jwoncat · 4 months
Lol the people hating on you and telling you to kys I bet they support smut abt ni-ki
Right?? That's the energy it's giving... They should direct that anger toward people who have been writing inappropriate things about ni-ki since he was underage. Rightful anger and not death threats
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jwoncat · 4 months
why the fuck are tumblr anons SO comfortable with sending death threats and telling people to kill themselves like its actually crazy… get off anon u fucking cowards
It's not normal. There are ppl who disagreed with me but to get that upset over it is telling of how much they supported what she did...
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jwoncat · 4 months
So, although I don't fully agree with your quest to shut down that blog, I am absolutely appalled at the nasty messages you received. I am actually quite shocked tbh. I'm sorry that happened and hope you're okay.
Yeah I'm okay, i knew there would be people who wouldn't agree with me. And everyone is entitled to their opinion. Death threats are never okay though. Thanks for your concern
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jwoncat · 4 months
Die hateful bitch
I'm not hateful
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jwoncat · 4 months
you should kill yourself
Why should i?
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jwoncat · 4 months
hi i saw your post about kangnina and i just wanna say THANK YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH i am so glad someone FINALLY spoke up about this because it's kind of disgusting what she's doing. it's not that only young people can stan groups or something it's the fact that she's writing sexual content about someone as soon as they turned legal. i was so shocked when i read her bio because why was no one talking about this? thank you for this you're my savior bro
Thank you for writing to me. Honestly this is the first time I've ever done something like this. I'm not usually the one to speak up about things. It takes a lot of courage to do so... For some reason i felt really compelled to talk about this. I agree with you that it's not that kpop fans can't be older, that's perfectly fine. And I'm not here to cancel the smut community. It would be impossible for me to do so anyway. It was this case in particular that i had a problem with. It was seeing those posts and the things that were being said about jw that made me very uncomfortable. And then when i found out her age it made it even worse... It grossed me out tbh. I couldn't let it go
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jwoncat · 4 months
There are so many fanfic writers and kpop fans who are mature aged. And me being in my twenties don’t think women in their thirties are old and past it. Most of them don’t seem any different to 28 year olds. There are plenty of age gaps that are 15-16 years.
I really hope that you don’t feel ancient when you’re in your thirties. And I don’t like thinking that I’m going to have to stop enjoying kpop and fanfics once I reach a certain age.
I’m not familiar with whom you’re talking about in this blog, only what you’ve posted, but if you are planning to address all writers over a certain age you are going to be very a very busy person.
Who’s not to say in every second blog they’re lying about their age. Just like a lot pretend they’re 18 when they’re 16.
Not coming at you, just wondering why you’re talking about 35 yr olds as if they’re 50.
Also what is an acceptable age gap for someone to thirst over.
Hi, i appreciate you taking the time to write this. I want to start off by saying that I'm not an ageist person. I believe that anyone of any age can be a kpop fan and have any bias they choose. There is nothing wrong with that. However, age must be a consideration in certain contexts. It becomes an issue regarding things that are sexual in nature. The main issue with this situation is the things that were expressed about this idol in relation to the writer's age. What she has expressed is similar to a predator who gets off on the idea that someone is young and 'naïve and innocent' and has fantasies about taking advantage of them. It's highly inappropriate and makes you question their intentions. In my personal opinion, i don't think it's right for someone who is older to be writing smut in the first place knowing that a minor may read it. Specifically in the kpop space where most readers are young, and especially if the idol they are writing about is young as well. I think that as you get older you should start to be uncomfortable with the idea of engaging with young people (in this way). And you're right that it would be impossible to know the age of every single writer on here. Everyone who is a reader of fanfic needs to be discerning of that. Also, if a 35 year old is not much different from a 28 year old and a 15 year age gap is normal, would your opinion change if she was 50 and writing these things about a 20 year old?
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jwoncat · 4 months
She is a 35 year old woman in the enhypen fandom writing sexual content about enhypen and saying disgusting things about JUNGWON in particular since he was 19. All of her mutuals are just as disgusting for knowing this and enabling her to do this. @wildflowermooon
Please read my previous posts to get the full context.
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jwoncat · 4 months
‼️THIS ACCOUNT GIVES ME BIG RED FLAGS‼️ This is the content that @kangnina writes about Jungwon and it just does not sit right with me. She is 35 and the fact that she is writing and posting things like this about Jungwon is very unsettling. Like i said in my previous post you can decide whether or not you want to support her. But you would be just as abnormal as she is if you think this is okay.
The crazy thing is if you were to look up some of this stuff now it would be gone because she deleted it knowing that it would make her look sus
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She removed pics from this post that was captioned Phone Dump that she changed to Jungwon that previously had questionable pics of Jungwon wearing gray sweatpants...
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jwoncat · 4 months
Also, it's interesting that you changed the caption on your post from Phone Dump to Jungwon and you removed certain photos of him in it because you knew it would be questionable... @kangnina Girl I'm stunned. I don't even think i need to say anything more because her work is all on here for everyone to see so you all can make the judgement call for yourselves. I'm usually not a confrontational or messy person but i just had to call this out when i saw it. And i don't play when it comes to enhypen LET ALONE MY BIAS
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jwoncat · 4 months
So I'm making this post to call out a writer here on tumblr her account is @kangnina. She has been writing sm-t about Jungwon. Mind you she is well in her 30s writing sm-t about Jungwon who is 20 years old. She has been writing about him since he was 19. People are gonna come at me and defend her with the argument that Jungwon is an adult and that it's legal for her to do so. It is. But I want you to let it sink in how weird it is for a grown person to be writing sm-t about a newly turned adult. I personally have an issue with it. And I can't be the only one who does. I cannot stomach the thought that this person is out here writing pedo ass fantasies and posting weird shit about Jungwon. I can't let that slide!! I thought I would let everyone know so that you all can decide whether or not you want to support her. AND @kangnina YOU CAN GO AHEAD AND BLOCK ME AGAIN!!!!!!! THAT'S WHAT PEOPLE DO WHEN THEY KNOW WHAT SOMEONE IS SAYING ABOUT THEM IS TRUE!!!!!!!
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