justsomekfic · 5 years
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A princes touch
Adult rating
Love Lust
Many kpop bias! This is for all kpopper a :). So imagine who ever you would like:)!
Over by: www.instagram.com/my.euphoria.picture
Chapter one
The theif
“She put it in her pocket! She’s a thief” the large angry man said as he held your wrist tightly waving your arm around. It was painful! So painful you couldn’t help but cry. “She took it from my stall I caught her red handed” he shouted again. Your eyes were streaming your wrist was hurting. “I didn’t” Is all you could get out though the tears. “Liar” the man shouted before he throw you to the floor. Straight into a puddle. “She should be put away! She’s a dirty thief” he shouted. Then spat down at you just missing your cheek. “What’s going on here” came a voice above you. “Your majesty this... dirty peasant tried to steal from my stall” the angry man said. You closed your eyes unable to look up. What was going to happen?
Suddenly you felt a hand on your shoulder as you lay on the floor in fear. “Are you okay?” You heard. You open your eyes to see him. The most handsome man you have ever seen looking at you. You nod. “Please don’t lie your clearly not okay” he said. “Let me help you” he said as he takes your hand. “Your majesty! She’s a thief” the angry man shouted. “She is still a lady” the prince said. You gaze at him captured in his beauty as he helps you to your feet. You can feel him look at you.. at your dirty tatty clothes. You start to feel embarrassed. He then grabs your wrist. “Did he hurt you?” He asked. You go to nod but instead you shake your head. He looks angry. He stares at you. “Your majesty” the angry man says. “Do you have proof she stole something?” The prince said still starring at you . “Yes it was in her pocket” the man said. “Did anyone else see” the prince said. Moving his eyes finally off you and around at the people watching. The people around didn’t respond. “Come.. lets get you cleaned up” the prince says as he takes your hand and leads you to his horse. Your confused to what’s going on? “Please” he says whilst gesturing you on to his horse. You look at the horse and the prince puts his hands on your waist. Your bloody jerks with his touch. He lets go and then puts them back on your waist lifting you onto his beautiful white horse. You have never been on a horse before and felt scared. This was all so over whelming. Where is he taking you? You look down at him as he looked up at you. He smiles at you. Gosh he is so handsome. His dark hair flopped onto his face that he brushes off with one finger. He gets ready to get onto the horse when the angry man speaks. “Your majesty what’s going on? Are you taking the dirty thief to the castles dungeon?” The man asked. The prince looks at you then turns to the man. “My dear man” he said going over and putting his hand on the angry mans shoulder causing the town people to look puzzled. “I will pay for the item she attempted to steal” the prince said. This took you by surprise. What? He will pay? “Your majesty” the angry man said shaking his head and waving his arm. “It’s fine” he said. “No dear stall owner. I want to. What was she stealing?” The prince asked with a bright smile. “Erm” the angry man handed him a loaf of bread.. The prince looked at him and put his hand in his pocket getting out coins. He handed them to the angry man and took the bread. He turned and looked at you on the horse. He beamed you a large smile. Then came forward climbing into the horse. He got on in front of you. The town people watched unsure how to take the situation. “Put your arms around me I don’t want you falling off” the prince said softly. You quickly put your arms around his waist. The horse started moving and going fast. You closed your eyes and gripped your arms around him squeezing him as hard as your frail arms could muster. You bed your head into his back putting your dirt covered wet face on the back of his black cape. “Please don’t be scared” the prince said as the horse slowed down. “You have nothing to be scared about” he says as the horse stops.
More coming soon!
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