justbabywitchstuff · 1 year
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Full Moons 2023
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justbabywitchstuff · 2 years
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justbabywitchstuff · 2 years
Bealtaine (Beltane)
"Bealtaine" is the Irish spelling and is pronounced as "byal-tin-ah".
"Beltane" is the Anglicised and is pronounced phonetically.
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When is Bealtaine? 1st of May.
What is Bealtaine? It is a Celtic fire and fertility festival that is also known as “May Day”, “Samradh”, and “May Eve”. It marks the coming of Summer.
Traditionally, jumping over a balefire during this festival is said to ensure protection over the forthcoming year - this may be where the “naked-pagans-jumping-bonfires” stereotype comes from.
Bealtaine is opposite Samhain in the Wheel of the Year, and just as they are opposed in position, they are opposed in celebration. Samhain is a festival that in many ways, celebrates death, whereas Beltane is a celebration of life.
There are many traditional activities associated with Bealtaine, such as bonfires, Maypoles and feasts, but if we’re going to be realistic, many of us can’t weave flowers into our hair and raise a Maypole in our village square.
Here’s some correspondences and associations that we can realistically work with:
Light Blue.
Seasonal spring vegetables, such as cabbage, asparagus, radishes, onions, and potatoes (UK).
Sweets, such as chocolate, pastries and honey.
Spiced foods, such as ginger and peppers, incorporate the fire element of the festival into celebrations.
Aphrodisiacs, such as oysters, asparagus, nutmeg, and vanilla, incorporate the sensuality and fertility aspect of the festival.
Maybowl (a.k.a., May Wine), is a beverage that is typically made specifically for Beltane. Alcoholic versions of this beverage usually use honey mead or a sweet wine for a base, and non-alcoholic versions may use ginger ale. [Wine & Champagne based Maybowl Recipe]
Scents associated with Bealtaine are usually wild, earthy, and are often considered to be sensual.
Traditional flowers include: Hawthron, Rose, Sweet Woodruff, and Pansy. Others may include: Bluebell, Marigold, Primrose, and Daisy.
Other tools may include candles, a ritual knife, a brazier or cauldron.
Aos Sídhe.
Others w/Shared Associations:
Flower Crowns: Flower crowns are a discreet, pretty and very fitting way of celebrating Bealtaine. If you make your own, use flowers that symbolise the festival - if you can. If you are using artificial flowers, focus on the colour correspondences instead. Red is a biggie as it can represent the fire and/or fertility element.
May Baskets: Traditionally, May Baskets were given to women from men (every woman in a household would get one), and they would be filled with sweets and flowers.
Bonfires: **Only if you have a safe outside space.** Bonfires are a simple way to honour this sabbat. They represent fire (you know, because they are fire), they cleanse and they bring protection. They also bring people together, and it is common to accompany the bonfire with a feast of seasonal foods.
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justbabywitchstuff · 2 years
Blessed Imbolc everyone. 🌱🕯️🌱
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justbabywitchstuff · 2 years
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The Kingdom by Seb Janiak
The Kingdom takes its inspiration from the Tibetan Book of the Dead, the “Bardo Thodol”.
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justbabywitchstuff · 2 years
Am I/ Can I Be A 'Real' Witch?
Of course you can! We gotta change our mindset about how we view witchcraft. Think of like you would any kind of artistic expression. Is witchcraft hereditary? You might be born into a family of artists who help teach you stuff, but your status as an artist still comes from your own art, not theirs!
Are witchy 'powers' a trait you're born with? Some kids might have a natural knack for piano, but you can still teach yourself how to play music! Even if you suck at playing piano, you can still play it and practice until you don't suck. You're still a piano player before you reach a certain skill level, too.
Am I a witch if I don't practice often? Are you still a writer if you just do NaNoWriMo and the occasional fanfic?
Am I a witch if I don't have a specific path? Are you still an artist if you flit between different mediums?
Am I a witch if I'm not X Identity? Unless it's an actual closed practice, open means open. Heck, I've seen cis straight men who do drag and love it. And they look great!
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justbabywitchstuff · 2 years
The Truth About Telepathy
…is that it happens every day.
It is why some people cancel their flights at the last minute for no reason, avoiding death when that plane crashes an hour later.
