I was wondering whether you will still finish the Wick family fanfic?
I really liked it :)
Hi! I'm really glad you like it! And I do want to finish the Wick Family. I have it planned out, I just haven't sat down to work on it. My goal is to get it done this year, though!
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I didn't know this was a thing, but the same goes for me as well. No permission granted for this.
And a reminder that none of my stories are abandoned. I'm just slow at writing 😅 life and unmedicated adhd are a struggle. Sorry.
It’s your friendly neighbor fanfic author here. In the light of this apparent new trend of people feeding unfinished fics to AI to get an “ending,” and some people even talking about “blanket permissions,” let me just say this:
That is my anti-permission.
Thank you for your attention.
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I thought I had written part 5 of The Mandalarian and The Oracle. I vividly remember having written it. Either I can't find where I wrote it, or I hallucinated the whole thing.
So I'm writing it again.
And working on how I want to end The Wick Family. I think I actually have a full chapter of The Wick Family that I just need to format and post. So...
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I've gotten a few new followers recently so I just wanted to say, none of my stories are abandoned. I've just moved across the country recently and everything is scattered in random boxes 😅 I'm planning on pulling my notebook out tomorrow and setting it where I can see it. Hopefully this will encourage me to write a bit on one story or another everyday so I can get in the habit of writing again. (There are some that have the next parts written, I just have to type them 😅)
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The Oracle and The Mandalorian Part 4
Here we go! The next part which has been done forever but not typed up is here! Happy to chat about characters or the story if there are questions!
 Warnings: violence? (people get blasted) Not sure beyond that. gif not mine
Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Pt 4(you are here)
Word count: 2460 
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The Mandalorian and the Oracle make their way through the town. People still roam the streets, the hour not super late yet. Y/N stays close to Din as they walk. 
“You got navigation programs in that fancy helmet?” She asks quietly. “Able to save a location and route?” 
Mando glances at her. “Yes.” 
“Good. Turn here.” She taps his elbow and they turn down an ally. She takes the lead, tapping the ground with her staff causing a slight echo as the sound bounces off the walls. After several quiet minutes traveling through the twisting alleyways they come to the natural wall of the far side of the city. The Oracle stands quietly for a few moments. She takes a deep breath, releasing it with a pulse of energy. It travels out from her in a ring, splashing up against the wall and spreading out, revealing the area to her mind as the microorganisms living in everything the power wave comes in contact with are infused with a small portion of energy. The wave passes through the Mandalorian, lighting him up the same way. She purposefully blurs him in her mind, not willing to risk seeing him. 
Din’s breath catches as the wave passes through him. He braces himself for the lightheadedness and strange tugging feeling but they don’t come. The search was not directed at him. 
Y/N looks both ways down the wall before she turns to the right. “This way.” She leads him along the wall, her steps more confident. Mando notes the change, how she’s not relying on her staff and how she steps over or around fallen stones without hesitation. She leads him around a ledge that sticks out of the wall at an acute angle, hiding what lays behind it from view. Tucked into the far corner, nearly hidden by a scraggly bush is a metal drain cover. 
She kneels down besides the drain. “Set a marker here.” She says quietly, brushing the dirt from the drain rim, searching for something. Her fingers brush over the symbols she’s looking for. “They’re still active. Good.” She sets her staff down on the ground beside her. 
The Mandalorian kneels down beside her. “Who is?” 
She turns her head sharply away from him, her hood hiding her face from him. She holds a hand out to him. “Friends of mine. I need to touch your helmet.” 
Din’s eyebrows furrow. “Why?” The question rumbles through his modulator. She can hear the frown in his voice. 
“My power is active. If I look at you now I’ll see you. I need to touch your helmet. Please.” She shakes her hand with urgency. 
Mando is still confused but takes her hand and presses it against the side of his helmet. He greatly appreciates her respect of his ways, even if he doesn’t fully understand what she’s saying. 
The Oracle takes a breath, pressing energy into his helmet. She feels the shift in her power and mind. She creates a blindspot for herself, preventing her from seeing the man within the armor, head and face specifically. She then makes the connection between the man and the armor, they become one with each other. She tricks her abilities into not seeing the man but seeing the armor as the man. She has hidden Din from herself and made the Mandalorian his focus. She lowers her hand and turns her head towards him. She can see the armor and helmet but not the man. Her shoulders relax. She watches as his aura shifts, curiosity and confusion swirling and shifting to shock. “There. I’m done.” 
The Mandalorian stares at her, unsure of what he’s seeing. “Your eyes…” His modulator barely picks up the whisper. 
Her head tilts, hair shifting around her face. “What about them?” 
He clears his throat. “They - they’re glowing.” 
“Oh. That. Yes, they do that apparently. My tattoos too. It’s related to my gifts.” She reaches in through the drain gate and finds the lever she’s looking for. She pulls it and unlocks the grate, pulling it up and open. “Now, this is where you’re going to lead anyone we rescue.” She stands and steps into the opening, dropping down to the tunnel below with a flurry of fabric. “Come on.” 
Din shakes himself and follows her into the tunnels, taking the ladder down. 
“Okay. When you get them down here you’re going to lead them over here.” She leads him down a shot path and into a side room out of view of the entrance. “You’re going to get them here and wait for me. Got it?” She turns towards the Mandalorian. He nods, his aura swirling around with unasked questions. He realized he nodded instead of giving her a verbal answer but she continues before he can speak up. “Good. Let’s get going.” She steps passed him and heads back to the entrance, climbing the ladder. She closes the grate after he joins her. “It should remain unlocked but if it doesn’t there’s a lever to unlock it on the underside.” She picks up her staff. “Got the place marked?” 
Din drops a marker in his program and nods. “Yes.” 
“Good. You’ll want to save the path we take, it’s how you’ll get back here.” 
