justryingtosurvive · 6 years
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justryingtosurvive · 6 years
“She’s never where she is. She’s only inside her head.”
— Janet Fitch, White Oleander (via thoughtkick)
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justryingtosurvive · 6 years
“Life went on without you. Of course, it did. Of course, it does. It was just an ending, not the end.”
— Lang Leav
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justryingtosurvive · 7 years
“Wait for someone who tells strangers about you.”
— S.Z. // Vodka thoughts #1 (via blossomfully)
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justryingtosurvive · 7 years
I fell in love with your chaos because it matched with my own.
Isaac A (via wnq-writers)
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justryingtosurvive · 7 years
Isn’t it fucking terrifying that no matter how many promises they made, no matter how long you’ve been together, someone can get up and walk out of your life without a second thought and you have to carry on living because the world doesn’t stop for any of us
Unknown (via help-n-quotes)
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justryingtosurvive · 7 years
If I’ve learned one lesson from all that’s happened to me, it’s that there’s no such thing as the biggest mistake of your existence. There’s no such thing as ruining your life. Life’s a pretty resilient thing, it turns out.
Sophie Kinsella (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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justryingtosurvive · 7 years
You have a touch of grace and damnation and beauty that the world should try to preserve.
Charles Bukowski, from a letter to Douglas Blazek written c. April 1965 (via violentwavesofemotion)
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justryingtosurvive · 7 years
Do you know what really turns me on? What I find incredibly sexy? Kindness.
Michael Faudet  (via discolor3d)
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justryingtosurvive · 7 years
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justryingtosurvive · 7 years
Your silence was the loudest sound.
six word story // queen-c910 (via just-six)
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justryingtosurvive · 7 years
We belonged to different fairytale endings.
six word story // thelostsoul27 (via just-six)
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justryingtosurvive · 7 years
You made my shy heart sing.
six word story // R. Jacob (via just-six)
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justryingtosurvive · 7 years
It was unfair. He asked me what he should do, I replied with saying he should probably leave. “If that’s what you want” he said to me. And for a small moment I paused, how incredibly unfair of him to pretend that it was my decision. How cruel of him to pretend that I had a choice.
Excerpt of a book I’ll never write (via 500lettersforyou)
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justryingtosurvive · 7 years
It’s been almost a year and a half. I feel like im masking who i am for him. Am I that girl who changes who they are for a guy? I dont want to be
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justryingtosurvive · 7 years
“When should you let go?” She asked, with her chin rested on her palm. “When the ‘I love yous’ stop sounding like ‘I love you’,” I answered, “When they begin to sound very much like, ‘I’m sorry’.”
Lukas W. // Forgotten Words #163 // I love you but I’m sorry (via somepiecesofmyheartandsoul)
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justryingtosurvive · 7 years
10 pieces of advice to give yourself at the age of 20
At the age of 11, you learned that perfection does not always mean a flat tummy and a thigh gap. Go on and eat that second piece of cookie that you crave so much.
At the age of 12, you learned that just because you call her “mom” and him as “dad,” it doesn’t mean they inherently know how to be that. Also, suicide poison is not the cure for everything, it’s not a cure at all.
At the age of 13, you learned the difference between giving up and taking a rest. You might have given it your all but not make it. Remember to disregard everything that comes after but.
At the age of 14, you learned that standing up for everyone else does not mean that all of them will stand up for you when you need someone. Not one of them would be the first one to defend you, that spot is reserved for your name.
At the age of 15, you learned that people rarely mean what they say even if as a writer, you deem each and every word important. Learn to know the voices that speak sincerity and the voices that are just trying to get into your pants.
At the age of 16, you learned that letting go of people that only brings toxicity in your life is never a crime. Thinking about your own peace of mind does not make you selfish. Neither does placing yourself above that last number on your priority list.
At the age of 17, you learned that giving yourself to everyone willing could only lead to one thing: your own’s deterioration. Dear, you are more precious than someone who can’t even look into your eyes in the morning.
At the age of 18, you learned that loving and accepting yourself are two different things. Placing yourself in situations you are well aware of your self distraction is never loving yourself.
At the age of 19, you learned that lovers are not the only ones that can break your heart. People stay and go for a reason. Remember to treasure the rightful ones that life allowed to stay.
You’re 20 now and life has never been what you expected and planned it to be and that’s possibly the greatest thing that can happen into your life. You’re a writer but life writes with you, know when to let it leave significant marks and know when your own pen should be the one doing so.
written by bleakfantasies,  writing prompt #62: list 10 pieces of advice you’d give yourself
(via wnq-writers)
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