"what do I do if I have theories" will always be the fucking funniest reddit post
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a five year old had my phone & this is what he searched
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Nothing gives the same kind of random ego boost like managing to finally clean up your home and making it nice. Like ooh look at me, I'm living like people do, I made myself iced tea and I am eating my snack from a real plate. I got floors and shit.
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feminism is about blunts and weed. its about smoking marijuana, and as much of it as you can get your hands on
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there's a weird misconception amongst some people that the problem with our society is that it's hedonistic and materialist. it's the opposite... nobody is having any fun and almost nobody owns anything
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the stupidest thing about mental illness is the short half life of reassurances. like yes I know you reminded me yesterday that I'm not secretly toxic waste that everybody wants rid of but that was like 18 hours ago and I forgor
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everyone should have a balanced diet of both good music and music that fucking sucks. it's healthy. get over it.
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The two most iconic final lines in film history are:
2. “I’m here to see my gynecologist,” Barbie (2023)
1. “I’m going to go home and sleep with my wife,” Clue (1985)
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seeing a coworker out of uniform is so intimate its like I'm a victorian suitor seeing a woman's ankles
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i don’t know about you guys but the main reason i am still on tumblr in 2024 is BECAUSE it is the most cloutless least influential social media app out there and that is the experience i am after. absolutely none of this will ever translate into significant attention or real success in my life and that is so beautiful.
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