jvehvuns · 6 years
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“Shall I tell you what I did before I read your statement? I waited for you. Like a fool. Like a lunatic. Without any pride. I hate myself for waiting for you. You deceived me again. I hate myself for anticipating and worrying why you didn’t show up, how silly must you think I am?” Kim Min Kyu to Jo Ji Ah.
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jvehvuns · 6 years
@doveshiim !
WHEN HE SWANG OPEN THE DOOR HE DIDN’T EXPECT to see the dove at all. the sudden visit surprised him, why was she here? was she okay? did something happen to her during the long time they haven’t spoken? “ h-hey..  ” he blurted out, still standing shocked as ever.  if you don’t mind me asking, why are you here ? i have some pretty important things to work on so whatever this is...couldn’t you wait ??  ”
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jvehvuns · 6 years
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*˚ ♡ â€ș “am i that obvious ?” she asked, her eyes shifting away with an embarrassed smile. yeeun wasn’t good at playing games. she was practically an open book with every of her emotion written on its pages. and even if it bothered her that she was so easy to figure out, that she wasn’t one of these painfully twisted but at least interesting people, she hoped that jaehyun believed her. that every word leaving her lips, was nothing but the truth. “ but how dare you,  i wasn’t playing the innocent card.” she said, feigning ignorance, a sweet smile playing on her lips. no, yeeun rarely ‘played’ any card, but perhaps this time she made a little use of it. not that she did it intentionally, but truth to be told there was still hesitation in her actions, perhaps even shyness. unable to pull away, yeeun lost herself in his kisses. deep, drugging and slow. the softness swept every thought from her head. one hand reached for his  warm to the touch, her finger running across his palm. her arm wrapped around his neck to hold him even closer, she was melting against him as his warm lips moved over hers. as he stopped she caught her breath. their forehead resting against each other, yeeun stole another sweet kiss, then lifting her hand, running it down his face, her eyes taking in every of his mesmerizing features, memorizing each detail.  “ but  i was curious about what you were saying.”she admitted, her hand slipping from his face. “ i mean if you might have doubts about
 this. i’m fine. you don’t need to consider my feelings. ” she whispered, burying her head under his chin. 
yeeun laughed, despite of her cheeks hurting from him squeezing them, she wanted to reach out for his cheeks as well, but he already intertwined his fingers into hers and considering their notable height difference it was far more difficult for her. “ i don’t want you to think of me as only adorable though.” she muttered, as she turned away. “ because i wanted to know when we can see each other again. i mean perhaps you’ll suddenly change your mind so at least i will have this one date.” she tried to sound casual, as if it didn’t bother her. she knew that it would take her some time to get over her insecurities but she would start now to work on it. she didn’t want to become one of these people who suddenly became too possessive only due to their own insecurities. “ but  you haven’t asked first so it makes me the gentleman and don’t worry you’ll have several other opportunities to show that you’re capable of loving me.” she said, patting his hand in a reassuring manner. “ if you say so
” she said in defeat, doubt still written all over her face. she wanted to believe him, but this time even yeeun couldn’t gather some optimism. thinking about it made her unbelievably tired. her features were slowly wilting. all she wished was just to hide under some blanket and forget about everything she knew about what her family had done or might do to him. “ then why don’t they just hurt your father. why you” the frustration towards her own father, caused these words to slip out her mouth. “ why does ever child has to be punished for their parents actions, it’s not like they can choose their parents.” she didn’t know since when she’d become this way, perhaps she’d really changed since her father’s death. slowly realizing what she had said, she quickly apologized. “ i’m sorry i didn’t mean to say that.” she mumbled, she didn’t want jaehyun to think of her as a bad person. “ i think i’m just tired.” 
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“just a little bit..” he trailed off still admiring her beauty and her presence that unfolds next to him. he lips formed a smirk before laughing to himself silently. maybe with yeeun he could finally be his old self again. maybe with yeeun he could finally change his ways into something good and pure. no matter how much yeeun protested that jaehyun wasn’t a complete asshole or jerk people like to think of him as... he begs to differ. although, she says that now..she has yet to figure out what was the true jaehyun inside. a side that he hopes she would never have to see or figure out but no one can tell the future right? who knows what’s going to happen with them at some point later on? who knows what’s going to happen with yeeun at some point later on because of jaehyun? “why would i ever have doubts when it comes to you, yeeun? don’t ever say stuff like that again, it would just break my heart. i want to be with you. i need you, yeeun. more than you think i do.” some might say it would a bit stranger considering the fact that jaehyun didn’t bother to notice yeeun until now. but yet, his feelings for her made him realize something. his feelings for yeeun was buried deep deep down and they didn’t come up until she was the one who confessed... maybe, his old self was buried deep down and wouldn’t come out until something triggers it. maybe that something was yeeun. 
