justjunior-archive · 4 years
Sinners Playing Saints || red-wired-ruffian [Archive]
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❝  Personal?  ❞
It’s a reasonable enough question. What has she done to offend him, or someone close to him, personally, that he wants to see her dead? For she must have done something, to someone, even if not him directly, to warrant such determination ; such a calculated attack.
Even if not him, he must have then been hired. Yet she can’t name from who, or who she must have hurt to offend him so. That, in its own right, is proof of his convictions, that any dozens come to mind, yet none are correct.
Its not quite that complex, so by extension, is it then simple?
He enacts this, going after her, because of not one offense, or a personal harm, but a chain of connected instances where many people all unaffiliated to himself or each other have been wrought harm that was not done in retaliation of harms they first began.
Even with bloodied blade in-hand, he regards her with nothing in his gaze, no spark of emotion to be had in any direction. Its no more personal to him than culling a sick plant from a garden, clearing space for something better to grow. He won’t feel anything for it but quiet contentment.
❝  No moreso than your own deeds against anyone you’ve hurt, only I don’t kill for pleasure. You’re a kind of sickness, and there will always be more criminals like you, but at least the number will have dropped by one more all the same. It won’t change a lot for the world, but it will change the world for a few people who you’d have hurt otherwise.  ❞
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{– red-wire-ruffian–}
Oh…he was one of those types. Blackthorne felt the tickle of a laugh creeping into her throat, of all the pathetic fucks to be captured by, it had to be one of these types.
The pleasure part nagged her a little, her targets had been consequences of actions taken by others, not entirely victims by her choosing, but to say she got no pleasure out of these deeds would be a lie. While she had taken no joy in killing the consequential victims, she had taken great pride and joy in the suffering it had caused the initial target; their tears, their anger, their effort to take revenge or to simply give up, now those, she took pleasure in. Did it really make her such a bad person? Probably, but as she seen it,these things had hardly been her fault, besides, what was the point in doing what you did if you found no joy in it what so ever?
“I’m just the consequence,” She sneered. “if you really think you’re goin ta be makin’ a change while the cause still exists, you’re dumber than ya look.”
Killing her would make little difference, a new leader would be found, worse acts enacted, more lives taken, so long as there was business to be found in misery, there would be suffering, that’s just how the world had worked for thousands of years, how humanity had set itself up, she was simply doing her part   “If ya had gone for one of the drug lords in the area, maybe - MAYBE- you’d change something, but this? This is just to fuel yer own ego.”
He was full of shit if he tried to deny getting pleasure from this.
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Junior blinked numbly, unaffected by her hoarse laughter. Apparently what he’d said was funny, or maybe she was just mocking him. He couldn’t be sure, but he could be sure that he didn’t care. It wasn’t going to change anything.
Of course there’s some kind of snark or verbal backlash. There always is. Belittling taunts and criticisms.
Everyone underestimates him. Everyone. Even his brothers underestimate him at times, its more often than not he hears himself called stupid, and in some ways he hates that, but in others, he knows he can use it to his advantage.
She underestimated him before, and that’s why she made a manageable if not easy target, and yet, even then, she’s still underestimating him. If even Lavi – smart as Hell Lavi – hasn’t figured him out in all these years, this shady chick certainly wouldn’t have. Its almost laughable how much she thinks she knows about him already, but telling her how wrong she is would be a waste of breath since she won’t live long enough to ponder it anyway.
❝  All change is cumulative, and you have to catch a small fry before you can take on the sharks. Give it time, the scent of blood in the water will draw them out.  ❞
He adjusted his hold on the knife idly as he drew closer, internally debating his options on the quickest end. Maybe if he drove it through the skull, but then if he opened up a major artery, it’d be over within a few minutes of bleeding out. Her neck then, probably.
❝  Its just too bad y’won’t be around t’see the change.  ❞
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justjunior-archive · 5 years
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❝  It’s just “Dumb Junior” again. Everything’s just “Stupid Junior”s fault! “Moron Junior” can’t get anything right! Oh, that sounds JUST idiotic enough to be a Junior thing!  ❞
Salty? No, what makes you say that?
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justjunior-archive · 5 years
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Harrumphs loudly.
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justjunior-archive · 5 years
{49scribes} Ѡ :3c
send me Ѡ to have accidentally sent my muse nudesaccepting | @49scribes
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    He looks at his phone briefly before locking it. “The least you could do is take good pictures.” Deak sighs, reaching out to grab the phone and unlock it once more, the nudes reappearing on screen.
        [SMS]: Hey.        [SMS]: Those suck.        [SMS]: “No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. But I know none, and therefore am no beast.”        [SMS]: Actually that’s a lie or I wouldn’t have sent any of this.        [SMS]: Unless you’re trying to seduce a monster, take better pictures.        [SMS]: You look like a needy rabbit.