Or why some people suddenly feel too lazy to do their errands one day, and end up averting the shooting at their local grocery store.
Such situations are made possible by their loved ones randomly thinking of them and hoping they are safe.
Their higher self gladly receives the message, forcing the conscious self to rebook a flight or forgo a trip to the supermarket.
Telepathy happens daily. And often, as illustrated, accidentally.
The only requirement? It has to be a two-way street. Just as you cannot call someone who does not have a phone, you also cannot send telepathic messages to someone who does not have feelings for you.
These feelings can be romantic, familial or platonic. Either way, affections towards each other become the line that connects two people together.
That is why sending a telepathic message to an ex who never loved you is unlikely to work. But if the recipient is a former partner whose love for you was true, you can expect your message to come through.
Now, if you wish for telepathy to happen on purpose, simply go somewhere private and do something that connects you to your recipient.
Listen to a song you both love… eat a meal you both crave… watch a TV series you once marathoned together… This is you dialing their number.
And once you feel connected, start speaking. Out loud or in your mind. Say clearly what you wish for them to know. This is you leaving them a voicemail.
Of course, whether or not they respond is their choice. But you can trust that they will receive it.
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justbabywitchstuff · 2 years
How to Ask Tarot for Life Advice
Sometimes, you have no specific question. On how to move forward, you simply need some suggestions.
Step 1: Shuffle your deck.
While doing so, invoke your gods, your ancestors or your higher self, and ask for advice on how to live your best life. For the next nine steps, record the cards. Take notes or photographs.
Step 2: Look for The Fool.
The card to its left is what you should focus on. The one to its right is what you should leave behind.
Step 3: Look for The High Priestess.
The card to its left is what your intuition is wrong about. The one to its right is what your intuition got right.
Step 4: Look for The Empress.
The card to its left is what you need to wait very patiently for. The one to its right is what you can harvest very soon.
Step 5: Look for The Emperor.
The card to its left is the battle you need to abandon. The one to its right is the war you need to win.
Step 6: Look for The Hierophant.
The card to its left is a person who gives bad advice. The one to its right is the source you can trust.
Step 7: Look for The Chariot.
The card to its left is what needs to be stopped. The one to its right is what needs to be allowed.
Step 8: Look for The Hermit.
The card to its left is the question you need to ask. The one to its right is the opposite of that.
Step 9: Look for Death.
The card to its left may look like a wolf, but is a sheep on the inside. The one to its right is a wolf through and through and is trying to deceive you.
Step 10: Look for The Star.
The card to its left is the dream you should chase. The one to its right is a goal that is not worth the fight.
Step 11: Express your gratitude.
Thank the ones you invoked for their advice, as well as your cards for speaking with their voice.
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justbabywitchstuff · 2 years
『 Herbs for luck, fortune & prosperity 』
🌿 Basil: For luck in financial matters, basil is a go to herb for many. If you want to invite money and wealth into your life, place pots of basil near your door. By doing so you will bring luck and prosperity into your home. By caring for your basil plants you are also helping your fortune and success grow. Another common way to attract wealth using this lovely aromatic herb is to put a leaf in your wallet or purse.
🌿 Allspice: Similarly to basil, allspice (which is its own plant, and not a spice mix like I first thought) can be utlizied for luck, prosperity and you guessed it, attracting money. One great way to use Allspice to attract luck and money is to take 7 dried berries and put them in your pocket. They will bring you luck and prosperity for 7 days. Once the 7 days have passed, throw the berries into running water and wish for luck and abundance as the water runs over the berries.
🌿 Clover: One of those general luck herbs, clovers can be used to give you a lucky boost in almost any charm or spell. While four leaf clovers are a little dubious whether they exist, that doesn't mean the three leaf ones are useless!
🌿 Mint: Not only is it easy to grow and can be a delight to put in food for a fresh taste, but it can also bring luck in many areas. It can attract customers to your business and wealth in general, but also is regarded as an herb that'll provide luck for travels to prevent delays and help the journey be safer in general.
Remember that you can have personal correspondences about herbs too! If you don't associate mint with luck, then don't use it that way. If dandelions are an herb that speak to you in a luck based charm or working, that's fine, use that instead! Personal correspondences can be just as, if not more, powerful as the generally accepted ones. They can also differ by culture,
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justbabywitchstuff · 2 years
Crystal basic set 1
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justbabywitchstuff · 2 years
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A beautiful sky today, while I was dog sitting!