“yeeun..” he said her name, but she continued speaking and his eyebrows pulled together. what the hell was this? was something inside her head? did someone compel her? That would be absurd but now jaehyun was even more concerned than he had been before. “i won’t change my mind yeeun. i’ll go on a bunch of dates with you, i’ll even go to paris with you if you wish.” he told her honestly, but now he needed to know what was going on. “What is going on? are you okay? what is trying to make you believe this?” he asked softly, clearly concerned for her well being above all else.  jaehyun was starting to get worried, was it his past actions that made her believe that she wasn’t worth it to be with him? was it someone else? But, not wanting to push her to much he stood still and reached for her other hand.”i -- i don’t know why. maybe it’s because they know that if they hurt the company it would hurt him as well. he doesn’t care about me, the only thing he ever cares about is money and the number of wives he could get in a day.” jaehyun didn’t take her words to heart, it was quite true. a lot of people he knew had such a dark past, mostly everyone he knew did. some are even growing up to be just like their parents, it was a scary thing no one really had power over.” it’s okay, yeeun. it’s okay. why don’t we go back to my office? i have a very comfy bed there and everything. we can also get you out of those clothes, if you would like. so how does that sound? don’t worry, i won’t see a thing.”
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jvehvuns · 6 years
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maybe sooner or later he would regret his words but he shouldn’t be thinking about that now. he did find someone, someone who could end up shaping his heart into pure gold like once before. although he doesn’t show it,  but he does feel bad for his actions and cruel words towards hwayoung. “ good. good..  ” he shuffled awkwardly in his position before clearing the big lump in his throat. he knows he did wrong. he knows that he wronged her in every way and yet he continued on doing so. he would have been lying if he had said that he never for once felt anything for her. of course, he did. but now he was with yeeun, and his relationship with hwayoung was in the past. they never dated, but from afar it would seem like they did. 
“  how many times do i have to say i’m sorry ? are you still bitter about that  ? i’m sorry that i broke you’re heart, i’m sorry that i did such an awful thing but get over it. don’t make it seem like i’m the only person in the world for you. you’re gonna get your heart broken more than twice so i suggest you get over it before it eats you up.  “ in all honesty, jaehyun shouldn’t be the one talking about getting over relationships. especially those in his mind that was supposed to last forever. 
“  that’s not true. you don’t know me. you don’t know ANYTHING about me ! ” his voice was loud and his tone was full of anger that was running through his whole body by now. “  i’ll be dead before i let someone choose for me. you of all of the people should know that. i take the blame for everything my family as done. those scandals you hear on tv and in the papers have an effect on my company and my name.  you don’t know me, hwayoung. no matter how much you think you do, you don’t.  “  he could see the tears that fall on her face so clearly that his face soon softens up once he realizes what he has done. was he really this evil? 
“oh, please. don’t give me that talk. you were an option, or at least, not anymore. you’re just an acquaintance now. i actually did liked you but did you ever like me back? do you think im that type of guy to just moan around and create a whole fuss because one girl doesn’t like me back? i have millions of other people waiting for me, so don’t think you were the only one.  what kind of fool do you take me for? yes i may have been blind to that but still. did you ever think what you’re putting yourself through with me?” jaehyun always had a warning sign printed on him, everyone who dared to come across his path always had some sort of consequence in the end.  he was someone who no one should indulge themselves with.
“ then you should focus on yourself. stop trying to be someone who just puts their heart out there. it how you get her, it’s how you’re broken hearted right now. i’m an asshole, hwayoung. i’m a punk. i’m a jerk. is it fun to always be with the bad guys? is it fun to get your heart broken like this? you should have stopped caring about me when you had the chance. the only person i ever cared about, besides my family, ended up almost killing me in a car crash. see where that gets you? stop caring about people, hwayoung and focus on yourself. no matter how cruel you end up being, you are more important than anyone else.” he takes her hand off his cheek, slowy yet he was doing it by force. “goodbye, hwayoung. maybe in my next life i won’t be like this but until then, goodbye.”
