justdesertbeats · 5 years
SHOO ANONS! *yeets them into the sea*
You heft the anons over your head and cast them overboard, along with their air horn. Before they hit the water though, they seem to... vanish in a flash of green light. The arrow is also gone. Now floating on the surface of the water is a chunk of metal, a chunk of plastic and four pieces of mysterious material.
Time passes once again and we are now at two places, one where Faith has reached the Paradise shape tree, and the other where Behemoth appears to be looking over a map of sorts, you can only interact with one or the other.
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justdesertbeats · 5 years
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(Canti) Get in your respective groups, this fight begins tonight!
Please rb!
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justdesertbeats · 5 years
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In an attempt to completely de-slump myself: I’m going to be drawing characters that are going to be in the comic later.
This is Photon, the stronghold of stone.
Strongholds in the JSAB universe are kinda gods, kinda not. They’re machines older than any known shape on the planet, save for maybe the guardians. They are seekers of equilibrium, never truly siding with purity nor corruption, as they are immune to both.
When a continent does wrong by a stronghold, they will incur their wrath. In Photon’s case, earthquakes that can fell any building, even if protected against them.
With his blessing, however, even the simplest of structures will stand forever without need for maintenance.
If you have any questions regarding Photon or strongholds in general, please send me an ask.
Stronghold of harvest tomorrow!
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justdesertbeats · 5 years
What’s that arrow?
You’ll find out soon enough, I’ve just de-slumped myself, and the next update is to of my art to-do list.
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justdesertbeats · 5 years
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So, @professional-shitpost, do you remember my asking a while ago about the electric triangles?( I asked as dinomodtriad)
I don’t remember exactly how my ask went, and I can’t find it when I look through your blog.
But I remember you saying that you don’t have to be corrupted to use them?
I’m too lazy to make a sequence comic, so just take a before/after pic. If you wanna make a comic, go ahead.
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justdesertbeats · 5 years
The guardians from justdesertbeats?
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{ I don’t really know what the other guardians look like, But I do know Faith! }
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justdesertbeats · 5 years
That’s right, a jsab TOURNAMENT!! Celebrating a kickass game with a killer soundtrack and a lovely fanbase!! 
To join the discord server for more information click here!! 
I’ve been waiting for forever to finally reveal this!! I’m so super excited!!
Hope to see you there!!
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justdesertbeats · 5 years
I hope you don’t mind me adding my characters to this, under the cut of course...
Established characters(characters that are currently known in the story)
Faith(inorganic mechanical): crane
Vlaimir(organic animal): bat
Behemoth(organic animal): Chimera(Ball Python and Chuckwallas {Behemoth’s omnivorous!})
Non-established characters(characters that are in the story, but have not appeared yet)
Breaker(inorganic unknown): plant-based computer(computers aren’t natural, but plants ain’t mechanical either. Sue me.)
Noir(organic animal): Bat
Alloy(inorganic mechanical): jet
Flare(inorganic mechanical): rocket
X+O: unkown
Twisties(inorganic natural): vorticies
okay, so, we learned near was a jerboa, but what are the other shapes and their classifications? for the ones we've met, anyway.
☕ { Hell yes okay, I’m gonna go ahead and put this under a cut for the sake of there’s a lot of characters rip. I’m also gonna leave out Bell and Briga bc,,, they’re pretty obvious. }
Keep reading
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justdesertbeats · 5 years
Sorry if I’m taking so long to reply to your asks.
School and work are taking a lot out of me. I’ll try to get something done today, but it’s unlikely.
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justdesertbeats · 6 years
Some time passes before Faith arrives at her destination. She stares up at the structure, for a bit,
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“Here goes nothing...”
She reaches a hand forward and knocks on the metal door.
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Meanwhile, it seems a little green arrow has arrived at the raft party. It seems harmless enough.
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justdesertbeats · 6 years
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Just sticky note doodles
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justdesertbeats · 6 years
Very reliable!!
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“Guess I’ll take a look.”
And with that, Faith makes way towards Sung’s garage.
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justdesertbeats · 6 years
I just realize Faith is hurt what happen?
Faith sighs, “Salt got into my suspension, then I took a bump too fast and my spring was stuck from the salt.”
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justdesertbeats · 6 years
Hey faith!! Sung can help you!! *gives address*
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Faith takes the slip of paper, and reads it over, “Is this ‘Sung’ reliable?”
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justdesertbeats · 6 years
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Hours have passed now, and- Oh dear, seems Faith has broken her wheel! and the appendage that forms from it is just as damaged!
She can’t roll on a broken wheel, so she’ll have to walk until she finds a garage.
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justdesertbeats · 6 years
Send “And now for something completely different!” for a short cut to a random character that hasn’t been introduced on the blog.
The cut lasts for 1-8 posts! Bonus points if anyone can guess who said character is.
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justdesertbeats · 6 years
Just FYI, you can submit stuff like fanart if you want to.
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