The Prince and the Dragon Rider - Part Seven: The Rift
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Jacaerys Velaryon x dragon rider!reader
Summary: while still reeling from your first day in King’s Landing, you must come to terms with the command given during your private conversation with Princess Rhaenyra.
Warnings: angst, anxiety/panic attacks
part one: the oath
part two: tempest
part three: the dawn
part four: the test
part five: precipice
part six: pieces and players
soundtrack - listening recommendations:
• triassic love song by Paris Paloma • I’d Have to Think About It by Leith Ross • putting a spin on good luck, babe! by Egg • Call Your Mom by Noah Kahan •
After making your way through the endless maze of The Red Keep, and finally finding your newly assigned chambers within the palace, you sat in the stillness trying to calm yourself. Though you’d have likely found more rest if you had continued to wander. The opulence of the vast, unfamiliar space only made you feel more isolated and out of place.
With no other anchor to cling to as you try to soothe your heartache, your mind drifts to your mother.
Six short years of life by her side gave you little insight into the kind of person she was, or the kind of person she hoped you’d be. She was likely kind, and certainly clever, but what you knew without question was that she was incomparably fierce. In your bleakest moments on your journey with Tempest, you’d holdfast to the memory of her strength, using it endure whatever challenges you faced.
Surviving life’s hardships was your way to honor her sacrifices. And though, you told yourself that she’d be proud of who you’d become, you’d always pondered what kind of life she’d have wished for you if survival hadn’t been her primary driving force. If she’d been given the opportunity to be carefree and gentle, what kind of person would that have made you. Surely she wanted more than mere survival for you, but was the life you sold yourself to what she’d have wanted for you? Were you still honoring her memory?
Which was why, as fierce as you had made yourself and as hard as you fought to prove your worth within a realm of dragonlords, you also strived to preserve some of the softness within you that she was denied. If there was hope that you’d be able to find a peaceful life, you wanted your heart to be able to receive it.
However, as you sit alone with an ache so powerful it feels as though your chest has been set alight, you begin to despise your effort to protect that tenderness. If all you were meant to do was simply become a pawn in someone else’s game, what use was there for softness? What need was there for love?
You are so consumed by your thoughts that you do not hear the soft knock at your door or the quiet footsteps that tiptoe across the room as you lie motionless on top of your bedding. When Jace whispers your name from the foot of the bed, it takes you a moment to realize it is not in your head.
“Are you alright?” he whispers slightly louder, voice laced with concern. “I returned to the godswood and you had already gone.”
You sit up slowly, avoiding his eyes, and fold your legs beneath you, keeping your gaze fixed on the fabric below. After a beat and no response from you, you hear him shuffle around to the side of the bed.
“What did my mother speak to you about?” He asks quietly and your breath hitches.
He takes notice and moves to sit at the edge of the bed. Unable to bring yourself to voice the Princess’s command, you force yourself to look up and find his gaze in the dark. His eyes widen at your disheveled state and he darts a hand out to grasp yours.
“What happened?” He asks in a frantic whisper. “What’s wrong?”
You close your eyes and take your hand from his, steadying yourself with a shaky breath before finding your voice.
“I have been instructed to keep my distance from you,” your voice cracks, hoarse from hours of silence following your onslaught of tears.
“By who?” He moves closer to your face to see you clearly, “My mother?”
You sigh deeply and nod your head, he stands from the bed suddenly and you watch as he begins to pace the floor.
“She believes the nature of our companionship could be called into question, thus, jeopardizing your prospects for alliances through marriage.” You mutter.
“I fail to see why anyone would concern themselves with such speculation. You are my friend. Where is the fault in that?” He huffs and continues to pace back and forth.
“Jacaerys,” you say softly, “look at us. The closeness of our friendship is no secret to anyone, but what if you were to be discovered here? Alone in my chambers in the dead of night?” He stops in his tracks, as if this is the first he’s considered this, “Accusations and assumptions would not be difficult to form.”
“Why should it matter what they say, if it isn’t true?” He mumbles, staring intently at the floor.
“It doesn’t matter what they say or what they think,” You stand, crossing your arms over your chest, trying to contain the sorrow building within, “but I cannot allow them to turn me into a weapon to be used against you.”
His head snaps up in your direction, the confusion plain on his face as you continue.
“Look at why we’ve travel all this way in the first place. There are always going to be those looking to undermine and discredit someone in your position. Whether you admit it or not, you know our friendship could harm you and your standing. I will not risk being complicit in your pain.”
“And what of the pain that your absence would inflict? Why must we be forced to choose between happiness and duty?” He pleads and steps toward you.
“Your mother tried to have both, did she not?” You say plainly and he finds your eyes before placing his hands on your arms.
“Yes but this is different, there has to be a way,” there is a desperation in his voice that you have not heard before that breaks your heart even further, “Why must her mistakes determine our future? We can find our own path.”
You step closer and unfold your arms, taking hold of his hands as he makes to pull them away.
“The moment I took my oath, I knew I was giving up my right to my own path, Jace. For a time, it was easy to forget the larger roles we would be called to play. It felt like we could have both…” your voice trails off as you absentmindedly run your thumbs across the backs of his hands, “But the pieces are moving. And we must take our place.” Your voice wavers, if there were any tears left in your body they would be flowing freely.
He looks down at your clasped hands, gripping them tighter.
“But I can’t lose you.” He utters before returning his gaze back to yours, tears beginning to form in his deep brown eyes, “If I am to walk this horrid path then I only wish to do it with you by my side.”
You both stand quietly in the darkness, searching each other’s eyes, letting his words hang in the air around the two of you.
A hushed gasp leaves his lips and he takes a step back. Eyes wide and hands trembling as they leave yours. You cross your arms over your chest, taking a ragged breath which causes Jacaerys to take half step forward. Raising a palm in protest, you step away.
“Please go,” you sob softly.
He opens his mouth slightly, a question forming on his lips.
“Please, Jace,” you interrupt as sternly as you can manage, “I can’t.”
He closes his mouth and stares at you for a moment, unmoving, eyes locked on your face. Involuntarily, he begins to walk towards the door, still watching you intently, conflict and confusion becoming clearer upon his face with every step away from you. You nod silently once he reaches the door and with one last pained glance he exits your chambers, once again leaving you in solitude.
You retreat back to the bed and collapse into the fabric, curling up on your side as the tearless sobs begin to rack your body once more. Cursing the tenderness you have allowed to blossom there. As you desperately will the pain into numbness, you are at last given some relief as you are mercifully pulled into a dreamless sleep.
You awake with the dawn in a daze, taking a moment to remember where you are as you look about your unfamiliar surroundings. Once your mind is fully pulled from the fog of sleep, you stand from the bed and make your way across the room, trying to stretch your tired muscles as you pull fresh clothes from your bag.
As you rummage through your belongings, the red cloak you were gifted when you were sworn into service comes to the surface. You look upon it quietly for a moment before retrieving your other items of clothing and rushing back to the bed to dress yourself, doing your best to stomp out the sparks of anguish that its appearance brings forth.
Dressing yourself slowly and deliberately, you keep your mind focused on each step, trying to avoid inciting any further emotional responses. However, the red of the cloak makes that task all the more difficult as it lingers in the periphery of your vision. After fully dressing you dart back to the bag, intent on burying the cloak deep within, but a knock on the door stays your hand for the moment.
A handmaiden enters and offers you a bow.
“The Lady Baela,” she announces and backs out through the door as Baela steps forward.
“Good morrow, y/n,” she says with a bright smile.
“Good morrow, my Lady,” you bow stiffly, “how can I be of service?”
She walks forward, looking over your chambers until she spies a small table then turns back to you.
“I thought we might break fast together before we make our way to the throne room for the petitions,” she grimaces slightly at the mention of today’s events, “I imagined my cousins would be occupied with other affairs and didn’t want you to be left behind.”
The thought of the Princes causes a twisting pain in your chest but you do your best to smile politely.
“Thank you,” you mutter, “that’s very kind of you.”
She makes her way across the floor to stand next to you, a mischievous glimmer in her eye.
“I wondered if you might tell me about your travels as well,” she quirks a brow inquisitively, “Rhaena has already told me so much but I’d love to hear them from you if you’re willing to share?”
“Rhaena has told you about me?” Your brow furrows as you register her words.
“She has,” she chuckles lightly at your expression, “in letters and through most of the night, in fact.”
“That is surprising,” you say, taken aback by this revelation, “I thought she despised me.”
“She may,” she shrugs, rolling her eyes at her twin,“but more than anything she hates what she was denied. When we lived in Pentos, we had heard rumors of the wild sea dragon that lurked in the waters. For a time, Rhaena had plans to find it and claim it for herself before our mother died.”
You reel back in disbelief.
“I was unaware I had such a reputation,” you breath a laugh, a genuine smile growing at the corner of your lips.
Baela smirks and nods her head.
“You and your dragon have made quite a name for yourselves,” she takes you by the crook of the arm, “I look forward to testing mine and Moondancer’s mettle against yours one day.”
“I look forward to that as well, my Lady,” you nod in agreement.
Another knock rings out and more servants enter with platters of warm food.
“Shall we?” She asks and gestures towards the table where the meal has been placed.
“Yes please,” you say with a grateful sigh.
Conversation with Baela flowed effortlessly, bringing an ease to your soul as the two of you swapped stories over the meal. The relief was much too short lived however, as once the servants had cleared the table, Baela’s handmaiden steps forward.
“It’s time, my Lady,” she informs the two of you and you freeze in place.
Baela sees the change in your demeanor and thanks her handmaiden before she stands and moves to offer her hand to pull you from your seat.
“We’ll be along shortly.” She calls with a nod before returning her attention to you.
Her eyes soften and she sighs quietly.
“My mother used to say that The Red Keep was poisonous, but that poison could not harm a dragon.”
You take her hand and she pulls you to your feet.
“You may not be the blood of the dragon. But you certainly have the heart of one,” she smiles softly meeting your eyes to ensure you understand, “Don’t let them take that from you.”
You take a deep breath and stand at attention.
“Are you ready?” She asks calmly.
“Yes,” you pause, looking back to your belongings, “just give me one moment.”
You step over to your bag pull the cloak free, swinging it over your shoulders in one swift motion before affixing it with a black dragon clasp. Returning to Baela’s side, she beams proudly and links her arm through yours.
“Onwards, Dragon Rider.”
• @freefallthoughts @eywas-heir
39 notes · View notes
The Prince and the Dragon Rider - Part Six: Pieces and Players
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Jacaerys Velaryon x dragon rider!reader
Summary: your party arrives in King’s Landing and the venom of the city begins to take hold.
Warnings: anxiety/panic attack
part one: the oath
part two: tempest
part three: the dawn
part four: the test
part five: precipice
part seven: the rift
Little was said the morning of your departure to King’s Landing. The sun had not yet risen but a dim light through the morning fog was growing over the waves to the east, indicating that the dawn was not far off. Yourself and the Princes had mustered your dragons and gathered among the cliffs above the docks of Dragonstone to watch as the servants loaded the ship with the royal family’s possessions.
You and Jacaerys sit next to each other in the sparse grass as Tempest and Vermax seem to chase each other through the mist above. During your starlight ride with Jace last night, the dragons effortlessly fell back into rhythm like long lost friends. Watching their lighthearted dance overhead brings a wistful smile to your face.
While the two of you watch the dragons in comfortable silence, Lucerys remains upon Arrax’s back, resting his chin upon his crossed arms, looking on somberly. Seeing as Jace’s attempts to lighten his mood during the walk to the dragonmont had been unsuccessful, you decide it’s best to leave him to his thoughts for now.
Shortly after the first rays of sunlight begin to peek over the horizon, you look down to see the last of the parcels and trunks are being placed onboard the ship. Moments after, the procession of guards and handmaids file down the pathway, followed by the remaining members of House Targaryen. A torch is raised up into the air by a guard from the deck of the ship and Luke commands Arrax to take flight. You and Jace stand and stretch your tired muscles then call for your dragons. As Tempest and Vermax make their approach, Jace turns to you with a grin.
“Ready?” He beams.
You roll your eyes playfully as the dragons land beside each other.
“As ready as I can be,” you smile back at him.
Though the three of you could have easily covered the length of Blackwater Bay and reached your destination within a few hours, Rhaenyra had instructed that you remain within eyesight of the ship so that you could all arrive at King’s Landing together.
