jxcharliechaozxj · 3 years
Being both😂 nah I'm just emotionally dependant on the weed tho LMAO
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jxcharliechaozxj · 3 years
Me when my dad went into an alcohol induced coma like 👁️👄👁️ LMAOOOO
My mom: I’m going to therapy in LA to combat my alcoholism and confront the abuse from my parents. Ily and this isn’t because of you.
Me: Ilyt, I’m glad your getting help!
(In LA)
My mom: (has an aneurysm)
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jxcharliechaozxj · 3 years
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jxcharliechaozxj · 3 years
THANK YOU. FR. With many alcoholics in the family and um, developing problems, it really sucks seeing fandoms straight up act like it isn't a problem and like ppl who dealt with it aren't fans of anything :/ same with mental illnesses! Like the amount of depressed characters or characters with EDs I related to during the bad parts of both of those periods were scary. Almost helped me realise shit was bad :/ let alcoholics and addicts enjoy shit! They're (we💀 forever in denial) fucking people!
i really love (sarcastic) the way ppl in fandoms will talk about addiction or alcoholism in their canon as though there aren’t addicts/alcoholics in the (metaphorical) room while they do so.
Like. Sure, talk shit about Dean Winchester’s alcoholism like it’s a character flaw, don’t actually treat it with any nuance or compassion, treat it like it has any impact in the kind of person he is morally bc of it. I’m sure there aren’t any alcoholics in the Supernatural fandom. /s
Whenever you talk about any mental illness, addiction problem, disability, etc, it would behoove you to assume that someone in the fandom fits that diagnosis. And then talk about it knowing someone who actually deals with that on a daily basis will see it and be impacted by the way you talk about it. Because a lot of times, especially in large fandoms… it’s reality. Sure, those people might not see every individual post in the entire fandom that discusses that topic, but… do you really want to take the risk that you blew it off and your post was the one they saw?
the addicts, alcoholics, mentally ill, neurodivergant, and disabled people are in the room. Maybe at least pretend you give a shit if you hurt us with the things you say.
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jxcharliechaozxj · 3 years
A lil LMAO
Nah unless your drink of choice was wine it's fair😅 jkjk even if so he won't mind if U got a problem bro
is it ironic that i keep being drawn to Dionysus while in the process of recovering from alcoholism?
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jxcharliechaozxj · 3 years
This one right here-
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Is she right? I mean… that’s not the point
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jxcharliechaozxj · 3 years
Low key sick of multisexual ppl acting superior to gay or straight ppl... It ain't all of em or even the majority, of course. But if you say 'i love people not parts' and shit like 'ig I just don't see gender ugh sexuality surpasses gender 😩😩' or 'everyones a little pansexual/bisexual' this is abt U. You aren't better than people who choose to label themselves because we only feel attraction to certain groups. You aren't better because, for some reason, you think a preference is at all linked to sexual labels, or that you think pansexuality is somehow superior for not 'judging by gender/genitals'. We aren't actively doing that. We just have a sexuality. Saying shit like that is discriminating, when will yall learn that? I'm all for eradicating biphobia too. And to me half of that is removing stigma around what it means and the fact that a majority of people labelling themselves as pansexuals are ignorant to the definition of bisexuality. All bi means is you feel attraction to all gender identities and have the potential to be attracted to any people. It's honestly insulting for people to make up another sexuality to mean the exact same, simply because the wrong prefix was used and people think bi = two. It's bi because we only recognised the binary gender identities in the community at the time 🙄 trans and non binary people have and will ALWAYS be a part of bisexual identity and attraction, and they still fit in the word. The bi refers to the binary genders, of which non binary identities aren't. And if you can't deal with that, and realise that pansexuality as a label was made in a problematic way- and that 'hearts not parts' and lack of gender preference doesn't mean you need another word to feel special- then don't talk to me. I will never see the point in the pansexual label because bisexuals have ALWAYS. Identitied themselves as liking people and not male/female, which y'all seem to love dividing their attraction into. It isn't two. It's ALL.
