ascii-70-85 · 8 years
Technology is not, and never will be a culture of meaning. It is merely a tool that we use.
Computing Forever from youtube  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BpXEB4OiIQ#t=52s (post 05-16-16)
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ascii-70-85 · 8 years
Those who are eager to solve your problems, are often eager to have them 'solved'.
70 85 … with and an apparent but unfortunate/unintentional influence of Mystery Men’s ‘The Sphinx’ People are eager to get ‘a solution’ not necessarily a ‘right’, useful, or appropriate solution.  (post 05-09-16)
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ascii-70-85 · 8 years
Political correctness is a way of getting you infected with guilt so you don't ask 'What's in it for me?'
Stefan Molyneux https://youtu.be/rCQXTmnKKFg#t=16m45s (post 05-02-16)
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ascii-70-85 · 8 years
Sadism is extraordinarily profitable, and the most profitable sadism is that directed against children.
Stefan Molyneux
https://youtu.be/6-if-7xz1AY#t=4m48s (post 04-25-16)
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ascii-70-85 · 8 years
Civilization is fundamentally predicated on valuing reality, reason, and evidence above all else.
Stefan Molyneux https://youtu.be/Lc3qOuzT-XY#t=1h2m17s (post 04-18-16) 
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ascii-70-85 · 8 years
Delusions are the manure from which the flower of exploitation tends to grow.
Stefan Molyneux  To prey upon people, you must first force-feed them delusions when they’re children To reap the reward of them giving you tithes you must force-feed them with the delusion of religiosity when they’re children… To profit from people’s sense that they owe the state taxes, you must fill them with statist propaganda when they're children so that they feel like they’re paying their ‘fair share’ or whatever it is. https://youtu.be/Lc3qOuzT-XY#t=50m28s (post 04-11-16)
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ascii-70-85 · 8 years
A simple answer that is clear and precise will always have more power in the world, than a complex one that is true.
Nolan Bushnell from 'Atari: Game Over' (2014) (post 04-04-16)
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ascii-70-85 · 8 years
We can no longer trust in the unseen forces, and the invisible hand of the market
Pope Francis https://youtu.be/m5eQxBbJmGg#t=12m9s https://www.google.com/#q=%22Pope+Francis%22+%22We+can+no+longer+trust+in+the+unseen+forces%2C+and+the+invisible+hand+of+the+market%22 Indeed can be a dangerous thing to trust unseen forces without evidence. (post 03-28-16)
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ascii-70-85 · 9 years
Religion to me has always just seem like a form of socially acceptable psychosis. … It's not about the ideas themselves, it's about how many people believe the idea that gives it credibility and gives it respectability.
Dave Foley
(post 03-21-16)
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ascii-70-85 · 9 years
Fairness, for many, is not about the correcting injustices, but their equal distribution according to race, religion, gender, orientation, etc.
 70 85  (post 03-14-16)
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ascii-70-85 · 9 years
Every society has this 'magical pixie dust' called 'solutions', and it almost always involves coercion. 'All we have to do is … and paradise!'
Stefan Molyneux https://youtu.be/63E_LjRMyXg#t=5m27s (03-07-16)
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ascii-70-85 · 9 years
There's nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility is being superior to your former self.
 Ernest Hemingway http://www.quoteworld.org/quotes/6448 Also referenced in the movie ‘Kingsman: The Secret Service’ (2014) (02-29-16)
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ascii-70-85 · 9 years
I believe the death penalty is a recognition of the preciousness of human life
Ted Cruz  I spent a number of years in law enforcement dealing with some of the worst criminals, child rapists and murderers, people who’ve committed unspeakable acts. I believe the death penalty is a recognition of the preciousness of human life, that for the most egregious crimes, the ultimate punishment should apply. http://www.politico.com/story/2015/09/ted-cruz-pope-francis-death-penalty-214023 https://youtu.be/xtL41Pr2d5s#t=1h31m30s See also "War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength." (02-29-16)
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ascii-70-85 · 9 years
Intelligent people only find civilization bearable when they do not have to aggressively self-censor for fear of retaliation. […] When you ban free speech, you're banning intelligence, and when you ban intelligence society turns into a third world hell hole.
Stefan Molyneux
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63E_LjRMyXg#t=4m30s (02-22-16) 
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ascii-70-85 · 9 years
Do you wanna know what happiness is? Simply having something to look forward to.
Tracy Morgan http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/video/tracy-morgan-survived-crash-reason-35833230 (7:00) (02-15-16)
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ascii-70-85 · 9 years
Trust fundamentally is about trust in oneself, not trust in the other person.
Stefan Molyneux http://www.youtube.com/watch?t=45m14s&v=P2Xynz1k4Tc (02-08-16)
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ascii-70-85 · 9 years
Civilization is not dependent on free speech, it doesn't require free speech, it doesn't benefit from free speech — Civilization IS free speech
Stefan Molyneux  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=63E_LjRMyXg#t=3m39s (02-01-16)
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