What began as mindless circles above the vessel, quickly evolved into a race across the width of the bay, zigzagging between the coastlines. Even Luke’s melancholy was not enough to keep Arrax from joining the game. Although distant shouts of protest could initially be heard from the young Prince, they soon become cries of joy as he allows himself to delight in this new experience.
As the sounds of merriment echo through the sky, you are struck by a sudden feeling of nostalgia. Having spent the last three years peacefully on Dragonstone, it had not occurred to you that venturing out into the unknown was something you found great joy in, something you missed even. Only now, you were not alone. Journeying through the sky, alongside the two people you held most dear, was not something you imagined you’d soon grow tired of.
As the day went on, the bay steadily began to narrow as you made your approach towards King’s Landing and a foul stench permeated the air. Though your journey across Essos lead you near many great cities, none of them radiated such a distinctive odor.
Once the ship has docked, you follow Jacaerys and Vermax’s lead over the crowded cityscape towards the dragonpit. The massive domed structure sat atop one of three hills within the walls of the city. It reminded you of fighting pits you had seen littered throughout Essos but far grander than any of them could ever hope to be.
You land in a clearing outside where a small gathering of Dragonkeepers wait, each with large quarterstaffs held aloft. They greet the Princes as they dismount and bow politely to all three of you. Surprised by their cordial greeting, you bow your head in response from behind Tempest’s head. Though as they approach the three dragons, Tempest becomes uneasy and grumbles a warning, eliciting hisses from both Vermax and Arrax. The Dragonkeepers stop in their tracks but stand firmly in place.
“What are they doing?” You ask nervously.
“They escort the dragons inside,” Jacaerys responds, nodding towards impossibly large bronze doors at the base of the dome.
You look down at their expectant faces and gently shake your head.
“No, thank you,” you utter, trying to be stern while remaining polite, “I’ll lead her in myself.”
You urge Tempest forward and the Dragonkeepers make way for her to pass. Upon crossing the threshold, you are greeted by the sight of an impressive stone arena within. You are so enamored by its scale and grandeur that you fail to notice Jace and Luke walking beside their dragons following behind Tempest.
“Spectacular isn’t it?” Jacaerys calls from the ground, a proud grin plastered across his face.
“I’ve never seen anything like it,” you admit with a smirk.
Vermax and Arrax excitedly rush forward to a ramp leading below and disappear into the shadowy passage. You dismount Tempest with a groan and move around to her face. Reaching your hand to her snout, you look into one of her golden eyes and nod before pressing your forehead into her scale’s.
“I’ll see you soon,” you mutter then move out of her way so she can join the others.
Whatever progress had been made in lifting Luke’s spirits was immediately lost the moment the three of you filed into the wheelhouse waiting outside the dragonpit. He quietly stared out the window while Jace pointed out various landmarks to you.
Although you had seen The Red Keep while flying over the city, it became more imposing as you drew near from the ground, the red hue of its walls felt like a warning to proceed with caution. As you enter the gates, the sounds of the crowded city behind grow quiet and an eerie silence takes its place. A kingsguard greets the three of you as you exit and hastily leads you into the fortress.
A second guard awaits within and moves towards you, offering a halfhearted bow.
“Please follow me to your chambers,” he says flatly and takes a step in the opposite direction of Jace and Luke.
You look to Jace in confusion and his brow furrows as he moves to stand beside you.
“Where are their chambers?” He asks, emulating both Rhaenyra and Daemon with his authoritative tone.
“The servants quarters, my Prince,” he bows fully, “as instructed by the Queen.”
“Nonsense,” Jace scoffs, “there are an abundance of vacant rooms that are perfectly suitable.”
He wraps his hand around your forearm and gently pulls you away from the guard.
“See them moved into the apartments near ours,” he calls over his shoulder.
“Yes, my Prince,” you hear the guard mumble as you are led away.
“Come with us until this is sorted,” Jace says with a smile, “I want to show you the training yard.”
Despite the unabashed stares that follow as your trio passes by, Jacaerys walks with his head held high. You watch with admiration at your friend’s defiant confidence, imagining what it must have been like to grow up under the shadow of such scornful eyes. Though your skin crawls at their glances and whispers, the idea of someone so young having to endure this treatment day after day makes your stomach turn.
When you reach the training yard, Lucerys perks up momentarily. The sound of combat echoes off the stone courtyard and Jacaerys rushes forward to place his hands on a divot in one of the walls.
“See?” He calls back to the two of you, “I told you this would still be here. And you thought you could swing Criston’s morning star.”
He runs back to Luke and rustles his hair.
“Nearly took your own head off,” he laughs and begins examining the weapons laid out before them.
Upon receiving no response, Jace finally voices his frustration.
“What’s your problem?” He snaps at his brother.
At this, you back away quietly and join the circle of onlookers surrounding the sparing match, giving the Princes privacy to air their grievances.
As you enter the crowd, you watch as a dark haired man swings a morning star at a silver haired figure behind a shield. The morning star sails through the air, missing its mark, and instead finding purchase in the dirt. He quickly pulls it from the ground and swings again at his opponent, this time taking a chunk from the shield on impact. The silver haired man discards his broken shield, revealing an eye patch over his right eye.
With the silver hair and the one eye, you immediately recognize him as Rhaenyra’s half brother, Prince Aemond, the man Lucerys took an eye from. A quiet gasp from behind you confirms your suspicion and you turn to see that the Princes have joined you. You reach out a hand to Luke but are interrupted as a quiet applause erupts from the crowd, bringing your focus back to the finished match.
“Well done, my Prince,” the dark haired man says with a smirk, “You’ll be winning tourneys in no time,” the dark haired man continues.
“I don’t give a shit about tourneys,” he utters flatly then turns your direction. “Nephews, have you come to train?”
You puff up your chest defensively, willing yourself to become a wall in front of your Princes. The remaining eye of Prince Aemond shifts to you briefly before the gates fly open and everyone’s attention is pulled to a lord and his escorts as they trudge through the yard. You look back to ensure Aemond’s focus has moved from Jace and Luke, only to find his gaze still lingers on you.
He looks you over, assessing you closely. You adjust your posture slightly, allowing you better access to your daggers, and he takes notice of the subtle shift. He finds your eyes before turning away with the slightest smirk.
You watch as he walks away, not enjoying the idea of having your back turned to him, until Jace places a hand on your arm.
“Let’s find my mother,” he says and you look to see his gaze fixed on Aemond as well.
Your trio departs with the rest of the crowd and continue to pass through endless staircases and passages when you happen upon Rhaena wandering the halls, walking alongside a girl of similar age.
“Baela!” Jacaerys calls and runs forward to meet them, “I’m glad to see you here.”
“You as well, Jace.” She says with a laugh.
When you and Lucerys reach them you bow politely at the new face. You had heard of Daemon’s eldest daughter but had not met as she was at ward on Driftmark.
Jace places a hand on your shoulder.
“This is y/n,” he proudly introduces.
“Well met, Dragon Rider,” she smiles and nods a bow while Rhaena scowls from behind her.
“Have you seen our mother?” Jace asks of both of them, releasing your shoulder.
“I left her not long ago with the Princess Rhaenys in the godswood.” Rhaena mutters, avoiding eye contact with you at all costs.
“Thank you,” Jace says with a small bow and moves past the sisters, walking forward with purpose.
Lucerys follows suit, leaving you behind momentarily.
“Pleasure to meet you, Baela.” You say quietly before chasing after the Princes.
As you run after Jace and Luke, they come to a sudden halt and you nearly run into them as they make way for a silver haired woman storming down the hallway. The woman glares at the Princes as she passes by and, for the first time since your arrival, Jacaerys shrinks back.
You duck your head as she passes and only once she has disappeared around the corner do the boys continue through a doorway leading to a courtyard where Rhaenyra stands alone beneath the blood red leaves of a heart tree.
“Mother,” Lucerys calls and rushes forward to embrace her, shaking her from her quiet contemplation.
“Hello, how was the journey, my love?” She asks, returning the embrace, making an effort to appear animated for her second son.
You and Jacaerys join the two of them beneath the tree as Lucerys regales his mother with his highlights from his first long distance flight.
“Have you gotten settled in your chambers?” She asks, a faraway look in her eye.
“Not yet,” Jace informs her with an exasperated sigh, “Alicent left instructions for y/n to be housed in the servants quarters. I told them to find something near our rooms instead.”
Rhaenyra smiles but it fails to touch her eyes. She then turns to you.
“Have you enjoyed the capital thus far?”
“It is very different from Dragonstone, just as you said, Princess. I imagine it takes some getting used to.” You admit honestly.
She nods and pulls Luke in once again before planting a kiss atop his head.
“Go get some rest,” she says and removes her arm from around her son, gently guiding him towards his brother, “Jace, please see Luke to his room. I’d like private word with y/n.”
Jace looks back and forth between the two of you, concern clear upon face but he nods regardless. Luke scrunches his face in confusion as he’s pulled away and you shoot them both a reassuring smile before leaving you alone with the Princess.
Once they are out of ear shot, she snakes her hand into the crook of your arm and guides you over to a nearby bench.
“I am very grateful for your friendship with my sons,” she begins in a gentle tone. “As you have already seen, they were not treated as they should have been by their peers and subjects.”
She lowers herself down onto the bench and invites you to sit beside her.
“I know that you and Jacaerys are especially close,” she pauses, taking your hand between hers, “which was harmless enough when you were children, but now that you are both grown, I am afraid I must ask that some distance be put between you.”
Her words force you to inhale sharply and it takes everything in you not to pull your hand from hers as she continues.
“There are certain duties required of an heir to the throne. And I fear your close proximity may restrict his opportunities to perform those duties.” She releases your hand and you pull it back slowly, balling it into a fist as it returns to your lap. “He has been the victim of slanderous murmurs since the day he was born and I do not wish my son’s name to befall any further insult or injury. Whether true or not.”
Her hands fold across her growing belly and she searches your eyes, “Do you understand?”
You turn from her to look at the face carved into the bark of the tree in front of you and nod silently.
“I am sorry to ask this of you,” her tone becomes empathetic and she follows your eyes to the tree before continuing, “I do not wish to cause you strife. But the time for us to gain further allegiances may be approaching faster than anticipated and we cannot afford for Jace appear ineligible.”
“As you command, Princess.” You speak with a quivering voice.
“It is not a command,” she corrects but it makes little difference to you, “it is a request. You may choose to ignore it.”
She stands and places a hand on your shoulder.
“But I know that you truly care for my son. And I trust you will choose what is best for him.”
She removes her hand and walks towards the exit. Before passing through the door, she pauses and calls back to you.
“We would be pleased to have you in attendance tomorrow,” she says with a slight grimace, aware of how conniving her words must sound, “we need as much support for Luke as we can muster.”
“As you wish, Princess.” You stand and turn toward her to bow lifelessly.
A tightening takes hold within your chest and you force yourself to breathe slowly and deliberately. Once the Princess has vanished into the darkness of the castle however, you collapse to your knees, clutching your chest. Quiet sobs begin to radiate through your body and you turn around to lean your back against the bench, tears pouring uncontrollably.
As lovely as the picture of the future Jace painted for you just the evening before was, and as hard as you willed yourself to believe it, you knew the part you were destined to play would inevitably be revealed. And though Jace’s words in the cave had given you some glimmer of hope that you would be allowed to remain by his side, Rhaenyra’s command made it clear that your continued presence in the Prince’s life would not go unnoticed, or without consequence. And neither would your growing affection for him.
You had always known his destiny and thus always knew you would not be able to play a meaningful part in it. Which you had convinced yourself was enough to keep any deeper feelings from arising. But in the skies over Dragonstone, that destiny felt far enough away that you had unknowingly begun to falter in your resolve.
It was easy enough to hide those feelings from yourself. Hiding them beneath the friendship. But now that that was also being stripped away from you, an ache tore across your chest like fire.
You pick yourself up on shaking legs and stumble forward, catching yourself on the trunk of the heart tree. Its eyes ooze a deep red sap and you look upon it like a mirror. A dragon’s screech from above breaks you from its gaze. You jump back and wipe the tears from your face, searching the sky for the source but finding nothing. Suddenly desiring nothing more than to run back to Tempest and escape to the sky but knowing that is a luxury you will be forever denied. Steadying yourself with a deep breath, you turn around and return to the labyrinth you have sworn yourself to, now fully understanding the consequences of such a vow.
