openamenta · 6 years
Amentans have found habitable planets. At 4:19 this morning, the first exploration mission returned to our world with news of five confirmed Amentan habitable biospheres, and an expectation of more to come. Amentan feet have walked upon extrasolar planets; Amentan breath has mixed with their air. It was the fulfillment of a dream Amentans have shared since we first looked to the stars. When asked to comment, explorer Thesha Pepalma said, “Our children, our children’s children: none of them will ever suffer empty springs again. The planets we have found… [click here to read the full article]
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openamenta · 6 years
Greens can argue logically for anything. There are greens that argue logically that we should gradually reduce population, or that mixed-caste schooling should be illegal, or that Amenta has four moons. That’s why, rather than believing everything you hear a good argument for, it’s important to listen to the expert consensus. Sure, maybe one percent of the time the experts are wrong, but that’s way better than you’d get by going with whoever sounds good. And the experts agree that reds aren’t people.
oh, sorry, I didn't mean the site tag. Here you go. [some red rights 101 articles]
…those are very logically laid out articles.
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openamenta · 6 years
looks like we finally solved the puzzle of which population control method is the best
(i’ll give you a hint: it’s the one that means soon we won’t need any of them)
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openamenta · 6 years
Alright, but in that case *Amentans* could clearly be wrong about pollution for generations, so it would be odd if aliens just couldn't be. And if we're going to be explaining better theology to them and helping them adopt better showering procedures or whatever it might be, this will *probably go better if they don't think we're going to kill all of them*.
If the aliens are polluted all the time, obviously they’ll want our help with better cleaning procedures, that’s just common sense. You’re acting like aliens could simultaneously be as intelligent as Amentans and complete idiots.
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openamenta · 6 years
(to hollyhock-pavillion) artificial seasons, or a way to modify the effects of seasons in some way, would still be an amazing discovery! we might find planets that are unseasonable but otherwise appealing to settle. we might need long-term artificial habitats for explorers and scientists and early colony-builders to live in while they do their work. your dad's life's work has not been in vain.
no, you don’t understand, my dad isn’t working on artificial seasons, my dad is an architect 
I guess people might want to stay in radio range of Amenta but offplanet for some reason, but it would be so expensive to get colony-builders up and down from the planet, why wouldn’t they just live there
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openamenta · 6 years
Sure looks like he's better than Savo at *inventing spaceships*!
Being a technological genius does not absolve him of being a pollution-loving extortionist.
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openamenta · 6 years
The Beyond is back on time.  View pictures of the neighboring system here.  See an interview with the lead of the prototyping project on the prospects for speeding up warp drive here.  An interview with the test pilot is scheduled for this afternoon and will be streamed here; preliminary reports suggest that she’s elated, experiencing no side effects, and eager to go on another flight as soon as one is planned.
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openamenta · 6 years
Your about says you're a NAT therapist. Conflating hypersensitivity and hyposensitivity under "pollution-sensitivity disorders" seems really disingenuous.
So there's no way to clean electronics unless you put a cover on ahead of time. So what happens if a red gets into a spaceship engine and touches it?! Ahhhhh
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openamenta · 6 years
ACTUALLY i'm literally a licensed psychiatrist with a specialization in treating pollution-sensitivity disorders :) :) :)
So there's no way to clean electronics unless you put a cover on ahead of time. So what happens if a red gets into a spaceship engine and touches it?! Ahhhhh
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openamenta · 6 years
uhhh i'm hyper and i definitely have intrusive thoughts, so... maybe you shouldn't talk about stuff you don't know anything about?
So there's no way to clean electronics unless you put a cover on ahead of time. So what happens if a red gets into a spaceship engine and touches it?! Ahhhhh
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openamenta · 6 years
So there's no way to clean electronics unless you put a cover on ahead of time. So what happens if a red gets into a spaceship engine and touches it?! Ahhhhh
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openamenta · 6 years
Goodness, I am so relieved. We took the credit, of course, who can resist that kind of sudden windfall of a price drop. But no matter how I love my country, there’s nothing to savor about thinking your baby might be growing up to die in some sudden conquest of the world.
But - no, it was never that. Our baby will grow up with planets. Our baby will grow up to explore the stars.
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openamenta · 6 years
I feel bad for everyone in the southern hemisphere. They'll never know what it's like to get this kind of news in SPRING!
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openamenta · 6 years
The main thing keeping me from calling myself a red-rights activist is the community’s bizarre antipathy toward Orvara. Without the rotation-worker protocol, cleaning wouldn’t be an option. Without Orvara, Miolee couldn’t exist. They should be considered one of the heroes of the red-transition era, alongside Anitam.
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openamenta · 6 years
Do you know the history of theology? Do you think everyone in countries with three hour showers, or desert countries with non-shower cleaning procedures, or all sorts of other theories, was just polluted all the time, for generations?
I mean, either that or you can get clean from a three-hour shower, and, uh, one of those is obviously not correct.
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openamenta · 6 years
it is very likely that aliens who care about cleanliness won’t have the same exact theological consensus as us
No, it’s not. The aliens aren’t going to be wrong about pollution, that would imply that they were polluted all the time and that’s awful.
...I guess immortal aliens might not have bothered to invent procedures for corpses, and things like that. But.
(to diplomatic theory blogger) if aliens understand cleanliness they'll understand that pollution is horrible and living pollution doubly horrible and stopping it by any means necessary is the right thing to do. if aliens don't understand cleanliness, we wouldn't be able to live peacefully with them anyway. do you want your children to live in fear of unclean aliens?
Do you need the ‘cleaned reds are clean’ Simple Citrus article? Pollution is horrible, so we get rid of it, by cleaning. If aliens don’t care about cleanliness, then yes, there’s no real hope of peace. But it is very likely that aliens who care about cleanliness won’t have the same exact theological consensus as us, and it is important that we be able to come to that diplomatic table with the understanding that we approach these things with theology and science and cleaning, and not mass murder. Some chances of war are out our hands, but this one is in our hands, and I commend Anitam for their foresight and priorities.
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openamenta · 6 years
(to diplomatic theory blogger) if aliens understand cleanliness they'll understand that pollution is horrible and living pollution doubly horrible and stopping it by any means necessary is the right thing to do. if aliens don't understand cleanliness, we wouldn't be able to live peacefully with them anyway. do you want your children to live in fear of unclean aliens?
Do you need the ‘cleaned reds are clean’ Simple Citrus article? Pollution is horrible, so we get rid of it, by cleaning. If aliens don’t care about cleanliness, then yes, there’s no real hope of peace. But it is very likely that aliens who care about cleanliness won’t have the same exact theological consensus as us, and it is important that we be able to come to that diplomatic table with the understanding that we approach these things with theology and science and cleaning, and not mass murder. Some chances of war are out our hands, but this one is in our hands, and I commend Anitam for their foresight and priorities.
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