“Let's go then.” She sets off at a quick pace, keeping her hood drawn low to hide her eyes. She leads him through back allies, avoiding main roads and well populated areas. It doesn’t take them as long as Din expects to reach the slavers compound. It’s a larger building on the edge of town, several tents and a few small buildings spread out behind it. 
Y/N crouches down in the deep shadows beside a building as the last rays of sunlight disappear. Mando crouches down beside her. “Okay, your job is to get the slaves out. I’m going to be the distraction. The explosives I gave you are strong enough to break through walls but shouldn’t hurt anyone.” She pulls a halodisk out of her pocket and activates it, hiding it from sight with her cloak. “Here’s a map of the compound.” The hologram spins slowly. Y/N  notes the shift in his aura and explains shortly, “I have a gadget that I plug this into to see it. No, I can’t see it now. I’ll show you later.” She presses a button. “We are here.” The map shifts to show a small dot on the map where they currently crouch. She presses another button and the map shift again, showing a building. “The slaves are kept in this building. You’ll want to set a charge on the indicated wall.” Another push of the button. “I’ll be over here. Wait to blow the wall until I trigger the distraction. Trust me, you’ll know when it happens. Lead the slaves back the way we came.” She shuts the device down and gives it to the Mandalorian. 
“Do you usually work alone or with a group?” He asks quietly. She seems too prepared to work with someone else for it to be a spur of the moment. 
“Depends. I plan for both.” She grins at him, her softly glowing eyes adding an eerie tone to it. “Good luck, Mandalorian.” 
That word tugs at him again. He nods. “Good luck. Be careful.” 
She winks at him and stands. “If I don’t join you in the tunnels in an hour, follow the map in the halodisk. When you get to the place show on the disk to whoever confronts you. They’ll recognize it.” She moves away silently, seeming to glide across the ground and disappearing into the shadows. 
Din scans the area, noting the men on patrol and other defenses. He slowly makes his way to the indicated building and crouches in the shadows created by some stacked crates. He waits, keeping an eye on the guards and listening for approaching footsteps. 
“Make sure to check around the perimeter. The boss is real edgy tonight. Don’t cut any corners.” Someone around the side of the building calls out. 
“Yea, yea. When is he not on edge these days? Real paranoid if you ask me.” Answers another, this one closer. 
“Can you blame him? We’ve lost at least four outposts in the past month. That’s a lot of credits lost.” The voices are getting closer by the moment. 
The Mandalorian tightens his grip on his blaster, ready to defend himself if needed. 
“Yea, that’s true. Still, he doesn’t need to be such a–” The man’s words are cut off as a large explosion goes off near the main building. 
Sudden shouts of panic and chaos erupts as the camp comes alive, men arming themselves and running to the scene. 
Mando stands, glancing at the map before stowing the halodisk. He turns the corner, blaster at the ready and scans the area before pressing the charge against the wall. Another explosion goes off somewhere on the main building, the shock shaking the stack crates near Mando. He primes the charge and ducks around the building. Another large explosion goes off a breath before his does. He ducks inside before the dust can settle. 
He finds himself in some sort of storage room. He steps off to the side, waiting for guards to rush through the door. Moments later, three men run in. Three blaster shots fire and three bodies fall to the floor. Mando makes his way carefully through the building, taking out the guards as they appear. He makes it to the main room. Rows of cages line the walls, most of them empty. He counts fifteen people in the cages and one last guard at the far end of the room. The man raises his blaster but Mando is too quick. He falls and the Mandalorian makes his way to the control panel, stepping over the body to reach it. He studies the panel for a bit before finding the switch to open the cages. He triggers it and steps around the panel as the doors slide open. “This way. Quickly. And stay close.” 
The people slowly make their way out of the cells at first. The Mandalorian makes it across the room and checks that the hallway is clear before gesturing to them to follow. They do and Mando carefully leads them out of the building and to safety as smaller explosions continue to be set off around the compound. 
-    - 
Getting to the tunnel without being seen was tricky. They were spotted once. A man came out into an alley as the group was passing by. Din and the man looked at each other for a bit, the man taking in the scene before turning pointedly away, shrugging. 
“Sure is warm out tonight. Hope it rains. That would be something.” The man purposefully makes a lot of noise as he throws the trash away, covering whatever noises the ex-slaves make as Mando leads them away. 
Beyond that and Mando resorting to carrying the youngest of the group, a young child, so they all could move faster, the group makes it to the tunnels safely. The Mandalorian leads them all into the small hidden room and settles them all down to wait. He stations himself at the door and starts the countdown. One hour and then they move on. 
-   -
10 minutes down. Nothing. 
Half an hour down. Nothing. 
46 minutes down. Still nothing. 
Din is surprised to find himself worrying about the Oracle. He forcefully stops himself from fidgeting, holding as still as he can. She’s done things like this before. She’ll be fine. Right? Why does he care if she’s not? He just met her today… and yet… he feels like he’s known her for years. He shakes his head, putting those thoughts out of his mind as best he can. He has a job to do. Time to focus, worry later. 
-   -
57 minutes down. Nothing. 
The hour is up and still no sign of the Oracle. Din waits five minutes more before turning to the ex-slaves. 
A loud clang echoes down the tunnel and the Mandalorian gestures for everyone to remain quiet. He presses himself against the wall by the door, blaster at the ready. He thinks he hears faint footsteps coming near but the sound is so quiet his helmet can’t quite pick them up. 
A faint blue glow lights up the tunnel as it nears the room. The glow grows brighter before the Oracle steps into view. 
She looks… like she’s made of starlight. The tunnel around her is lit up by the glowing light she is admitting. Her eyes are bright ice blue, casting a glow over her face. Her cloak is in tatters, no longer covering her like a blanket. Through the tears in the fabric Din can see the tattoos running down her sides glowing brightly, the same color as her eyes. She’s barefoot, her shoes tied to her belt and her clothes are dusty. Dirt clings to her feet, legs, and arms, her hands near black from mud and grease. There’s a streak of grease high up on one cheek and her hair is in disarray. But, she’s uninjured. Din feels the tension leave his shoulders. 
