justindia · 20 hours
Wow, anti world is really triggered by these videos. Received my first messages from antis. Should I feel honored? 😂
Keep living in the darkness, antis. I choose love and light.
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justindia · 20 hours
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We've lost our family.
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justindia · 20 hours
Did you catch this gem from Jon Bell , S+C we’re already in bed when he popped in to check how they were doing 😉
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justindia · 1 day
Anon rebelde.
Mis felicitaciones más sinceras por lo bien que has llevado el tema, sin marcas de agua, publicando la fuente, sin bombo personal acerca de la bomba :) Ya podían aprender otras.
No quise entrar en el tema escort porque estaba todo dicho desde el minuto uno que JJ público las fotos pero no puedo dejar pasar el bombazo que ha supuesto ese vídeo en el fandom. La bofetada ha sido tan grande que Mordor a estas horas todavía no ha reaccionado al mismo. Brian ignora la presencia de su reina en el, cuando hubiese sido portada de su blog ya que Cait está participando activamente del evento y mas después de una sequía de apariciones. Algunas se echan las manos a la cabeza de que esos besos no pueden ser verdad con la excusa de como van a rozarse siquiera si está Maril allí como si Maril y el resto de acompañantes no supieran lo que hay realmente entre ellos y precisamente por estar en ese entorno seguro y discreto, ellos bajaron la guardia. La moraleja de esta historia es que cuando mientes a tu publico tienes que tener muy, pero que muy presente, que tienes que mentirle siempre porque en estos tiempos de tecnología nadie se puede esconder de un objetivo indiscreto. Solo espero el próximo movimiento de RRPP después de esto, porque si unos comentarios sin fotos desencadenaron el paseo de las infamia, no quiero pensar lo que hará este video aunque para ser sincero, si son listos, cosa que dudo, no daría más importancia a las locuras de un "reducido" grupo de fans y dejaría pasar el tema no vaya a pasar como con las sabanas de rayas. Pero bueno, creo que eso ya será como pedirle peras a un olmo y mientras que siga la fiesta.
Dear (returning) Anon Rebelde,
Por favor, perdóname por llegar tan tarde. Como ya mencioné, ha sido muy difícil mantenerse al día con todo y con todas esas emociones desbocadas. Pobrecita Anon Rebelde 😘. Lo enviaste ayer por la noche y quería tomarme mi tiempo para obtener una respuesta y una traducción adecuadas. Ese momento ha llegado. Gracias por tu paciencia.
English version:
Please forgive me being so late. As I already mentioned, it's been very hard to keep up with everything and with all those emotions running wild. Poor you. You sent that yesterday night and I wanted to take my time for a proper answer and a proper translation. That time has come. Thank you for your patience:
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You wrote:
'My most sincere congratulations for how well you have handled the topic, without watermarks, publishing the source, without personal hype about the bomb :) . Others could learn from that.
I didn't want to get into the escort topic because it was all said and done from the minute JJ published the photos but I can't let go of the bombshell that that video has caused in the fandom. The slap has been so big that Mordor at this time has not yet reacted to it. Brian ignores the presence of her queen in it, when it would have been at the forefront of her blog, since Cait is actively participating to the event and even more so after a drought of appearances. Some of them throw their hands around the fact that those kisses cannot be true with the excuse of how they are going to even touch each other if Maril is there, as if Maril and the rest of the companions do not know what is really between them and precisely because they are in that safe and discreet environment, they let their guard down. The moral of this story is that when you lie to your audience you have to keep very, very clearly in mind that you have to always lie to them because in these times of technology no one can hide from an indiscreet lens. I'm just waiting for the next PR move after this, because if some comments without photos triggered the walk of shame, I don't want to think what this video will do although to be honest, if they are smart, which I doubt, I wouldn't give more importance to the follies of a "small" group of fans and I would let the issue pass lest it would happen like with the striped sheets. But hey, I think that will be like teaching an old dog new tricks and show must go on.'
Well, dear Anon Rebelde, isn't it extraordinary? Ever since you sent me your thoughts, BIF has let someone else do the Pravda comment on the pics. I will not spare one single neuron trying to make sense of what was said. It is of NO relevance and C showed her just how many fucks she gave about all the Stans. Zero, as my ticket to Landcon, Anon Rebelde.
Spring is back on our dashboards. Let's not spoil it with overanalyzing. Let's just enjoy the glorious moment they gave us. I am smiling from ear to ear while writing this.
“For where all love is, the speaking is unnecessary. It is all. It is undying. And it is enough.”
Or perhaps you'd prefer Paramore to 'Erself?
'And that was the day that I promised I'd never sing of love if it does not exist
But darling, you are the only exception'
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justindia · 2 days
It gives me strength to have somebody to fight for; I can never fight for myself, but, for others, I can kill.
Emilie Autumn. The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls
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justindia · 2 days
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Good morning 🥰
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justindia · 2 days
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Jamie & Claire
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justindia · 2 days
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justindia · 2 days
Good afternoon Sassenachs and Highlanders! From my Fb memories of June 13, 2024 - Ho ho ho, Starz!!!!!!
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justindia · 2 days
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justindia · 2 days
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still not over this
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justindia · 2 days
There is another moment in the video. Looks like Sam leans into Cait, then she (or he turns her around) turns around and she is with her back on his chest. That was before she hugged and kissed him. 🤷‍♀️
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justindia · 2 days
For a look, a world; for a smile, a sky; for a kiss... I don't know what I would give you for a kiss.
Gustavo Adolfo Becquer
Por una mirada, un mundo; por una sonrisa, un cielo; por un beso… yo no sé que te diera por un beso. Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
Edith Whiskers•Home
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justindia · 2 days
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justindia · 2 days
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This picture says a lot. Unless you're blind.
The way he holds her hand, ring on her finger, her hand on the belly.
I say married with children!
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justindia · 2 days
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and the world stopped for a few seconds. and the magic happened. and the stars met, aligned. and something new was formed. gained color, shape, grace, forever. thanks, heavens.
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justindia · 2 days
From the man himself!🤷‍♀️
He loves his 🐱😏
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