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justjunior-archive · 5 years
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❝  What?  ❞ The indignant squawk is mirrored with a look that says they are clearly on two completely different tracks. ❝  No, not me you dingus. Didn’t y’hear me? I said romance is dumb. Most romantic thing I’ve ever done is get arrested at the zoo.  ❞
Best date, honestly. Definitely something he’s going to have to do again at some point, maybe with something even more ambitious than a tiger. Then again, death doesn’t sound fun. Maybe if he sedates his target first.
Harumphing, he dropped his chin into one palm, glaring at a wall as if he might see through it… or see it catch on fire, if he stares hard enough.
❝  I meant Lavi and his stupid boyfriend.  ❞
Is he still bitter? Damn straight he is.
Is he going to continue to be bitter? Damn straighter.
❝  At least one of you actually sees sense an’ it sure ain’t him.  ❞
{49scribes} Just leans his back against Deak's and broods. "Romance is fuckin' dumb an' th' people who like it are even dumber."
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    The added weight is common and the familiarity remains to where he doesn’t immediately remove himself from the contact. What an odd concept to bring up so suddenly. “I suppose,” he agrees, continuing his writing. “But for some it isn’t, and for that few it keeps them living.”
        An odd, odd concept. Deak could say for certain that he didn’t care for romance, romantic inclinations were signs of dependency and he had no need to fill some need for being dependent, but for others perhaps that dependency was such a necessity in life.
        “In love with someone, brother? Denied? Pity.” He sighs, briefly, putting the pen down momentarily as he glances at the paper. 
“Love is blind, and lovers cannot see, The pretty follies that themselves commit.” He recites, although comically in an unsympathetic reasoning.
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justjunior-archive · 5 years
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It’s fine. It’s fine. I’m fine. It’s fine. It’s a lie. It’s fake. We’re fake. A game. A distraction. A catalyst. Just another Name. Just another temporary Role to play. Meant to fade. Useless. Unnecessary. Disposable. Screw-up. It’s fine. It’s fine. I don’t exist, I don’t exist, I don’t exist…
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justjunior-archive · 5 years
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❝  I’m gonna fight him.  ❞
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justjunior-archive · 5 years
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❝  No one around here has any sense of adventure…  ❞
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justjunior-archive · 5 years
{49scribes} "MMMMMMM.... NAAAAAH." He's just gonna keep firing until he runs out of fuel or he hits his mark honestly, whichever comes first. The jail time will be worth it. RIP Nea.
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       Jail time is not worth it, Junior. You should give up before you learn that.        But good luck hitting him– He’s been dodging trouble all his life, and        won’t be so easily struck.          “ Lavi’s going to be PISSED. “
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justjunior-archive · 5 years
{49scribes} Connections. Connections and blackmail. "WHO'S BILL YA THINK'S GONNA BE HIGHER, THE MEDICAL BILLS OR THE PROPERTY DAMAGE??"
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justjunior-archive · 5 years
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       First of all: He’s not short.       Second of all: WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GETTING THIS STUFF.
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justjunior-archive · 5 years
{49scribes} "Theory One, Conclusive." Reloads. "Time for Theory Two." He's got long legs good for running too Mr. Brother Stealer.
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       Good luck keeping up with him on his motorcycle
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justjunior-archive · 5 years
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❝  I miss my not-girlfriend crime princess… who else am I supposed to steal animals from the zoo with?  ❞
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justjunior-archive · 5 years
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I don’t know… what course of action I’m supposed to take.
I weigh all of the possible options. I account for the variables. I try to predict the various paths each might follow and where each path might correlate or diverge.
I apply the potential for good and bad outcomes both and try to further narrow the likelihoods based on predictability and desired results, but beyond a certain point, I can’t narrow it enough, still.
What do I do?
How do I get this right?
I play each scenario in my head, I try to see where they’ll lead, and the same scenario and the same variables could lead either in a good or bad direction. How the scenario plays out in reality yet further defies the intention with unaccounted variables for which there is no way to gather data on.
So thus falls the question of, what if this course of action is the wrong one?
What am I missing if so?
Of all possibilities, I know what two are the most pressing, but without all important data, to make a choice is impossible, yet on the same token, to not make a choice is impossible, as it is making a choice to not make a choice.
What do I do?
Do I persist? Yet in persisting, it might exacerbate the problem, thus rendering the intention or even the possibility of solution null and void. In such persistence, one might question an inability to listen and follow direction, that such would indicate a disbelief in the truth of the claim, and thus further reflect a lack of respect and consideration. The conclusion then comes to the point that the pursuit of any other course but to completely sever and erase all chance for amends, perhaps then to break all possibility for even the most basic contact, is therefor impossible. All things end, in their entirety. There is nothing left to salvage.
