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(source: qvotext on instagram)
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Your eyes… gosh, your eyes. They’re a glimpse of a world I want to get lost in forever.
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laughing together with someone you like having around is probably the most purest form of happiness
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I will love you if I never see you again
And I will love you if I see you every Tuesday
I will love you to the ends of the universe
And I will love you to the edge of my bed
I will love you if we die together
And I will love you if the world ends before we can
JAJ /Love poems for dark hours
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Your eyes are the stars my heart got lost in
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I’m daydreaming about him kissing me so much rn. This seriously can’t be healthy
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My dreams were full of him last night.  In the past, every time we start to get close, I’ve woken up suddenly.  But this time, he was there the whole time, holding me and looking at me so gently.  It felt oh so real, too real.  I wish I never woke up
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I had this dream where I was finally getting to see all my friends again and stuff.  When i was finally able to greet him, I sat down, and he launched himself into hugging me.  He laughed and said something about how his arms weren’t in the right place to kiss me, and I laughed and said something like “not yet”.  Then he took his arms out from mine and grabbed my face, kissing my forehead sweetly.  Then the dream ended because I wake up every single time I get close to him in a dream because I get so excited.  ahh this can’t be healthyyyy
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help I told my crush about one of my friend’s made up words and then failed to type “heelies” and now we’re writing a book...
how did this happen?  Now we are writing a book called “the legend of zoig” about teens trying to find an ancient relic called the Heelia
umm what? I love this but what is happening pls help
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i want to take your face in my hands and kiss kiss kiss kiss
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My situation is so weird rn because me and a guy both like each other, but we’ve mutually to wait to date at least til we’re 16... Like we’re kind of awkwardly flirting more openly than before but we still don’t just outright say “you’re my everything” “you’re so amazing, I love you”... And I almost don’t know what to call him anymore even.  If I call him my “crush” that usually implies its not mutual or clear and it’s not that much of an existing relationship. But I definitely can’t call him my boyfriend or something because he’s definitely not that yet... It makes it harder because I can’t actually see him rn :(
Thank goodness I at least know he feels the same now, but it does make it a little bit confusing as to where we stand...  
I mostly just don’t know what to call him lol.  I mean he’s a lot more than a crush, and more than a friend, but we aren’t dating or anything...
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dear crush,
i dont really know what to tell and i know you will probably never see that, but to be honest i fell in love with you the last few months. i love the way we talk, our jokes, your behavior and how you treat me. i love the fact that i can talk to you about everything and how you give me a feeling of safety. you make my days better. your special to me e.
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one day i’ll call you mine
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noise, noise, endless noise. even the music i once used to find solace in is just noise now. 
i just want him. him and silence. 
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I am officially the MASTER of starting amazing, flirty and deep conversations through the power of memes and overthinking!
Yeah so basically all I do is find a meme that has good potential, one that will likely cause some sort of response from my boi when I send it to him.  I then drastically overthink everything he might say, so I have a general idea of what to do in any situation.  Usually the overthinking doesn’t actually help and the conversation doesn’t really follow my plan, but it feels like it helps so I’m not stopping.  A select few memes may lead in easily to flirting.  But some others begin very deep conversations about life and love and humanity.  Then, the trick is to lead that deep conversation into something you can connect to a pre-planned random question that actually ends up being a pickup line, and BAM, you’re flirting.  Except it may be cryptic and veiled compliments, but it is SO fun.  And the best part is? You started it with a MEME!!!! Like WHAT!?!?!
ps this may only work on thoughtful dorky band geeks who love memes but that’s good enough for me
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