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jxcharliechaozxj · 3 years
Nahhh I'm all for calling out HOMOPHOBIA but this isn't it. Trans people aren't mutilating ourselves. That's the exact same logic as every homophobe lmao I agree a lot of the community is shitty and delusional but transgender people were right along side gay people when you guys were fighting for YOUR rights, let us have ours
being homosexual in the “LGBTQIA+” community:
you want to join the community that was exclusively built for you and your rights? here is a list of people you have to be inclusive & accepting of and promise to never speak over:
-people who identify with a slur that is directed at you (queer)
-people who call your sexuality a “genital preference” and sometimes a “genital fetish” (every non-homosexual in the community)
-people who say you don’t have to have sex to have a healthy relationship, aka you can date opposite sex, aka old school homophobia(trans & asexual)
-people who mutilate kids’ bodies with hormones in the name of living their truth (trans)
-people who will call you slurs ‘as a joke’ the minute you stop worshipping them (every non-homosexual in the community)
-people who ask for consent before beating and abusing their partner (BDSM)
-people who think they are oppressed because they go by they/them or bun/bunself pronouns (non-binary)
-people who only have sex with their friends (demisexual)
-people who have multiple partners (polysexual)
-people who think your sexuality should be inclusive of people of opposite sex who identify as your sex (trans lesbians & trans gay men)
-people who don’t have sex (asexual)
-people who love pretending they are animals during sex(furries)
-people who think sexuality is fluid, aka you can change your sexuality, aka old school homophobia (every non-homosexual in the community)
and if you oppose them you are a literal n*zi that wants innocent people who are just trying to live their lives killed.
happy pride month to everyone except homosexuals i guess.
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jxcharliechaozxj · 3 years
^^^ not hard to understand
Mental illness CAN: affect how you perceive gender roles, your identity, and your own body, thus making it harder to discern if you’re cis or trans, or if you are trans, have an impact on your experience as a trans person
Mental illness CANNOT: make you trans / is not a gender in and of itself
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jxcharliechaozxj · 3 years
RIGHT?? it's so embarassing. Bisexual has ALWAYS meant everyone and no gender preference shouldn't be a part of a sexual identity- sexuality is to describe sexual attraction to whichever gender and that's IT! and the lesbian part too FR... Like I can understand if you're feminine and non binary, you might want to use it! And that's ok, if you explain that! But redefining lesbian to just exclude men is so detrimental- lesbianism has always been about women loving women! It's not non binary loving non binary, there are labels for that! It isn't trans men liking women (yes I've literally seen ppl try to call straight trans men lesbians...) And it's ALWAYS been inclusive of trans women for as long as transsexual transitioning has existed, because it's fine to have a pref :)
There are like dozens of terms people have made up to avoid calling themselves “bisexual” but people are hellbent on redefining “lesbian” to be inclusive of those who aren’t and will never be female homosexuals.
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jxcharliechaozxj · 3 years
Actually no, they just killed a whole bunch of ally's support for the trans community by making shit up that, even if they feel, isn't an identity, is a facet of a personality. I'm not saying it's right that misunderstanding your own identity should mean you get shit on, but someone needs to 💀
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Autasexual: When someone isn't sure if they're asexual or not due to autism making attraction confusing or asexuality modified by autism in some way
Autaromantic: When someone isn't sure if they're aromantic or not due to autism making attraction confusing or aromanticism modified by autism in some way.
[DNI can be found in my pinned carrd]
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jxcharliechaozxj · 3 years
we need more toxic homoeroticism like what those boys in scream had going on
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jxcharliechaozxj · 3 years
No, you are for creating a label for that. I'm not a dumb fuck, I know that isn't what y'all mean but creating fake, non meaningful identities for relating to cats is insulting to ACTUALLLLL trans ppl 👍
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Do research before deciding an identity is invalid.
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jxcharliechaozxj · 3 years
You xenogender mentally ill fucks need help😂 not only that but turning off comments when you're in a legitimate argument just proves to me you're all like fucking 12 year Olds. Get help or stop making up labels and just relate to whatever it is. You don't need to make a word for everything. That's not how this language works even. Just describe the feeling. Labels are so unnecessary beside general lgbt+ ones who are ACTUALLY OPPRESSED PEOPLE and not fake, non dysphoric children.
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jxcharliechaozxj · 3 years
So calling out transphobia is sucking a dick now? God everyone replying is so transphobic LMAOOO making up genders that don't exist is inherently transphobic. Vibes and aesthetics and feelings aren't genders. There is male, female, and the non binary spectrum. That's it.
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Genderdoughmixic - A gender that feels like dough/batter/anything being mixed with an electric whisk/beater. There’s tons of different genders and “flavors” and it’s just being whisked together into one dough-y feel. It can be leaning on a “gloopy” and robotic-y type of feel, but it doesn’t have to be.
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Requested by anon!
Color meaning: The brown-ish stripes are the “dough” (the genders that are being mixed) and the blue-ish grey is the color of the whisk that is mixing them together.
