Weight fluctuates, your value does not
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Your weight doesn’t define you
A number doesn’t define you, neither your body shape or size.
You are perfect just the way you are.
Stop thinking that you can do certain things just because of your weight. You can!
I’m proud of you. Yo are beautiful
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I wasn't able to make it to F45 today, so I went to my OG gym. I've been having issues not pulling back my shoulders when doing deadlifts - so I hurt my lower back. I decided to take it a little slower and practice my deadlift form this morning. Now I'll be all set for my next HIIT conditioning class that includes deadlifts. 🤘💪
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Last few days. :)
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Progress, progress, progress. 💪
I've always hated how I looked in sleeveless shirts. I bought a few new workout t's and hey- I don't feel so awful about it.
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My whole booodddyyyy. 🔥🔥🔥🔥
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Something about burning 597 calories before 6:30am really gets me going. 💪
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Goal ---> reward.
So, I actually completed about FIVE of my goals in what I had expected to make in one or two of them. I realized I needed to change my goal/reward structure a bit, because I'm making progress much quicker than I had expected. I chose just one reward (mainly cause I'd go broke lol). These guys are what I chose. :) they don't look like much, but they're really good sneakers specifically for training. I went and bought them last night, and even if they're not anything crazy or special, I feel really good about it. I rewarded myself with something that will help me achieve even more of my goals (and it'll be nice not having foot & ankle pain as often).
Ignoring the # on the scale (which, is the lowest it's been since BEFORE high school btw) I'm still trying to focus on non-scale-specific victories.
I can do pull-ups (with a band). I can lift heavier. I don't run out of breath as quickly. I'm motivated and having a lot of fun. I've lost 5.7% body fat (!!!!!) And gained 2% muscle mass (!!!!).
I really was so close to giving up. I'm glad I found something that worked for me.
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This might be the first time in my life that I'm doing something that works for me. I was terrified to step on the scale this morning because I thought I'd have gained some weight back (I was in Spain for a week, not doing my regular workouts & eating more carbs and sweets than usual).
But, I guess this accounts for the 35,000-42,000 steps that I would take every day while in Spain (😱), and the way that changing my diet up has jump started my metabolism again.
I haven't weighed 115 lbs since I was in middle school.
I'm very short, this is a healthy weight for me (I was a chunky kid). I'm so proud of not giving up on myself, this time. I've lost body fat, gained muscle mass, I'm never ever hungry, I no longer skip meals or binge. This has been life changing for me. I wanted to share this progress somewhere, so I thought here would be a good start.
(Progress goes from bottom towards top of each screen shot. Peep dates).
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F45 has been really taking me to my limits, pushing me harder than I have ever been able to push myself, and keeping me motivated with new workouts every.single.day.
Today's workout kicked my butt. A lot of weight lifting, building those muscles. Burning 591 calories in 45 minutes? I'll take it.
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Im terrible at keeping this blog
But, I have made some heavily needed approvements and adjustments.
I've made some major progress!
I'll talk more about HOW in another post soon, but here are my physical measurements.
Feb 6, 2019.
Waist: 27 3/4
Thigh (l&r): 23
Calves (l&r) 14
Feb 17, 2019.
Waist: 26 3/4
Thigh (l&r): 22
Calves (l&r): 13 1/2
Feb 24, 2019.
Waist: 26 1/2
Thigh (l&r): 21 3/4
Calves (l&r): 13 1/4
Biceps: 11
Triceps: 9 1/2
Weight, BF %, muscle mass %, water weight, and BMI will be in next post. :)
I feel great, though. I've been unable to get off this plateau/constant fluctuation of weight since forever. I haven't been at a weight this low since BEFORE COLLEGE. & its a much healthier BF%/MM% ratio than ever before.
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My FITBIT year in review.
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⭐️ 2019 FITBLRS ⭐️
Like/reblog if you’re a new fitblr, or a fitblr continuing their journey in 2019! I need some new blogs to follow, so that my dash can be filled with all the good fitness/health stuff!
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i know it’s hard some times, but
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Don’t decrease the goal… increase the effort.
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realistic diet & weight loss advice
- your body is the only body you’ve got. it’s going to look like YOUR body, regardless of what size it is. working out or dieting to try to look like x picture or y model is only going to lead to disappointment. work out to look like the healthiest, best version of you, first and foremost.
- the body changes slowly. stop googling ‘how to lose x pounds in y days’ or you’ll throw yourself into a pit of obsessing over water weight that will come and go like … well … water. whether you’re trying to lose inches or grow a butt or tone up or whatever, it’s going to take time, so stop counting it and take things day by day.
- you have to eat well, most days, for the indefinite future. this means learning recipes you actually like that you’ll actually eat. 
- eat when you’re hungry, until you’re not hungry anymore. this involves paying attention to your food; stop eating while you watch stuff, and start focusing on your food and how your body reacts to it. be mindful, enjoy, and control your portions naturally. finding the ‘sweet spot’ - also known as satiety - takes time and focus, but eventually you’ll figure out how to stop before you’re too full. 
- the best calorie counter, step tracker and exercise calculator is your body. While it might be helpful at the beginning to keep a food diary or weigh yourself occasionally, the numbers don’t really matter. if you make the right choices over a consistent period of time, things will change for the better. even obsessive tracking will never be as accurate as your body is; let it go, trust your process, and give up the “tracking”. 
- while I agree that weight loss is 75% diet, 25% exercise, I also believe that happiness comes from moving around often and intentionally. Don’t skip the workouts, the walks, the yoga sessions just because you think it’ll save you a snack or something. If you want to change the shape of your body, building muscle can help that to a degree - so you’ll want to exercise lots and fuel your muscles to help them grow. Otherwise, things as simple as long walks or high intensity interval routines a few days a week can do the body and the mind a world of good.
- self love honestly does change a lot. when you stop looking at yourself negatively, you start recognizing more and more of your own beauty. this doesn’t mean that self love means “settling” for looking a certain way - it just means that you’ll love where you are at every stage, and that’s what really counts (as cheesy as it sounds).
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