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jvehvuns · 6 years
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jvehvuns · 6 years
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Bless whoever took these
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jvehvuns · 6 years
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trust was a scary thing for jaehyun. no one ever dared to trust him after all the scandals his dad been through, most of them including him. no one has ever dared to even let the word trust to be associated with a person like him. he knew that even if she allowed herself to trust him, one way or another her heart was going to get broken. but he didn’t have that negative mindset in his head, or at least not right now. “oh i’m pretty sure you heard what i said but are you really playing the innocent card yeeun? such a naughty thing to do.” his voice was rather soft but his tone was anything but that. he soon finds his lips moving against her own, delicately and gently, letting himself drag out the moment they were sharing. His hand resting against her cheek as they moved to tangle themselves in her hair. his kisses were slow and soft and it was a language they both were learning together. He stops kissing her for a brief moment and he rests his forehead against hers.
he was shocked at her sudden response but not so surprised about her answer. jaehyun had never seen yeeun’s eyes glow with such a strong emotion before and it made a small smile tug at the corners of his lips.”god, you’re so adorable. how can someone be--” his frustration made another large grin appear across his face, squeezing her cheeks with both of his hands before interwinding them. “why did you even ask? of course i’ll go on a date with you, yeeum. but - isn’t that my job? as a gentleman? don’t i gotta show my girl that i am capable of loving her or..?” of course with the humor in his tone, it was easily noticeable that he was just joking with the other. “you’re not useless. i’m tellin’ you...everything is going to be okay. me and you are okay.” he reassures yeeun, before keeping his gaze at bay. it hurts him to know that she lets her think of herself that way. before he could protest again,  he sighs as he holds onto her hand tightly than before.”it always has something to do with my father and being the ceo of the company, it has an affect on me too.”
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jvehvuns · 6 years
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why was he like this?  why was he like this to hwayoung? she was right and he knew it too. each word that slips out of her mouth was ripping his heart into small tiny pieces. even if he knew she was right, still hearing those words and the truth shattered him. he never really liked telling the truth, he never really liked anyone telling him the truth. he wanted to take back the words that he said to her but he knew that it was all too late now. if only there was some sort of time machine then yeah, he would change some things. in fact, he would change a lot of things especially like his relationship with hwayoung where he doesn’t treat her like complete shit. he knew that he can’t giver her much of anything, he knew that a bunch of flowers and treats won’t do..especially in a situation like this. he needed to do something more to gain her trust back, but what was the point of it? he knows that once he finally gets her to forgive him, he would just break her heart all over again. he was good at that, the best actually. 
“i think it’s best that we should just end things here -- or whatever we had.” his voice was low, her words easily shuts him off as his gaze lays across the room not bothering to make eye contact with her. “i am going to stop. i’m going to stop right now. i found someone, hwayoung..and i don’t think it’s right to keep going with you while i’m with that person.so yeah, let’s just end things here. it will make the both of us feel better, don’t you think?” he knows he shouldn’t be bitter about the whole situation when it was clearly his fault that she was lashing out on him like this. before he could grab his stuff and leave, he pauses. what did she just say? “you care about me? you cared about me?” he scoffs as if he would actually believed that. “you should have just said that before... you know, to save me from the embarrassment prehaps? it’s actually kind of hard to believe if you ask me but you didn’t so i’ll just keep silent.” 
“i dont need you anymore hwayoung. i’m going to stop chasing you, and messing up with your dates if that makes you fucking happy. you were a good friend and all but maybe we should end that too since in your opinion, that’s what it all really was. “ he wipes the feeling of her lips on his cheek before came a pair of rolling eyes.”Good. just promise me one thing, yeah? don’t you dare text me or come knocking on my dooe at 3AM telling me that you didn’t mean any of your words and you just want to be friends again. don’t you dare have any contact with me, okay? i have to move on with my life and so do you. it was better when we didn’t know each other.”
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jvehvuns · 6 years
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jvehvuns · 6 years
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“It must have been tough, waiting for me. I’m sorry to have let you deal with it all by yourself. Su Hyeon, I love you. I’m sorry I’ve been mean to you. I’m sorry for ignoring your feelings towards me. I won’t do that in my next life, I promise. In my next life, I will be the first to recognize you. I will come back. No matter what, I will come back to you.”
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jvehvuns · 6 years
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You might not remember but for me- 
 I remember. I clearly remember, but I never made fun of you. It wasn’t your face but your feet. Your feet were funny. I’ve never seen anyone else dance like that. That’s why I asked at orientation. It seemed like you. In middle school I remember only laughing once. It was because of you. 
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jvehvuns · 6 years
distraction huh? he sure as hell had a lot of damn distractions during the start of his work and even after high school too. he was sleeping with random people at any chance he could get just to remind him that he still had a life that doesn’t just involve his father’s work. as he thinks of this, he couldn’t help but also think that he was doing this in front of yeeun, who had feelings for him all along. he really was a bad guy for being so blind, and was a really bad guy in genreal. no matter what anyone says, he will still remain as the heartless asshole with money and such pride.”i’m with you, yeeun. i would stand by your side no matter what anyone thinks. if i’m your friends or not... i will stick by your side. ” as he says those words, he didn’t for once care how much pressure was on him. the tight hand holding wasn’t bothering him like it usually does, it was all because his focus was only on her. and only her. ‘ you will one day,’ he mumbled silently to himself. ’they always do.’ it was a known fact that jaehyun was never good at relationships. they always get hurt at the end, and there was no use to put everything he has in one that would never ever please him like he wants to feel. maybe with yeeun, his whole life will change. maybe.
