justknitstuff · 3 years
I LOVE THIS!! I've been on a huge D&D kick after marathoning Critical Role, so I asked for something D&D inspired.. and this is amazing! Even the little background story fits! Thank you Freya!!
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Hi! Happy Valentine’s Day! I participated in @lovebugs-and-snakecharmers​​​’s Secret Admirer 2022 Exchange. 
Here’s my gift for @justknitstuff​ As soon as I read your first prompt I couldn’t get out of my head the idea of Bard Luka and Spellcaster Marinette. This is how I imagined them. I hope you like it 💙😊😊.
Under the cut I added some bonuses: short descriptions, sketches for a better look at their outfits, and a short summary/context/story of what was in my head while drawing the main piece. 💙💙
Keep reading
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justknitstuff · 3 years
so sorry but i probably wont be able to participate in the secret admirer exchange (long story short: exams) :(( could you please withdraw my entry sorry for the trouble!
Sure, I'll pass it on to livrever so we can get your giftee reassigned. Thank you for letting me know! Good luck on your exams!
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justknitstuff · 3 years
See, I got into YA way late in the game... so when i started reading their stories from the beginning, I already knew Tommy had some flings with girls and currently had a friends with benefits deal with David. I see the no feelings/not holding hands thing as more of a traumatic past situation that could develop into being ace and/or aro.
The small glimpses we get into Tommy's life pre-YA doesn't paint a happy childhood. Add on top of that whatever they were doing to him in super juvie, stating you don't have feelings or hold hands is a simple way of saying "I don't trust people and if I don't let anyone in, they can't hurt me." It's a self defensive mechanism.
I do this myself...I had a fairly good childhood.. but not gong into details, I was bullied at school from a young age, and that shapes the way you interact with people as you grow. I did not "get stronger" from it, but turned inward and pushed people away. It was hard to make friends in high school. And something even more traumatic happened to me high school that reinforced the shyness, the loner attitude, the please don't perceive me air around me. Now, many many years later, I'm more open, I've dealt with my demons, I have a few friends I trust... but it's still hard to say I love you in a romantic way, because that's still opening myself to being hurt.
And I see that in Tommy. That's how I connect with him. And it's nice to see him opening up and looking genuinely happy to be around people that he's let in. But I don't think he's quite there yet, and that may be why he labels him and David as friends with benefits. Yeah they go out together on dates, but calling David his boyfriend is a big step.
But for those that see this as aro and/or ace that's perfectly valid too! We need more representation all around out there!
Tommy Shepherd was always relatable to me because he was coded aromantic (e.g. canonically saying he doesn’t have feelings or hold hands), so when people disparage that comic panel when it was for the longest time the only thing approximating aro representation in a time where 99.9% of my ‘representation’ in comics were inhuman/monsters/villains/robots... I can only assume they’re arophobic.
It’s not ‘growth’ to suddenly feel romantic affection for someone. That just means you associate romantic love with emotional maturity, which is definitely not true and it’s a sentiment that is hurtful to aromantic people. It’s just a change in feeling, which is perfectly okay just as it’s perfectly okay to never feel romantic love.
Like, yeah, I ship ThinkFast. I shipped it when David was first introduced into Young Avengers. I think they have a great relationship and I like how comfortable they are around each other. However, I still view Tommy as under the aromantic umbrella and it costs $0.00 to not disrespect the aromantic coding they canonically gave him. 🙃
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justknitstuff · 3 years
hi! i had a question about the secret admirer exchange, where should the art be sent/ uploaded? (ive never taken part in one of these events before so i'm a little confused)
Hi there! Thanks for the ask!
All gifts are uploaded to the Ao3 group. We'll be putting up a link to it in a few weeks. I know uploading art to Ao3 can be a hassle, so if you've never done it before, there's a how-to linked in the LBSC page.
If you don't have an Ao3 account though, you can put it up on your Tumblr and just tag your giftee and the appropriate lbsc tags so we can find it and reblog it as well.
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justknitstuff · 3 years
Just a friendly reminder that I have a writing blog, @chromemist , where you can find all my fanfics and links to my twitter, both SFW and NSFW. The blog itself is not safe for work, but I will always warn when the post is not.
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justknitstuff · 3 years
.... I'm not even sorry... I'm never sorry for Lukanette ideas, nor for my crazy addiction to baking/cooking competitions. I am, however, sorry you thought my idea was dirty.. I'm never dirty... totally innocent.... 😇😇😉
How about ‘The Tip Goes In’? 👀
@mintaka14 also asked about this one!
It's...ok. Ok. Ok.
First off, if you didn't know: I am a baker it's what I do. Actually teeeechnically for Tax Purposes I'm a cook at a school kitchen BUT I AM FIRST AND FOREMOST A BAKER. And I can't stand reality TV, but my guilty pleasure is cooking shows/competitions. Y'all don't understand. Like everyone in my family is watching the Superbowl, like ooooh man did you see that touchdown pass Gerardi made in the sixth quarter like HO DAMN, and I'm watching Cutthroat Kitchen like Alton you can't do that they'll never finish he will lose a finger you will kill someone ALTON NO. (...can you tell I also don't Sport? 😂)
If you haven't watched it yet, one of the best baking competitions ever is Nailed It! on Netflix. The premise is that they take those Pinterest-perfect desserts and have three amateur not-even-bakers try to recreate them. I love the hosts. I love the sheer insanity of these people who have No Idea Wtf They're Doing (Sal I love you bby but you will kill someone someday learn to measure and read your ingredients). I have a massive fangirl crush on Wes. It's so great. Y'all should definitely watch it. 😁
Now, because I'm a baker, I'm also trash for fics where Luka and Marinette are baking together/she's teaching him to bake/etc. And I was watching the very first ep of S4, when Jacques is watching this guy try to pipe some icing, and says: "Oh no he's trying to pipe with the tip out - everyone knows you gotta get the tip in!"