Her staff has changed as well. Covered in dirt and grime like she is, it still admits the ice blue light from small crystals that have grown from the wood. The crystals spread upwards from where she grips the staff, clustering together and growing in size the closer to the tip they get. 
“Why are you still here? Let’s get going!” She speaks, breaking the silence. Mando half expects to see light pour from her open mouth. It did not. 
He begins to move, getting the group of ex-slaves up and moving. 
The Oracle watches him move, a small smile on her lips. She had seen the shifting of his aura when she came into view. Concern giving way to instant relief as he recognized her. The relief grew stronger when he saw she was uninjured and pride joined the swirling colors around the Mandalorian. He was proud of her. He may not realize it, but his spirit does. 
He steps up to her, holding the young child again. “Lead the way.” His quiet voice is carried by his modulator. 
She flashes him a grin, her slightly pointed teeth stark white in the glow she’s admitting. “As you say, Mandalorian.” Din feels that strange tug again as she says it. She turns and leads the way deeper into the tunnels. 
As Din takes his place as the last in the group he decides he likes the strange woman and the odd feelings she brings with her. He did enjoy reading stories about mysteries and enigmas as a child after all. 
Tag list: @lustriix @justanotherblonde23 @bitchboyhours​ 
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A Bard’s Heart
Purely self indulgent little thing I wrote. Jaskier is in love with his Witcher and his Mage. Part of my storyline I have created. Nightmares in the Woods is mentioned so here is the link to it. Let me know if it stops working. Gif not mine
word count: 788
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Jaskier wasn’t sure when he had fallen in love with the Witcher. He would like to say it was the moment when he laid eyes on the man as he sat in the corner of that rundown tavern. That would be the most fairytale romantic thing, and Jaskier is a romantic to a fault. But that would not be the truth. There was a spark in that moment, that he will not deny. A strong spark of interest about the rough man with white hair sitting alone away from everyone else. What can he say? Jaskier is drawn to drama. 
It may have been when Jaskier and Geralt were held captive by the elves. The way Geralt handled himself and defended Jaskier showed some of Geralt’s true colors. That was probably the start. 
Jaskier only began to realize that’s what he was feeling towards the Witcher after he spent time away from the man. He felt real joy when he found the Witcher at the riverside as he fished for the djin. And he felt real fear and heartbreak followed by relief and some jealousy after the whole situation with Yennefer at the manor house. And… well, it doesn’t really matter, he supposes. 
Jaskier looks across the crackling fire at the Witcher. He loves the man. It’s a quiet, solid thing built over time and trials. The kind that sneaks up on you when you least expect it. Jaskier watches as Geralt turns to look at the woman sitting beside him, continuing the conversation they are having. Jaskier turns his eyes to the Mage as she looks up from the book in her hands, attention turning to the Witcher. He watches as her lips pull up in a smile and his heart warms as the sound of her happy laughter reaches his ears. A soft smile turns up Jaskier’s mouth as he watches the Mage. 
If his love for Geralt is quiet and gentle, his love for the Mage is hot and bright. His love for Geralt built slow and strong. In contrast, his love for the Mage was sudden and blazing. It swept down and engulfed him like a wildfire, before he knew what was happening. Her strength and courage struck him from their first meeting. Just thinking of her battling the Nightmare on her own still sends shivers down his spine, and the memory of her hard work and determination to help every child recover from the Nightmare’s effects tugs at his heart. His affection continued to grow with bright intensity as she traveled with them. She is beautiful, and gentle, and kind, and terrifying when brought to anger, and deadly once her sword is drawn. Her talent for magic is something that belongs in stories and songs. It feels old, near ancient, something that doesn’t really belong in this time. But what does he know about magic? He is a bard. A bard in love with the White Wolf and a Mage. A mage who fits into the lines of a fae tale more than she does in reality. 
Jaskier’s mouth opens and the question spills out before it is fully formed in his thoughts. “Are you one of the fae?” 
Geralt and Y/N go quiet, turning their attention to the bard. They look at him for a moment before Geralt leans forward, poking at the fire with the stick in his hand. 
“You shouldn’t ask questions you aren’t ready for.” Geralt grumbles, eyes on the fire. His mood darkening. 
Y/N continues to look across the flames at Jaskier, the firelight causing her eyes to glitter. Her head tilts, just a slight movement of her chin. “Would it frighten you if I was?” Came her quiet question. 
“No,” comes his answer without hesitation. 
Geralt glances over the fire at the bard. “It should.” 
Y/N studies Jaskier quietly. “Why not?” She asks, tone gentle. 
Jaskier breathes, “I love you.” The words sounding right as they fall from his lips. 
One side of her mouth curls up in a wickedly satisfied little smile. Her eyes shine with mischief. “Some say the love of a fae drives men mad.” 
A quiet chuckle constricts his lungs and he says, “I’m already mad,” his eyes never leaving her face. 
She gives a quiet hum as she studies him for a few quiet moments. Her smile turns gentle. “Would you believe me if I said no?” 
A smile stretches Jaskier’s mouth as he looks back at her. “Not really.” 
Y/N releases a breathy laugh and looks at Geralt. “He’s smarter than you give him credit for.” 
“Hmm,” is Geralt’s only response, looking between the Mage and the Bard before turning his gaze back to the fire. “Maybe.” 
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Cat and Mouse - The Royal and The Rogue
Just a little drabble that may turn into a series or not. Unsure yet. Enjoy Prince Keanu and Duelist reader. Gender neutral reader. Written for @daniallh Gif not mine
no warnings, just a sword fight 
word count: 787
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“So, you’re nothing more than a common thief?” The Prince and the Duelist circle each other, step for step, sabers held low and relaxed. 
