justbeyourselfdgo · 3 years
Environmental Crisis and Ecological Spirituality
fThree different lines of actions or approaches that Pope Francis mentions in Chapter 5 of practical recommendations for mitigating the environmental crisis are Religions in dialogue with science, dialogue and transparency in decision-making, and politics and economy in dialogue for human fulfilment.
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Let’s begin with, Religions in dialogue with science “Any technical solution which science claims to offer will be powerless to solve the serious problems of our world if humanity loses its compass, if we lose sight of the great motivations which make it possible for us to live in harmony, to make sacrifices and to treat others well. Believers themselves must constantly feel challenged to live in a way consonant with their faith and not to contradict it by their actions. They need to be encouraged to be ever open to God’s grace and to draw constantly from their deepest convictions about love, justice and peace.” The Pope is very concerned about our environment and wants us to know that religion and science can come together and make a difference. Leaning on just one side that being technology or religion when it comes to helping the environmental crisis might not always be the right solution.
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Now on to, dialogue and transparency in decision-making, “Environmental impact assessment should not come after the drawing up of a business proposition or the proposal of a particular policy, plan or programmed. It should be part of the process from the beginning, and be carried out in a way which is interdisciplinary, transparent and free of all economic or political pressure. It should be linked to a study of working conditions and possible effects on people’s physical and mental health, on the local economy and on public safety.” It is very important to take into consideration the actions that we are taking that take a great effect in the environment around us. The actions that we take are based on the decision-making process that we develop. By having a clear understanding on the decision-making processes it will mitigate the environmental crisis.
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Going on to, politics and economy in dialogue for human fulfilment “The environment is one of those goods that cannot be adequately safeguarded or promoted by market forces”.[134] Once more, we need to reject a magical conception of the market, which would suggest that problems can be solved simply by an increase in the profits of companies or individuals. Is it realistic to hope that those who are obsessed with maximizing profits will stop to reflect on the environmental damage which they will leave behind for future generations? Where profits alone count, there can be no thinking about the rhythms of nature, its phases of decay and regeneration, or the complexity of ecosystems which may be gravely upset by human intervention.” Some people decide to stick with just one solution when solving the environmental crisis and that is not the best solution. We need to take a look at ourselves and human fulfillment if not it can continue to cause problems for future generations.
Farmworker Rights and/or Farm Labor Conditions
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According to National Farm Worker Ministry “ the Farm workers provide an indispensable service, yet their jobs are some of the most dangerous and least adequately compensated in the country. Much of the injustice and inhumanity farm workers face stems from their specific exclusion from basic protections that workers in other sectors of society receive. This is sometimes called farm worker exceptionalism.” It is very important to understand that no one is better than anyone else we are all equal. Farm workers help out so much. They provide us with great fruits and vegetables at the expense of suffering hot weather temperatures. It is our job to inform these farm workers about their right and make sure that they are being treated fairly while they are performing their jobs as well at all moments. “ For instance, the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) of 1935 forbids employers from firing a worker for joining, organizing, or supporting a labor union. Farm workers were, and remain, excluded from the protections of the NLRA. “ as stated by the ministry these farm workers have rights that their employers need to make sure they are following. 
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We must spread awareness of any unfair treatment that is happening to farmworkers. “Farmworkers frequently encounter abusive labor practices at the hands of unscrupulous employers. Workers all too often labor for employers who skirt the minimum wage laws or practice other forms of wage theft, work under unhealthy or dangerous conditions, or are made to live in grossly substandard housing.” as stated by farmworkerjustice.org. Sometimes these workers will deal with this abusive not because they want to but they feel as if they don't have another way out since they really need their jobs to be able to provide for their families. But we as a community need to help and spread awareness, we have a voice and our life matter. 
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Agriculture is a very important and difficult job “ Agriculture is consistently ranked as one of the most dangerous occupations in the United States. Farm workers face pesticide risks and suffer from the highest rate of toxic chemical injuries and skin disorders of any workers in the country. Children in the fields are particularly susceptible to the hazards of pesticides, and women who work in the fields have given birth to babies with severe birth defects, attributed by many to pesticide exposure. In recent years, workers across the United States have died in fields nationwide from heat exposure combined with lack of drinking water, shade, or breaks. “ as stated by umcjustice.org. We cannot let unfair behavior to be kept happening in our society. We can make a change and inform these workers of their rights. 
