justicelovely · 1 year
Your Income Indicators According to Your Natal Birth Chart
One of the indicators of income is your 2nd house, particularly your 2nd house ruler. [In my next post I'll go over the 10th House]
~ First find the sign your 2nd house is in by pulling up your birth chart
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As you can see their 2nd House is in Pisces [I circled it + pointed to the line that indicates what sign it's in]. If you don't feel like pulling up your birth chart right now, you can just think of the sign after your rising sign. For example, a Sagittarius rising has their 2nd house in Capricorn [the sign after Sagittarius], while an Aries rising has their 2nd house in Taurus.
~ Next, look at the ruler of that sign. This is the ruler of your second house. I've written them down below
Aries: Mars
Taurus: Venus
Gemini: Mercury
Cancer: Moon
Leo: Sun
Virgo: Mercury
Libra: Venus
Scorpio: Mars and Pluto
Sagittarius: Jupiter
Capricorn: Saturn
Aquarius: Uranus and Saturn
Pisces: Neptune and Jupiter
~ Lastly, find what sign your ruler/rulers are in. My interpretations are down below.
2nd House Ruler In The...
1st House:
You are the prime creator of your own wealth. If you don't work for it, you're not gonna get it. So have confidence and work hard ;). Also, your profession may be related to the expression of your talents or the utilization of your own body
2nd House:
Rapid acquisition of wealth awaits you. it will be incredibly easy for you to gain wealth. You are able to earn money through your own industry/business. Your practical and realistic sense will aid you in your professional activity. This is also an indicator of wealthy marriage as well.
3rd House:
Your income may be derived from a job or career which involves verbal as well as written communication, studies, travel, and also by working with a brother or sister if you have any, or another close relative. You also may work in teaching, particularly early education. Your peers, community and siblings will aid you.
4th House:
FAMILY!! Your family could be a prime source of income for you [including your ancestors and especially your father or paternal side]. Your income is related to your home, the city where you reside, and also to real estate in general. You may work at home or in professions such as interior decorator, gardener, farmer or real estate ventures.
5th House:
Your income is related to creative endeavors, publications, entertainment, sports or arts, investments that imply certain risk or speculation, education or children. You are likely to earn money through some pursuit that will offer satisfaction and pleasure. Your children may even aid you in your business ventures. You may work in fertility, Obgyn matters or in surrogacy. Consider turning your hobbies into a business because you will earn considerable income from them. However, I don't recommend gambling or doing investments that imply risk or speculation if the ruler is Mars or is conjunct/opposite/square to Mars, it will have an adverse effect.
6th House:
Your income is related to fields of sanitation, diets, health, hygiene, nursing, or occupying a subordinate position and organization in important companies. You may work in animal care, as a life coach or fitness coach as well. Your coworkers, associates and employees will aid you on your quest towards financial security :). This is also an indicator of an inheritance from an uncle or aunt.
7th House:
MARRIAGE period. This is a great indicator of financial security through marriage. If not that then your income may be related to an activity related to the public, such as commercials. You could also earn money involving legal affairs, such as contracts and agreements.
8th House:
Your income is related to the administration of other people’s resources, joint investments, banking, brokerage, insurance, or politics. There is a possibility of receiving an inheritance. This position also favors profit by marriage. Or it could be fortune after an emotionally inharmonious marriage [take this with a grain of salt]. You also may work in the occult, such as an astrologer ;). You may work in investigative fields as well; you'd do amazing as a detective! You also may work in the sex or death industry.
9th House:
You can earn money in foreign trade, import and export, travel, tourism, or a liberal profession, science, philosophy or religion, or teaching in a university. Indicator of earning money from a degree too. You will have very profitable voyages [long term travel], so travel the world dearie! [I have this placement as well and I truly want to go to college no matter how much it costs because I feel like I won't regret it [Pisces moon tings; my intuition is on point]. I'm even adamant on studying abroad as well. AND I want to work a professor too.]
10th House:
It's your choice :). Your income is related any career or profession that you choose. Thanks to your daily effort, you will be able to establish a sense of achievement. This position enables you to earn money in some government capacity or politics, or to acquire a profession of great social status. You will have a comfortable worldly position and will rapidly acquire wealth.
11th House:
You will have MANY influential acquaintances and their support will help you improve your income. Your income is closely linked with those of friends, your relationships, or to activities that you perform in certain social groups. There is a possibility of earning money through administrative or political positions in social organizations. It would be a good idea to join/participate in social groups/activities/organizations as it will bring you income. You may also work in humanitarian activities, such as in the environment or the UN
12th House:
Your income is related to some kind of service in connection with healing and welfare or helping the less fortunate. You may have difficulties evaluating your self-worth, which will impinge your level of income. Evaluating your natural talents would bring even better financial opportunities [so get on that ;)]. This influence could bring confidential financial support, but also may incline to clandestine or illegal business. Avoid any easy business that may imply some risk or commitment. There may be numerous difficulties in establishing the position [doesn't mean that it won't happen; with astrology nothing is impossible, it's just an obstacle]. However, if the ruler is Venus/Jupiter you will gain through farming and leases and will avoid these difficulties.
Alrighty, I hope you enjoyed!!
