I hate Hinata Hyuga so much I have to create a tumblr account to burn her.
Naruto ended ages ago, but there’s no salvation to my soul. I got goosebumps every time I’m reminded of how retarded it is, like, you have this really nice, warm and uplifting friend, then one day all of a sudden he threw a tantrum like a kindergarten bitch and shitted in the central fountain for the world to see then picked up his shit and threw at random by-passers. That would surely scar you for life. That’s how it feels for me.
I hate the ending but I hate THE BITCH more. Actually, I think she and her retarded army of delusional fans are responsible for the terrible ordeal, and I hate the author for giving into their deranged fantasy and giving up all logic and ideals of the story. Look at the mess: Naruto (warm-hearted, kind, goofy but seriously loving) turns into Narcissist-ruto who abandons his family for paperwork and completely forgets about his best girl friend and becomes oblivious to her situations. His daughter is a bitch who made him unable to attend his own Hokage ceremony (not to mention how logic-fucking this is, like genin Naruto took 64-palms from the genius Neji but still got back to his feet, yet a God-level ninja fainted from a little girl who hadn’t even attended school? And what kind of fucking biology allows a byakugan to be awakened?), and his son is a son of a bitch, literally, rude to everybody without any reason. It goes so far as to give his daughter the personality of a hot-headed Sakura, and recently I even saw a meme of Hinata getting all hot-headed too. Laughable how they KNOW that the bitch is so lame they need to buff her up, yet task failed successfully. Needless to say, they ruined the story just for a single unworthy bitch.
Now actually I did not hate her when I first read the story. I’m a long time fan, and when I first read the ending I was just confused. Like, who is this bitch who got married to Naruto? I couldn’t even recall. She’s always been too out of the picture and made absolutely no impression whatsoever on me. I had to re-read the series, and that’s when all hell broke loose. 
She, by herself, is a disaster, as a character and as a person. As a character, she doesn’t serve any other purpose other than a fuck fantasy for the fanboy. She may get some hilariously weak power up, but never mature emotionally. From the beginning of the story to the end, her ninja way is just “chasing Naruto-kun to become a stronger person”. It never turns into a more mature version aka “getting to know my worth without having to chase after the shadow of anyone”. And now she’s become a housewife, what the fuck would she use her strength on? Beat the shit out of her crappy kids? And as a character she never has any other defining characteristics or moments of growth apart from stalking Naruto and stuttering.
I also feel like her fans are mistaking being shy and lame with being sweet and kind. Heck, in the manga she never showed kindness to anyone apart from Naruto. I just don’t get it how people say she’s a kind goddess. 
I despise the kind of person she is as well as the kind of so-called “love” for Naruto too. As a person she fails miserably. She never has any other goal apart from chasing after Naruto (and people bashed Sakura so much for chasing after Sasuke. If Sasuke trying to kill Sakura is bad then Naruto ignoring her confession is not an ounce better). Is chasing after Naruto even an authentic goal? He’s basically a God ninja now. And what would she use that strength on? For recognition? Then at the end of the series still nobody gives a shit about her (including her kids). For the Hyuga and her cousin Neji, who has been mistreated by the Main House? Nah. Never see her doing anything about it, even though it should be her duty to do so. What did she ever accomplish? It would have been fine, I know sometimes people just want to live their daily life, enjoying the small moments, that’s all. But announcing that she wants to overcome herself and then, being a tai-jutsu specialist and tripping over flat ground almost every battle she’s in is not exactly a favorable image. It’s like they want her to look as weak and pitiful as possible for dickheads who are failures themselves to jack off. Such a shallow goal and such a lame character. Now she fails in educating her kids too, which is laughable.
Her obsession with Naruto is not healthy either, and that cannot be called love - it would be an insult to love. It’s fangirling, no less than Sakura’s obsessions towards Sasuke. They did not understand the boys’ pain and suffering and they did not care about what the boys need and want - you can see over the series Sasuke obviously rejected Sakura so many times and HE MEANT IT, yet she never accepted it, while Hinata never cared how much Naruto suffered. She just saw him overcoming obstacles and built her fantasy of him on them, but never got to know the person. She used his image as a source of inspiration for herself, but never tried to look at the person himself. When he suffered the most, she looked from a far and thought about how he is ... just like her, rather than how painful he is and how to help him overcome that. It’s like there’s an accident and the onlookers just pass by the victim. You stay to look at him and thinks “poor him, but look how he’s holding up, I like it, I want to be strong like that”. It’s weird and it’s selfish, and you are by no means a good person for thinking like that. She never wants Naruto the person, she wants her idea of Naruto. I get that she’s “shy”, but there’re tons of ways to anonymously care for someone: you can send a letter of encouragement, you can make lunch and put it in his bag when no one is looking, things like that. Come to think about it, being unable to let people know is being shy, but being unable to take actions is just being useless and/or dumb. I mean, it’s okay when you are young and pathetic, but it’s not okay if you’re all grown up but still pathetic. That’s exactly what she is, for if the one thing she’s up to is Naruto, she better do it better. But no! That kind of person doesn’t even have the right to confess, let alone be praised for... watching him from afar. I HATE THIS KIND OF PERSON THE MOST. And I hate her delusional fans too. Fuck you! You ruined my childhood series! 
To be completely objective, I would not have hated her with such a passion if she did not get promoted into a “main char” of some sort. As a background character I couldn’t have cared less. But chapter 700 ruined it for me. Fuck you bitch! But I guess this bitch and Narcissist-ruto make a nice pair of useless depressed couple. For myself, things forever stop at when team 7 united, and I’ll keep my sweet boi Naruto forever that way.
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