Justice for Raelyn and Willow
I’ve started this Tumblr for the sole purpose of helping spread the word on behalf of my friend Mischelle, and her two daughters Raelyn and Willow.
There’s a lot to cover, but long story short, Mischelle sent her two little girls to live with a friend out of state to escape abuse while she pressed charges against her previously significant other. She gave her friend temporary custody to help offset the financial burden (state resources, etc.). She had to go back for the legal proceedings, so she was away when not long after, this friend started behaving manipulatively, using the girls as a power trip, and denying communication to get her way... She was demanding in conversations, and with making decisions raising them. She refused to provide medical care for them, and other necessities. Multiple injuries occurred during their stay there, and it was clear how dangerous of a home it was. This friend seemed to be enjoying her newfound authority, and refused to acknowledge any of this; there was evidence that she was neglectful, if not outright abusive herself.
Unfortunately, before anything could be done about it, she went behind Mischelle's back and claimed custody by making false statements about her; painting her as an unfit caretaker. Mischelle did not receive proper notification of this when it was going on; she had no reasonable way to defend herself (for example, official documents were sent to the wrong address entirely, even though the friend in question knew where she lived). She has tried to get them back, but has been unsuccessful due to so many unfortunate circumstances... One chance came when this friend had agreed to let her kids stay with her for the summer, but she promptly changed her mind, and showed up to try and take them back early... Mischelle had filed for a restraining order, and that could have been the end of it, but she was turned down on account of not having lived with the friend long enough for it to qualify as a domestic abuse situation... When she mentioned that she had evidence of child abuse, the judge was quoted as having said "That has nothing to do with me."
The law might have failed them this time, but it doesn’t have to end this way! That’s why we’re asking for your support. Whether it's donations, legal advice, leads to pro bono services, or even just your ear, we’ll be grateful for your help. Change comes when enough people stand together, and hopefully it will be what she needs to bring them home. Feel free to contact any of us involved for further details. All efforts made to our benefit will be appreciated!
Their Go Fund Me page can be found here: (Please note, as of 7/7/2020, our previous GoFundMe page was taken down. Some of the statements previously made by our well meaning contributors are currently under review, so as to better reflect our stance on this matter. We are grateful for the support we have received on the old page, and hope that you will continue to support us! Thank you!) We are currently working on a FaceBook page where you will be able to see video updates, and family photos. This blog will feature updates from the family themselves, as I'll be turning this, and it's sister blog over to Mischelle, to give her a place to turn to through this ordeal. Please be kind! Only constructive, supportive contributions are welcomed here.
Thanks for reading!
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