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justbabywitchstuff · 2 years
Easy Witchy Morning Routine
✨ When you wake up, take a few deep breaths to ground yourself for the upcoming day.
✨ Choose a crystal to keep on your person to help cope with whatever you have going on that day.
✨ Ask your tarot deck what to focus on for the day and pull a single card. Pay attention to what your intuition tells you about your interpretation of the card in conjunction with your question.
✨ Stir intention into your morning cup of tea of coffee. Clockwise motions add an intention while counterclockwise removes something.
✨ Sit down with your journal and write out some goals and things for which you are grateful. Write out your goals as if their success is inevitable. “I will…” Write out your gratitude, allowing yourself to feel the positive emotions that come with being thankful.
✨ If you have the space or opportunity, go outside for even just a few minutes, put your feet into the grass, and take a few deep breaths. Just two minutes of grounding to start your day can severely adjust your entire attitude going forward.
From ‘Witchcraft Therapy’ by Mandi Em
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justbabywitchstuff · 2 years
❄️🍲Soothing Winter Stew❄️🍲
This is a classic dish, some of you may better know as Labskovs but there's heaps of variations of it! It's a winter favorite for me and always cook tons of it; it's better shared and honestly is one of those recipes that's always better the next day! 🤎 It can be easily adjusted to whatever leftovers you have around(meat, veggies, portions, etc.). For my own practice, I often take the act of making it and make that an offering to Hel and when the stew is done it's an offer to Loki's family, landvættir, and make it a community meal. Do what you please with it and I do hope you enjoy my take on the recipe, please share any photos if you make it!
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You'll Need:
5lbs of potatoes - russet is preferred, anything that's flowery
2lbs of chuck steak
4 1/2 cups of water
1 large onion or 1 1/2 medium sized ones
1lbs of baby bellas sliced(I often change this out with whatever we have leftover, sometimes carrots, leeks, or cabbage)
6 bay leaves
5 thyme sprigs or 3/4 tsp of dried thyme
whole garlic clove
4tbsp of butter
2tbsp of pepper
1tbsp of coarse salt
a dutch oven or large sauce pan
To garnish:
6tbsp of chopped chives
Sauerkraut or pickled beets
loaf of bread on the side - we tend to favor potato or rye
To cook:
Heat 2tbsp of the butter in your pan at medium heat. While the pan is warming cut the steak into one inch cubes.
Add the steak to the butter and and brown slightly. Then immediately add the water and gradually bring the water to a boil. [Skim all the froth off the service].
Add the onions, mushrooms, whatever vegetables you chose, bay, thyme, cloves, pepper + salt into the pot. Let it simmer for an hour.[Do not let it boil!]
While the stew is simmering, cut(and peel if you want) your potatoes into 1inch cubes. Add them to the pot and let it simmer for another hour or until the meat falls apart easily and is tender.
Drain off the excess water and add the remaining butter to the pot. Stir clockwise until mixed and mashed, but keep the potatoes a little lumpy.
Serve with your garnishes and enjoy! Let it cool before storing in the fridge.
baby bellas - longevity, intuition, safety, good health + healing(this is a correspondence i use based on the actual healing effect of mushrooms)
bay leaf - purification, clairvoyance + divination, prosperity + strength(the last two I tend to use w/the intention of the whole household or families I'm sharing with)
cabbage(sauerkraut) - ancestral magic + old wisdom(cabbage is supposedly one the oldest vegetables known to man), protection, moon oriented magic
garlic - courage + strength, healing, spell breaking + shielding
pepper - banishing negativity + cleansing(I like to use intent for the hearth because the whole home is smelling like stew in the end), protection
salt - security + protection, healing, purifying
thyme - good fortune + health, courage, happiness, healing
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justbabywitchstuff · 2 years
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Just a cute lil vibrant mushroom I found on a walk on the 1st of January
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justbabywitchstuff · 2 years
2022 according to my tarot cards
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Queen of Cups Reversed
Four of Cups Upright
Seven of Swords Upright
It seems my goals of 2022 should be working on my emotional problems. I need to make space and time for myself, so that I can get more in touch with my intuition and allign my personal values with my intentions. I need to say NO to things unless I really want to do things, so that I can make more room for what I actually want to say YES to. Its important that I don't try and cut corners, but that I face my problems head on.