• @eywas-heir
85 notes · View notes
justhereforxreaders · 17 days
The Prince and the Dragon Rider - Part Five: Precipice
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Jacaerys Velaryon x dragon rider!reader
Summary: the news of Vaemond Velaryon’s petition to rob Luke of his inheritance makes its way to Dragonstone and you are invited to your first venture to the capital city.
Warnings: none
Authors note: hi! Hope y’all are enjoying the journey so far! We’re taking a bit of a leap forward in time for this chapter to align with the later half of season one, starting with 1x08 “Lord of the Tides.” I do plan to circle back to blurbs covering the three years the reader spent on Dragonstone but I’m very excited to start weaving this story into the canon seen on screen. Enjoy!
part one: the oath
part two: tempest
part three: the dawn
part four: the test
part six: pieces and players
part seven: the rift
The winds whip up from the sea over the cliff face and through your hair as you turn your face to the rising sun. You breathe deeply, leaning your back onto the warm scales of your dragon’s neck, both of you basking in the morning glow. Tempest’s steady breaths and the sound of the waves soothing your unease as your mind had been plagued with nightmares for nearly a fortnight. Although you could never remember them when you awoke, the terror would stick to your bones long into the day.
This peace is interrupted when the dragon beneath you suddenly stands and walks away to stretch her wings. You are pushed forward ever so slightly when she does this and you let out a deep sigh. Slowly lowering your back to the ground in her absence, you stare up at the pink clouds above.
As you lie there, you feel the chill of the morning creep over your skin as the sunlight is briefly cut off by the shape of Arrax approaching. You prop yourself up on your elbows and watch as the small white dragon lands among the grass.
“Kirimvos, Arrax,” Lucerys mutters as he dismounts his dragon.
“Good morrow, Lucerys.” You say with a grunt as you pick yourself up from the ground, turning to see the young Prince approaching with his crossbow slung over his shoulder. “No Jace again?” You ask, unsurprised but with a slight pang of hurt.
“No, he went to a lesson with Grand Maester.” He says with a roll of his eyes.
“Well,” you say with a sigh and bitter smile, “he’ll be sorry he missed this one.”
Lucerys perks up.
“You were able to mend the targets?” He asks enthusiastically.
“They have been mended and I’ve added more. Some in the rocks and some on rafts.” You say with a wicked grin. “Try not to miss because we’ll never get those bolts back.”
“What’s the challenge?” He nearly bounces with excitement.
“It was meant to be a race between you and your brother with Tempest and I in pursuit but I suppose my aim could use some practice.” You say, flipping a small blade in the air. “Most hits wins?”
In response he turns heel and sprints back to Arrax, shouting “sōvēs” as he clambers onto the saddle. The young Prince and his dragon soar over the ledge to begin your training circuit around the island. You chuckle to yourself and stride over to Tempest, who waits for you eagerly.
Though a saddle now sits between her shoulder blades, you still opt to ride in your usual position behind her horns, using the same cord that Jace gifted to you nearly 3 years ago. You had tried to use the saddle when it was first placed on her back but found it too disorienting as anticipating Tempest’s movements became nearly impossible. It also made communicating with her much more difficult. Thankfully the saddle-makers assisted in crafting footholds for you to use that were attached to a collar, placed high on her neck, to allow you more safety and stability.
The pair of you waste little time in catching up to Luke and Arrax as they approach the first target that you have affixed to the cliff side. Lucerys fires his crossbow and the bolt finds purchase in the rusted, old shield with a satisfying thunk that echoes off the cliffs. He whips his head around to look towards you and raises a fist in the air in celebration before rushing off to find the next target.
Lucerys was a welcome addition to your flying drills with Jacaerys, begging to join the moment Arrax was large enough to ride. His pure joy for dragon riding brought some levity to his brother’s intensity. The three of you spent a great deal of time together, whether on dragonback or training yard. Even in your free time, most of it was spent in Jace’s company. Though, in recent months, his attention had been pulled towards studying with Rhaenyra or Grand Maester Geradrys.
There was a surprising ache that arose when your time together began to dwindle but you tried your best to be understanding. Your friendship had only grown stronger in the years you lived beside him on Dragonstone and you had come to know that Jace wanted nothing more than to prove himself in every avenue available to him. However, this knowledge combined with his sudden absence came with the unfortunate side effect of insecurity about his relationship to you.
Was dragon riding just another task to check off his list? Were you simply another teacher that he’d abandon once he felt he’d mastered the skill?
As Jace’s company became scarcer that thought became louder, though you desperately tried to drown it out. Trying always to put on a brave face for Lucerys, who also expressed pain at brother’s absence. Concocting new exercises to distract the young Prince was, in itself, a grateful distraction to you.
You send one of your small daggers sailing through the air at the target, only for it to clatter and vanish among the rocks.
“Damn,” you utter in frustration as Tempest charges onward.
The circuit is over faster than you’d wish and the dragons land back in the field where you’d begun. Lucerys practically leaps from Arrax and rushes over to you and Tempest.
“Got at least 14!” He shouts.
“I’ll be lucky if I even hit half a dozen,” you laugh.
“What’s next?” He asks as you slide of your dragon’s neck.
“We can go collect the bolts and daggers and run the circuit again or we could try swimming?”
His excitement dies down instantly.
“Arrax has no love for the water,” he says disgruntled, “I don’t think he’ll ever try swimming again.”
“Shall we find the Master at Arms instead? I am apparently in need of more practice than I imagined.” You jest, trying to keep both your spirits high.
He shakes his head no.
“I don’t want him to see that I’m already in need of more bolts.” He gestures to his empty quiver. “Let’s go break fast then we can return for the ones in targets.”
You sigh quietly before nodding with a smile.
“Beat you to the dragonmont.” You call and signal to Tempest to take wing, quickly climbing back up to your position before she takes off.
When you make your way into the dragonmont, Grand Maester Gerardys waits anxiously near the columns at the other end of the landing platform. His face alights briefly when he hears you enter the cavern but immediately falls when he recognizes the dark shape of Tempest.
“Grand Maester?” You inquire after dismounting your dragon. “Are you alright?”
“I do not know if this yet concerns you, Dragon Rider.” He asserts dryly. “Is Lucerys with you?”
“He should be following shortly,” you gesture towards the entrance.
He nods and returns to his anxious pacing.
“Return to your chambers so we can find you quickly if needed.”
You begin to protest but Arrax makes his entrance behind you and Gerardys takes hold of your wrist, guiding you to the exit.
“Go!” He shouts then makes haste to meet Lucerys on the platform.
Without another word, you run through the pillars, looking down at your wrist in confusion. You slow your pace as you enter the crowded hallways leading to your room, discreetly analyzing those that pass you for any indication about what is happening. Finding no answers, you focus on weaving through the crowd, hoping to receive word in your chambers.
Out of breath, you burst through your own door, into your empty room. With no messengers or visitors waiting for you, you flop onto your bed to catch your breath. You stare up at the once barren stone walls, now alive with trinkets and tokens from your adventures. The red banner from Daemon’s test is fastened to the wall, displayed prominently when you enter the room.
Your stomach begins to grumble and you sit up to watch the door, willing it to open with some news. After a few moments, you stand with a sigh and move to change out of your riding clothes. With whatever excitement is stirring, you imagine you and Luke will not be returning to those shields anytime soon. Once you have changed into your day uniform, you pull a book from the wall and sit beneath your window, hoping to distract yourself from the growing hunger.
However, after rereading the same page four times over, you close the book with a huff and resort to staring out the window. You watch as a thin layer of clouds roll in from the sea. Just as the clouds begin to block out the morning sun, a knock reverberates throughout the room and you stand at attention.
A kingsguard pulls open the door and Rhaenyra steps through, a troubled look upon her face.
“Princess,” you bow, “are you well?”
The door closes behind her, leaving the two of you alone. She inhales sharply, bringing her hand to her swollen belly, before releasing the breath slowly, gently shaking her head side to side.
“Luke’s grandsire has been grievously wounded and in response, his inheritance is being challenged.” She looks to your eyes to measure your understanding. You nod and she continues, though as she speaks, a chill begins to creep up your spine.
“We must travel to King’s Landing to petition against these claims before the Queen Regent.” An unabashed grimace crosses over her face as she moves to stand beside the empty fireplace. She takes a moment to look about the room thoughtfully before continuing.
“I should like you and Tempest to escort Luke and Jace on dragonback. We wish to portray the strength of our house as we enter this arena after so many years away.”
You tilt your head in confusion at the Princess. Her and Daemon had expressed the need for discretion after you were sworn into their service, but rumors of a new dragon and rider were hard to squash, especially as Tempest continued to grow. With such a request for you to join them, on dragonback no less, the seriousness of this journey is made clear to you.
“When do we depart?” You ask, standing up straight to speak with confidence.
She smiles at you tenderly and gestures for you to approach. Reaching out to hold your hand between hers before speaking again.
“I have been very pleased by your service to my family thus far,” her voice becomes grave and she grips your hand a little tighter, “but The Red Keep will be a challenge unlike any you have yet faced. Holdfast to all that you have learned here and remember your oath.”
“I will be ready, my Princess.”
“We will be glad of your company.” She releases your hand and strides towards the door, “We leave at daybreak.”
And with that, you are left alone in your chambers once more. You busy yourself with packing your belongings while attempting to process the Princess’s words. Both Jace and Luke had told stories of their time in The Red Keep, and though you initially took them with a grain of salt given how young they were when they resided there. However, with Rhaenyra’s foreboding words, you begin to understand the world you will soon be entering.
You throw your bag upon your bed once it is filled with your clothing and weapons and sit beside it. Despite how comfortable you have made yourself in this chamber over the last three years, it is surprising to you how quickly you can prepare for a hasty departure. The muscle memory of so many narrow escapes still lingers in your being. A quiet sigh leaves your lips and you make for the door. You briefly consider seeking out the Princes but think better of it, knowing they are likely preparing for the journey ahead. Instead, you let your feet carry you where they will, wandering the castle corridors aimlessly until you enter the garden of Aegon the Conqueror.
You’re unsure how much time passes as you sit at the edge of pool within the cave that you and Tempest once inhabited. Watching the water swirl beneath your feet, you find yourself wondering what your life might have looked like if you and Jace hadn’t been caught in that storm. Although you are certainly grateful for the opportunities you have been given, a simple existence with Tempest, Jacaerys, and Vermax was all you truly desired.
When you took your oath, you knew your life would change in ways you could not fully understand, but what kept you persevering through every new challenge was Jacaerys. His presence felt like an anchor in the chaos all around you, but now you feel the tether wearing thin.
Your eyes begin to well with tears. The life you had envisioned, side by side with your friend, will become nothing but a childish memory. Jacaerys will be King and you will become the Dragon Rider that must train his heirs.
“I’ve been looking all over for you,” a familiar voice calls from the opposite end of the cave and you frantically wipe the tears from your eyes.
The footsteps approach but you keep your gaze fixed on the water.
“What are you doing down here?” Jace asks as he joins you on the ground.
You turn to him and his smile fades as he sees the remnants of tears upon your face.
“Are you alright?” He asks and his eyebrows knit together in concern.
“I am,” you say turning back to the water, “I needed to find somewhere quiet to think is all. You seem in good spirits considering the circumstances. How is Luke?” You continue quickly before he can probe any further.
Jace hesitates a moment then quietly follows your gaze and watches the water as well.
“He worries but he need not trouble himself. They have no grounds to take Driftmark from him.” He states, anger seeping through his words.
“I hope you’re right,” you say as you pull your knees up to your chest.
“You have no need to worry either,” his voice softens and he nudges you with his shoulder.
“Why do you say that?” You ask with a raise of your brow.
“You seem distressed,” he mutters, instinctively inching closer to press his shoulder against yours, “I want you to enjoy your first visit to The Red Keep. It was my first home, I’m excited to show it to you.” He flashes a smile, “It’ll be your home too sooner rather than later.”
“Will it?“ You scoff.
“Of course,” he says slightly confused, “why would you not be coming with us when my mother takes the throne?”
“I assumed I’d remain here, training whatever dragon riders are sent my way next. That’s all I seem to be good for these days.” You say dryly.
“That’s ridiculous, you’re a part of our house.” His voice raises slightly and he pulls away to look at you face on.
