favorite TMNT AUs?
26.) What is one of your favorite pieces of TMNT fan art?
27.) What is something you love to see in TMNT art/fics?
28.) What is one thing you would like to see explored more in TMNT art/fics?
29.) What is one headcanon that you have?
30.) What is one common headcanon that you reject?
31.) What is one piece of TMNT canon that you dislike/ignore?
~~ For Artists/Writers ~~
32.) What was the first thing you've made for TMNT?
33.) What is your favorite thing you've made for TMNT?
34.) Which character do you write/draw most often?
35.) Which character relationships are your favorite to write/draw?
36.) Which character do you have the hardest time writing/drawing?
37.) Do you write/draw for one specific iteration, or multiple?
38.) Do you generally stick close to canon, or diverge from it?
39.) Do you have any TMNT OCs?
40.) Do you give the turtles tails?
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justaskgames · 5 months
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Have people send you a number and letter for a quick doodle challenge! (No art skills required!)
~~ What to Draw ~~
1.) The most recent character in your photos.
2.) Your profile picture.
3.) The last character you drew.
4.) The last character you talked/typed/wrote about.
5.) The most recent character in your search history.
6.) A character from the last show or movie you watched.
7.) Your favorite animated character.
8.) The last character you posted or reblogged.
9.) Your choice!
~~ How to Draw It ~~
A.) Using your non-dominant hand.
B.) In 30 seconds.
C.) Without looking at a reference.
D.) Without erasing or using undo.
E.) With your eyes closed.
F.) Upside-down (flip when done).
G.) Without lifting your pen (single line).
H.) With your finger / on your phone.
281 notes · View notes
justaskgames · 6 months
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~~ Q&A ~~
1.) How long have you been on Tumblr?
2.) How old is this blog?
3.) How many blogs do you follow?
4.) How did you come up with your username?
5.) Where does your profile picture come from?
6.) When was the last time you changed your profile picture?
7.) What made you first join Tumblr?
8.) How much of your dash do you typically see?
9.) Is the first blog you followed still active? (Not including the "staff" blog or your own)
10.) What is one feature you wish Tumblr had?
11.) What is one complaint you have about Tumblr?
12.) What is your most popular post? (Optional note counter tool)
13.) Describe your blog using four emojis.
14.) How many drafts do you have?
15.) How many queued posts do you have?
~~ Sharing time! ~~
16.) Share a blog that you really enjoy.
17.) Share a fond memory or experience you've had on Tumblr.
18.) Link a post that made you smile recently.
19.) Share a comment or tag that made you happy.
20.) Link a post that you love.
21.) Share one of your own posts that you really like.
321 notes · View notes