Part 2 [10th House]: https://www.tumblr.com/reinen5astro/725400186242940928/your-statusincome-indicators-based-on-your-birth?source=share
Anyways bye bye ;)
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justicelovely · 1 year
Juno in Leo/Scorpio/Taurus and Gemini expecting the princess treatment from their spouses be like
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justicelovely · 1 year
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Britney Spears in the barbies dreamhouse snl skit in 2002
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justicelovely · 1 year
An sweet reminder that any planets/asteroids in angular houses in your birth chart [1st, 4th, 7th, and the 10th house] makes these placements prominent in your life ❤️😍
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justicelovely · 1 year
Juno in Leo/Scorpio/Taurus and Gemini expecting the princess treatment from their spouses be like
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justicelovely · 1 year
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justicelovely · 1 year
♥️Jupiter & Venus♥️
♥️Jupiter( tells you what type of housband do you want) Venus ( tells you what type of wife do you want). It also represents what kind of husband/wife you will have. Therefore, even when looking at a wedding/marriage, you have to look at the 9th house in addition to the 7th house.
🩷Jupiter in Aquarius in 1st house-someone who will be unique, will have his own opinion, will not follow others and will have his own vibe. Someone who will value you as a person and your appearance (also he will look beautiful). Someone who will be like you or similar to you. Everything you have in the first house is always some connection with you. Your husband can be active or play sports. Someone with whom you will share the same dreams. Your husband will support you in everything you set out to do.
🦋Jupiter in 2nd house-someone who will value you, have the same values ​​as you. Someone who will love to enjoy life. Even the person with whom you will enjoy food, material things, share the same values. Someone who will be stable and with whom you will feel safe.
🐚Jupiter in 3rd house-someone who is communicative and has several hobbies or ideas. Maybe also someone who has multiple personalities and likes to multitask. Someone who values ​​mental stimulation. Someone who will love to do more things with you and will always find something new. He may also like to go on trips.
🪴Jupiter in 4th house-someone who is compassionate, caring, gentle and emotional. A family man who likes family and privacy. Someone who likes comfort. A person who can also be capricious. In this case, it could also be someone who already has a family or someone who places great importance on family and things related to them.
🎨Jupiter in 5th house-someone who likes to do many things, have fun. Maybe someone who has teenage energy. It can also be a person from your childhood or someone you know from before. Jupiter in the 5th house gives you good and understanding married partners, which will support you in every phase. Your husband will be proud and strong.
🛼Venus in 6th house -you will have a wife who will be caring, hardworking and have her own routine. As per married life predictions, they have a positive side to them that gives all the luxuries and comfortable life to their spouses, but the negative side is that they can't form an emotional bond with them.
🩷Venus in 7th house-you will have a wife who will be feminine, kind, beautiful. Venus here is a very good relationship and marriage here is very beautiful. with Venus in the 7th house who have had a love marriage may experience a very healthy and joyful life. Your wife will have a lot of charm and attraction.
🍀Venus in 8th house-you can have a wife who is very intense, jealous or possessive. Maybe a wife who will want to control you and keep you under control. But also the spouses will be attractive and charming. They will have an outstanding personality which will help natives in bonding emotionally with them. Someone who will love you deeply and give you all the love. On the positive side they will be extremely loyal, passionate.
🌙Venus in 9th house-your wife will be adventurous, lively, optimistic and full of life. A person who is full of energy. Wife will be extremely romantic, and a lover of beauty. She is a psychic by nature. Your wife can have a love to philosophy, religion, and music. Your wife will be the one with whom you will travel and explore a lot. Your wife will be the one to push you out of your comfort zone.
🪁Venus in 10th house- They are most likely to marry their love partners and have a faithful life with them. These natives will make a noble life with their partners with emotional and mental bonds. As per married life predictions, there won’t be anything major to worry about in their life, they just want to spend more time together which they will lack because of responsibilities. Your wife will be independent and may have her own business or be a public figure.
🫀Venus in 11th house- your wife will be different from the others. She will stand out from everyone you have ever met. Just when you thought it was impossible to find someone as different as her - you will. Your wife will be special and will have her own charm, energy and special beauty. You will share dreams, goals and many things with her. Your wife will be untouchable but touchable for you.
🍬Venus in 12th house -The married life of these natives will be happy and full of adventure and traveling. The native's partner will bring good luck and fortune to the native's life. As per married life predictions, the natives will be caring and kind towards their partners, and they will be understanding towards each other. Your wife will have a mysterious beauty that you will immediately fall in love with. You will find it especially beautiful, because it will have a special spiritual nature. Your wife will be very sympathetic and will do a lot for you. She can be the person who will bring out the best in you and with whom you will feel that you can give her a part of yourself.
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justicelovely · 1 year
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Can’t wait for my hair to be this dark again. Doing a coloration tomorrow 💓
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justicelovely · 1 year
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justicelovely · 1 year
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justicelovely · 1 year
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justicelovely · 1 year
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justicelovely · 1 year
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justicelovely · 1 year
So, there’s this guy that was so in lust with me in high school that I met the other day. And he was so persistent and consistant with his attempt to sleep with me. And I never let him do it because I wasn’t into him( he was a serial Cheater). And you know what, I’ve never regret my decision.
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justicelovely · 1 year
Acting mercurial is dumb. At least for me, because I’m a Saturnian and I need to have stronger boundaries than most people. Turning to my Saturnian side is always a good idea because most of the time, being severe and inflexible gives you the best outcomes of life.
So now I’ve decide to do as my Saturnian mind wish.
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justicelovely · 1 year
Going to my Saturn when I’m in doubt or feel overwhelmed is always the answer for me and the best decision I can make. Most of the times being strict and severe gives you the best outcome of life. That’s what Saturn thought me during those last 5 years in domicile signs.
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justicelovely · 1 year
Guys, I’ve been complaining for years about being a Saturnian, and today I just realized that my Saturn was actually my biggest protector. I’m so grateful 💗💓💓.
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