“I am in service to your house,” you correct, “I am not myself the blood of the dragon. And when you inherit The Red Keep and Lucerys takes his place at Driftmark, I imagine I will be left here alone.”
The tears begin forming again and you look up at the ceiling of the cavern to keep them from falling.
“Y/n,” he says tenderly and places a hand atop your knee, “you are a masterful Dragon Rider, a skilled warrior, and you have proven yourself to be a loyal member of our house. I have every intention to make you a member of my small council if my mother does not find a seat for you in her’s. But more than that, you are my dearest friend. And I will always have a seat for you at my table.”
You sit stunned for a moment, the tears still threatening to pour over, until he gives your knee a gentle squeeze. You a shaky breath and turn to face him.
“I have missed you, Jace,” you say quietly, the tears finally falling.
“I am sorry I have been distant, it was not my intention to abandon you,” He stands and offers you his hand. “I am the reason you have been pulled into this life and I have no desire to let you face it alone.”
You wipe the tears from your face then take his hand to pull yourself up beside him.
“Would you like to go for a ride this evening?” You ask sheepishly as he pulls you towards the exit before releasing your hand. “Make sure Tempest and Vermax still enjoy flying together before we embark on such a long journey?” You smirk.
He breathes a quiet laugh.
“I’d love nothing more.”
• @eywas-heir
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justhereforxreaders · 21 days
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What’s writing, you know? What does writing actually mean?
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justhereforxreaders · 25 days
The Prince and the Dragon Rider - Part Four: The Test
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Jacaerys Velaryon x dragon rider!reader
Summary: you set forth to prove your worth as a dragon rider but must work to overcome your own insecurities while doing so.
Warnings: anxiety attacks, acrophobia (fear of heights)
part one: the oath
part two: tempest
part three: the dawn
part five: precipice
part six: pieces and players
part seven: the rift
As your new title echoes throughout the throne room, there is a quiet moment of reverence before Daemon steps forward from the shadows, already clad in riding armor. Glancing at Jace out of the corner of your eye, you stand to your feet before the future King Consort.
“Muster your dragon,” he nearly snarls, “and fly to the northern shore. You shall receive your instructions there.”
He disappears into the crowd as they begin to disperse and Rhaenyra steps up beside you, quickly followed by Jacaerys and Lucerys.
“Go to the dragonmont,” she utters softly, “we will wait for you and Tempest on the beach.”
You look up at her and give a stern nod, though your feet suddenly feel as though they are rooted to the floor. Noticing your hesitation, Rhaenyra turns to her sons and they stand at attention.
“Show them the way to the dragonmont then meet me at the north shore.” She commands her sons then looks back to you, “Best of luck.”
All three of you bow to the Princess and she smiles fondly before retreating back towards the throne.
“Shall we, Dragon Rider?” Jace jests playfully at your new title.
“After you, my Prince.” You tease in return.
Jace turns his face with a bashful smile as that subtle blush begins to creep across his cheeks. Lucerys steps forward proudly, oblivious to his brother’s embarrassment, and tugs on your arm to follow after him.
“This way!” Luke calls to you while marching towards the grand doorway.
You shoot Jace an apologetic smile as you chase after his brother and he returns the gesture with a gentle shake of his head.
The servant girl kindly holding your clothes rushes forward to hand them back to you before you pass through the doors. She offers you a curtsy and hurries away before you can voice your thanks.
“What’d she give you?” Jace inquires.
“My old clothes,” you reply with a thoughtful smile and turn them over in your hands, “I wanted to be comfortable for Daemon’s test.”
“Do you fly better with certain garments?” Lucerys asks, eyes alight with curiosity.
“Hah, I don’t know truthfully, but I thought it was better to be prepared.”
“I can’t wait until Arrax has grown big enough to ride! I want to learn how to fire a crossbow while flying!” He skips ahead giddily, spouting off more ambitious plans for dragon riding and you and Jace chuckle quietly.
As Luke rambles on you notice your ability to track your path through the castle is slightly improved as the dark halls are filled with the late morning sun. But you are still glad to have the princes’ company. Luke’s musings are a welcome distraction as your nervousness begins to build with every step towards the dragonmont. It finally comes to the surface when you reach a familiar entryway and Jace comes to a stop. Your hands tremble and your chest becomes tight. Jacaerys takes notice and gently nudges you with his uninjured arm.
“This path will lead you straight to the dragonmont.” He sighs and you let out a sharp exhale as you take a step forward. “Wait,” he calls, “take this with you.”
He reaches under his cloak and reveals a length of thick leather cord from beneath his sling.
“I wish could offer you a saddle but this will have to do until it can be finished.”
You take the cord and tilt your head at your friend.
“Lash them to Tempest’s horns,” he explains, “so you have something to hold on to.”
“Thank you, Jace.” You smile warmly and place a hand on his shoulder. Taking notice of Luke’s eyes on the two of you, you reach for his shoulder with your other hand. “And thank you, Luke, for leading the way. I’ll see you both on the beach?”
They both nod and make their way in the opposite direction.
You receive the same cold greeting from the robbed figures that guard the entrance of the dragonmont, but try to walk with more confidence as you pass through. Once you are out of sight, you hastily tuck yourself away into a small chamber and change out of your formal attire, taking a moment to stow them away for after the trial.
Finding your way through the dragonmont is much more straightforward and you quickly make your way to the large cavern where you left Tempest the night before. It is daunting to stand on the precipice of the stone platform, calling her name into the darkness. Daemon’s words from your first meeting, repeating in your mind.
In your years flying together, she had picked up on verbal cues from you that she seemingly obeyed, such as directional commands and when to lift off and land. But with the seeds of doubt Daemon had planted, it dawns on you that you never truly knew if she was listening to you. After all, she would act against your instructions on occasion if she sensed something that you could not perceive. Will Tempest follow your commands if she feels threatened? How will you complete Daemon’s task if she doesn’t?
Your hands begin trembling at the thought until you hear the comforting beat of Tempest’s wings approaching from within the mountain. The subtle iridescence of her black scales shimmer in the beams of sunlight streaming through the cave’s entrance. She trills happily and lands before you, gently nudging you with her massive head. You rest your head atop her nose and breathe deeply.
“You trust me, right?” You sigh and she lowers her head to allow you to climb just behind her horns. You huff a laugh, “I suppose this is one way to find out, hmm?”
She rises to spread her wings and you quickly secure either end of the leather cord to the pair of horns closest to you, creating improvised reins. Tempest then takes wing towards the morning sky, and as she does, you begin to feel some of that weight lift from your chest.
Although it takes a moment for you to orient yourself from this new vantage point of the island, you quickly make out a small gathering of people dotted along the sand. Tempest screeches in alarm when she spots them, unfamiliar with flying freely in broad daylight. Sensing her discomfort, you reach your hand to the top of her head.
“We’re alright,” you say calmly, “we’re safe.”
She chitters quietly and turns her head slightly to spy you out of the corner of her eye. You nod decisively and take hold of the reins before she dives down to the sand. Most of the onlookers scatter when Tempest alights among the shallow tide. All except the Princess and her sons. Once the sand has settled, a quivering man steps forward with a small scroll of parchment and begins to read aloud.
“A red banner has been placed amongst the ruins of the Whispers along the shore of Crackclaw Point. Retrieve it and return to Dragonstone before sundown.”
The man rolls up the parchment and turns to retreat.
“Wait!” You shout hurriedly, “Is that all it says?”
Rhaenyra extends her hand towards the caller and examines the scroll. She nods her head before handing it back to the caller.
“Daemon and Caraxes were seen flying north,” she calls, “I imagine they are waiting to oppose your efforts to complete this task.” She adds and watches your reaction closely.
A new dread begins to take hold and you look to Jacaerys who wears a grave expression upon his face and he moves closer to be sure you can hear him.
“Caraxes is fearsome and experienced but you two are cunning enough to catch him by surprise. And if that fails, you have him outmatched in swiftness.” He advises, a determined look in his eye.
Tempest roars, sensing your anxiety, and Jace calmly backs away with his hands raised in compliance.
“Easy, easy,” you utter, trying to calm both her and yourself.
You gaze out to the north, spying the cliffs of the mainland in the distance. Settling yourself with a breath, you turn back towards Jace and Rhaenyra.
“How far is the ruin?” You ask the both of them.
Rhaenyra looks towards the horizon then up to the sky.
“If you follow the coast, you should arrive before midday.”
You follow her eyes, noting the sun’s position in the sky and grab tight to the reins. Tempest sways side to side, like a large cat readying itself to pounce.
“Fly, Tempest.” You mutter and she lifts from the ground, the force of her wings causing the onlookers to brace themselves.
You spare one more glance towards Jacaerys before turning your attention towards the distant cliffs. Tempest follows your sight and, to your relief, she changes her direction to fly towards them without a word. A proud smile grows across your face and you once again place a hand upon her head, quietly thanking her.
Your first instinct is to urge Tempest to fly as high as possible to approach the castle from above but as you survey your surroundings you are reminded of her choice to fly just above the water when you first arrived on Dragonstone. As she quickly closes in on the mainland, you gently pull the reins to the right.
“This way,” you murmur, “stay low.”
She heeds your words without protest, rushing forward eagerly, keeping the coastline off to your left. As she effortlessly glides over the water, you keep your head on a swivel for any sign of Caraxes. After some time however, you find yourself captivated by the beauty of the environment.
The cliffs of Westeros are more jagged and the sea more treacherous than the coasts you had come to call home throughout Essos. But in watching the waves churn the dark water below your dragon’s wings, you feel a strange sense of belonging. You glance down at the powerful creature to whom you have entrusted your life time and time again and a deep sense of purpose begins to surge throughout your being.
The sun continues to climb higher while you soar along the coast and as it approaches its peak you encourage Tempest to creep closer to the cliffs. You scan the tops, searching for the ruins but the tree cover becomes too dense for you to distinguish castle from rock. With a defeated sigh you tug on the reins to instruct Tempest to fly up but before the command leaves your lips, a haunting trill reverberates through the air. You whip your head around just in time to catch the flash of a red tail disappearing over the top of the cliff.
“Dive, Tempest!” You cry in a panic and take a deep breath as she swiftly plunges into the water.
The cold water sends a shock through your body that you thankfully only have to endure for a moment before she breaks the surface. You gasp for air and quickly turn your attention back to the sky. Another shrill cry rings out from above but the way it echoes around you prevents you from discerning which direction it came from. As calmly as you can manage, you urge Tempest to swim towards the cliff face, keeping your eyes fixed on the place you saw the tail vanish.
Despite the knowledge that Daemon is lurking so closely, you find relief in knowing that the castle must be hidden nearby as well. You narrow your eyes at the cliffs once you reach its base. Though it becomes steeper as you look up at it, it is significantly shorter than the sheer rock faces of Dragonstone. Tempest carefully clamors up a formation of rocks and you wait with bated breath for another screech from your pursuers.
When you are met with only the sound of crashing waves and your heart racing in your ears, you wrap the reins around your forearms and cling tightly to Tempest with your legs.
“Tempest, climb.”
You press your forehead into Tempest’s scales and brace yourself as she starts to crawl up the jagged wall. The sound of seabirds fleeing their nests at her approach becomes louder than the waves as she continues the ascent. Your arms begin to fatigue and threaten to fail just as Tempest comes to a sudden stop. She chitters in distress and you follow her gaze to see the bone chilling visage of the Blood Wyrm peering over the ledge off to the right of your position, looking out to the sea. Tempest snarls and Caraxes cocks his head to the side, trying to locate the source of the noise.
You hold your breath as he scans the rocks, willing your hands to keep holding on. He suddenly leaps over the edge, swooping down past you and Tempest and begins searching the waves below.
“Go!” You say in an urgent whisper and Tempest pushes off the wall, soaring swiftly over the top of the ledge and landing with a crash among the trees.
You fall forward upon her back and begin unwrapping the reins from your forearms, wincing as you pull them away from the deep red lines they leave behind in your skin. Sliding off her neck, you run back to the ledge to locate Caraxes only to be blown back from the force of his wings as he crests the cliff top right in front of you. You are sent to the ground behind you and Tempest roars at the sky and to your horror, launches up to pursue Caraxes. They chase each other above you then dive back over the cliff towards the sea. Moving back to the ledge, you watch them weave around each other, neither of them seeming to gain any ground over the other.
