justsnippets · 3 days
Moved with Compassion
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justsnippets · 14 days
Remembering Them
Who were the people who influenced your life most? My answer would always be Daddy and Mommy. Mommy was firm in her perseverance in sending us all to good schools. She did not mind if people looked down on her because she had no house. She would smile beautifully and say, “Sagdi lang.” I could count at least four dresses she had when she would go to the stage to don our medals – cream, red,…
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justsnippets · 4 months
What does freedom mean to you? Freedom is when I can do the things I love to do without hurting or prejudicing anyone in the process. That is freedom.
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justsnippets · 5 months
Be on the Same Page
When in a meeting, we ensure everyone is on the same page. This starts with the definition of terms. We do not presume that we understand. It is always appropriate to explain the essence of words used in the agenda, the topic, the issues, and the solutions sought. Otherwise, those in the meeting are confused, or they may pretend to understand. When the latter happens, these people will start…
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justsnippets · 5 months
A Hopeful Prayer
Dear Abba Father, I know I do not deserve your mercy. I am even a shame to you. I am a wretched sinner. Yet, my heart feels your love for me. It is this hope that gives me the courage to come before you. Covered with mud and dirt because of my sins, I present myself before you. I trust in your word. You said you are the God of all your creations. You have no favorites. You hear those who, with…
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justsnippets · 5 months
When we do not feel like doing something, we find all the reasons. They pop up and present themselves as valid statements. Unfortunately, some are temptations to veer us away from worthwhile acts. How can we avoid making the mistake of being unresponsive? The mind would always align with the reason that we believe to be correct. There is this voice inside us that reminds us to do what is right…
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justsnippets · 5 months
Be assertive
We dream. We plan. We pray. We make our dream come true by making a workable plan that would take us there. But before anything, we pray that the Hand of God will guide us and that our plan be according to His will. We start embarking on our journey to execute our plan towards our dream. Along the way, though, we encounter difficulties, challenges, distractions, disturbances, conflicts, or…
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justsnippets · 5 months
Nuh nice
Sometimes, we expect more than what is planned by others. When that happens, we feel sad, unhappy with the outcome, or even short-changed. Then we say, “Nuh nice.” To manage my emotions, I learn to manage my expectations from plans that I do not have control over. That way, if the outcome is not as I expected, then I do not get disappointed or sad. But on plans that I have a hand in doing, I at…
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justsnippets · 5 months
Overcoming Trials.1
I always remind myself that Jesus loves me. That tenet keeps me going even through my most difficult times. You may wonder what difficult times I have overcome. My life is not extraordinary. Yet, I still believe that I must share my story because it is the only thing I can offer to Jesus, whose love for me is beyond my failures, obstacles, shortcomings, sinfulness, and defeats. Jesus wins. I was…
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justsnippets · 6 months
Single Parenting
I am a Filipino. I was born and raised on a small island in the southern Philippines, Camiguin. There, I grew up knowing that family values are essential and will be one’s anchor through trials and tribulations in one’s life journey. I have a degree in Psychology and am a lawyer by profession. I worked for manufacturing companies. While there, I learned the basics of cultivating, nourishing, and…
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justsnippets · 6 months
A Heart with Jesus
On Easter Sunday, the priest’s sermon was focused on Mary of Magdala’s role in witnessing Jesus’ resurrection. We remember Mary of Magdala as a woman covered with sins but who overcame sinfulness by pouring her love on Jesus. During Jesus’ passion, she never left Him. She was at the crucifixion until the time when the body of Jesus was laid in the tomb by Joseph of Arimathea. After the Sabbath,…
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justsnippets · 6 months
Jesus said, “Mary.” She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, “Rabboni!” (which means “Teacher”). Jesus said, “Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'” John 20:16-17. Sometimes, we are so deep in grief, sorrow, sadness, or confusion that we tend not to…
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justsnippets · 6 months
Thirty Pieces of Silver
We are so blessed that all these things about God, the Holy Spirit of God, and Jesus are written in the Holy Bible. In those days, the Bible was yet to be written. The scrolls were there. People obeyed the tenets and laws of their religion. But when Jesus came, Jesus invited them to observe, listen, and learn. The Word of God, Jesus, was with them. Some failed to see Jesus, so they missed…
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justsnippets · 6 months
The Cherry Blossom Festival
Guess what! I answered the brief test, made an oath, and earned the badge for the Cherry Blossom Festival. I was surprised because I always thought cherry blossoms would only be a part of my “K-drama” interests. But I was there at the Cherry Blossom Festival, and it was an incredible sight. All those cherry blossoms in white, pink, and yellow! They radiate serenity and peace. It seemed like…
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justsnippets · 6 months
Giving Away for Love
Goodness continues to grow. People keep coming back for more miracles from Goodness. They do not only need healing and help; they just want to follow Goodness around. Goodness radiated the Light. Goodness is the Light, and the Light is Jesus. In John 12:1-11, we hear the story of Mary’s anointing of Jesus at Bethany six days before the Passover. Mary was the sister of Lazarus and Martha. They…
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justsnippets · 6 months
The Colt, the Cloak, the Palm
“Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the coming kingdom of our Father, David! Hosanna in the highest heaven!” Mark 11:9-10 The story of Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem shows us three elements —the colt, the cloak, and the palm—that have significance in the story Jesus wanted to impart to us. Jesus tried to teach us the meaning of his entry into our lives as our…
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justsnippets · 6 months
Judas and Pilate
“Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.” Proverbs 13:20 The Bible story of Jesus’s passion, which started when He was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane and eventually died on the cross, highlights several key players: the Roman Official and Authority, Judas Iscariot, Pontius Pilate, the People, and Jesus.  The authority and the officials became restless.…
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