And then @justknitstuff came along, all innocent-like, and was like: "...imagine Lukanette watching a baking competition, and Marinette sees this, and she's shouting about how you need to put the tip in, and Luka's just dying beside her, and she doesn't get why until he gives her a demonstration of tip out vs. tip in. 😈"
So this one is really just dirty jokes and Marinette screaming at a baking competition like my uncle watches the Superbowl. 😂
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justknitstuff · 3 years
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justknitstuff · 3 years
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justknitstuff · 3 years
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I fixed the scene AGAIN. You’re welcome 💙 (In case you’re wondering: YES - I traced the line art from ‘Truth’ episode because I can’t edit screenshots and I just HAD TO fix this)
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justknitstuff · 3 years
Ok now we need War Machine, Falcon, Black Panther, Ant Man, and Vision
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I don’t know what this is - other than freaking hysterical… 
Art by David Talaski-Brown.
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justknitstuff · 3 years
Sometimes there were author notes right in the middle of a paragraph! Just plot, author notes, plot. Authors would literally stop their own plot to mansplain it!
full offense but none of you would have ever survived fanfiction.net in 2009
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justknitstuff · 3 years
Piggybacking into that, I've @'d him on Twitter before and yeah, he just says whatever. It's absolutely clear he doesn't really have control over the show anymore. So he's just saying whatever, most likely in my opinion, to be a dick. Whether that's to fans or to stick it to Zag is up for debate.
The way I see it, anything that doesn't happen in the actual show isn't canon. Not everyone has Twitter/Instagram/ follows YouTube stuff. So if they want it to be canon, it'll be in the actual show itself. Anything on social media is just a suggestion...
Friends, I am begging you: do not take anything Astruc says on Twitter seriously. It’s obvious from reading his timeline that he is taking very few questions seriously and has no interest in clearing up details that he feels are “not important.” He is saying “yes” to every fan theory presented to him (that bit about Juleka being left back was suggested by a fan, not spontaneously provided). He “confirmed” Alya and Luka being the secret villains before finally asking where all this “secret villain” stuff was coming from, and once he was told, he said it was all a misunderstanding and the only “new” villain is shadowmoth. Even when he is clearly joking around because he thinks some fan theory is so absurd that it doesn’t deserve a rational answer, people are taking him seriously and it’s legitimately painful to watch
Now, by all means, feel free to run with any theory that appeals to you; if you want Zoe to be a time traveling secret villain here to ruin Adrienette so that heartbroken Adrien has to travel back in time to marry one of Marinette’s ancestors (which is a real thing that he said today, and some people are taking it completely seriously and he is gleefully confirming it) then godspeed. All I’m saying is, be wary of what you accept and spread as “Astruc Twitter Canon.” His stance right now seems to be that any detail not important enough to be included in the show isn’t worthy of a rational explanation, and he’s happy to agree with whatever theory is presented, as long as it doesn’t imply that anything he said in the past is “wrong.”
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justknitstuff · 3 years
When they told me that Lukanette is going to end in the 1th episode of the new season.
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justknitstuff · 4 years
Attack on Titan anime only fans: Yay 4th season let's see what happens!
Attack on Titan manga fans, after reading chapter 138:
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justknitstuff · 4 years
I frickin cried. The times he looked so happy, then so sad...omg my heart can't take it.
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This is a ‘Thank you’. Inspired by the countless stories sent to me by shelter workers and volunteers.  
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justknitstuff · 4 years
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Good morning! I’m salty.
I think we, as a general community, need to start taking this little moment more seriously.
This, right here? This is asking for consent. It’s a legal necessity, yes, but it is also you, the reader, actively consenting to see adult content; and in doing so, saying that you are of an age to see it, and that you’re emotionally capable of handling it.
You find the content you find behind this warning disgusting, horrifying, upsetting, triggering? You consented. You said you could handle it, and you were able to back out at any time. You take responsibility for yourself when you click through this, and so long as the creator used warnings and tags correctly, you bear full responsibility for its impact on you.
“Children are going to lie about their age” is probably true, but that’s the problem of them and the people who are responsible for them, not the people that they lie to.
If you’re not prepared to see adult content, created by and for adults, don’t fucking click through this. And if you do, for all that’s holy, don’t blame anyone else for it.
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justknitstuff · 4 years
OMFG THIS!!!  I’ll go through my history on AO3 and I come across deleted works and I’m left wondering what it was, why was it deleted, why didn’t I save it?!
And other authors, while I understand this, use fanfiction as a way to test out plot lines, and then delete that work so it can be made into an original story.  I get it.  But at the same time, don’t delete the fan version! I’ll read the original characters version of it, but it won’t really mean anything to me.  It won’t impact me the way the “original” version did.
Also I too have printed out fanfictions before...way back in the early 00′s and I was going across country to my grandma’s house that didn’t have internet, and phones weren’t really capable of that at the time. And I could just NOT be without my favorite stories.
When the author deletes your favorite fanfic:
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