Your attention is then drawn to your left as you spy three crumbling stone towers poking through the trees. Fearful tears begin to escape out of the corners of your eyes as you look back and forth from the chase and the ruin, trying to decide what to do now. After one more painful moment of watching Tempest dodge Caraxes, you tear yourself away from the edge, sprinting into the forest toward the ruins.
“She will find me.” You utter to yourself, tears flowing freely as you run. “Just retrieve the banner and get back to her.”
The roars off in the distance compel you to run faster until you stumble into the overgrown courtyard of the ruined castle, a red banner sticking out of the ground across the open space. You choke back more tears and rush to the banner. Eagerly plucking it from the ground with your shaking hands and taking a moment to breathe then turn towards the sound of dragons clashing.
Rather than running back to where Tempest landed, you instead run directly towards the ledge, hoping to catch Tempest’s eyes. As you skid to a stop just before the drop off, you notice the roars have fallen silent. You peer over the edge but find no sign of either dragon on the horizon.
“TEMPEST!” You scream over the edge, causing another flock of seabirds to take flight from their nests below.
The cry of the birds and the waves below are once again the only noise your ears detect, so you draw in another deep breathe to shout again but are cut off by the crash of trees directly behind you. A snarl sounds and you whip around to see the wicked grins of both Caraxes and Daemon perched upon his back.
“The beast has fled,” Daemon smugly shouts at you. “As I expected.”
Caraxes lunges at you and you jump backwards, teetering on the cliff’s edge. Daemon laughs bitterly and begins to berate you but it all falls on deaf ears as your skin prickles at the sound of Tempest’s call from below. Without a second thought you turn your back on the two of them and leap from the ledge while clinging to the banner. An involuntary scream escapes your lips as you fall towards the water until Tempest swoops beneath you, catching you in the air.
You adjust to grab hold of the reins before glancing behind you to see Caraxes take to the sky with a shrill roar. He follows furiously behind, gnashing at the empty air between you. This time, however, Tempest charges forward with ease. No longer feigning an even match for the sake of the chase. Although Caraxes still pursues you relentlessly, it quickly becomes apparent that he cannot hope to catch up. You beam with pride and embrace the back of Tempest’s neck.
“Let’s go home,” you sigh and she roars in agreement, rushing forward with even more speed.
- - - - -
Jacaerys sits alone on the beach where you left him, drawing shapes in the sand with the end of a stick, occasionally glancing up towards the spot where you disappeared on the horizon.
“You know you have lessons to attend,” his mother’s voice calls from behind.
He throws the stick into the tide and crosses his arms over his chest.
“I didn’t see the use in going if my attention would only be focused here.” He mumbles quietly.
Rhaenyra sighs and moves to place her hand on his head, tousling his dark hair.
“You’re very attached to, y/n,” she says warmly.
Jace shuffles to his feet, avoiding his mother’s face.
“They are one of the few people who don’t make me feel like a pawn in someone else’s game.” He mutters, still staring at the sand. “And now I’ve invited them into the same life that they provided me refuge from. If any harm should come to them I don’t know that I could forgive myself.”
Rhaenyra watches her son with a sorrowful smile. She reaches an arm around him but he suddenly darts forward out of her grasp. A distant roar over the water draws her attention as well.
Jacaerys and Rhaenyra watch as the black shape of Tempest comes into focus as she approaches, Caraxes coming into view further behind. Jace smiles up at his mother before turning back to the horizon.
Tempest lands in the water before the Prince and Princess and Jace watches with pride as you dismount with a red banner in your hand. He runs forward to meet you in the water. Rhaenyra watches from the shore as the two of you converse happily but looks back up to the sky to see Caraxes nearing the beach. As he moves in to land, Tempest snarls but you place a hand on her neck.
Daemon stays mounted upon his dragon as Rhaenyra moves towards them. You and Jacaerys follow suit, emerging from the shallow water to converge on the beach.
“Satisfied?” She asks, raising an eyebrow.
Daemon smirks and looks to you as you walk with the banner in hand. Before you and Jace have closed the distance, Daemon calls out across the sand.
“That was reckless!”
You freeze mid stride, bracing yourself for some scathing reprimand.
“Well done.” He continues with a subtle nod.
He looks back to Rhaenyra and bows before departing from the beach in a flurry of wings and sand. You step forward and offer the banner to the Princess. She graciously takes it and drives the pole into the sand between you before reaching out to take your hand.
“The maesters will meet you in your new chambers.” She murmurs while examining the red lines carved into your forearms.
You and Jace exchange a glance and you look up at Rhaenyra.
“New chambers, Princess?” You ask.
“Yes,” she says casually, releasing your hands, “you shall be moved into a larger room befitting your station. I’ll send for you after you’ve rested.”
Jacaerys beams at you and Rhaenyra discretely does the same to him. She begins to depart and Jace backs away after her.
“I can’t wait to hear everything.” He says with a smile and bids you farewell. Turning away with a calming warmth in his chest.
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justhereforxreaders · 28 days
@schnuffel-danny hehehe
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regarding this post: from schnuffle
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justhereforxreaders · 30 days
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These two characters are taking their seat at the table and taking up space in a very patriarchal system. What has that journey looked like for the both of you in terms of taking up space in the industry? x
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justhereforxreaders · 1 month
The Prince and the Dragon Rider - Part Three: The Dawn
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Jacaerys Velaryon x dragon rider!reader
Summary: introductions are made between you and the rest of Jace’s family and a challenge is put forth in regard to your dragon riding.
Warnings: none
part one: the oath
part two: tempest
part four: the test
part five: precipice
part six: pieces and players
part seven: the rift
After bidding a tearful farewell to Tempest at the dragonmont, you were escorted to your new chambers with the hopes of finding some rest before being sworn into the service of House Targaryen. However, the soft bed beneath your aching body provided little comfort with the disquieting absence of your dragon. The stillness of this small stone chamber only accentuates your desolation. Realizing how much you had grown accustomed to being lulled to sleep by Tempest’s steady breaths through the night, you are left with no other option than to lie awake, restless, waiting for the sun to rise. It is in this quietness just before the dawn, that you begin to hear the stirrings of the servants’ quarters around you.
For a moment you consider opening your door and introducing yourself but elect to remain reposed, hoping that the morning activity might be enough to fill the silence and allow you some sleep. Just as your eyelids start to become heavy however, there is a knock at your door.
You quickly sit upright and a girl no older than yourself opens the door and steps forward, holding aloft a candle in one hand and a bundle of fabric in the other.
“May I enter?” She inquires politely.
“Oh, yes, of course,” you mumble.
She steps forward and lights the candle mounted to the wall and then toward you, presenting the bundle in your direction.
“From the Princess,” she says before placing it at the foot of the bed.
Her eyes wide with curiosity as she studies you closely. When her eyes meet yours she quickly averts them and shuffles back out the door.
“Food shall be served in the servants’ hall shortly,” she murmurs before exiting, “it’s always better hot.” She turns to offer a small curtsy before closing the door behind her.
You unravel the fabric to reveal a black tunic with ornately embroidered red hems and simple but elegant dark grey trousers.
“How did I manage to end up here?” You ask yourself with a bitter chuckle as you run your fingertips over the decorative needlework. The disbelief at the events of the last 24 hours hitting you all at once.
You stand to dress yourself, wincing at the ache in your scabbed knees, and notice that your belongings from the cave have been sitting in a satchel on the floor beside your bed. The draw of resting your tired feet had been too appealing when you arrived here a mere 4 hours ago for you to bother exploring your surroundings, as such, this little kindness had gone unnoticed until now.
A warmth grows in your chest as you realize Jace must have collected your things after you left the cave through the water.
Jacaerys had become such a dear friend in quite a short amount of time. He was the first person to offer you true kindness in all your years of traveling and it had begun to chip away at the bitter distrust that had taken hold in your heart. The idea of binding yourself and your dragon to a life of servitude was made bearable, in part, due to the knowledge that you’d be allowed access to his company without cause for secrecy. There would no longer be a need to train during storms or the small hours of the morning. You’d be able to fly freely once again, now alongside your friend.
But the thought of having to put Tempest in danger should the call to war be made, nearly causes you to be sick. Jace had revealed some of the intricacies of his inheritance and that of his mother’s during your time together and the manner in which he discussed it with you made it evident that he believed war was inevitable. Would a life of freedom be worth living if Tempest was no longer beside you? Was the price of your freedom worth the risk of her sacrifice?
You are pulled from your thoughts by the distant clanking of dishes and your stomach gurgles. You make quick work of changing into your new clothes and dart out the door it the direction of the commotion.
As you enter the hallway however, a gruff voice calls from behind you.
“Dragon rider!”
You turn to see the same kingsguard who escorted you from the dragonmont earlier, looking just as weary as you.
“Come with me please.” He grumbles and begins to walk away.
You let out a disheartened sigh and run up behind the kingsguard. As he leads you through winding corridors and stairways, you try to remember which ones you have been down already. Much to your disappointment however, it all looks too similar for you to distinguish between what is new and what is familiar. But idea of exploring such a grand fortress and learning all its secrets excites you. Something you imagine you’ll occupy a great deal of time doing.
The kingsguard comes to a halt and throws open a large door which leads to a small dining hall. As you enter, you notice through the windows in this room that the faint light of the dawn is beginning to creep up through the morning mist. At the head of the long table sits Princess Rhaenyra. Surrounded by handmaidens and bouncing a silver haired babe on her knee, she looks up to greet you.
“Good morrow, y/n.” She says softly.
“Good morrow, Princess.” You reply politely and offer a small bow.
“Come,” she gestures to the empty seats, “break fast with us.”
You nod and step forward, taking a seat on the Princess’s left side, leaving a few empty seats between the two of you.
“Did you sleep well?” She asks in a motherly tone which disarms you.
“I did not,” you tell her honestly, “this is all so strange to me, it was difficult for me to find rest.”
“Yes, I suppose it would,” her tone becomes thoughtful. “You said you journeyed from Asshai? Is that where you were born?”
“No, my mother and I traveled all across Essos until we found the Lord of Light. She felt the only place we would be safe was within the service of a pleasure house or a temple.”
“Do you still follow the Red God?”
“I’ve never had need to believe in a god,” you state dryly, “first I had my mother, now I have Tempest.”
A smirk forms on one side of her mouth and before she can continue the conversation, the door swings open and Prince Daemon steps through followed by a silver haired girl who mirrors his disdainful expression. You stand from your seat and bow your head at the two newcomers. Daemon makes his way past you and plants a small kiss atop the babe’s head before silently taking a seat at Rhaenyra’s right hand. Servants begin bringing platters of food through the door and filling up the table before the girl is seated, she scowls at you unabashedly while she slowly makes her way to sit near Daemon.
“Good morrow to the both of you,” Rhaenyra says as she passes off the babe to one of her handmaidens. “Rhaena, I’d like to introduce you to y/n.”
Rhaena rolls her eyes and offers a halfhearted curtsy before sitting at the table without a word. The Princess glances between you and Rhaena before calling gently to you.
“Please,” she gestures to the food, “sit and eat.”
There is an uneasy silence as the four of you serve yourselves from the banquet before you. Your discomfort however, melts away the moment you hear Jace’s muffled voice from outside the hall, playfully arguing with an unknown voice. When the door opens, Jacaerys and the unknown boy enter, filling the room with their laughter. You once again rise from your seat and bow politely. With smiles on their faces, the boys greet the room in unison and step towards the seats between you and Rhaenyra.
The smaller of the two sits next to you and turns to face you with wonder in his eyes.
“You must be y/n, I’m Lucerys, Jace has told me all about you! What’s it like riding a dragon in water? How did you teach her to swim?”
You stare dumbfounded at the speed the words tumble out of the boy’s mouth, peering over his head to see Jacaerys stifling laughter.
“I, uh-“ you attempt to begin answering but are cut off by Rhaena standing up abruptly.
“May I be excused?” She mutters through gritted teeth.
Rhaenyra opens her mouth to answer but Daemon nods casually and he takes another bite of his breakfast before she can speak. The Princess shoots him a disapproving look while Rhaena gathers her plate and makes a hasty exit. The room is silent for a moment before Lucerys calls out loudly.
“Don’t mind her,” he says as he shovels a large bite of food into his mouth, “she’s just angry because-“
He is silenced by a jab to the ribs from Jace’s good arm and both boys glance at Daemon before turning their attention back to their plates.