The Duelist scoffs, “I’m anything but common. For one, I’m an exceptional duelist, as you’ve seen tonight.” 
The Prince nods in agreement. “That is true.” He gestures with his saber. “But you are still a thief.” 
The Duelist saunters towards him, swagger in their steps, saber still held in a relaxed grip. “What are you going to do if I am a thief?” They taunt him, tone teasing. 
“I’ll have to arrest you.” The Prince raises his saber to a guard position. 
The Duelist raises their saber to a low guard, pressing the blade of their saber against the Prince’s. “I’d like to see you try.” There’s a quiet moment of pause and then the Duelist springs into movement, fluid and graceful. They bat the Prince’s blade aside and lunge forward. 
The Prince is able to step aside and bring his blade up to block the attack. The sudden fluidity of movement displayed by the Duelist has him feeling slow and clumsy in comparison. The Prince is skilled in the art of swordplay and an accomplished duelist himself, but it is clear his opponent is in a higher skill class entirely. 
The Duelist spins away, blade at a guard, and sets themselves, watching the Prince. 
The Prince sets himself, ready this time. And the Duelist comes for him. It’s a dance, that’s the only way it can be described. They match each other, step for step, as if they had done this all their lives. They move together, blades clashing, before whirling apart, only to come together again. Movements fluid, steps in time they move around the room, getting farther from the doorway as they do. 
They separate, the Prince between the Duelist and the door. They watch each other, heavy breaths the only sound in the room. The sudden absence of singing swords has the Prince’s ears ringing softly. 
“Well?” He asks, watching the Duelist. “There’s no way out of here. Surrender now and you have my word no harm will come to you.” 
The Duelist grins, eyes bright behind their mask. “Oh no. I surrender to no man. You want me? You’ll have to work for it.” They flash a smile, teeth white in the fading light. “But I have enjoyed our game.” They raise their free hand, showing the silvered pendant with the royal crest to the Prince. 
His eyes widen and he glances down at his chest, noting the sudden absence of his pendent. He looks sharply back up at the duelist. “How did…” 
“Like I said,” the Duelist tucks the pendent away into a pouch at their waist. “I’m anything but common.” 
The sound of quickly approaching footsteps reaches them. Guards rushing to find the commotion. 
“Well this is where I make my exit.” The Duelist says, sword raising. 
“I don’t think so. You are not going anywhere.” The Prince says, taking a step forward. 
The Duelist grins. “As much as I have enjoyed this, I must insist. Time to make my exit.” They lunge forward, knocking the Prince’s blade out of his hand with a quick twisting movement of their blade. The sharp tip of the Duelists’ blade presses against the Prince’s throat. The Prince raises his hands in surrender, eyes flicking from the blade to the Duelist. They grin wickedly at him. “But please, do try your best to find me. It’s always amusing to watch the mouse try to catch the cat.” The Duelist sheaths their blade and steps up into the large window behind them. They throw the window open and look over their shoulder at the Prince. “Until next time, your highness.” With one last grin they’re gone, leaping from the window. 
The guards rush into the room as the Prince stumbles to the window. There’s no sign of the Duelist. The breeze ruffles his hair and causes the window drapes to billow as the Prince stands in the window, the guards moving about the room behind him. A guard steps up to him, asking if he is alright, and the Prince slowly turns from the window. “I’m fine. Leave me.” The Prince says quietly. 
The guard hesitates before signaling for the rest to follow him out of the room. 
The Prince sits in an armchair next to the window, rubbing his chin in thought. His gaze falls on the open window once more. A game of cat and mouse. If that’s the game the Duelist wishes to play then so be it, he’ll play. A small smile pulls at the corner of his lips. And he’ll win too, one way or another. 
Tag list: @daniallh​ 
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Masterlist will be updated on Thursday. Got three fics queued up! A au!Keanu drabble, a Witcher drabble, and part 4 to The Oracle and The Mandalorian! 
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Even The Hero Needs A Rest - Pt 2
A short continuation of a previous short drabble I wrote about Geralt getting some well deserved sleep. (gif not mine) 
Part 1
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Geralt slowly blinks his eyes open. Sunlight shines through the newly opened blinds, lighting up the room. Y/N sits on the edge of the bed beside him. Geralt focuses his eyes on her, a soft smile gracing his lips. 
“Geralt.” Her voice soft and gentle, hardly more than a whisper. 
His smile grows. “Y/N.” 
“How do you feel?” She scans him, eyes bright in the sunlight. 
He shifts in the bed, resting a hand on her thigh and tucking the other behind his head. “Better than I have in a long time.” 
Her lips quirk up in a smirk. “Good.” She pats his hand. “Breakfast is nearly ready. Time for you to get out of bed.” She begins to rise and he grabs her hand. 
“Or you could stay here with me?” He raises his eyebrows, his grin turning playful. 
She chuckles and shakes her head. His chest warms at the sound of her laugh. She pulls her hand away from his gentle grasp. “No. Not now. Things to do today. Come eat your breakfast. You’ll need your energy….” She runs her eyes along his body suggestively before making eye contact again. “For later.” She winks before slipping out the door. 
Geralt grins to himself as he watches her leave. He shifts to look up at the ceiling and pauses there for a few moments, drinking in the quiet of the house. He throws the blanket off himself and rises from the bed. He picks up the shirt she set on the bedside table for him and pulls it over his head as he exits the bedroom. 
Geralt makes his way into the kitchen, he’s met with the welcoming smells of cooking breakfast.
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I have full intentions of writing stuff. I just don’t always have the motivation.
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Hello Chickadees! I still live. Adult life is just scary and stressful. I have also seemed to misplaced my notebook with the next parts of my series. When I find it I'll begin updating again. Love you all.
