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Mom:they have cronuts! It's a donut and a croissant put together
Dad: I mixed a brownie and a cookie, I call it a crownie haha
Me: America mixed a trick and a dump and now we have Trump...
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My depression
You see I feel like I would be the crying kinda person but but...I know this is gonna sound really depressive but this is my depression for me...I've always had that pain, the one where you just want to fall into someone's arms and just be there crying and holding them close to me...I used to really honestly feel that. But time has changed that. I'm now used to always feeling the pain...but never being able to let it out because the last time I did I was done with being hurt like that and feeling this way. So now everyday, when I head to school. I take that Prozac and feel myself putting on that mask. I know it helps but I just dont...feel like it's me. I want it to be, but I know it isnt. So I go around with that fake smile, nodding to everyone saying I'm alright. But I feel the depression swelling up as my anxiety acts and sends me into a panic over all of what's happening. As I sit there. Smiling. Lieing not only to others, but to myself saying..."I'm happy"
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That feeling
The feeling when you sit back in bed and wonder what you can do. To have their heart. When you accept all their perfections and flaws. And hope they would accept them too. But they're to busy accepting someone else. And you sit back and see the screen flicker to life as they respond. And you are tempted to actually read it and torture your heart even more. This is that feeling.
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