“you’ll get used to it as long as you’re with me. but only if you would let me..so will you?”  he was known for his seductive ways in getting at both men and women from time to time but only with their permission.  if they ever end up getting together he wouldn’t agree to not contain himself when he’s with her as that was surely impossible.”is there another definition for that word? but yes. boyfriend as in..boyfriend.” he couldn’t help but let out a small laugh escape his lips. he wrapped his arms around her small shoulders, and his gaze still on her. “you don’t need to figure anything out. i have it all under control. i dont think anything will happen to me anytime soon. if anything, you’ll be the second one to know. the first is connor, if you were wondering but anyways -- i don’t need a bodyguard, yeeun. nothing bad is ever going to happen, okay? you trust me right? don’t deny it -- you just said you did ! ”
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jvehvuns · 6 years
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i shed tears out of fear
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jvehvuns · 6 years
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“you look like the kind of person that probably has an infection in their mouth so, maybe no?” jaehyun was not the type of guy to go buy his date some sweets from a local sweet shop usually he would sent out his assistant to do so but considering they had some important plans today..his visit will just do. “what do you think a tall girl, who wears pink skirts and just has horrible taste with fashion would like from here?? asking for a friend.”
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although often priding himself on his perfect teeth, mj was practically obsessed with sweets. he had a serious sweet tooth, which was one of the many things wrong with his health, but probably not the most detrimental to it. he had paid his daily visit to the sweet shop, a lollypop in his hand as he lounged on the grass outside, enjoying the warm weather. mj sat for a while, licking at the lolly, deep in thought, until his eyes met someone else’s. “what’s the matter?” he asked with a smirk before glancing down at the sweet. “you want a lick?” he offered flirtatiously.
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jvehvuns · 6 years
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“because that’s not true. i like other women too, you know. you’re not the only one.” he didn’t mean to cause any harms in his words, he had no intention to. yet here he was, breaking her heart for every single second that has passed. sometimes words just flew out of jaehyun’s mouth, mostly cruel ones. “and you’re point is? i don’t have to work hard for anything, expect for my company. if i wanted to go to fucking harvard i could right now. you and i aren’t so different from each other, no matter how in denial you could be about it.” he shrugs his shoulders wanting to end this conversation and move on to the next topic already.
“do you not know me, hwayoung? i do that to just about everyone. don’t think to highly about yourself either. “ jaehyun wasn’t sure if he was lying or not. he was telling the truth about sabotaging dates and getting into bed with people considering the jealousy within him can’t be tamed. but then again, something like that with hwayoung was much more serious nothing like words could even explain it. “why are you acting as if we were dating? don’t worry i won’t send you flowers. i know you’ll come to me when your drunk like you always do. i’ll leave my door open for you, how does that sound??”
“i’ll walk you home. it’s the least i can do after our conversation today. plus, a girl like you should not be walking home alone at this hour. who knows what kind of person is leaking around in the shadows.” he grabs his stuff, fixing his tie before he stands up ready to leave with her. he knew she wouldn’t want to spend her last minute of the night before going home with him, walking with him back to her place but it was the least he could do considering his was acting like a total dick with his choice of words and actions.”you know i’m not good at these types of questions. so let’s just leave it to the alcohol okay?
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jvehvuns · 6 years
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wow they invented love
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jvehvuns · 6 years
“Well, I tired.” he had never met a girl before playing so hard to get before. this was like a new language for him, and in the end he would still not even understand a second of it. He separated himself from her, coming back to a standing position and with a sigh he sat back down his seat. “You know, you’re a pretty fantastic women but I’m getting tired of this whole ‘playing hard to get’ thing so I give up. come to me when you want to be with me, okay?” Jaehyun was never the type of person to just give up, it just wasn’t in his nature. And no, he hasn’t entirely given up on seducing hwayoung but maybe it was time to take a break from trying too hard. He reached for his cup of coffee and before he could take a sip, his eyes were gazing upon hwayoung eyeing her suspiciously. “A man, huh? Please. No one can fuck you like I can. No one can make you cum in just seconds like I can. But of course you know that right?” A loud yet clear ding came from his phone. Once he realized what it was, a text message from his assistant urging him to come to the meeting he was arranged with.”I dont think I’ll be free on Friday. Work, as always. But maybe next Friday? How’s that?”
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