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jxcharliechaozxj · 3 years
Idgaf if you're otherkin, unless it's just identifying WITH your kin and not pretending you're something you're not. Otherkins that genuinely think they're an animal/fiction/object need serious, intensive therapy. Not sorry for saying the truth.
alterhuman flags: otherflicker & fictionflicker
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[Image ID: A flag with 7 horizontal stripes and a circle in the middle. Top to bottom, the stripes are dark magenta, medium magenta, light pink, light yellow, light red, medium red, and dark red. The circle is the same light yellow as the center stripe, and has a large black image of a candle's flame in the center.]
Fictionflickering is a term for an identity where one takes on the identity of a fictional character or creature for a temporary amount of time. These flickers, which can feel identical to kintypes, typically fade out a short time after the consumption of relevant media ends, although they may last longer.
Fictionflickers may or may not include past life memories or feelings, and may exist for spiritual, psychological, or any other reason. It is somewhat of a grey area of kintypes, and the two can share many experiences such as shifts and identifying as rather than with. The main difference between fictionkin and fictionflickers is that fictionflickers are transient and not permanent.
Some experiences that a user might call flickering may have are small differences between the above description, but flickering is meant to be a nebulous term that doesn't have to be as strict as fictionkin is considered to be in terms of experiences.
The equivalent of kintype for flickering is flicker or flicktype. Fictionflickering is under the otherflicker umbrella.
It is believed that this term originated in 2006. Some resources about flickering are here:
- https://archive.ph/2h5Ob
- https://fictionflickers.livejournal.com/profile
- https://archive.ph/GPprB
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[Image ID: A flag with 7 horizontal stripes and a circle in the middle. Top to bottom, the stripes are dark purple, medium purple, light purple, light yellow, light blue, medium teal, and dark teal. The circle is the same light yellow as the center stripe, and has a large black image of a candle's flame in the center.]
Otherflicker is a term that was originally based on fictionflicker, but broader, including animals and other things that may not necessarily be fictional. The above information about fictionflickers is accurate to otherflickers, except that otherflickers do not have to source their flickers from media (although they might).
Fictionflicker falls under the otherflicker category.
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jxcharliechaozxj · 3 years
Otherkin to me, if you generally feel that way and it isn't just relating to or liking the animal/thing you're IDing as, you need help too. People aren't animals, fictional characters, or objects. That's a fact. Gender CAN equate to odd feelings, I get gender envy and relate to goth characters, the fucking crow from ruby gloom etc but it isn't a fucking GENDER. You're insulting every single actual trans persons experience by saying that. Many of us, myself included, took years to figure out and come to terms with our (REAL) gender. I went through a year of therapy to get hormones, and while I understand that's a transsexual trait moreso than transgender- not all trans people physically transition and transsexual means medical transition (I'm reclaiming it stfu) there is no treatment for mentally incompetent teenagers that dont understand the physiological concept of gender- it's insulting to claim objects and shit as genders. YOU are the oppressive one fam.
alterhuman flags: otherflicker & fictionflicker
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[Image ID: A flag with 7 horizontal stripes and a circle in the middle. Top to bottom, the stripes are dark magenta, medium magenta, light pink, light yellow, light red, medium red, and dark red. The circle is the same light yellow as the center stripe, and has a large black image of a candle's flame in the center.]
Fictionflickering is a term for an identity where one takes on the identity of a fictional character or creature for a temporary amount of time. These flickers, which can feel identical to kintypes, typically fade out a short time after the consumption of relevant media ends, although they may last longer.
Fictionflickers may or may not include past life memories or feelings, and may exist for spiritual, psychological, or any other reason. It is somewhat of a grey area of kintypes, and the two can share many experiences such as shifts and identifying as rather than with. The main difference between fictionkin and fictionflickers is that fictionflickers are transient and not permanent.
Some experiences that a user might call flickering may have are small differences between the above description, but flickering is meant to be a nebulous term that doesn't have to be as strict as fictionkin is considered to be in terms of experiences.
The equivalent of kintype for flickering is flicker or flicktype. Fictionflickering is under the otherflicker umbrella.
It is believed that this term originated in 2006. Some resources about flickering are here:
- https://archive.ph/2h5Ob
- https://fictionflickers.livejournal.com/profile
- https://archive.ph/GPprB
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[Image ID: A flag with 7 horizontal stripes and a circle in the middle. Top to bottom, the stripes are dark purple, medium purple, light purple, light yellow, light blue, medium teal, and dark teal. The circle is the same light yellow as the center stripe, and has a large black image of a candle's flame in the center.]
Otherflicker is a term that was originally based on fictionflicker, but broader, including animals and other things that may not necessarily be fictional. The above information about fictionflickers is accurate to otherflickers, except that otherflickers do not have to source their flickers from media (although they might).
Fictionflicker falls under the otherflicker category.
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