Encyclical Letter, Laudato  SI’ Of the Holy Father Francis on Care for our Common Home
Holmstrom, N., & Nancy Holmstrom is Professor Emeritus and former chair of the Philosophy Department at Rutgers. (2018, June 29). Democracy and Ecological Crisis - The Bullet. Socialist Project. https://socialistproject.ca/2018/06/democracy-and-ecological-crisis/.
Jones, M. (2016, May 31). 5 Ways Extremely Successful People Find Fulfillment. Inc.com. https://www.inc.com/matthew-jones/5-ways-extremely-successful-people-find-fulfillment.html.
Resources for Engaging with Laudato Si'. Mercy World. (n.d.). https://www.mercyworld.org/library/resources-for-engaging-with-laudato-si323/.
Rights of Farm Workers in the US. GBCS. (n.d.). https://www.umcjustice.org/who-we-are/social-principles-and-resolutions/rights-of-farm-workers-in-the-us-4134.
U.S. Labor Law for Farm Workers. NFWM. (2020, July 14). http://nfwm.org/farm-workers/farm-worker-issues/labor-laws/.
US Labor Law for Farmworkers. Farmworker Justice. (n.d.). https://www.farmworkerjustice.org/advocacy_program/us-labor-law-for-farmworkers/.
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justbeyourselfdgo · 3 years
It is very important for one to be aware of what is going on to farm workers around the world. Farm workers are being mistreated. 
The U.S farm workers are mistreated in many different ways and this is all shown in Part 1 of The American Way of Eating. McMillan does a great job with adding suggestions of different ways in which there could be changes to the U.S agricultural system that would end up helping the mistreatment that is occurring to these farmworkers. From the text of McMillan I can point out three different kinds of mistreatments which are the wages that the farmworkers are receiving, child farmworkers start to work adult hours, there is not a limit on how many hours children can work in farms, filth and very harsh weather conditions.  
Let’s begin with, wages are very low for the hand labor that these farmworkers are getting paid. “If you pay $1 for a pound of apples only about 6 cents are being paid for the farm work it took to get it to the market”, therefore there should be some raises in the wages of these farm workers.
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Now on to child’s working adult hours. “Typically, child farm workers start working adult hours weekends in the summers and after school.” These kids should not be working these hours. It is not good for them, their health and childhood.
Lastly, there is a lot of filth and very high temperatures which make the farm workers have health problems, drain all of their energy and is just not as appropriate as it should be based on the hours that they are working. 
To finalize, can you imagine what these poor farm workers had to go through while all they wanted to do was work, get enough to support their families. The treatment that these farmer workers were receiving will never be justified; there was no reason for them to have to endure such mistreatment
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References : 
Commentary, G. (2020, June 26). We have to get serious about protecting California farmworkers during COVID-19. CalMatters. https://calmatters.org/commentary/my-turn/2020/06/we-have-to-get-serious-about-protecting-california-farmworkers-during-covid-19/.
Mathema, Z. W. and S. (n.d.). Protecting Farmworkers From Coronavirus and Securing the Food Supply. Center for American Progress. https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/economy/reports/2020/04/23/483488/protecting-farmworkers-coronavirus-securing-food-supply/.
McMillan, T. (2012). The American way of eating: undercover at Walmart, Applebee's, farm fields, and the dinner table. Scribner.
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justbeyourselfdgo · 3 years
Vows-Stability, Fidelity and Obedience
Three different ways that the Benedictine Rule expects or encourages monks to live ecologically are for there to be stability, fidelity and obedience. It is very important for them for there to be stability unless it is stated by someone else superior they should remain where they are and try to make the most out of it. Now when it comes to fidelity it is very important for them to be honest and true to themselves as to those around them. Stay true to their calling and work. Faithfulness is something huge for monks and is taken very seriously. Lastly, obedience is to obey their calling and make sure that they stay on the right track therefore not be distracted with things that are harmful or deceitful.Its as if they are all more focused on a great meaning. Everything seems to be more peaceful and in order following these three vows.
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Moving on to Overpopulation, where it can be a problem and chaotic. There is a lot of human overpopulation occurring that is causing many problems such as loss of fresh water, species extinction, habitat loss, lower life expectancy, depletion of natural resources etc.  
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justbeyourselfdgo · 11 years
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