Daemon clears his throat and adjusts his posture before locking eyes with you.
“After the ceremony this morning, I should like to see you on dragonback.” He states, breaking eye contact to briefly glance over the faces around the table. “My own daughter has been denied a dragon for many years and I would like to see for myself what makes you worthy enough to lay claim to what she has been deprived of.”
He then follows his daughter’s lead and pushes away from the table.
“They will not disappoint.” Jace calls across the room as Daemon makes for the door.
“We shall see.” Daemon retorts over his shoulder.
The rest of your time at the table passes slowly. Lucerys continues to ask questions about your adventures across Essos that you do your best to answer while absentmindedly picking at your plate of food. You can feel both Jace and Rhaenyra glance your direction but refuse to meet them. Your mind flooding with worry about what Daemon expects to see from you. Jace had offhandedly mentioned how skilled you were at dragon riding during your training sessions, but, in truth, you never understood what he had meant. Flying with Tempest wasn’t something you considered a skill, it was a necessity for survival.
Once everyone has had their fill, Rhaenyra dismisses her sons and handmaidens, asking for a quiet word with you. After the dining hall has emptied, she stands and approaches you.
“Regardless of the outcome of Daemon’s trial, it is still my wish to have you serve this house and my family.” She speaks with a sternness not directed at you. Placing a hand in your shoulder she continues “How old are you, child?” She asks gently.
“Ten and four.” You answer, slightly confused.
“You are younger than any of the sworn swords before you, which is cause enough for others to doubt your abilities.” She pauses and pulls you to your feet. “It is a heavy burden for someone so young to bear and I am sorry that I must ask you to carry it. But my husband will not be the last to call into question your worth. Although it may seem a daunting task, many of those voices could be silenced by your performance today.”
“I will try my best.” You assure her, and yourself.
She smiles and nods in approval before releasing your shoulder.
“Return to your chambers, I will send for you once my court has been gathered.”
You force a smile in return and make your exit, once again following the same kingsguard back to your room.
“I’ll be back to fetch you shortly, don’t get too comfortable.” He mutters when you reach the door before turning away to leave.
“Thank you,” you mumble in response but he has already departed beyond earshot.
As you step through the door, you look up to see a shape sitting at the foot of your bed. You jump backwards in fear before you make out Jace’s face in the dim morning light, holding a finger up to his lips. You cover your mouth to stifle the involuntary gasp that escapes your lips at his sudden presence and peer around to see if anyone was alerted by your sound before closing the door.
“What are you doing here?” You ask in a hushed tone.
“I wanted to meet you here last night but the guards were much more attentive after I snuck to the dragonmont,” he smiles wryly but it fades when he sees your expression, “I’m sorry it happened this way.”
You shrug and move across the room to sit beside him on the bed.
“It had to happen one way or another, we couldn’t hide me away in that cave forever.” You reply drearily.
“Thank you,” he mumbles and you quickly turn to look at him with confusion.
He turns to face and weakly raises his injured arm.
“Oh, yes,” you chuckle lightly, “I had no interest in…” you trail off. Being parted from you, you wish to say. “Letting you drown on my watch, Jacaerys.” You quickly correct yourself and feign offense. “It would tarnish my reputation for future students.”
He laughs heartily, “I don’t think that would stop your newest admirer.”
You nudge his shoulder with your own and cover his mouth with your hand, shushing him quietly while trying to quiet your own laugher.
“I don’t know what you said to give him such a glowing impression of me but I appreciate it.” You scold playfully before removing your hand.
“Only the truth,” he chides back.
Your laughter dies down and wring your hands in your lap.
“Why do you think I’m a great dragon rider?” You ask anxiously.
He sighs knowingly, pulling your hands apart by your forearm.
“You’re faster than anyone I’ve ever seen and twice as stealthy, you can dive into the water, and the way you and Tempest move together is mesmerizing, like a dance.” He blurts out earnestly. “You’re better than any of us.” His eyes dart to the floor and you think you see a subtle blush grows across his face, though your own eyes grow heavy.
You throw your back into the bed behind you with a heavy sigh.
“What do you think Daemon will expect from me?” You groan, covering your eyes with your arm.
Jace chuckles at your theatrics and folds his legs up on the bed to turn and face you.
“I don’t know,” he pokes at your arm while speaking and you roll away from him, tucking your legs up as you do, “but you have no need to worry yourself.” He murmurs.
“I wish I shared your confidence,” you say through a yawn as your eyes begin closing.
“You will.” He states quietly as you drift to sleep.
You are abruptly awoken by a banging on your door.
“Dragon rider!” A familiar voice growls through the wood. “The Princess awaits your presence!”
You leap up from the bed in a haze, unsure how long you have been asleep, and rush to the door in a panic. Pulling it open to reveal the same tired kingsguard.
“Let’s go,” he barks and turns away from you in his usual fashion. You take a moment to peek out the window and see that the sun is still on the rise, though the cloudiness in your mind says otherwise. Before dashing out the door after him you quickly gather your worn clothes from the floor, unsure if you’ll be allowed to return to change into them before Daemon’s trial.
Most of the walk back to the throne room is spent trying to shake the fogginess from your head but it still lingers as you enter the now crowded grand hall. All eyes turn towards you and you freeze. You try to hide the bundle of raggedy clothes under your arm and continue following towards the throne, but as you fumble with them, you catch the eyes of the servant girl who presented you with your current attire huddled in the corner among the other servants. Without thinking, you run in her direction, causing the kingsguard to stop in his tracks.
“Would you hold these for me, please?” You ask frantically.
Her brows knit together at your request but she nods regardless, taking the clothes from your hands.
“Thank you!” You say in a hurried whisper before turning to meet your escort back where you left him. He scoffs and begins trudging towards Rhaenyra upon the throne, surrounded by her family and the lords from the night before.
Another kingsguard steps forward and instructs you to take a knee. As he begins to speak you find Jace among the crowd and he discreetly offers you a sympathetic smile. His last words before sleep overtook you, repeating in your mind. You nod in acknowledgment and turn your focus back to the kingsguard, ready to take your oath.
You follow the kingsguard’s prompts as he guides you through the ceremony, making sure to find Rhaenyra’s eyes as you officially swear fealty to her. At which point, she moves forward, presenting a deep red cloak from her lap to the kingsguard who moves behind you to drape it over your shoulders.
“Arise, y/n, sworn Dragon Rider of House Targaryen.”
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justhereforxreaders · 1 month
The best advice really is to just write. Write badly - purple prose, stilted conversations, rambling descriptions. Don't delete it, pass go, take your $200, save all your garbage in a big folder. Look at how much you've made - it doesn't matter if it isn't perfect, isn't polished, it was practice. Every time you write you learn a little more, and find another piece of your voice.
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justhereforxreaders · 1 month
The Prince and the Dragon Rider - Part Two: Tempest
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Jacaerys Velaryon x dragon rider!reader
Summary: Princess Rhaenyra leads you across the fortress of Dragonstone to reunite with your dragon but the journey becomes more complicated as the night goes on.
Warnings: mentions of blood
part one: the oath
part three: the dawn
part four: the test
part five: precipice
part six: pieces and players
part seven: the rift
The night you left the Pentosi coast, you had no idea what kind of life waited for you across the Narrow Sea but you knew it would be far better than the one you were leaving behind.
More than half of your lifetime and the whole of your dragon's had been spent on the run or hidden away in seaside caves. The known world held many dangers especially for a child. You learned far too quickly however, that your greatest danger was starvation. With no coin to your name and little strength to hunt, you were forced to travel along the coast, learning to fish for both you and your dragon. She had acquired such a taste for fish that even after she had taken flight, she still favored fish over livestock, choosing to scavenge upon fishing vessels.
Once she had grown too large to poach stealthily, she learned to dive below the water for larger prey, hunting what was drawn in by those same fishing boats. Even with this new hunting strategy, sightings of her dark shape beneath the surface could not be avoided, causing the two of you to travel with constant caution and haste.
When the cliffs of Dragonstone first became visible on the horizon, the setting sun was disappearing behind it, making it glow orange. After a full days ride over the sea, you had assumed it was another stop on your journey. Until you saw the dragons flying overhead.
Just their silhouettes upon the darkening sky was enough cause for alarm but your dragon showed no sign of distress at the appearance of her kin. She merely dove down to fly just above the dark waves. Her black scales with sporadic streaks of white were the perfect camouflage for the choppy twilight sea. After circling the island and exploring various coves, she landed in the water, you still clinging to her neck. She gave you a quick moment to prepare a deep breath before diving below the surface.
The salt water stung your eyes as you tried to track where she was taking you but with the sunlight quickly fading, there was no hope of distinguishing your surroundings. Giving up the vain effort, you closed your eyes tight, pressing your face to the back of her head to help you concentrate on holding your breath. Just as you were about to reach your limit, she breaks the surface of a pool within a large cavern. You gasp for air and she swims to the rocky ledge of your new home.
You now find yourself on the polar opposite of your cave; sitting on a plush bed, being served hot food, within the walls of the castle of Dragonstone. Even before setting out west from Asshai, nothing you had ever experienced was as luxurious as these modest commodities.
As you take one last bite of your meal, Princess Rhaenyra stands from her seat at the window and walks towards you.
"Are you ready to go?" She says with the slightest hint of annoyance.
The Princess had offered to take you to the dragonmont to reunite with your dragon after showing you to your chambers within the servants quarters. Though she began to mirror a similar level of exhaustion as your own, she insisted on escorting you herself, seeming very intent on laying eyes on your dragon.
You nod, mouth still full of food, and rise to meet her at the door.
Due to the lateness of the hour, the walk to the dragonmont is mostly silent. Footsteps on stone and the crackle of the torches held by the two kingsguard that escort you are the only sounds that fill the air. When your party approaches the massive doors carved into the mountain, you are met by a trio of people dressed in simple robes that block the path forward.
The Princess exchanges words with the leader of the three in that same foreign tongue as in the throne room. Though the words are completely indecipherable to you, their tone gives you cause to shuffle awkwardly. Both participants gesture towards you throughout the conversation, only furthering your discomfort. They thankfully come to some agreement and move aside for you to enter. All three robed figures watch you pass by with scrutiny before returning to their posts guarding the entrance.
Lacking the courage to endure another unfriendly face, you drop your head, lifting your gaze only enough to follow the hem of the Princess's gown that just barely grazes the ground behind her. It isn't until you pass through an archway and the temperature suddenly drops that you look up to see you have entered a large cave with a platform jutting out into the darkness. The lightning outside can be seen through a large opening to the far left of the platform. It is only after a bright flash from the storm that a dark shape is illuminated at the end of the stone formation.
The kingsguard draw their blades but Rhaenyra orders them to stand down. After her command echoes throughout the vast cavern, a voice calls out from the edge.
"Mother?" It asks, before uttering, "Dracarys."
You are relieved to find familiar sight of Vermax's green scales shimmering by the firelight he emits up into the empty air above. And just below the young green dragon, now fully illuminated by his fire, stands his rider. You take an involuntary step in the Prince's direction but are quickly stopped in your tracks by the authoritative voice of Rhaenyra.
"Jacaerys!" The Princess scolds, "What are you doing here?!"
Vermax takes flight from the ledge and retreats into the abyss while Jace makes his way towards the torch light. Once his is a few short paces away, he takes notice of your face and lets out a quiet gasp before sprinting to your side. When within arms reach, he moves seemingly to embrace you but becomes aware of the curious eyes that surround the two of you. He quickly adjusts his arm to place it on your shoulder instead.
"I am glad to see you," he gives your shoulder a gentle squeeze and leans down ever so slightly to make eye contact with you. His eyebrows knit together and his face becomes serious, trying to communicate a question you can’t quite perceive before he continues, "What are you doing here?"
Inadvertently repeating the same question his mother just asked of him. She steps toward the two of you to repeat her inquiry once more but you speak before she can form the words.
"We were told Tempest was here," your voice now heavy with dread.
"She was," Jace says quickly, trying to soothe your worry, "just briefly but she was here and did not appear to be injured."
"Where has she gone?" The Princess interjects.
Jace tears his gaze from you to answer his mother but his hand lingers on your shoulder.
"I don't know. She left in quite a hurry though so l assumed she went back..." he trails off, turning back to you, unsure of how much you have revealed to his mother. You nod, encouraging him to continue. "I think she went back to their cave to look for y/n."