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HELLO CHICKADEES!!! I graduate in less then a week! Which means more free time and finally more writing 😭 I'm hoping to start updating things again starting January! See you then everyone and have a great holiday season!
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Hello, Chickadees. Wanted to update you. I'm still alive! I'm trying to get through my research and school work right now so I don't have much time to spend writing unfortunately. However, I am writing stuff, it's just slow and handwritten in notebooks. So it takes me extra time to type it out.
In the works: I have the next chapter and a half of The Mandalarian and The Oracle written out, some Witcher things, some Wick Family, and a Supernatural thing I'm working on.
Extra: I'm also going to attempt making a webtoon! It's going to be about a D&D character of mine. I may post some sketches or outlines on here, I'm not sure yet.
I'm also planning to start streaming on twitch soon! It will probably only be once a week for an hour or so in an attempt to de-stress from life 😅 I'll add a link in my bio and post an update once I've gotten it all figured out.
Anyways, that's what's going on in my little corner. I hope you all are doing well and staying safe and healthy!
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Accidental Familiar Part 2: Halloween Night
Hello Chickadees! Finally have my desktop set up (took 4 days, I’m not good with technology)! And I’m pretty sure it’s been a year since I posted the first chapter of this. But here is chapter 2! I’ve linked chapter 1 above the gif. Hope you enjoy it! Let me know if you’d like to be added to the tag list. I intend to design some of the NPCs and Y/N Blackwater’s house in Sims 4 at some point. 
Requests are open (gif not mine)
Warnings: cursing, a bit of violence, John not following directions
Summery: John can’t help but wander into the woods on Halloween night despite the warning given to him by the mysterious Y/N Blackwater. His curiosity gets him wrapped up in a new world. Guess the wolves are out of the bag now.
Part 1: Fog
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John does his best to keep his mind off that night. He cleans the house, binds books, reads books, plays with the dog, anything to keep his mind off the oddness and supernatural vibe he can’t seem to shake. His mind keeps wandering back though. It’s like an itch he can’t scratch. He finds himself sitting on the couch Halloween night facing the window. He’s reading a book and definitely not watching the tree line, no of course not. 
The sun begins to set and a fog seems to seep out of the trees. John finds his eyes drawn to the trees. He watches, falling into a sort of trance as he stares at the swirling fog. He notices a shifting in the fog, as if there were things moving in the trees just out of sight. He glimpses shadowy figures in the fog as they move in and out of the trees, heading deeper into the woods. 
As John watches the treeline he notices a yellow light weaving in and out of the trees. He realizes it’s the lantern that Y/N was carrying. Which means it’s most likely her heading deeper into the woods. 
John checks his watch. Thirty minutes until midnight. He turns his attention back to the treeline. The lantern light is gone. He sits for a while, debating with himself for what feels like hours. He checks his watch again, it's been three minutes. His eyes return to the treeline. He begins to drum his fingers on the arm of his chair and rubs at the stubble on his chin. Dog raises his head to look at John but settles back down, his eyes still on his master. John lets out a breath and pushes himself up from his chair. He grabs a flashlight from a kitchen drawer and hesitates. He grabs a knife instead of a gun, he’s already jumpy, he doesn’t want to accidentally shoot someone. He pats Dog on the head and murmurs a “Good boy” before heading out the back door, closing it behind him. 
This is a bad idea. He knows it's a bad idea, but for some reason he can’t stop his feet from carrying him deeper into the woods. He feels his ears and eyes playing tricks on him as he makes his way through the trees. Every small sound makes his heart race and every shadow makes his blood run cold. He keeps his knife held in a reverse grip, blade pressed against his arm, tip pointed back to his elbow, and flashlight low on his body mass, down towards his chest and stomach. 
The hair on the back of his neck is standing on end. He strains his ears to make out half heard sounds. He has a strange feeling he’s being watched as he makes his way through the trees, shining his flashlight around him. Rustling leaves, muted footsteps, and heavy breathing reaches his ears and John spins, tying to find the source. His heart is racing and it's a struggle to keep his breathing under control. John continues through the trees, struggling to keep his pace calm. His heart is in his throat as he continues, hearing the noises coming from both sides and behind him. It’s been a very long time since he’s felt this way. He’s being hunted, methodically, systematically hunted. The thought makes his blood run cold and his heart skips a beat. His breath catches in his throat as something begins to howl from behind him. The howls are taken up on either side of him and his pace quickens despite himself. Before he realizes it he’s running. He can hear the loud footsteps running around him, the howling continues. He can hear something picking up its pace as they run, intending to get in front of him to cut him off. John tries to pick up the pace but he is no match for the creatures. He can hear the creatures closing in. John comes to the skidding stop in a semi-clear area in the trees. He raises the knife and flashlight, falling into a defensive position. He can hear them pacing just outside his field of vision. The creatures growl and exhale loud huffing breaths as they circle him. The huffing breaths turn into chuckles and morph into voices, low and grumbling but voices. They come from all around him, multiple voices and several snippets of conversation standing out. 
“Look at him, he’s terrified. I can smell it.” 
“What should we do with him?” 
“He shouldn’t be here.” 
“What a frightened rabbit.” 
“Careful, he’s armed.” 
“Is he a hunter?” 
“No. Doesn’t smell right.” 
“Should report to the Alpha.” 
“No, we can handle it ourselves.” 
There follows some growling and shuffles before they settle down again. 
John swallows the lump in his throat. He’s as dangerous as these unseen people, and he’s armed. Breathe John. He tells himself. “Who are you?” His voice rings out loud and clear. He continues to scan the area, looking for something, anything in the dark trees. 
“Oh, it speaks!” A cruel voice responds. 
“Don’t be a dick, Tan.” A scolding one replies. 
“Just having fun. Can’t blame me for that.” The cruel voice speaks. 
“What should we do with him?” A third voice asks. 