So then, the next logical question must come forth.
Do I leave it be? This may pan out to be the better of options, as it expects none, but a quiet acceptance of how things are, and in that way, perhaps, a kind of peace is achievable. Yet inaction may yet be worse, as it may imply then, in its uncontested silence, that such is not worth the effort. It was a trivial matter in the end, and so to let it be, without bothering to attempt all that can be done, may instead create the image that such was never worth putting forth the effort to save. Thus, this dawns the name of Cowardice, or perhaps even Cruelty. As untreated, a wound may fester. It may indeed be that what they seek to is the solution to the equation, to see resolution followed through on in its entirety and exhausting all possible outcomes, negative or positive. Yet it may be only sheer arrogance to project such assumptions.
So is the course then to take action, under such arrogant assumption that they desire the same thing? Or inaction, even in accounting for the possibility that in doing so, standing by and doing nothing, may be worse?
By what standard then should the gain and loss be comparably accounted for? By which measurement by the correct course be found?
To assume either is correct or incorrect can then become a fatal mistake, impossible to revoke and redo should the incorrect be chosen, especially when, contextually, following up a previous course which then proved to be the incorrect course. Such then becomes a pattern destined to repeat, and solution becomes further and further impossible to reach, as bias taints the outcome and favors, or alternatively disfavors, a particular result.
Such bias, then, can replicate itself, reaching outside the containment of where it first spawned and further prevent progress or, in the worst case, evolve into yet a larger, more complex problem, with a greater strain of variables to account for, and yet more unaccounted.
Then again rises the question, action or inaction? The scenario can thus not even exist without one or the other. In the contemplation of such choice, as there is never any question towards a choice being made, inaction becomes inherently favored, and contemplated for too long, stops existing merely as a variable but then becomes The Rule.
This rule may further be accounted for on both sides of the problem, subsisting in Independent and Dependent variables both. Should both sides choose inaction, then the solution mutually becomes to do nothing at all. So then, as it is the method chosen consistently across each involved, it may then be assumed this would be the correct option to choose, as it is in agreement with each one.
Yet, when investigated further, this may in fact be the incorrect course to take, defying the rule of thumb with consistency when solving equations on a basis of most common or likely results. Complicating such seeming simplicity of shared pattern, to diverge from the path of least resistance may yet prove the better option, and lead to better results should it be pursued.
Yet, this course may yet be incorrect still, and instead of reaching an exponentially higher gain, may instead see the formula self-destruct, yet until the mixing of Incompatible is tested, its volatility remains otherwise undiscovered.
Indeed, by some paradox, or need for better insight into the variables of the problem, and perhaps the forming of one entirely different from the one sought to be solved, it may be that neither are correct.
The question which follows is then, what is the next equation that needs be run through and considered? And then, in a cycle of rinse and repeat, the possibilities explored and exhausted until that, too, may prove too incorrect or incomplete to solve.
And in time, perhaps, when those courses have each been explored, and found in fault, one may return to the same problem and wonderings of solution that began this spiral, yet still without having gained any more insight into the potential solution than one began with, a realization that, yet, only weaves frustration in as yet another variable that must be accounted for lest it taint ones view and the results that follow, and beware the development of false positives that may, in turn, create or exacerbate the problem, until solution thus becomes truly impossible through the creation of bias that cannot be uprooted.
The question then returns.
Action, or inaction?
The answer must then be simple, as contemplation has gone on for so long, that only one ending may be accounted for. Yet in inaction, one may still yearn for what better might come of action, yet without action, one will never see the possible fruits of such labors. Yet it is in the consideration of how one may have already found what fruits there may ever be, and the knowledge that seeking for better may see them spoil in the pursuit of better, or worse yet, may see the fruits of another’s spoil, that inaction yet still becomes The Rule.
It may thus be concluded with solidarity, and against whimsy or the possibilty of a real Better, that correct or otherwise, inaction becomes the solution, and in choosing inaction, one then still performs an action, thus rendering all things leading up to it moot.
Therefore, the question, in its paradoxal spiral of action and inaction, remains.
What do I do?
I don’t know…
I hate this.
I hate this.
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justjunior-archive · 5 years
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❝  Look’t all these gross, gushy people already talking about Valentines Day. We’re gonna have to put up with this for half a month. Can you believe? Nasty. I’d better get some damn good candy.  ❞
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justjunior-archive · 5 years
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❝ It went from ‘creepy quiet around here’ straight into ‘make it stop’.  ❞
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justjunior-archive · 5 years
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❝ …filthy sinners, all of you.  ❞
Ya’ll better keep it away from his brothers or this kinkfest is turning bloody.
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