"How far away are we from the stairs?" You ask hastily.
"The garden is on the other side of the castle grounds but the path should be clear enough to make it there quickly," Jacaerys assures you.
The pair of you turn to Princess Rhaenyra, who quirks a brow and Jace removes his hand from your shoulder.
"Let us make haste then," she declares as she walks towards the exit, cutting right between the Prince and yourself.
Jace opens his mouth to say something to you when Rhaenyra stops suddenly and calls over her shoulder,
"Jacaerys," she turns to the side, back facing you, "walk with me."
She begins walking and Jace gives you an apologetic glance before falling into step beside his mother. You spare one more hopeful look towards the shadows, listening closely for the beat of Tempest's wings, but to no avail. The kingsguard meant to be following behind the party lets out a quiet cough and gestures towards the others. You stride quickly to catch up to them and the kingsguard follows in suit. As you approach, you hear Rhaenyra begin speaking to her son.
"You're meant to be resting," she reprimands, almost playfully, "How did you get down here?"
"I snuck out while the guards changed," he chuckles, "They weren't exactly vigilant when they were told by the maesters I was deep asleep."
The Princess shakes her head and lets out a soft snicker.
"Oh," he jests, "as if you never snuck out to the dragonpit in the middle of the night."
A smile forms on your face as you watch the imposing mask of the Princess melt away as she laughs with her son. Jace had told you many stories of his family, the love he felt for them evident as he shared with you. Witnessing it firsthand, however, was even more heartwarming.
As the company draws near to the exit, a fourth figure now stands among the guards you had encountered on the way in. The figure stands facing away but turns as your footfalls grow louder.
"I wondered where everyone had disappeared to," murmurs the unmistakable voice of Daemon Targaryen. "I worried the little thief might have escaped with hostages."
Jace makes to charge forward but is halted my his mother's arm shooting out in front of him. The mask returns to Rhaenyra's face.
"Daemon," she admonishes, "this is y/n. They have sworn fealty to our house and will do so again in front of the council on the morrow." She lets her words hang in the air for a moment before continuing, "We are escorting them to their camp to make an introduction to their dragon if you wish to join us."
She strolls past him with Jacaerys in tow, leaving the two of you face to face once more. You watch him carefully as you stand rooted to the ground.
"Y/n," Rhaenyra calls without stopping her stride, "let us hurry if we are to achieve a reasonable amount of sleep before the sun greets us."
“After you,” Daemon smirks and gestures for you to walk ahead.
You nod and give him a wide berth as you trot up behind Rhaenyra and Jacaerys, letting out a quiet sigh once the Prince Consort is a comfortable distance away. Jace quickly peeks at you from the corner of his eye but continues forward without a word.
You are led along winding passages and corridors, losing all sense of direction until you pass through a large doorway and enter the open air. The ground still wet from the torrential rain but the clouds finally receding over the sea. As you enter the overgrown remnants of Aegon's garden you hear a faint cry emanating from below.
Jace looks back at you and reaches for a torch off the column nearby. He uses the fire from the kingsguard's torch to ignite his own before stepping forward to take the lead.
"This way," he commands and treks into the weeds.
The cry grows louder and your pace quickens, passing Rhaenyra and the kingsguard. The Prince leads you to a collection of black stone dragons at the edge of the garden. He stops next to one whose wings have been lost to the elements and hands the torch to you. As the others approach, he uncovers a distressed wooden hatch from beneath the tangled vines and throws it open to reveal a narrow stairway carved into the stone below.
With the door wide open, the cries echo from inside and without a second thought, you sprint down into the void. Jace calls after you and a perplexed commotion erupts as you leave them behind but your only thought is on reaching Tempest as fast as your legs can carry you.
With the speed you descend the spiral staircase, the torch struggles to stay lit. Its wavering light scarcely enough to illuminate your feet, which causes you to crumple to the ground when the stairs come to an abrupt end. The torch is thrown from your hand during the fall and finally fizzles out, leaving you in darkness.
Your hands and knees ache as you stand to regain your bearings and a warmth slowly spreads down your shins. Although you have traveled this path from the bottom of the stairs to your camp often enough with Jace, you know that a journey in the dark will likely lead to further injuries. Another cry from Tempest rings out from within the vast cavern and you wince. Despite the agonizing need to reach her as quick as possible, you steel yourself with a breath and wait for the others to catch up.
Thankfully, they wasted little time in following after you and after only a couple quiet moments the passage behind you is filled with the gentle glow of torchlight. Daemon and Jacaerys emerge first followed closely by Rhaenyra and only one of the kingsguard. The other likely standing guard atop the spiral steps. Jace breaks from Daemon and approaches you as you turn to face them.
“Y/n!” He calls, noticing the blood beginning to seep through your trousers, “What happened?”
“I just lost my footing,” you admit sheepishly, reaching down to pick up the extinguished torch and handing it back to Jace.
He spies the abrasions across your palms and offers you the same discreet look of concern from the dragonmont. You quickly hide your hands behind your back as Daemon saunters up to the two of you. He eyes you suspiciously before glancing around the small chamber.
“How did you find this place?” He questions as Rhaenyra steps forward to join the three of you.
“Luke and I discovered this staircase while running through the garden,” Jace answers on your behalf, “I didn’t explore any further into the cave until I saw y/n and Tempest dive below the water near the cliffs just outside.”
Rhaenyra and Daemon look back to you with curiosity until a roar from Tempest brings their attention towards the dark path ahead. The Princess turns to the remaining kingsguard and orders him to stand guard at the base of the steps. Daemon’s gaze returns to you however, a spark of recognition alight in his eyes.
Jace ignites his torch once again and steps between Daemon and you.
“Shall we?” He says to you with a smile as he turns his back to his great uncle, gesturing for you to walk beside him.
Rhaenyra steps into line behind the two of you, once again leaving Daemon at the rear. Tempest’s deafening roars leave little room for conversation as you and your friend expertly guide your guests down the dark stone path. The torchlight glitters atop various pools along the path, revealing the vast expanse of catacombs and caverns below their home. After rounding a corner the path funnels into a narrow crevice, only wide enough for a single person at a time. Your dragon’s cries now shaking the walls with their volume.
You and Jace face each other and he nods once.
“Go on ahead, we’ll be right behind you,” he assures with a small smile.
You return the smile and charge forward through the passage calling Tempest’s name. Her cries come to a stop when she hears your voice and the moment you stumble into the large chamber, you are met with her massive snout which you fall on top of in a tearful embrace.
She gently lifts you away from the wall and sets you down beside your belongings, rumbling beneath your weight.
“You’re alright,” you run your hands across her scales, “we’re alright.”
You slide off her nose and wipe the tears from your eyes just as Jace emerges from the crack in the far wall. Tempest turns and chirps at the familiar face but moves quickly to investigate when Rhaenyra and Daemon enter. A low grumble emits from her chest as she looks over the two newcomers. You run to stand between them but Rhaenyra speaks before you reach the other side.
“Lykiri, Tempest, lykiri.” Her tone is soothing but you can see uncertainty in the Princess’s eyes. She extends a hand into the open air between them.
Tempest lets out a huff and takes a deep breath, watching the Princess carefully with her golden eyes. You run up to the side of her large head and offer a reassuring touch but she continues to stare down the pair.
“Easy,” you coo, “these are our friends.”
You eye Daemon as the last word leaves your mouth, who is too entranced to notice. Tempest inches closer to allow Rhaenyra’s hand to touch her nose. Jacaerys reaches out to places his hand over his mother’s and Tempest closes her eyes. She pulls away and moves to her resting place near your camp, seemingly content with her investigation.
“I thought you said she hatched eight years ago,” Daemon continues to watch Tempest as she perches near the water’s edge, “how is she this large?”
“I don’t know,” you answer honestly, following his gaze, “I didn’t know she was considered so until I came here and met Vermax.”
“It’s possible she grew quickly to adapt during your journey.” Jace offers, slightly defensive, “She has flown leagues farther than Vermax or Syrax for that matter.”
Rhaenyra turns to you and places a hand on your shoulder.
“She’s beautiful,” she says earnestly.
Her compliment takes you off guard.
“Thank you, Princess.” You reply, your heart swelling with pride.
“We are lucky to have the both of you in our service.”
Your face drops as you are reminded of the oath you will swear before the lords come sunrise. The Princess eyes you carefully and you breathe deeply before meeting her gaze.
“The honor is mine.” You say with a bow, filling your words with as much enthusiasm as you can muster.
Seeing the unease in your face as you bow, she moves her hand to hold your chin.
“You are to be a dragonrider of House Targaryen, a title we have not bestowed upon anyone outside our own family. But my son believes you are worthy of it.”
You break the Princess’s gaze to find Jace’s eyes at the mention of him, only to find them already trained on your face. You are only able to meet his eyes for a moment before Rhaenyra brings your attention back to her with a stroke of her thumb across your jaw.
“I hope one day to share his confidence.” She releases your face, allowing you stand upright and she continues, looking around your meager camp, “Regardless, you shall be shown the same hospitality as the other members of our staff.”
You nod, speaking with more confidence, “I am grateful for the opportunity to earn your trust.”
“Gather your things and lets away.” The Princess commands turning towards the pathway back to the surface with Daemon and Jacaerys in tow.
You are struck with a sudden sadness as you look back to Tempest and your belongings scattered around the only place you have called home for more than one night in over eight years.
“May I…” you call after Rhaenyra before she disappears through the narrow gap, “may I fly Tempest to the dragonmont? I cannot bear to leave her down here alone.”
“As you wish,” she grants, a surprising softness to her voice, “I shall send a kingsguard to meet you at the entrance.”
You smile with another small bow, sneaking one more glance in Jace’s direction before wading into the water. The salt stinging at the wounds on your knees and hands.
“Tempest,” you murmur and she leaps up to join you.
You swim to meet her in the deep pool and climb up to your perch behind her head.
“Until the morning,” you call over your shoulder at the trio upon the rocky shore, and they watch you and your dragon dive below the sea, leaving this cave together for the last time.
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justhereforxreaders · 1 month
“There is a childish juvenile level to us that comes to life in those moments. You saw Olivia Cooke bite her nails and become childlike as Alicent, you saw Rhaenyra become this brat at times…those are choices the actors made.” 
— Dir. Geeta Patel
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justhereforxreaders · 1 month
The Prince and the Dragon Rider - Part One: The Oath
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Jacaerys Velaryon x dragon rider!reader
Summary: after three years of peaceful living on Dragonstone, Prince Jacaerys stumbles upon an answer to his growing anxieties of mastering dragonriding. But when this new companion is discovered prematurely, how will the Princess respond?
Warnings: mentions of blood loss and wounds
part two: tempest
part three: the dawn
part four: the test
part five: precipice
part six: pieces and players
part seven: the rift
You stand silently in the throne room of Dragonstone awaiting judgment while a storm rages outside the black stone walls. Two kingsguard are posted at the large doors opposite the throne. Their eyes fixed on your small, shivering frame. A flash of lightning followed closely by the crack of thunder causes you to jump and one of the kingsguard calls out to you from across the room.
“We said be still!”
You nod curtly and continue to stare out the windows at the rain. Tears begin to flow against your will as another bolt of lightning strikes nearby and you try your best to remain still.
This is not what I wanted. You think to yourself, reflecting upon the events that led you to be separated from your dragon and now, possibly, from your closest friend.
Jacaerys Valeryon had discovered you and your dragon living within the natural caverns beneath the fortress of Dragonstone nearly four moons. The two of you became quick friends, meeting in secret to train one another. He had witnessed your skills on dragonback firsthand when he and Vermax happened upon you and your dragon one morning before the sun had risen. Your deftness alone would have been enough to impress the young Prince but after watching the two of you dive into the sea to escape their curious pursuit, he knew he needed to seek you out. In exchange, he had offered you the chance to hone your skills in combat. Being common born, your abilities with a blade were much more crude than those of the knight trained prince. You relished the opportunity to learn how to properly defend yourself.
You are pulled from your thoughts by the sound of the ornate doors swinging open. A small procession of colorful lords file into the great hall surrounded by armored knights that begin to peel off in pairs to stand along the walls as they approach. The last two take positions on either side of you. Once the guards are in their places, a caller steps forth to announce the silver haired woman standing alone in the doorway.
“Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen, first of her name, heir to the Iron Throne!”
The caller bellows throughout the room while the woman walks with purpose through the grand hall to take her place upon the throne. Once seated she meets your gaze. You cast your eyes down to the black stone below.
“This council has been brought together to address the matter of this child’s involvement in the endangerment and injury of my son, the Prince Jacaerys Velaryon,” her voice becomes shaky when she says his name but she does her best to gain her composure before addressing you directly, “What do you have to say in your defense?”
You hesitate for a moment, steadying yourself with a breath while trying to remember what you had intended to say. But when you look up to see tears welling up in the Princess’s eyes, only one thought fills your mind.
“Is Jace going to be alright?” You ask timidly.
“That does not answer the Princess’s question, child,” snaps a silver haired man standing below the throne. “We want to know how this happened.”
The Princess’s eyes remain fixed on you. She examines you carefully as you wipe the lingering tears from your face and begin recounting everything.
“The Prince and I have been training together for quite some time.” The Princess raises an eyebrow at this but you continue, “We flew out to practice on dragonback this morning when the wind rose up quickly around us. We couldn’t outrun the storm and when it consumed us, we were both thrown into the sea. The dragons were nowhere to be seen, whisked away by the tempest, so we began making our way to shore but-” you shutter and grow silent, remembering the deep wounds carved into your friend’s shoulder. “Jacaerys had been injured. I believe Vermax may have tried to take hold of him as he fell. He lost consciousness during the swim and I carried him the rest of the way.”
Once the words leave your mouth there is a beat of silence before you begin to sob, the horror fresh in your mind of Jace going limp in your arms. You can barely hear the low murmurs that flurry around the room until the Princess brings them all to a halt.
“How could you be training on dragonback? Were you both astride Vermax?” The Princess calls down to you from the throne, her tone shifting from sorrow to accusatory.
You freeze while the tears continue to pour. Jace had recently begun trying to convince you to reveal yourself to his mother. He was certain you would be offered a proper bed to sleep in but when the subject of revealing your dragon was brought into question, he was unsure of how the Princess and her second husband would respond to someone outside their blood to being bonded to a dragon. The discussion ended shortly after expressing this to you.
Now faced with this dilemma, without Jace’s guidance, you decide to remain honest. Still holding onto the glimmer of hope that you will find acceptance and refuge among this family.
“No, Your Grace, I was riding my own dragon.”
Amidst the uproar, the man with silver hair draws his sword and storms down the steps toward you.
“Who are you to have claimed one of our dragons? We should have your hands you thief!”
“Daemon, no!” The Princess shouts and the room falls silent once again.
The man stops his advance but his sword is still drawn in your direction.
“I am no thief,” you manage to say with a quivering voice. “My mother was an acolyte of the priests of R’hllor on the outskirts of Asshai. When I was six years of age, a lord came to our temple to enlist the help of the red priests in hatching a dragon egg.”
Another round of concerned whispers echo throughout the hall.
“I know not who the lord was or where he acquired the egg. It made no difference as during the ritual the temple caught fire, leaving myself and my dragon as the only survivors to emerge from the ashes. We had been traveling west across Essos together for nearly eight years until she finally led me to this island four moons ago.”
The man, who you now identify as Daemon, looks you up and down and begins speaking a language you cannot understand. When he meets your eyes and sees your confusion, he scoffs and turns to Princess Rhaenrya. They have a brief exchange in the foreign language before they are cut off by a frantic man in robes entering the room.
“The prince has awoken,” he exclaims, out of breath.
Rhaenyra immediately stands and makes haste to the door, followed closely by her guard. However, Daemon stays put in front of you.
“We shall reconvene at a later time,” the Princess calls over her shoulder as she exits the room. “See this child placed in a room under watch until-“
“Wait, no!” You cry out, interrupting the Princess. With the relief of knowing that Jacaerys is alive and conscious, the fear of your dragon’s safety fills the entirety of your being. “Please let me return home! I need to know if my dragon is safe.”
Her and Daemon make eye contact above your head.
“We cannot allow you to leave until a decision can be made,” she says plainly, a slight look of remorse flashes across her face, before she disappears out the door without a second glance.
The lords disperse around you. All except Daemon who still stands with his sword drawn.
“How do you command a dragon of you do not speak High Valyrian?”
“I don’t,” you reply, confusion evident in your voice, “I have been at her mercy since she grew large enough to ride. I have simply trusted her instincts.”
He chuckles lightly, “I wonder then, if you were to make a command of her, would she return that sentiment? Would she trust your instincts? Is she truly bonded to you? Or were you a convenient mean for survival?”
He sheaths his sword and walks away from you, taking a seat on the steps below the throne. The guards at your sides escort you out of the hall, leaving Daemon’s questions to rattle around in your mind.
- - - - -
Dragon-riding was an art that did not come naturally to Prince Jacaerys. He had been so relieved when his family left King’s Landing, as it meant he no longer would be sharing dragon keeper lessons with his spiteful uncles. This relief was short lived however, as once Vhagar had been claimed by Aemond, a frantic drive to master the sky filled his entire being. Once Vermax became large enough to ride, he trained often and obsessively, stealing the joy from what was previously a childhood dream of the young prince. Until he began training with you.
Although he initially approached your training with the same urgency, he soon found an unexpected solace riding alongside you. With you, it never felt like a burden or duty. It felt like freedom. It felt like peace. You had turned the sky into a safe haven.
Which is why the sight of you being thrown from your dragon in the middle of that storm was on an endless loop in his mind while he fell in and out of consciousness. Despite the pain of the maesters working on his wounds, he wouldn’t allow himself to be pulled into sleep until he knew you were safe. Thankfully, once their work was complete and the discomfort from their treatment had ended, he was able to fully recover his mind from that haunting vision.
He sat up slowly in his bed, head still spinning, to see the maesters cleaning up their instruments.
“What happened? How did I get here?” He mutters.
The maesters whip their heads towards the prince at the sound of his voice and the room buzzes back into action.
“Inform the Princess!” Grand Maester Gerardys commands to the room before taking place at Jace’s bedside. “Steady, my Prince, the wound is freshly stitched and you’ve lost much blood.” He attempts to help the boy back down but Jace protests.
“No,” he mumbles, using his good arm to weakly bat away the Grand Maesters hands. “Tell me what happened.”
Gerardys sighs. “You were found wounded on the beach with a stranger who refused to leave your side.”
The rest of the memory flashes through Jace’s head. The gust of wind and rain that ripped him from his dragon’s back, the pain of Vermax’s claws in his shoulder, finding you in the cold water, your arm around his body as he grew even colder.
“Where is y/n?” His eyes snap open.
“Taken before the council to face judgment for your endangerment.” The maester gives up the fight with his stubborn patient and returns to his supplies laid out on the table.
“But-” Jacaerys begins before being cut off by his mother.
“Jace!” She cries as she burst through the door and runs to his side, embracing him as gently as she can manage.
“Mother, where is y/n? They have done nothing wrong, they saved my life.” He takes a moment to catch his breath after the words tumble out of his mouth. Still struggling to keep his grip on the waking world.
Rhaenyra releases her son and she looks over him. Her face grows stern at the mention of your name, which she had neglected to ask for.
“And why was your life at risk in the first place? Who is this dragonrider that you’ve kept secret from me? And why trust a stranger to train you over Daemon or myself?”
Jacaerys turns away sheepishly, trying not to dive too deeply into the sliver of joy he had found in your presence. “Y/n is my friend, not a stranger. As well as a skilled dragonrider.”
“How could you know that Jace? How do we know this isn’t a trap set by our enemies?”
He considers this briefly. Trying to determine how he can convince his mother that you are not a threat to them. Wishing desperately to cite the countless occurrences of your trustworthiness and honor that he has already witnessed. But he knows that it is not just his mother that he is speaking to. He is also speaking to the future Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. And the Queen cannot afford to place that much faith in the feelings of a young man. So instead, he decides to respond like a future king.
“Why would our enemies want us to gain such a powerful advantage? Supplying our cause with a large dragon and a masterful rider does them no favors.” Prince Jacaerys states.
Rhaenyra is taken aback by Jace’s strategic thinking. She looks over his face and ponders his words while tracing the healed scar down her arm. A bitter reminder of her own betrayal by someone she once held dear.
“Do you trust this person with your safety? With the safety of your family?” Rhaenyra questions, her eyes momentarily welling up against her will.
Jacaerys meets her gaze and nods solemnly. The Princess grabs her son’s hand tenderly.
“If this to be our decision; to allow an outsider to inherit the power of our house…” she pauses, trying to find the right words. “Then this not an ally we can afford to lose. And we must ensure their loyalty to my claim to the throne, as well as your own.”
- - - - -
The room you are placed in offers little comfort while you wait for your fate to be decided. Housed high in the tower, it sways ever so slightly with the wind. Exhaustion from the events of today combined with the gentle motion of the room threaten to lull you to sleep but the distress at being away from your dragon for the first time in years keeps you from finding any rest. You sit on the hard floor with your back up against the wall, facing the door, counting the seconds between lightning strikes and rumbles of thunder.
A knock on the door startles you and you spring to your feet as a kingsguard steps through the doorway followed closely by Princess Rhaenyra. You notice her face appears less grim than it had been in the throne room. She examines you from head to toe then finds your eyes. They soften ever so slightly before she speaks.
“Jacaerys is resting and the maesters are confident he will make a full recovery.”
You breathe a sigh of relief and nod at the Princess’s words but the worry still lingers on your face. She continues.
“We have also received word that Vermax has returned to the dragonmont with a large black dragon in tow. Both weary but seemingly unharmed.”
You gasp as though this is the first real breath you’ve taken all day and place your hands over your eyes as tears flow freely down your face. Their intensity dies down, however, as you recall the Princess’s final words to you in front of her council. A new dread fills your stomach.
“And what is to be done with me?” You ask in as neutral a tone as you can manage, dropping your hands from your eyes but still staring intently at the stone below.
The Princess lets out a heavy sigh and takes a step closer to you.
“We would ask that you swear an oath of loyalty. Declare fealty to House Targaryen and to myself as heir to the Iron Throne. And for this you will be granted permission to serve our house as a dragonrider.”
You shake your head, trying to comprehend her words.
“And what would my service entail? What would be expected of me?”
“The same that I ask of every lord and lady sworn to me. As well as every member of my family that commands a dragon; that should this house become threatened, they will heed the call to arms and meet the enemy with fire and blood.” Her voice becomes foreboding as she recites the words of her house. Indicating to you that this is less of a choice you are being offered, and more a sentence that you are being served.
“Though I hope such a need will never come,” she adds, trying to lighten her tone.
Your thoughts turn to your dragon and the years you have spent protecting each other. You may not speak the same language but you know you trust her with every fiber of your being. And, although the gods may have left a foul taste in your mouth for prophecy and purpose, you do believe she chose you as her rider for a reason. If taking this oath is the only way you can continue to be allowed to live alongside your dragon, then so be it.
You raise your head, sparing a quick glance at the kingsguard, before your eyes meet with the Princess’s. “I am at your service, Princess.”
“We are glad to have it, y/n.” She says with sincerity. “The hour has grown late, let us see you to a more suitable chamber.” She turns and begins walking out the door, beckoning you to follow.
You fall into line behind her down the winding stairs.
“Once you are settled,” she calls over her shoulder, “if you are not spent, I can take you to the dragonmont.”
You nod fervently and small smile flashes across her face.
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justhereforxreaders · 2 months
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“We know, Father. Everyone knows. Just look at them.” House of the Dragon | 1.06 "The Princess and the Queen" | 2.07 "The Red Sowing"
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justhereforxreaders · 2 months
just so you know, you have some followers who enjoy/write fanfiction. not saying their urls rn bc i don’t wanna air out dirty laundry in public but if you want them so you can block and report, just say the word and i’ll dm you a list
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justhereforxreaders · 2 months
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[...] the mother, says about her son, "You got his sweet ways" when she sees the same kindness in her son that his father had.
— "Beloved" by Toni Morrison
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justhereforxreaders · 2 months
we should bring back the supernatural fandom somehow having an extremely specific gif for literally every occasion though
i know you guys are still out there. i know you still have your .gif folders. don't pretend you're not.
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justhereforxreaders · 2 months
when everyone else is in the dragon show but you're still stuck in a scary A24 movie
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