“He’s trespassing. He shouldn’t be here.” A fourth voice speaks up, quiet and young. 
“We know.” Comes the chorused reply. 
“Let’s rough him up a bit. Teach him a lesson.” The cruel voice speaks up once more. 
“Tan…” Comes a warning. 
“We won’t hurt him. Just rough him up a bit.” The cruel voice brushes the warning aside. 
John doesn’t have time to react. A large furry figure charges him, blindsiding him and taking him to the ground. Loud snarling growls erupt from all around and more figures emerge. The flashlight is knocked from John’s hand and sent spinning along the ground. John is yanked around in multiple directions. He tries to fight back but is having a hard time of it. The creature is blindingly fast and pulling him this way and that causing disorientation. On instinct, John lashes out with the knife, feeling it sink deep into the creature. The creature roars in pain and throws itself out of John’s reach, taking the knife with it. The rest of the creatures step further back, expanding the circle of space they had created when the first one rushed John, and he is finally able to see what the creatures are. Some look like completely ordinary humans, but others, like the one standing in front of him inspecting the knife sticking out of its arm, do not. Large, with wolf-like features blended with its human genes, it stands on two legs and has thick, shaggy, grey fur that seems unkempt compared to the others around the circle. It looks at John, baring its large, aggressive looking teeth and growling at him, a wild anger in its eyes. 
John rolls over in an attempt to stand but the beast pounces, scratching him across the back and causing John to cry out in pain. The creature flips him over and hauls him up by his shirt. It bares its teeth and growls in John’s face. The reality of the situation hits home and John realizes just how out of his depth he is as he’s lifted off the ground by the creature. 
“Now I am going to kill you!” The words are snarled at him. Low and garbled, causing cold fear to shoot down his spine. 
Clawed hands appear, attempting to pull John and the creature away from each other. The other voices speaking up. 
“Stop this!” 
“Let him go!” 
“That’s enough Tan.” 
“The Alpha will not be pleased.” 
The others manage to get Tan to release John with difficulty, but before they can fully pull him away he lashes out, catching John across the face with his claws. John falls backwards, hands catching him and lowering him down carefully. 
“What’s going on here?” The new voice cuts through the commotion as the others manage to get Tan away from John. One of the creatures kneel over John, gently gripping his chin to turn his head so it can inspect the claw marks. The creature’s features change into an ordinary young man with curly hair. 
“Trespasser.” Tan snarls, pulling the knife from his arm and shaking off the ones holding him. 
“You need to learn self-control, Tanner. Not everyone who wanders into the trees is an enemy.” A familiar voice cuts through the quiet murmurs. 
John’s head feels light and his vision is swimming. The scratches throb painfully and he can feel the warm blood sliding down his face. He tries to move to see who is talking but movement is painful. 
The face above him swims in and out of focus as the young man places a hand on John’s shoulder. “Try not to move.” His voice is soft and concerned. 
Tan- Tanner- snarls at the owner of the familiar voice, hair raising and teeth bared. “He attacked me. And you have no authority over the pack, Witch. You have no say in what we do!” He spits the words at her, speaking her title like a curse. 
“Tanner! You will show Dame Blackwater respect! She is my trusted ally and you will treat her as such.” A dark skinned woman with dark curly hair held back from her face by a braided band steps into John’s field of view. She steps up to Tanner, head high and practically radiating authority. “We are in her territory. Her words might as well be mine and you will treat them as such. Is that understood?” Her tone low, dark, threatening. 
Tanner glares for a moment before looking away, his features changing to his human form. His arm shows no sign of the injury. “Yes, Alpha.” 
The Alpha continues to look at him for a few more moments before turning to someone else. “Where is the trespasser?” 
“He’s over here.” The young man kneeling over John speaks up. He had removed his shirt to press against John’s face in an effort to stop the bleeding. 
The pack parts as the Alpha approaches. As the people step out of the way John is able to see the other speaker. He focuses on her, the woman from before. Her name swims to the front of his mind. Y/N Blackwater. She’s dressed in odd clothes; a long dark, multi-layered skirt with a flowy dark shirt tucked into it, sleeves reaching her elbows. A leather belt with pouches wraps several times around her waist and a pendant with strange symbols rests against her chest. Once again she holds an extinguished lantern at her side. An extinguished lantern? So no light…. but something is lighting up the clearing… John’s mind is starting to wander from shock. His attention is drawn back to the woman as she starts towards him. His eyes are drawn to her right shoulder, to the strange bright red eyes of the reptilian creature that clings to her back. John can see gleaming black claws clutching at her shoulders and a dark armored tail sweeping back and forth behind her. 
Y/N steps up to John and kneels down by the Alpha. She takes the wadded up shirt from the young man, gently pulling it away from John’s face to examine the wounds. “What happened?” Y/N asks quietly. Tanner begins to speak up but she cuts him off. “I don’t want to hear it from you.” She said, tone cold and firm. She glances at the young man who was helping John, her tone growing softer. “I want to hear it from you. Jake isn’t it?” He nods. “Alright Jake. Tell me what happened. The truth please. All of it. I’ll know if you’re lying.” 
The young man glances at Tanner, then at the Alpha. She nods and he swallows. “We were guarding the area like you said. This man entered the area with a flashlight. He didn’t seem like he had a purpose, he was just looking around. We surrounded him. Tanner wanted to rough him up a bit, for fun-” Tanner growls at the young man, taking a step forward threateningly. The Alpha turns, snapping at Tanner. He looks away and she slowly turns back to Jake, gesturing for him to continue. He nods, starting again. “We tried to persuade him not to but he wouldn’t listen. So he started to rough him up, throwing the guy around, pushing him in different directions. And he,” Jake gestures to John, “had a knife on him and stabbed Tanner with it. Tanner got angry and attacked him. We managed to separate him from the human when you and Alpha Tabitha arrived.” The young man finishes with a glance at the Alpha. 
