jwaymyway · 1 year
Dream dump...
Last night I had the absolute weirdest dream I've had in a while.
There was this conveyer belt, that took you to a place where you could start living a better life. The hole was all of 10 centimeters long and 40cm wide. Going through it you had to keep your hands in your pockets and drop your wallet, phone etc away.
In the process of going through the hole there were needles and other stuff to apparently make you more perfect or something...
Then after going through the hole I was in a huuuuge grocery store like storage. Think an underground parking lot but waaaay bigger. There were shopping carts and on the shelves every single grocery item you could ever imagine. So I started shopping. Or collecting, since there was no money anymore.
I came across some girls that told me I should sign up first and then I could get the items. So I thanked them and started searching for a place to do that.
Then I saw that my boyfriend had entered the place as well. And I went and gave him the biggest hug I've ever given anyone - I hadn't been sure if I'd ever see him again after deciding to come to this place.
And then we were told there were no relationships or dating here. We lived in some kind of cubes and I already thought of just making out in our places - after all, I'd rather die than not be with my boyfriend!
Then there was some commotion and everyone kept saying the ruler - Voldemort - was here. He was 20-30, with rapper aesthetic (baggy clothes, chains, red tattoos in his face, a big cap)
As soon as he showed himself, some people started having seizures and kneeling down before him - my boyfriend included. I pulled him away and he stopped. I scolded him for bowing for someone that evil.
Then I realized I couldn't do anything if that thing had such powerful magical capabilities. So I just let him look me in the eyes though I wanted to avoid it. And he offered his hand saying "broken hearts are offered a home here"
And then I woke up. Went to cuddle my boyfriend - in the morning to the point that he asked wth was going on... and couldn't shake the weird atmosphere for the rest of the day...
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jwaymyway · 6 years
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Is it just me or does that lake in the north look like 107? That's the number of Pokémon in Sinnoh, right?
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jwaymyway · 7 years
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Just reserved a ticket to @markiplier's You’re welcome tour in Belgium!!!!!!!! So. Damn. Excited!!!! Idk where I’ll be in half a year but this will at least be something to look forward to! 😍
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jwaymyway · 7 years
As much as I absolutely love Mark’s pink hair, the extreme floof was by far my favorite era of Markiplier
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my roommate keeps telling me that his short hair looks better and i 100% disagree the floof gives me life
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jwaymyway · 7 years
I hate those really vivid dreams that you’re still emotionally attached to after you wake up. You’re stuck, feeling for something that technically doesn’t exist.
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jwaymyway · 7 years
Among my friends I'm known to have some _really_ weird and eventful dreams... But this one has to be the best one yet. @danielhowell and @amazingphil had been morphed into two people that had charasteristics of them both. Phil's fringe, Dan's eyes etc, and vice versa. They soon learned how to turn half-themselves (Phil having control over the other body's left side etc), but there was a twist. If they became full Dan and Phil again, they'd forget who they were originally. After returning to normal they never seemed to get their memories back... After that incident Phil explained me how he had always wanted to be able to shrink himself, and how with a new video editor he was able to do so in his videos. After that they played a video game in which Phil's character shrunk so much Dan couldn't possibly hit him anymore. Then I had a real life shrinking gun and had to have a battle against Dan and his laser gun. He hit me at first but then I was able to shrink him so that his lasers couldn't get to me anymore. What is wrong with my brain?
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jwaymyway · 7 years
I’m more terrified of pedestrians when I’m driving than I am of cars when I’m walking.
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jwaymyway · 7 years
Deleting old pictures of a friendship that no longer exists. This has to be done but why does it hurt so bad...
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jwaymyway · 7 years
I'm in heaven
I can come up with very few things that are better than fresh bed sheets after a shower. ♡
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jwaymyway · 8 years
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jwaymyway · 8 years
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beginning of 2016 vs the end of 2016
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jwaymyway · 8 years
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Ethan and Mark's expressions give me life.
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jwaymyway · 8 years
First world problems
Now that I no longer have a thesis to write, my biggest problem seems to be that I have to eat my two handfuls of potato chips before tomorrow.
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jwaymyway · 8 years
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jwaymyway · 8 years
My one year Mark anniversary?
I guess around this time last year I found @markiplier 's channel on Youtube. It started with some Yandere Simulator and soon I found that this guy was truly hilarious and had such big heart. It's been a rough year. And an amazing one, as well. And just when I felt the stress burden me, I'd watch this doof make silly noices in his booth for five minutes or heck, eat his cereal. Made my day every day. It hasn't been the worst times of my life I've had this year, but without a doubt the most stressful. So I'm thankful for Mark, since he has made my stress at least bearable. :')
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jwaymyway · 8 years
Mark's laugh gives me life.
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jwaymyway · 8 years
me at 13: im MATURE FOR MY AGE!!! so tired of people not taking me seriously >: (( i am a teenager... i'm plenty smart and experienced and everything
me now, hearing someone is 13: ohgh my god. this is a Child
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