I do tend to lean towards escapism whenever I meet challenges, so that makes sense.
Six of Pentacles Upright
The Star Upright
The Magician Upright
Four of Pentacles Upright
My challenges will mainly be my lack of belief in myself. I might struggle with becoming too dependant on others, or feeling entitled to other peoples help and charity. I can forget that I am very much capable of handeling things myself
I might forget to actually listen to my intuition, so I won't even seewhen the universe is giving me all the opporunities to thrive. If I want to manifest my dreams, I need to actually take action. I have a tendency for a scarcity mindset.
Ace of Cups Reversed
Ten of Swords Upright
Fortunately it would seem that it won't be too hard for me to reconnect to my intuition, it comes very natural to me. I have a selfloving approach to challenges, that will make everything easier to overcome.
Pain is inevitable, but I know that all pain is temporary and it won't last. In the end, the storms will pass and the sun will shine once more. This knowledge will guide me and help me achieve my goals and overcome my challenges.
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justbabywitchstuff · 2 years
Looking back on 2021
Now that 2021 has passed I have done a little reflecting on the past year.
To me 2021 has been a year that simply just "went by".
The only thing that REALLY made a bigger impact has been my grandpa getting (don't get me wrong, that was eventful/horrible enough). Luckily he is doing much better. Did not think he would survive the year, but I got to spend christmas with him, which was wonderful.
But mostly 2021 has been a pretty "chill" year, which I think I needed. 2020 was definitely turbulent enough for two whole years.
When I look at the reading I did at the beginning of 2021, everything seems to make a lot of sense, especially when looking back.
Patience and balance have in many ways been the defining themes.
Its interesting to me, that the tarot pointed to childhood trauma being important somehow. Two of my biggest revelations this year has been regarding some childhood wounds.
I have always felt like my childhood has been very blissful and very safe. However, I had a sort of flashback, and remembered that I often had very intense emotions as a child, and often felt these emotions were ridiculed behind my back or ignored.
The other revelation was that I think I have been able to pinpoint the moment I started being anxious around small children, which is from a time when, as a small kid myself, I was blamed by adults for my young cousin getting hurt. I had completely forgotten that incident and when I remembered, during a slight panic attack (while babysitting my friends daughter), it suddenly all made sense.
My blessings seemed very confusing at the time of the reading but in retrospect they make much more sense. 2021 really has been a year of just existing and recuperating.
Now I am looking forward to 2022.
2021 according to my tarot
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Goals: Temperance upright and Death reversed
In 2021 the focus should be nu personal growth. I need to find an inner balance, and I have to remember that all and any kind of change takes time. Patience is an important virtue. Its imperative that I do not cling to old thoughts and patterns. They don't benefit me anymore. A goal should be to leave behind all convictions of "all or nothing". Balance, harmony and patience are the mantras of the coming year.
Challenges: 6 of Cups upright, The Moon upright and The Sun upright
All three cards are upright and especially with The Sun, it makes me very optimistic about these challenges. When the 6 of Cups appear together with The Moon I see it as a sign that my biggest challenges will be my own fear and anxiety that stems from convictions about myself that appeared in my childhood. Possibly some childhood trauma? Or it could be that I cling too much to a younger version of myself that I need to let go off. It could also be a reference to my general anxiety and anxious thoughts I get when I am around small children, and the fear I feel when I am responsible for their wellbeing.
But all in all, with The Sun, I feel like these challenges are somewhat easily overcome. Relatively of course.
Blessings: 10 of Wands reversed, 3 of Cups reversed and Page of Swords reversed
I gotta say, the fact that all my challenges are upright and all my blessings are reversed confuses me a bit. But we'll see:
After a year with a lot of challenges and difficulties, I have learned that I do not need to do everything myself. I am surrounded by people who wish me the best, and who support me. I can count on them and lean on them, and I should continue to do that. I also know that I am an introvert, and I have gotten really good at not saying yes to things I don't have the mental energy to do.
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justbabywitchstuff · 2 years
Things which are witchcraft/spells that people often don’t realize:
New Year’s resolutions
Seeing (scrying) shapes in the clouds
Writing sentences
Repeating mantras
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