justbringit 3 years
The relationship between fire and rain is undescribable. No matter how many times fire boils water away to nothing it keeps coming back and rain it on the fire . It's a lifetime fight the keeps going on as if like rain dislikes fire so much enough to get fire rid off the sight. The fire is arrogant and annoying enough to show up and give rain a hard time. When I stand under the rain I feel like every drop of it slaps me with too much anger yet makes me smile . Surely I am the fire and she is my rain 馃拰
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justbringit 3 years
I always believed to never let my heart fight with my mind cause none of them will win but I'll definitely lose.Life is undetermined. Always be ready to express someone you have grown feelings for even if your mind says you're not ready, even if your mind says you're not worthy. Trust me on that - if you are not ready ... someone else will be and that's when your heart gives your mind a painful laugh . I know that I am not born to lead normal life full of sweetness..... I was trained to embrace the suck. Then one day a girl appeared with a beautiful laugh that kicked somewhere in the left side of my chest very hard. It's just a laugh out of nowhere. It felt like time stood still. That was the first time in years I witnessed something I could not describe . It's pure natural . Then I saw myself in the mirror..... All I just saw was a torn up guy geared up for the next war........ But I was greedy to hold the beautiful laugh of hers. I knew I was not worthy enough but her laugh pinched my heart in a very beautiful way. The harsh truth is I am just a trained machine.....duty comes first to me before everything. Heart was something I was unaware of but........ she made me feel that I got heart too. She made me realize that even a person like me could feel pain. I had never been late to fulfil the required duty but had always been late to do the duty of my own heart. I beat up certain categories of people showing no mercy. I am not sorry for it and ..... I keep the reason to myself and myself only but the first time I witnessed her laugh, the first time in a decade my anger automatically went down . For a moment I felt like her laugh was boxing with my heart....... It irritated me over and over and over again for days .....slowly turned to months ..... why I was totally calm when she's around. I was at a complete war with my mind but...... the day I saw fear in her eyes for me ...... My heart just broke down into pieces . I never wanted it. She never used to laugh like before. I spent nights feeling guilty. I wish she knew that I was the one who's scared of her and still to this date I am. I immediately knew I did not deserve to be around her. I did not deserve to look at her with weird and vicious face of mine but .....my heart already could sense that the balloon had already gone up . My heart was fooling me that may be , may be, just may be I could hold her hands forever but I forgot that fact that I made my hands dirty by making certain people suffer for their deeds but still.... was not able to stop myself from looking for her natural laughing face. I kept myself asking why can't I? Then .... I realized I was trained to control my mind but not my heart and she was ruling my heart already....Then one day........ I got to know that she had a guy in her life and after that I never looked for her. I never ever tried to reach her, I never tried to look at her.... Still I clearly remember her small footsteps that she used to take while walking.... and twice just twice I heard her voice..... It's peaceful... Calm. I could never ever in a million years ruin that laugh of hers with my presence.... at any cost. I don't know her like her friends , I don't know how she is like , all I know is...... It's been 356 days that I hadn't seen her face..... Yet I remember how her voice is like, I remember how her eyes are like when she is not liking something, I still remember the way she used to laugh .......I won't ever try to get her but ..........I loved her......she never knew and I love her and she will never know. 2 years... 190 days ....and counting 馃拰
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justbringit 3 years
I have no objection to people doubting me at the first place cause I know they all are going to be proven wrong and when that does, their minds will be clapping for me but my ears would be too far away to listen to clap music.
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justbringit 3 years
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justbringit 3 years
I don't understand the point when a guy claims to make a girl feel strong when he,himself was given birth by a girl.
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justbringit 4 years
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