Y/N nods, checking on John’s wounds again. 
Alpha Tabitha turns to Dame Blackwater. “Who is he?” 
“He’s with me.” She answers, beginning to wrap John’s face in the shirt. “I’m sorry Tabitha, but we have to continue this later. I have to deal with this.” 
“I understand.” The Alpha says, rising to her feet. 
“I’ll be in touch.” Y/N says as she slowly helps John to his feet. The dark scaled creature jumps to the ground and stands beside Y/N, red eyes locked on John. 
“Talk soon then. I’ll deal with the pack.” Tabitha says, sending an angry look Tanner’s way. “May the stars guide you, Dame Blackwater.” Tabitha gives her a small smile, giving a traditional Witch farewell blessing. 
Y/N smiles back at Tabitha and gives the Werewolf’s tradition goodbye in return. “May the moon protect you and guide your way until we meet again, Alpha Tabitha.” With a nod she begins to lead John away, supporting him as they walk. Her lantern lights up and she holds it out to the scaled creature. “Lead the way Coal.” The creature snorts and takes the lantern handle between its teeth, leading the way through the trees and fog. A few feet into the trees the air becomes thick and eerily quiet. The only sounds are their footsteps and the faint creaks of the lantern as it swings on its handle. 
John tries to speak but the woman cuts him off. “Say nothing. Just focus on putting one foot in front of the other for now.” John remains silent for the remainder of the walk. 
The silence seems to stretch as they move through the trees, growing thicker with each step. As John watches where he’s placing his feet he realizes they have joined a small path through the trees. John looks up to see a wooden fence standing in front of them. The strange black creature steps up to the fence, crouches, and leaps up onto it, stretching out black batlike wings and flapping them a bit while it gains its balance on top of the fence. It turns its head to watch John, red eyes locking onto his. The gate swings inwards without prompting and John is led through the yard. He turns to look over his shoulder at the gate, watching as it swings shut and latches itself. Because of this he sees the scaled creature leap off the fence to the ground. It goes through a dramatic transformation as it falls. The small wings on its back disappear and long black fur begins to sprout from its scales. The tail becomes thick and fluffy with fur. The creature, now looking like a large, black, long-haired cat shakes itself before trotting smugly passed John and Y/N to the back door. Its eyes are the only thing that remained unchanged, still a startling shade of red. 
The back door opens and John is led through the sunroom, a large cauldron sits off to the side tucked into a corner, and into the dark house. Lights begin to flicker on, revealing a busy, well used kitchen. Vials, bottles, and bins sit on shelves on the walls. Dried plant bundles hang on the walls and from different areas of the ceiling. A bookshelf takes up all of one wall and part of another, filled with strange books and more labeled bottles. It has a warm feel to it, the walls painted a dried sunflower yellow color. The table and chairs are the same dark wood as the cabinets, but none of the seat cushions match. The table is cluttered with items, including a large open book and a notebook and pen left there in the middle of note taking. 
Y/N leads John to a chair and has him sit, catching him as he stumbles over the woven rug under the table. Y/N spins away from him, waving her hand through the air. To John’s amazement the large book marks the open page with a bookmark and closes, floating over to a bookshelf with the notebook. Other items on the table put themselves away and others gather themselves up and arrange themselves in a neat row on the table. A book flies off the shelf and over to Y/N, flipping through its pages to find what she needs. The wood stove springs to life and a burner lights up with a bright, cheery flame. A small black cauldron jumps up from the floor, filling itself with water and setting itself on the stove to boil. 
The strange black cat jumps onto the table and stares at John with its red eyes. John focuses on the cat, entering into a staring contest. As they stare at each other Y/N gathers her hair into a bun and gets to work. 
Ingredients jump off the table as needed and fly to her. Strange smells begin to fill the kitchen as the potion begins to brew. The kitchen begins to warm and John starts to get uncomfortably hot. 
He’s broken out of the staring contest when Y/N steps up to him, taking his chin in her hand and gently removing the shirt from his face. She begins to clean the wounds on his face, being as gentle as she can but he can see the anger in her eyes and her purposely slow movements. 
The little cauldron hops off the stove and onto the table, settling upon an intricate metal stand to keep it from singeing the table. A spoon flings itself from a pitcher filled with other cooking utensils and into the cauldron, causing the contents to splash a bit. Y/N shoots it a glare and it almost seems to sulk. A box of bandages and gauze slides across the table and opening, making it easy to access. A black pouch does the same, unzipping itself and revealing a small set of surgical tools. A drawer opens and a clean cloth floats out, dipping itself under warm water from the sink, wringing itself out and floats over to Y/N. She uses the damp cloth to clean the blood off of John’s face. She then takes some gauze and a spoonful of the stuff from the cauldron, gathering some of the potion onto the gauze. She begins to apply it to John’s wounds, causing him to hiss as it starts to sting. 
“Good. You deserve it.” Y/N says , angrily, voice tightly restrained. John tries to look up at her and she clicks her tongue in annoyance. “Don’t move.” 
John stills and allows her to continue her work. “Sorry.” He mumbles. 
“You should be. You have no idea how dangerous that was. How idiotic. I warned you to stay away. I told you to stay inside. But did you listen? No! And now look at you. Bleeding at my kitchen table with me trying to prevent you from getting lycanthropy. Honestly, Mr. Wick, you’re quite lucky nothing important or time sensitive was happening otherwise you’d be screwed. As it is, I’m going to have to set up another meeting with Tabitha, which is really inconvenient for both of us. I hope your curiosity is satisfied.” A little trashcan slides over and Y/N drops the used gauze in it with some force. The trashcan slides away. She turns to the table and sets up her needle and thread. John just sits there quietly, watching her. She turns back to him with needle and thread in hand, thread so fine he can hardly see it. 
“What is that?” He can help but ask. 
“Spider silk. Now hold still. It should be numb by now so you shouldn’t feel this.” She tilts his face up towards her and begins to stitch him up. They remain quiet as she works. John closes his eyes as she works, unable to feel the needle and thread moving through his skin. 
After some time, Y/N finishes with the stitches and sets the equipment aside. “There. It’s going to scar but it shouldn’t be too bad. As long as you don’t do anything stupid and pop the stitches.” She begins to clean things up, items moving around her and putting themselves away. A cup flies out of a cupboard and sets itself gently on the table by the cauldron. Y/N scoops some of the potion out and into the cup. She then opens the fridge and pulls out a pitcher full of blue liquid, pouring it into the cup and replacing the pitcher. She sets the cup in front of John. “Wait for it to stop stirring then drink it.” 
John looks into the cup, seeing the contents swirling around in a little whirlpool. “What is it?” 
Empty vials have lined up in front of the small cauldron. The cauldron and spoon are carefully filling the vials with the potion. Little labels appear on the vials as they are filled and seal themselves up. Writing appears on the labels, neat swooping letters, and the vials march off to find their place on the shelves. 
“I mixed the draft with Kool-Aid. Should make it taste better. No promises though. Drink it. It should keep the lycanthropy from taking hold.” Y/N says with her back to him. 
John eyes the now still contents of the cup with suspicion but drinks it down. He grimaces at the taste, trying not to cough. 
“Good man. Coal will take you home.” The cat turns to look at Y/N, offended. She ignores this. “If you develop a fever, notice a sudden change in eye color, food habits, strange and sudden shifts in behavior, or develop chills and shakes, come back and see me.” 
The black cat, Coal, hops off the table and heads to the door, looking back at John. 
John stands slowly. “Wait. Are you not going to explain what happened? What’s going on? What you are?” 
Y/N sighs and turns to him. “You were attacked by a werewolf tonight. As a result and because Tanner is not the most strict with his personal hygiene routine, you were most likely exposed to the lycanthropy disease. I’ve treated you the best I can to prevent it from taking hold in your system.” She gestures around herself. “I am a witch.” She points at him. “You are an idiot.” She turns back to the counter, her back to him once more. “Good night, Mr. Wick. Stay out of the woods.” He’s clearly been dismissed. 
Coal comes around and presses himself against John’s legs, directing him to the door. John reluctantly follows the cat, still confused and head spinning trying to process everything. 
With her back to him Y/N misses tears and dried blood on the back on John’s shirt. 
John follows the strange cat out the back gate and to the road. It takes a few minutes for them to approach John’s house. John stops and looks over his shoulder “She’s my neighbor? I thought I was the last one on this road.” 
“That’s the point.” A scratchy voice says in front of him. 
“What?” John whips his head around, looking for someone. All he sees is the strange not-cat with red eyes sitting in front of him, tail flicking. “...who?” 
“Me.” The cat’s tail flicks again. “It’s just the two of us out here. Who else would it be?” 
John’s eyes go wide and he takes a step back in shock. “But-” 
The cat shakes himself. “By the stars, you’ve seen werewolves, doors opening and lights turning on by themselves, and all sorts of stuff moving, flying, and floating around you tonight but me talking is what gets you? Humans are strange.” His ears flick and he stares at John. “Guess it could just be the shock wearing off.” His head tilts. 
John raises a hand to his forehead. He can feel the tiny stitches under his fingertips. “But you’re a cat.” 
The ‘cat’s’ ears lay back and its tail flicks in irritation. “I am not a cat! I am a dragon! Drag-on! I just look like a cat. Y/N put a disguise charm on me.” He turns his head away, nose in the air. “And of course I talk. I’m a familiar. And my name is Ciolalmelfr.” He glances at John and looks away. “But Y/N calls me Coal to avoid attention. You can call me that too, I suppose. It is easier for the untrained to say anyways.” 
John pinches the bridge of his nose. “Okay… Coal. What do you mean by that’s the point?” 
Coal flicks his tail and looks back at John. “People aren’t supposed to know Y/N lives here. Her house and the area are warded. Anyone who isn’t supposed to know or doesn’t need to know she lives there simply don’t know the house is there. It’s a safety feature. A lot of witches do similar things. Y/N’s set up is one of the most intricate I’ve encountered, but that’s to be expected. She is a Master Dame after all.” Coal answers, puffing himself up a bit as he brags. “It’s not surprising that you didn’t know.” 
John rubs the back of his neck, his head beginning to hurt and his lower back ache. “Alright.” He starts towards his house again. Coal follows to where John’s front lawn starts and then stops, sitting on the road and watching John. John continues for a few more steps before glancing back. He stops and turns to Coal. “Problem?” 
Coal’s tail swishes back and forth. “You have a dog. A big one. I don’t have a death wish. I’ll stay here until you get inside, thank you.” 
John shakes his head again and crosses his lawn, climbing the steps to the front door. He grabs the hidden key and unlocks the door. He gives Coal a wave before stepping inside, shutting the door behind him. He glances out the window and sees Coal still sitting in the same place. Dog comes bounding around the corner, excitedly greeting John. John greats the dog, patting him on the side and scratching him behind the ears. When John looks out the window again Coal is gone. John shakes his head. What a weird night. He reaches out and locks the door. 
Tag list: @pinkzsugar​
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Hello Chickadees!
So, life sucks. I'm still waiting on my laptop to be fixed and sent back to me. However, I now have a desktop I can use! So, I should be more active soon. Just wanted to give you all an update.
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Another Writing Update
Sorry everyone. The next part of Accidental Familiar is done, I promise. I was typing it up and my computer cashed. So I've been dealing with computer problems for the past two weeks. Should be fixed soon. I'm hoping to have it up next week or the week after.
I've got 3 exams this week and one next week which is why it won't be up sooner. But its on it's way! Promise!
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